use of io.druid.query.LocatedSegmentDescriptor in project hive by apache.
the class DruidQueryBasedInputFormat method distributeSelectQuery.
/* New method that distributes the Select query by creating splits containing
* information about different Druid nodes that have the data for the given
* query. */
private static HiveDruidSplit[] distributeSelectQuery(Configuration conf, String address, SelectQuery query, Path dummyPath) throws IOException {
// If it has a limit, we use it and we do not distribute the query
final boolean isFetch = query.getContextBoolean(Constants.DRUID_QUERY_FETCH, false);
if (isFetch) {
return new HiveDruidSplit[] { new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(query), dummyPath, new String[] { address }) };
final List<LocatedSegmentDescriptor> segmentDescriptors = fetchLocatedSegmentDescriptors(address, query);
// Create one input split for each segment
final int numSplits = segmentDescriptors.size();
final HiveDruidSplit[] splits = new HiveDruidSplit[segmentDescriptors.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) {
final LocatedSegmentDescriptor locatedSD = segmentDescriptors.get(i);
final String[] hosts = new String[locatedSD.getLocations().size()];
for (int j = 0; j < locatedSD.getLocations().size(); j++) {
hosts[j] = locatedSD.getLocations().get(j).getHost();
// Create partial Select query
final SegmentDescriptor newSD = new SegmentDescriptor(locatedSD.getInterval(), locatedSD.getVersion(), locatedSD.getPartitionNumber());
// @TODO This is fetching all the rows at once from broker or multiple historical nodes
// Move to use scan query to avoid GC back pressure on the nodes
final SelectQuery partialQuery = query.withQuerySegmentSpec(new MultipleSpecificSegmentSpec(Lists.newArrayList(newSD))).withPagingSpec(PagingSpec.newSpec(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
splits[i] = new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(partialQuery), dummyPath, hosts);
return splits;
use of io.druid.query.LocatedSegmentDescriptor in project hive by apache.
the class DruidQueryBasedInputFormat method distributeScanQuery.
/* New method that distributes the Scan query by creating splits containing
* information about different Druid nodes that have the data for the given
* query. */
private static HiveDruidSplit[] distributeScanQuery(Configuration conf, String address, ScanQuery query, Path dummyPath) throws IOException {
// If it has a limit, we use it and we do not distribute the query
final boolean isFetch = query.getContextBoolean(Constants.DRUID_QUERY_FETCH, false);
if (isFetch) {
return new HiveDruidSplit[] { new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(query), dummyPath, new String[] { address }) };
final List<LocatedSegmentDescriptor> segmentDescriptors = fetchLocatedSegmentDescriptors(address, query);
// Create one input split for each segment
final int numSplits = segmentDescriptors.size();
final HiveDruidSplit[] splits = new HiveDruidSplit[segmentDescriptors.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; i++) {
final LocatedSegmentDescriptor locatedSD = segmentDescriptors.get(i);
final String[] hosts = new String[locatedSD.getLocations().size()];
for (int j = 0; j < locatedSD.getLocations().size(); j++) {
hosts[j] = locatedSD.getLocations().get(j).getHost();
// Create partial Select query
final SegmentDescriptor newSD = new SegmentDescriptor(locatedSD.getInterval(), locatedSD.getVersion(), locatedSD.getPartitionNumber());
final Query partialQuery = query.withQuerySegmentSpec(new MultipleSpecificSegmentSpec(Lists.newArrayList(newSD)));
splits[i] = new HiveDruidSplit(DruidStorageHandlerUtils.JSON_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(partialQuery), dummyPath, hosts);
return splits;
use of io.druid.query.LocatedSegmentDescriptor in project druid by druid-io.
the class ServerViewUtil method getTargetLocations.
public static List<LocatedSegmentDescriptor> getTargetLocations(TimelineServerView serverView, DataSource datasource, List<Interval> intervals, int numCandidates) {
TimelineLookup<String, ServerSelector> timeline = serverView.getTimeline(datasource);
if (timeline == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
List<LocatedSegmentDescriptor> located = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Interval interval : intervals) {
for (TimelineObjectHolder<String, ServerSelector> holder : timeline.lookup(interval)) {
for (PartitionChunk<ServerSelector> chunk : holder.getObject()) {
ServerSelector selector = chunk.getObject();
final SegmentDescriptor descriptor = new SegmentDescriptor(holder.getInterval(), holder.getVersion(), chunk.getChunkNumber());
long size = selector.getSegment().getSize();
List<DruidServerMetadata> candidates = selector.getCandidates(numCandidates);
located.add(new LocatedSegmentDescriptor(descriptor, size, candidates));
return located;