use of io.druid.jackson.AggregatorsModule in project druid by druid-io.
the class HyperUniquesAggregationTest method testIngestAndQuery.
public void testIngestAndQuery() throws Exception {
AggregationTestHelper helper = AggregationTestHelper.createGroupByQueryAggregationTestHelper(Lists.newArrayList(new AggregatorsModule()), config, tempFolder);
String metricSpec = "[{" + "\"type\": \"hyperUnique\"," + "\"name\": \"index_hll\"," + "\"fieldName\": \"market\"" + "}]";
String parseSpec = "{" + "\"type\" : \"string\"," + "\"parseSpec\" : {" + " \"format\" : \"tsv\"," + " \"timestampSpec\" : {" + " \"column\" : \"timestamp\"," + " \"format\" : \"auto\"" + "}," + " \"dimensionsSpec\" : {" + " \"dimensions\": []," + " \"dimensionExclusions\" : []," + " \"spatialDimensions\" : []" + " }," + " \"columns\": [\"timestamp\", \"market\", \"quality\", \"placement\", \"placementish\", \"index\"]" + " }" + "}";
String query = "{" + "\"queryType\": \"groupBy\"," + "\"dataSource\": \"test_datasource\"," + "\"granularity\": \"ALL\"," + "\"dimensions\": []," + "\"aggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"index_hll\", \"fieldName\": \"index_hll\" }" + "]," + "\"postAggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"hyperUniqueCardinality\", \"name\": \"index_unique_count\", \"fieldName\": \"index_hll\" }" + "]," + "\"intervals\": [ \"1970/2050\" ]" + "}";
Sequence seq = helper.createIndexAndRunQueryOnSegment(new File(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("druid.sample.tsv").getFile()), parseSpec, metricSpec, 0, Granularities.NONE, 50000, query);
MapBasedRow row = (MapBasedRow) Sequences.toList(seq, Lists.newArrayList()).get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, row.getFloatMetric("index_hll"), 0.1);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, row.getFloatMetric("index_unique_count"), 0.1);
use of io.druid.jackson.AggregatorsModule in project druid by druid-io.
the class HyperUniquesAggregationTest method testIngestAndQueryPrecomputedHll.
public void testIngestAndQueryPrecomputedHll() throws Exception {
AggregationTestHelper helper = AggregationTestHelper.createGroupByQueryAggregationTestHelper(Lists.newArrayList(new AggregatorsModule()), config, tempFolder);
String metricSpec = "[{" + "\"type\": \"hyperUnique\"," + "\"name\": \"index_hll\"," + "\"fieldName\": \"preComputedHll\"," + "\"isInputHyperUnique\": true" + "}]";
String parseSpec = "{" + "\"type\" : \"string\"," + "\"parseSpec\" : {" + " \"format\" : \"tsv\"," + " \"timestampSpec\" : {" + " \"column\" : \"timestamp\"," + " \"format\" : \"auto\"" + "}," + " \"dimensionsSpec\" : {" + " \"dimensions\": []," + " \"dimensionExclusions\" : []," + " \"spatialDimensions\" : []" + " }," + " \"columns\": [\"timestamp\", \"market\", \"preComputedHll\"]" + " }" + "}";
String query = "{" + "\"queryType\": \"groupBy\"," + "\"dataSource\": \"test_datasource\"," + "\"granularity\": \"ALL\"," + "\"dimensions\": []," + "\"aggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"index_hll\", \"fieldName\": \"index_hll\" }" + "]," + "\"postAggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"hyperUniqueCardinality\", \"name\": \"index_unique_count\", \"fieldName\": \"index_hll\" }" + "]," + "\"intervals\": [ \"1970/2050\" ]" + "}";
Sequence seq = helper.createIndexAndRunQueryOnSegment(new File(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("druid.hll.sample.tsv").getFile()), parseSpec, metricSpec, 0, Granularities.DAY, 50000, query);
MapBasedRow row = (MapBasedRow) Sequences.toList(seq, Lists.newArrayList()).get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(4.0, row.getFloatMetric("index_hll"), 0.1);
Assert.assertEquals(4.0, row.getFloatMetric("index_unique_count"), 0.1);
use of io.druid.jackson.AggregatorsModule in project druid by druid-io.
the class FinalizingFieldAccessPostAggregatorTest method testIngestAndQueryWithArithmeticPostAggregator.
public void testIngestAndQueryWithArithmeticPostAggregator() throws Exception {
AggregationTestHelper helper = AggregationTestHelper.createGroupByQueryAggregationTestHelper(Lists.newArrayList(new AggregatorsModule()), GroupByQueryRunnerTest.testConfigs().get(0), tempFoler);
String metricSpec = "[{\"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"hll_market\", \"fieldName\": \"market\"}," + "{\"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"hll_quality\", \"fieldName\": \"quality\"}]";
String parseSpec = "{" + "\"type\" : \"string\"," + "\"parseSpec\" : {" + " \"format\" : \"tsv\"," + " \"timestampSpec\" : {" + " \"column\" : \"timestamp\"," + " \"format\" : \"auto\"" + "}," + " \"dimensionsSpec\" : {" + " \"dimensions\": []," + " \"dimensionExclusions\" : []," + " \"spatialDimensions\" : []" + " }," + " \"columns\": [\"timestamp\", \"market\", \"quality\", \"placement\", \"placementish\", \"index\"]" + " }" + "}";
String query = "{" + "\"queryType\": \"groupBy\"," + "\"dataSource\": \"test_datasource\"," + "\"granularity\": \"ALL\"," + "\"dimensions\": []," + "\"aggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"hll_market\", \"fieldName\": \"hll_market\" }," + " { \"type\": \"hyperUnique\", \"name\": \"hll_quality\", \"fieldName\": \"hll_quality\" }" + "]," + "\"postAggregations\": [" + " { \"type\": \"arithmetic\", \"name\": \"uniq_add\", \"fn\": \"+\", \"fields\":[" + " { \"type\": \"finalizingFieldAccess\", \"name\": \"uniq_market\", \"fieldName\": \"hll_market\" }," + " { \"type\": \"finalizingFieldAccess\", \"name\": \"uniq_quality\", \"fieldName\": \"hll_quality\" }]" + " }" + "]," + "\"intervals\": [ \"1970/2050\" ]" + "}";
Sequence seq = helper.createIndexAndRunQueryOnSegment(new File(this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("druid.sample.tsv").getFile()), parseSpec, metricSpec, 0, Granularities.NONE, 50000, query);
MapBasedRow row = (MapBasedRow) Sequences.toList(seq, Lists.newArrayList()).get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(3.0, row.getFloatMetric("hll_market"), 0.1);
Assert.assertEquals(9.0, row.getFloatMetric("hll_quality"), 0.1);
Assert.assertEquals(12.0, row.getFloatMetric("uniq_add"), 0.1);