Search in sources :

Example 1 with LogicalPlan

use of io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan in project crate by crate.

the class MoveFilterBeneathWindowAgg method apply.

public LogicalPlan apply(Filter filter, Captures captures, TableStats tableStats, TransactionContext txnCtx, NodeContext nodeCtx) {
    WindowAgg windowAgg = captures.get(windowAggCapture);
    WindowDefinition windowDefinition = windowAgg.windowDefinition();
    List<WindowFunction> windowFunctions = windowAgg.windowFunctions();
    Predicate<Symbol> containsWindowFunction = symbol -> symbol instanceof WindowFunction && windowFunctions.contains(symbol);
    Symbol predicate = filter.query();
    List<Symbol> filterParts = AndOperator.split(predicate);
    ArrayList<Symbol> remainingFilterSymbols = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Symbol> windowPartitionedBasedFilters = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Symbol part : filterParts) {
        if (SymbolVisitors.any(containsWindowFunction, part) == false && windowDefinition.partitions().containsAll(extractColumns(part))) {
        } else {
    assert remainingFilterSymbols.size() > 0 || windowPartitionedBasedFilters.size() > 0 : "Splitting the filter symbol must result in at least one group";
         * WHERE `x = 1`
         * `x` is not the window partition column.
         * We cannot push down the filter as it would change the window aggregation value
    if (windowPartitionedBasedFilters.isEmpty()) {
        return null;
         * WHERE `id = 1`
         * remainingFilterSymbols:                  []
         * windowPartitionedBasedFilters:           [id = 1]
         * Filter
         *  |
         * WindowsAgg
         * transforms to
         * WindowAgg
         *  |
         * Filter (id = 1)
    if (remainingFilterSymbols.isEmpty()) {
        return transpose(filter, windowAgg);
    /* WHERE `ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id) = 2 AND id = 1`
         * remainingFilterSymbols:                  [ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id) = 2]
         * windowPartitionedBasedFilters:           [id = 1]
         * Filter
         *  |
         * WindowsAgg
         * transforms to
         * Filter (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY id) = 2)
         *  |
         * WindowAgg
         *  |
         * Filter (id = 1)
    LogicalPlan newWindowAgg = windowAgg.replaceSources(List.of(new Filter(windowAgg.source(), AndOperator.join(windowPartitionedBasedFilters))));
    return new Filter(newWindowAgg, AndOperator.join(remainingFilterSymbols));
Also used : TransactionContext(io.crate.metadata.TransactionContext) NodeContext(io.crate.metadata.NodeContext) LogicalPlanner.extractColumns(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlanner.extractColumns) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) Captures(io.crate.planner.optimizer.matcher.Captures) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Util.transpose(io.crate.planner.optimizer.rule.Util.transpose) Pattern(io.crate.planner.optimizer.matcher.Pattern) Rule(io.crate.planner.optimizer.Rule) SymbolVisitors(io.crate.expression.symbol.SymbolVisitors) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) AndOperator(io.crate.expression.operator.AndOperator) TableStats(io.crate.statistics.TableStats) WindowDefinition(io.crate.analyze.WindowDefinition) Symbol(io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbol) Pattern.typeOf(io.crate.planner.optimizer.matcher.Pattern.typeOf) WindowFunction(io.crate.expression.symbol.WindowFunction) Patterns.source(io.crate.planner.optimizer.matcher.Patterns.source) Filter(io.crate.planner.operators.Filter) WindowAgg(io.crate.planner.operators.WindowAgg) Capture(io.crate.planner.optimizer.matcher.Capture) WindowFunction(io.crate.expression.symbol.WindowFunction) WindowAgg(io.crate.planner.operators.WindowAgg) Filter(io.crate.planner.operators.Filter) Symbol(io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbol) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) WindowDefinition(io.crate.analyze.WindowDefinition)

Example 2 with LogicalPlan

use of io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan in project crate by crate.

the class CopyToPlan method optimizeCollect.

private static LogicalPlan optimizeCollect(PlannerContext context, TableStats tableStats, LogicalPlan collect) {
    OptimizeCollectWhereClauseAccess rewriteCollectToGet = new OptimizeCollectWhereClauseAccess();
    Match<Collect> match = rewriteCollectToGet.pattern().accept(collect, Captures.empty());
    if (match.isPresent()) {
        LogicalPlan plan = rewriteCollectToGet.apply(match.value(), match.captures(), tableStats, context.transactionContext(), context.nodeContext());
        return plan == null ? collect : plan;
    return collect;
Also used : Collect(io.crate.planner.operators.Collect) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) OptimizeCollectWhereClauseAccess(io.crate.planner.optimizer.rule.OptimizeCollectWhereClauseAccess)

Example 3 with LogicalPlan

use of io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan in project crate by crate.

the class CopyToPlan method planCopyToExecution.

static ExecutionPlan planCopyToExecution(AnalyzedCopyTo copyTo, PlannerContext context, TableStats tableStats, ProjectionBuilder projectionBuilder, Row params, SubQueryResults subQueryResults) {
    var boundedCopyTo = bind(copyTo, context.transactionContext(), context.nodeContext(), params, subQueryResults);
    WriterProjection.OutputFormat outputFormat = boundedCopyTo.outputFormat();
    if (outputFormat == null) {
        outputFormat = boundedCopyTo.columnsDefined() ? WriterProjection.OutputFormat.JSON_ARRAY : WriterProjection.OutputFormat.JSON_OBJECT;
    WriterProjection projection = ProjectionBuilder.writerProjection(boundedCopyTo.outputs(), boundedCopyTo.uri(), boundedCopyTo.compressionType(), boundedCopyTo.overwrites(), boundedCopyTo.outputNames(), outputFormat, boundedCopyTo.withClauseOptions());
    LogicalPlan collect = Collect.create(new DocTableRelation(boundedCopyTo.table()), boundedCopyTo.outputs(), boundedCopyTo.whereClause(), tableStats, context.params());
    LogicalPlan source = optimizeCollect(context, tableStats, collect);
    ExecutionPlan executionPlan =, Set.of(), projectionBuilder, 0, 0, null, null, params, SubQueryResults.EMPTY);
    return Merge.ensureOnHandler(executionPlan, context, List.of(MergeCountProjection.INSTANCE));
Also used : WriterProjection(io.crate.execution.dsl.projection.WriterProjection) ExecutionPlan(io.crate.planner.ExecutionPlan) DocTableRelation(io.crate.analyze.relations.DocTableRelation) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) VisibleForTesting(io.crate.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting)

Example 4 with LogicalPlan

use of io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan in project crate by crate.

the class RewriteFilterOnOuterJoinToInnerJoin method apply.

public LogicalPlan apply(Filter filter, Captures captures, TableStats tableStats, TransactionContext txnCtx, NodeContext nodeCtx) {
    var symbolEvaluator = new SymbolEvaluator(txnCtx, nodeCtx, SubQueryResults.EMPTY);
    NestedLoopJoin nl = captures.get(nlCapture);
    Symbol query = filter.query();
    Map<Set<RelationName>, Symbol> splitQueries = QuerySplitter.split(query);
    if (splitQueries.size() == 1 && splitQueries.keySet().iterator().next().size() > 1) {
        return null;
    LogicalPlan lhs = nl.sources().get(0);
    LogicalPlan rhs = nl.sources().get(1);
    Set<RelationName> leftName = lhs.getRelationNames();
    Set<RelationName> rightName = rhs.getRelationNames();
    Symbol leftQuery = splitQueries.remove(leftName);
    Symbol rightQuery = splitQueries.remove(rightName);
    final LogicalPlan newLhs;
    final LogicalPlan newRhs;
    final boolean newJoinIsInnerJoin;
    switch(nl.joinType()) {
        case LEFT:
            /* LEFT OUTER JOIN -> NULL rows are generated for the RHS if the join-condition doesn't match
                 * cr> select t1.x as t1x, t2.x as t2x from t1 left join t2 on t1.x = t2.x;
                 * +-----+------+
                 * | t1x |  t2x |
                 * +-----+------+
                 * |   3 |    3 |
                 * |   2 |    2 |
                 * |   1 | NULL |
                 * +-----+------+
            newLhs = getNewSource(leftQuery, lhs);
            if (rightQuery == null) {
                newRhs = rhs;
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = false;
            } else if (couldMatchOnNull(rightQuery, symbolEvaluator)) {
                newRhs = rhs;
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = false;
                splitQueries.put(rightName, rightQuery);
            } else {
                newRhs = getNewSource(rightQuery, rhs);
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = true;
        case RIGHT:
            /* RIGHT OUTER JOIN -> NULL rows are generated for the LHS if the join-condition doesn't match

                 * cr> select t1.x as t1x, t2.x as t2x from t1 right join t2 on t1.x = t2.x;
                 * +------+-----+
                 * |  t1x | t2x |
                 * +------+-----+
                 * |    3 |   3 |
                 * |    2 |   2 |
                 * | NULL |   4 |
                 * +------+-----+
            if (leftQuery == null) {
                newLhs = lhs;
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = false;
            } else if (couldMatchOnNull(leftQuery, symbolEvaluator)) {
                newLhs = lhs;
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = false;
                splitQueries.put(leftName, leftQuery);
            } else {
                newLhs = getNewSource(leftQuery, lhs);
                newJoinIsInnerJoin = true;
            newRhs = getNewSource(rightQuery, rhs);
        case FULL:
            if (couldMatchOnNull(leftQuery, symbolEvaluator)) {
                newLhs = lhs;
            } else {
                newLhs = getNewSource(leftQuery, lhs);
                if (leftQuery != null) {
                    splitQueries.put(leftName, leftQuery);
            if (couldMatchOnNull(rightQuery, symbolEvaluator)) {
                newRhs = rhs;
            } else {
                newRhs = getNewSource(rightQuery, rhs);
                 * Filters on each side must be put back into the Filter as each side can generate NULL's on outer joins
                 * which must be filtered out AFTER the join operation.
                 * In case the filter is only on one side, the join could be rewritten to a LEFT/RIGHT OUTER.
                 * TODO: Create a dedicated rule RewriteFilterOnOuterJoinToLeftOrRight
                 * cr> select t1.x as t1x, t2.x as t2x, t2.y as t2y from t1 full outer join t2 on t1.x = t2.x where t2y = 1;
                 * +------+------+------+
                 * |  t1x |  t2x |  t2y |
                 * +------+------+------+
                 * |    3 |    3 |    1 |
                 * |    2 |    2 |    1 |
                 * | NULL |    4 |    1 |
                 * +------+------+------+
            if (leftQuery != null) {
                splitQueries.put(leftName, leftQuery);
            if (rightQuery != null) {
                splitQueries.put(rightName, rightQuery);
            newJoinIsInnerJoin = newLhs != lhs && newRhs != rhs;
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The Rule to rewrite filter+outer-joins to inner joins must not be run on joins of type=" + nl.joinType());
    if (newLhs == lhs && newRhs == rhs) {
        return null;
    NestedLoopJoin newJoin = new NestedLoopJoin(newLhs, newRhs, newJoinIsInnerJoin ? JoinType.INNER : nl.joinType(), nl.joinCondition(), nl.isFiltered(), nl.topMostLeftRelation(), nl.orderByWasPushedDown(), true);
    assert newJoin.outputs().equals(nl.outputs()) : "Outputs after rewrite must be the same as before";
    return splitQueries.isEmpty() ? newJoin : new Filter(newJoin, AndOperator.join(splitQueries.values()));
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) Filter(io.crate.planner.operators.Filter) Symbol(io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbol) NestedLoopJoin(io.crate.planner.operators.NestedLoopJoin) RelationName(io.crate.metadata.RelationName) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) SymbolEvaluator(io.crate.analyze.SymbolEvaluator)

Example 5 with LogicalPlan

use of io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan in project crate by crate.

the class MoveOrderBeneathUnion method apply.

public LogicalPlan apply(Order order, Captures captures, TableStats tableStats, TransactionContext txnCtx, NodeContext nodeCtx) {
    Union union = captures.get(unionCapture);
    List<LogicalPlan> unionSources = union.sources();
    assert unionSources.size() == 2 : "A UNION must have exactly 2 unionSources";
    Order lhsOrder = updateSources(order, unionSources.get(0));
    Order rhsOrder = updateSources(order, unionSources.get(1));
    return union.replaceSources(List.of(lhsOrder, rhsOrder));
Also used : Order(io.crate.planner.operators.Order) LogicalPlan(io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan) Union(io.crate.planner.operators.Union)


LogicalPlan (io.crate.planner.operators.LogicalPlan)28 Symbol (io.crate.expression.symbol.Symbol)12 CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest (io.crate.test.integration.CrateDummyClusterServiceUnitTest)11 Test (org.junit.Test)11 Filter (io.crate.planner.operators.Filter)9 TableStats (io.crate.statistics.TableStats)7 WindowFunction (io.crate.expression.symbol.WindowFunction)6 WindowAgg (io.crate.planner.operators.WindowAgg)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 SelectSymbol (io.crate.expression.symbol.SelectSymbol)4 List (java.util.List)4 Reference (io.crate.metadata.Reference)3 ExecutionPlan (io.crate.planner.ExecutionPlan)3 DocTableRelation (io.crate.analyze.relations.DocTableRelation)2 VisibleForTesting (io.crate.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting)2 Row ( Row1 ( RowConsumer ( UnsupportedFeatureException (io.crate.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException)2 NodeOperationTree (io.crate.execution.dsl.phases.NodeOperationTree)2