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Example 1 with PointInSetQuery

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class HalfFloatPoint method newSetQuery.

   * Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values.
   * This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}.
   * Values will be rounded to the closest half-float if they
   * cannot be represented accurately as a half-float.
   * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
   * @param values all values to match
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, float... values) {
    // Don't unexpectedly change the user's incoming values array:
    float[] sortedValues = values.clone();
    final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[BYTES]);
    return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, BYTES, new PointInSetQuery.Stream() {

        int upto;

        public BytesRef next() {
            if (upto == sortedValues.length) {
                return null;
            } else {
                encodeDimension(sortedValues[upto], encoded.bytes, 0);
                return encoded;
    }) {

        protected String toString(byte[] value) {
            assert value.length == BYTES;
            return Float.toString(decodeDimension(value, 0));
Also used : PointInSetQuery( BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 2 with PointInSetQuery

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class InetAddressPoint method newSetQuery.

   * Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values.  This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}.
   * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
   * @param values all values to match
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, InetAddress... values) {
    // We must compare the encoded form (InetAddress doesn't implement Comparable, and even if it
    // did, we do our own thing with ipv4 addresses):
    // NOTE: we could instead convert-per-comparison and save this extra array, at cost of slower sort:
    byte[][] sortedValues = new byte[values.length][];
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
        sortedValues[i] = encode(values[i]);
    Arrays.sort(sortedValues, new Comparator<byte[]>() {

        public int compare(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
            return, a, 0, b, 0);
    final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[BYTES]);
    return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, BYTES, new PointInSetQuery.Stream() {

        int upto;

        public BytesRef next() {
            if (upto == sortedValues.length) {
                return null;
            } else {
                encoded.bytes = sortedValues[upto];
                assert encoded.bytes.length == encoded.length;
                return encoded;
    }) {

        protected String toString(byte[] value) {
            assert value.length == BYTES;
            return decode(value).getHostAddress();
Also used : PointInSetQuery( BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 3 with PointInSetQuery

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class BinaryPoint method newSetQuery.

   * Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values.  This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}.
   * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
   * @param values all values to match
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, byte[]... values) {
    // Make sure all byte[] have the same length
    int bytesPerDim = -1;
    for (byte[] value : values) {
        if (bytesPerDim == -1) {
            bytesPerDim = value.length;
        } else if (value.length != bytesPerDim) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("all byte[] must be the same length, but saw " + bytesPerDim + " and " + value.length);
    if (bytesPerDim == -1) {
        // There are no points, and we cannot guess the bytesPerDim here, so we return an equivalent query:
        return new MatchNoDocsQuery("empty BinaryPoint.newSetQuery");
    // Don't unexpectedly change the user's incoming values array:
    byte[][] sortedValues = values.clone();
    Arrays.sort(sortedValues, new Comparator<byte[]>() {

        public int compare(byte[] a, byte[] b) {
            return, a, 0, b, 0);
    final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[bytesPerDim]);
    return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, bytesPerDim, new PointInSetQuery.Stream() {

        int upto;

        public BytesRef next() {
            if (upto == sortedValues.length) {
                return null;
            } else {
                encoded.bytes = sortedValues[upto];
                return encoded;
    }) {

        protected String toString(byte[] value) {
            return new BytesRef(value).toString();
Also used : MatchNoDocsQuery( PointInSetQuery( BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 4 with PointInSetQuery

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class DoublePoint method newSetQuery.

   * Create a query matching any of the specified 1D values.  This is the points equivalent of {@code TermsQuery}.
   * @param field field name. must not be {@code null}.
   * @param values all values to match
public static Query newSetQuery(String field, double... values) {
    // Don't unexpectedly change the user's incoming values array:
    double[] sortedValues = values.clone();
    final BytesRef encoded = new BytesRef(new byte[Double.BYTES]);
    return new PointInSetQuery(field, 1, Double.BYTES, new PointInSetQuery.Stream() {

        int upto;

        public BytesRef next() {
            if (upto == sortedValues.length) {
                return null;
            } else {
                encodeDimension(sortedValues[upto], encoded.bytes, 0);
                return encoded;
    }) {

        protected String toString(byte[] value) {
            assert value.length == Double.BYTES;
            return Double.toString(decodeDimension(value, 0));
Also used : PointInSetQuery( BytesRef(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)

Example 5 with PointInSetQuery

use of in project lucene-solr by apache.

the class TestSolrQueryParser method testAutoTerms.

// automatically use TermsQuery when appropriate
public void testAutoTerms() throws Exception {
    SolrQueryRequest req = req();
    QParser qParser;
    Query q, qq;
    Map<String, String> sowFalseParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
    sowFalseParamsMap.put("sow", "false");
    Map<String, String> sowTrueParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
    sowTrueParamsMap.put("sow", "true");
    List<MapSolrParams> paramMaps = Arrays.asList(// no sow param (i.e. the default sow value) 
    new MapSolrParams(Collections.emptyMap()), new MapSolrParams(sowFalseParamsMap), new MapSolrParams(sowTrueParamsMap));
    for (MapSolrParams params : paramMaps) {
        // relevance query should not be a filter
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c)", req);
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(3, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        // small filter query should still use BooleanQuery
        if (QueryParser.TERMS_QUERY_THRESHOLD > 3) {
            qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c)", req);
            // this may change in the future
            q = qParser.getQuery();
            assertEquals(3, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        // large relevancy query should use BooleanQuery
        // TODO: we may decide that string fields shouldn't have relevance in the future... change to a text field w/o a stop filter if so
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(26, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        // large filter query should use TermsQuery
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
        // this may change in the future
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery) q).getTermData().size());
        // large numeric filter query should use TermsQuery (for trie fields)
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_ti:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11)", req);
        // this may change in the future
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(20, ((TermInSetQuery) q).getTermData().size());
        // for point fields large filter query should use PointInSetQuery
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_pi:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11)", req);
        // this may change in the future
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertTrue(q instanceof PointInSetQuery);
        assertEquals(20, ((PointInSetQuery) q).getPackedPoints().size());
        // a filter() clause inside a relevancy query should be able to use a TermsQuery
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:aaa filter(foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))", req);
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(2, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        qq = ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().get(0).getQuery();
        if (qq instanceof TermQuery) {
            qq = ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().get(1).getQuery();
        if (qq instanceof FilterQuery) {
            qq = ((FilterQuery) qq).getQuery();
        assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery) qq).getTermData().size());
        // test mixed boolean query, including quotes (which shouldn't matter)
        qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a +aaa b -bbb c d e f bar_s:(qqq www) g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
        // this may change in the future
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(4, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        qq = null;
        for (BooleanClause clause : ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses()) {
            qq = clause.getQuery();
            if (qq instanceof TermInSetQuery)
        assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery) qq).getTermData().size());
        // test terms queries of two different fields (LUCENE-7637 changed to require all terms be in the same field)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
            char letter = (char) ('a' + i);
            sb.append("foo_s:" + letter + " bar_s:" + letter + " ");
        qParser = QParser.getParser(sb.toString(), req);
        // this may change in the future
        q = qParser.getQuery();
        assertEquals(2, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
        for (BooleanClause clause : ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses()) {
            qq = clause.getQuery();
            assertEquals(17, ((TermInSetQuery) qq).getTermData().size());
Also used : BooleanQuery( TermQuery( Query( PointInSetQuery( ConstantScoreQuery( TermInSetQuery( TermQuery( FilterQuery(org.apache.solr.query.FilterQuery) BooleanQuery( BoostQuery( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PointInSetQuery( FilterQuery(org.apache.solr.query.FilterQuery) BooleanClause( SolrQueryRequest(org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest) MapSolrParams(org.apache.solr.common.params.MapSolrParams) TermInSetQuery( Test(org.junit.Test)


PointInSetQuery ( BytesRef (org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)9 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 MatchNoDocsQuery ( Query ( IOException ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Locale (java.util.Locale)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1 BiConsumer (java.util.function.BiConsumer)1 LongFunction (java.util.function.LongFunction)1 DoublePoint (org.apache.lucene.document.DoublePoint)1 FloatPoint (org.apache.lucene.document.FloatPoint)1 IntPoint (org.apache.lucene.document.IntPoint)1 LongPoint (org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint)1 BinaryDocValues (org.apache.lucene.index.BinaryDocValues)1 DocValues (org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues)1 DocValuesType (org.apache.lucene.index.DocValuesType)1