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Example 1 with BundleInfo

use of io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class Deployer method deploy.

 * @param dstate  deployment state
 * @param request deployment request
 * @throws Exception
public void deploy(DeploymentState dstate, final DeploymentRequest request) throws Exception {
    String threadFactoryName = deploymentAgentId != null ? String.format("%s-deployer", deploymentAgentId) : "deployer";
    ExecutorService deploymentsExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new NamedThreadFactory(threadFactoryName));
    boolean noRefreshUnmanaged = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.NoAutoRefreshUnmanagedBundles);
    boolean noRefreshManaged = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.NoAutoRefreshManagedBundles);
    boolean noRefresh = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.NoAutoRefreshBundles);
    boolean noStart = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.NoAutoStartBundles);
    boolean verbose = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.Verbose);
    boolean silent = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.Silent);
    boolean simulate = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.Simulate);
    boolean noManageBundles = request.options.contains(Constants.Option.NoAutoManageBundles);
    int display = silent ? 0 : verbose ? DISPLAY_LOG | DISPLAY_STDOUT : DISPLAY_LOG;
    // TODO: add an option to unmanage bundles instead of uninstalling those
    Map<String, Set<Long>> managedBundles = copy(dstate.state.managedBundles);
    Map<String, Set<Bundle>> unmanagedBundles = apply(diff(dstate.bundlesPerRegion, dstate.state.managedBundles), map(dstate.bundles));
    // Resolve
    SubsystemResolver resolver = new SubsystemResolver(manager);
    resolver.prepare(dstate.features.values(), request.requirements, apply(unmanagedBundles, adapt(BundleRevision.class)));
    Set<String> prereqs = resolver.collectPrerequisites();
    if (!prereqs.isEmpty()) {
        for (Iterator<String> iterator = prereqs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            String prereq =;
            String[] parts = prereq.split("/");
            VersionRange range;
            if (parts[1].equals("0.0.0")) {
                range = VersionRange.ANY_VERSION;
            } else if (!parts[1].startsWith("[") && !parts[1].startsWith("(")) {
                range = new VersionRange(Macro.transform(request.featureResolutionRange, parts[1]));
            } else {
                range = new VersionRange(parts[1]);
            boolean found = false;
            for (Set<String> featureSet : dstate.state.installedFeatures.values()) {
                for (String feature : featureSet) {
                    String[] p = feature.split("/");
                    found = parts[0].equals(p[0]) && range.contains(VersionTable.getVersion(p[1]));
                    if (found)
                if (found)
            if (found) {
    if (!prereqs.isEmpty()) {
        DeploymentRequest newRequest = new DeploymentRequest();
        newRequest.bundleUpdateRange = request.bundleUpdateRange;
        newRequest.featureResolutionRange = request.featureResolutionRange;
        newRequest.globalRepository = request.globalRepository;
        newRequest.options = request.options;
        newRequest.overrides = request.overrides;
        newRequest.requirements = copy(dstate.state.requirements);
        for (String prereq : prereqs) {
            addToMapSet(newRequest.requirements, Constants.ROOT_REGION, prereq);
        newRequest.stateChanges = Collections.emptyMap();
        newRequest.updateSnaphots = request.updateSnaphots;
        deploy(dstate, newRequest);
        throw new PartialDeploymentException(prereqs);
    resolver.resolve(new MetadataBuilder(request.metadata), request.overrides, request.featureResolutionRange, request.globalRepository);
    Map<String, StreamProvider> providers = resolver.getProviders();
    Map<String, Set<Resource>> featuresPerRegion = resolver.getFeaturesPerRegions();
    Map<String, Set<String>> installedFeatures = apply(featuresPerRegion, featureId());
    Map<String, Set<String>> newFeatures = diff(installedFeatures, dstate.state.installedFeatures);
    Map<String, Set<String>> delFeatures = diff(dstate.state.installedFeatures, installedFeatures);
    // Compute requested features state
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> stateFeatures = copy(dstate.state.stateFeatures);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : delFeatures.entrySet()) {
        Map<String, String> map = stateFeatures.get(entry.getKey());
        if (map != null) {
            if (map.isEmpty()) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Constants.RequestedState>> entry1 : request.stateChanges.entrySet()) {
        String region = entry1.getKey();
        Map<String, String> regionStates = stateFeatures.get(region);
        if (regionStates != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, Constants.RequestedState> entry2 : entry1.getValue().entrySet()) {
                String feature = entry2.getKey();
                if (regionStates.containsKey(feature)) {
                    regionStates.put(feature, entry2.getValue().name());
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : newFeatures.entrySet()) {
        for (String feature : entry.getValue()) {
            Map<String, String> map = stateFeatures.get(entry.getKey());
            if (map == null) {
                map = new HashMap<>();
                stateFeatures.put(entry.getKey(), map);
            map.put(feature, noStart ? :;
    // Compute information for each bundle
    Map<String, Map<String, BundleInfo>> bundleInfos = resolver.getBundleInfos();
    // Compute deployment
    Deployer.Deployment deployment = computeDeployment(dstate, request, resolver);
    // Compute the set of bundles to refresh
    // sort is only used for display
    Map<Bundle, String> toRefresh = new TreeMap<>(new BundleComparator());
    for (Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment : deployment.regions.values()) {
        for (Bundle b : regionDeployment.toDelete) {
            toRefresh.put(b, "Bundle will be uninstalled");
        for (Bundle b : regionDeployment.toUpdate.keySet()) {
            toRefresh.put(b, "Bundle will be updated");
    if (!noRefreshManaged) {
        computeBundlesToRefresh(toRefresh, dstate.bundles.values(), deployment.resToBnd, resolver.getWiring());
    if (noRefreshUnmanaged) {
    // Automatically turn unmanaged bundles into managed bundles
    // if they are required by a feature and no other unmanaged
    // bundles have a requirement on it
    // sort is only used for display
    Set<Bundle> toManage = new TreeSet<>(new BundleComparator());
    if (!noManageBundles) {
        Set<Resource> features = resolver.getFeatures().keySet();
        Set<? extends Resource> unmanaged = apply(flatten(unmanagedBundles), adapt(BundleRevision.class));
        Set<Resource> requested = new HashSet<>();
        // Gather bundles required by a feature
        if (resolver.getWiring() != null) {
            for (List<Wire> wires : resolver.getWiring().values()) {
                for (Wire wire : wires) {
                    if (features.contains(wire.getRequirer()) && unmanaged.contains(wire.getProvider())) {
        // Now, we know which bundles are completely unmanaged
        // Check if bundles have wires from really unmanaged bundles
        if (resolver.getWiring() != null) {
            for (List<Wire> wires : resolver.getWiring().values()) {
                for (Wire wire : wires) {
                    if (requested.contains(wire.getProvider()) && unmanaged.contains(wire.getRequirer())) {
        if (!requested.isEmpty()) {
            Map<Long, String> bundleToRegion = new HashMap<>();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Long>> entry : dstate.bundlesPerRegion.entrySet()) {
                for (long id : entry.getValue()) {
                    bundleToRegion.put(id, entry.getKey());
            for (Resource rev : requested) {
                Bundle bundle = ((BundleRevision) rev).getBundle();
                long id = bundle.getBundleId();
                addToMapSet(managedBundles, bundleToRegion.get(id), id);
    Set<Bundle> toStart = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Bundle> toResolve = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Bundle> toStop = new HashSet<>();
    // Compute bundle states
    Map<Resource, Constants.RequestedState> states = new HashMap<>();
    // Find all features state
    Map<Resource, Constants.RequestedState> featuresState = new HashMap<>();
    Map<Resource, Set<Resource>> conditionals = new HashMap<>();
    if (resolver.getFeaturesPerRegions() != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Resource>> entry : resolver.getFeaturesPerRegions().entrySet()) {
            String region = entry.getKey();
            Map<String, String> fss = stateFeatures.get(region);
            for (Resource feature : entry.getValue()) {
                Set<Resource> conditions = new HashSet<>();
                for (Wire wire : resolver.getWiring().get(feature)) {
                    if (IDENTITY_NAMESPACE.equals(wire.getRequirement().getNamespace()) && FeatureResource.CONDITIONAL_TRUE.equals(wire.getRequirement().getDirectives().get(FeatureResource.REQUIREMENT_CONDITIONAL_DIRECTIVE))) {
                if (conditions.isEmpty()) {
                    String fs = fss.get(getFeatureId(feature));
                    featuresState.put(feature, Constants.RequestedState.valueOf(fs));
                } else {
                    conditionals.put(feature, conditions);
    // Compute conditional features state
    for (Resource feature : conditionals.keySet()) {
        Constants.RequestedState state = null;
        for (Resource cond : conditionals.get(feature)) {
            Constants.RequestedState s = featuresState.get(cond);
            if (state == null) {
                state = s;
            } else if (state == Constants.RequestedState.Started && s == Constants.RequestedState.Resolved) {
                state = Constants.RequestedState.Resolved;
        featuresState.put(feature, state);
    // Propagate Resolved state
    for (Resource feature : featuresState.keySet()) {
        if (featuresState.get(feature) == Constants.RequestedState.Resolved) {
            propagateState(states, feature, Constants.RequestedState.Resolved, resolver);
    // Propagate Started state
    for (Resource feature : featuresState.keySet()) {
        if (featuresState.get(feature) == Constants.RequestedState.Started) {
            propagateState(states, feature, Constants.RequestedState.Started, resolver);
    // Put default Started state for other bundles
    for (Resource resource : resolver.getBundles().keySet()) {
        if (!states.containsKey(resource)) {
            states.put(resource, Constants.RequestedState.Started);
    // Override explicit disabled state
    for (Resource resource : featuresState.keySet()) {
        if (resource instanceof FeatureResource) {
            FeatureResource featureResource = (FeatureResource) resource;
            List<BundleInfo> bundles = featureResource.getFeature().getBundles();
            for (BundleInfo bundleInfo : bundles) {
                if (bundleInfo.isStart() == false) {
                    Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<>();
                    String fullLocation = bundleInfo.getLocation();
                    int protocolMarker = fullLocation.lastIndexOf(":");
                    fullLocation = fullLocation.substring(protocolMarker + 1);
                    String[] split = fullLocation.split("/");
                    if (split.length >= 3) {
                        String fullLocationKey = split[0] + "." + split[1] + "/" + split[2];
                    String location = bundleInfo.getLocation();
                    Parser parser = new Parser(location);
                    String id = parser.getArtifact();
                    String version = parser.getVersion();
                    String key = id + "/" + version;
                    String keyDotted = id + "/" + version.replaceAll("_", ".");
                    String prefix = parser.getGroup();
                    if (parser.getGroup().contains(":")) {
                        prefix = parser.getGroup().split(":")[1];
                    String fullKey = prefix + "." + key;
                    String fullKeyDotted = prefix + "." + keyDotted;
                    for (Iterator<Resource> iter = states.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                        Resource res =;
                        String resourceStringRepresentation = res.toString();
                        if (candidates.contains(resourceStringRepresentation)) {
                            states.put(res, Constants.RequestedState.Installed);
    // Only keep bundles resources
    for (Map.Entry<Resource, Constants.RequestedState> entry : states.entrySet()) {
        Bundle bundle = deployment.resToBnd.get(entry.getKey());
        if (bundle != null) {
            switch(entry.getValue()) {
                case Started:
                case Resolved:
    // Compute bundle all start levels and start levels to update
    Map<Resource, Integer> startLevels = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<Bundle, Integer> toUpdateStartLevel = new HashMap<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Resource>> entry : resolver.getBundlesPerRegions().entrySet()) {
        String region = entry.getKey();
        for (Resource resource : entry.getValue()) {
            BundleInfo bi = bundleInfos.get(region).get(getUri(resource));
            if (bi != null) {
                int sl = bi.getStartLevel() > 0 ? bi.getStartLevel() : dstate.initialBundleStartLevel;
                startLevels.put(resource, sl);
                Bundle bundle = deployment.resToBnd.get(resource);
                if (bundle != null) {
                    int curSl = bundle.adapt(BundleStartLevel.class).getStartLevel();
                    if (sl != curSl) {
                        toUpdateStartLevel.put(bundle, sl);
                        if (sl > dstate.currentStartLevel) {
    // Log deployment
    logDeployment(deployment, display);
    if (!noRefresh && !toRefresh.isEmpty()) {
        print("  Bundles to refresh:", display);
        for (Map.Entry<Bundle, String> entry : toRefresh.entrySet()) {
            Bundle bundle = entry.getKey();
            print("    " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion() + " (" + entry.getValue() + ")", display);
    if (!toManage.isEmpty()) {
        print("  Managing bundle:", display);
        for (Bundle bundle : toManage) {
            print("    " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), display);
    if (simulate) {
    // Execute deployment
    // #1: stop bundles that needs to be updated or uninstalled or refreshed in order
    // #2: uninstall needed bundles
    // #3: update regions
    // #4: update bundles
    // #5: install bundles
    // #6: save state
    // #7: install configuration
    // #8: refresh bundles
    // #9: start bundles in order
    // #10: send events
    // Handle updates on the agent bundle
    Deployer.RegionDeployment rootRegionDeployment = deployment.regions.get(Constants.ROOT_REGION);
    // We don't support uninstalling the bundle
    if (rootRegionDeployment != null && rootRegionDeployment.toDelete.contains(dstate.serviceBundle)) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Uninstalling the agent bundle is not supported");
    // Ensure all classes are loaded if the agent will be refreshed
    if (toRefresh.containsKey(dstate.serviceBundle)) {
    // When restarting, the resolution will be attempted again
    if (rootRegionDeployment != null && rootRegionDeployment.toUpdate.containsKey(dstate.serviceBundle)) {
        callback.phase("updating agent");
        // save the new checksum persistently
        if (deployment.bundleChecksums.containsKey(dstate.serviceBundle.getBundleId())) {
            State state = dstate.state.copy();
            state.bundleChecksums.put(dstate.serviceBundle.getBundleId(), deployment.bundleChecksums.get(dstate.serviceBundle.getBundleId()));
        Resource resource = rootRegionDeployment.toUpdate.get(dstate.serviceBundle);
        String uri = getUri(resource);
        print("The agent bundle needs is being updated with " + uri, display);
        toRefresh.put(dstate.serviceBundle, "DeploymentAgent bundle is being updated");
        computeBundlesToRefresh(toRefresh, dstate.bundles.values(), Collections.<Resource, Bundle>emptyMap(), Collections.<Resource, List<Wire>>emptyMap());
        callback.stopBundle(dstate.serviceBundle, STOP_TRANSIENT);
        try (InputStream is = getBundleInputStream(resource, providers)) {
            callback.updateBundle(dstate.serviceBundle, uri, is);
    if (!newFeatures.isEmpty()) {
        Set<Feature> set = apply(flatten(newFeatures), map(dstate.features));
        for (Feature feature : set) {
            Downloader downloader = manager.createDownloader();
            for (ConfigFile configFile : feature.getConfigurationFiles()) {
      , null);
    for (Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment : deployment.regions.values()) {
    if (!noRefresh) {
        Set<Bundle> toRefreshToStopEarly = new HashSet<>(toRefresh.keySet());
    removeFragmentsAndBundlesInState(toStop, UNINSTALLED | RESOLVED | STOPPING);
    if (!toStop.isEmpty()) {
        callback.phase("updating (stopping bundles)");
        print("Stopping bundles:", display);
        while (!toStop.isEmpty()) {
            List<Bundle> bs = getBundlesToStop(toStop);
            for (final Bundle bundle : bs) {
                print("  " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), display);
                List<Future<Void>> futures = deploymentsExecutor.invokeAll(Arrays.asList(new Callable<Void>() {

                    public Void call() throws Exception {
                        try {
                  "Scheduled stop for bundle:" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " with a timeout limit of " + request.bundleStartTimeout + " seconds");
                            // If the bundle start level will be changed, stop it persistently to
                            // avoid a restart when the start level is actually changed
                            callback.stopBundle(bundle, toUpdateStartLevel.containsKey(bundle) ? 0 : STOP_TRANSIENT);
                        } catch (BundleException e) {
                            LOGGER.warn("Error while trying to stop bundle {}", bundle.getSymbolicName(), e);
                        return null;
                }), request.bundleStartTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                // synch on Future's output, limited by the TimeUnit above
                for (Future<Void> f : futures) {
                    try {
                    } catch (CancellationException e) {
                        LOGGER.warn("Error while trying to stop bundle {}", bundle.getSymbolicName(), e);
    // Delete bundles
    boolean hasToDelete = false;
    for (Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment : deployment.regions.values()) {
        if (hasToDelete = !regionDeployment.toDelete.isEmpty()) {
    if (hasToDelete) {
        callback.phase("updating (uninstalling bundles)");
        print("Uninstalling bundles:", display);
        for (Map.Entry<String, RegionDeployment> entry : deployment.regions.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment = entry.getValue();
            for (Bundle bundle : regionDeployment.toDelete) {
                print("  " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), display);
                removeFromMapSet(managedBundles, name, bundle.getBundleId());
    // Update regions
        // Add bundles
        Map<String, Set<Long>> bundles = new HashMap<>();
        add(bundles, apply(unmanagedBundles, bundleId()));
        add(bundles, managedBundles);
        // Compute policies
        RegionDigraph computedDigraph = resolver.getFlatDigraph();
        Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>> policies = copy(dstate.filtersPerRegion);
        // Only keep regions which still have bundles
        // Fix broken filters
        for (String name : policies.keySet()) {
        // Update managed regions
        for (Region computedRegion : computedDigraph.getRegions()) {
            String name = computedRegion.getName();
            Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> policy = policies.get(name);
            if (policy == null) {
                policy = new HashMap<>();
                policies.put(name, policy);
            for (RegionDigraph.FilteredRegion fr : computedRegion.getEdges()) {
                String r2 = fr.getRegion().getName();
                Map<String, Set<String>> filters = new HashMap<>();
                Map<String, Collection<String>> current = fr.getFilter().getSharingPolicy();
                for (String ns : current.keySet()) {
                    for (String f : current.get(ns)) {
                        addToMapSet(filters, ns, f);
                policy.put(r2, filters);
        // Apply all changes
        callback.replaceDigraph(policies, bundles);
    // Update bundles
    boolean hasToUpdate = false;
    for (Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment : deployment.regions.values()) {
        if (hasToUpdate = !regionDeployment.toUpdate.isEmpty()) {
    if (hasToUpdate) {
        callback.phase("updating (updating bundles)");
        print("Updating bundles:", display);
        for (Map.Entry<String, RegionDeployment> rde : deployment.regions.entrySet()) {
            for (Map.Entry<Bundle, Resource> entry : rde.getValue().toUpdate.entrySet()) {
                Bundle bundle = entry.getKey();
                Resource resource = entry.getValue();
                String uri = getUri(resource);
                print("  " + uri, display);
                try (InputStream is = getBundleInputStream(resource, providers)) {
                    callback.updateBundle(bundle, uri, is);
    for (Map.Entry<Bundle, Integer> entry : toUpdateStartLevel.entrySet()) {
        Bundle bundle = entry.getKey();
        int sl = entry.getValue();
        callback.setBundleStartLevel(bundle, sl);
    // Install bundles
    boolean hasToInstall = false;
    for (Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment : deployment.regions.values()) {
        if (hasToInstall = !regionDeployment.toInstall.isEmpty()) {
    if (hasToInstall) {
        callback.phase("updating (installing bundles)");
        print("Installing bundles:", display);
        for (Map.Entry<String, RegionDeployment> entry : deployment.regions.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            Deployer.RegionDeployment regionDeployment = entry.getValue();
            for (Resource resource : regionDeployment.toInstall) {
                String uri = getUri(resource);
                print("  " + uri, display);
                Bundle bundle;
                long crc;
                try (ChecksumUtils.CRCInputStream is = new ChecksumUtils.CRCInputStream(getBundleInputStream(resource, providers))) {
                    bundle = callback.installBundle(name, uri, is);
                    // calculate CRC normally
                    crc = is.getCRC();
                    try {
                        URI resourceURI = new URI(uri);
                        if ("blueprint".equals(resourceURI.getScheme())) {
                            // ENTESB-6957 calculate proper blueprint file CRC during installation
                            InputStream bis = getBlueprintInputStream(getBundleInputStream(resource, providers));
                            // original stream is closed in either case
                            if (bis != null) {
                                crc = ChecksumUtils.checksum(bis);
                    } catch (URISyntaxException ignored) {
                addToMapSet(managedBundles, name, bundle.getBundleId());
                deployment.resToBnd.put(resource, bundle);
                // save a checksum of installed snapshot bundle
                if (Constants.UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS_CRC.equals(request.updateSnaphots) && isUpdateable(resource) && !deployment.bundleChecksums.containsKey(bundle.getBundleId())) {
                    deployment.bundleChecksums.put(bundle.getBundleId(), crc);
                if (startLevels.containsKey(resource)) {
                    int startLevel = startLevels.get(resource);
                    if (startLevel != dstate.initialBundleStartLevel) {
                        callback.setBundleStartLevel(bundle, startLevel);
                Constants.RequestedState reqState = states.get(resource);
                if (reqState == null) {
                    reqState = Constants.RequestedState.Started;
                switch(reqState) {
                    case Started:
                    case Resolved:
    // Update and save state
    State newState = new State();
    if (!newFeatures.isEmpty()) {
        // check if configadmin is started
        callback.phase("updating (installing configurations)");
        Set<Feature> set = apply(flatten(newFeatures), map(dstate.features));
        for (Feature feature : set) {
    if (!noRefresh) {
        toStop = new HashSet<>();
        removeFragmentsAndBundlesInState(toStop, UNINSTALLED | RESOLVED | STOPPING);
        if (!toStop.isEmpty()) {
            callback.phase("finalizing (stopping bundles)");
            print("Stopping bundles:", display);
            while (!toStop.isEmpty()) {
                List<Bundle> bs = getBundlesToStop(toStop);
                for (final Bundle bundle : bs) {
                    print("  " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), display);
                    List<Future<Void>> futures = deploymentsExecutor.invokeAll(Arrays.asList(new Callable<Void>() {

                        public Void call() throws Exception {
                            try {
                      "Scheduled stop for bundle:" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " with a timeout limit of " + request.bundleStartTimeout + " seconds");
                                callback.stopBundle(bundle, STOP_TRANSIENT);
                            } catch (BundleException e) {
                                LOGGER.warn("Error while trying to stop bundle {}", bundle.getSymbolicName(), e);
                            return null;
                    }), request.bundleStartTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                    // synch on Future's output, limited by the TimeUnit above
                    for (Future<Void> f : futures) {
                        try {
                        } catch (CancellationException e) {
                            LOGGER.warn("Error while trying to stop bundle {}", bundle.getSymbolicName(), e);
        if (!toRefresh.isEmpty()) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOGGER.debug("    Bundle refresh explanation:");
                for (Map.Entry entry : toRefresh.entrySet()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("{} is refreshed because of [{}]", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            callback.phase("finalizing (refreshing bundles)");
            print("Refreshing bundles:", display);
            for (Map.Entry<Bundle, String> entry : toRefresh.entrySet()) {
                Bundle bundle = entry.getKey();
                print("    " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion() + " (" + entry.getValue() + ")", display);
            if (!toRefresh.isEmpty()) {
    // Resolve bundles
    callback.phase("finalizing (resolving bundles)");
    removeBundlesInState(toResolve, UNINSTALLED);
    callback.resolveBundles(toResolve, resolver.getWiring(), deployment.resToBnd);
    final boolean[] agentStarted = new boolean[] { false };
    // Compute bundles to start
    removeFragmentsAndBundlesInState(toStart, UNINSTALLED | ACTIVE | STARTING);
    if (!toStart.isEmpty()) {
        // Compute correct start order
        final List<Throwable> exceptions = new ArrayList<>();
        callback.phase("finalizing (starting bundles)");
        print("Starting bundles:", display);
        while (!toStart.isEmpty()) {
            List<Bundle> bs = getBundlesToStart(toStart, dstate.serviceBundle);
            for (final Bundle bundle : bs) {
                print("  " + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " / " + bundle.getVersion(), display);
                if ("io.fabric8.fabric-agent".equals(bundle.getSymbolicName())) {
                    agentStarted[0] = true;
                List<Future<Void>> futures = deploymentsExecutor.invokeAll(Arrays.asList(new Callable<Void>() {

                    public Void call() throws Exception {
                        try {
                  "Scheduled start for bundle:" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + " with a timeout limit of " + request.bundleStartTimeout + " seconds");
                        } catch (BundleException e) {
                        return null;
                }), request.bundleStartTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                // synch on Future's output, limited by the TimeUnit above
                for (Future<Void> f : futures) {
                    try {
                    } catch (CancellationException e) {
                        exceptions.add(new BundleException("Unable to start bundle [" + bundle.getSymbolicName() + "] within " + request.bundleStartTimeout + " seconds"));
        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new MultiException("Error restarting bundles", exceptions);
    // Info about final list of deployed bundles
    // list of bundles in special "fabric-startup" feature
    List<String> urls = new LinkedList<>();
    for (Feature ft : dstate.features.values()) {
        if (ft.getName().equals("fabric-startup") && ft.getBundles() != null) {
            for (BundleInfo bi : ft.getBundles()) {
        // special case for Fuse/AMQ...
        if (ft.getName().equals("esb-commands-startup") && ft.getBundles() != null) {
            for (BundleInfo bi : ft.getBundles()) {
    // let's resolve these URIs and make them available from ${karaf.default.repository}
    try {"Storing startup artifacts in default repository: {}", urls);
        AgentUtils.downloadLocations(manager, urls, true);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
    if (!noRefresh) {
        // (similar to KARAF-4686/ENTESB-6045 - Cleaning sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPEndpointlocalEndpoints cache)
        try {
            Class<?> cls = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass("org.ops4j.pax.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMDCAdapter");
            Field m_contextField = cls.getDeclaredField("m_context");
            // nullify org.ops4j.pax.logging.slf4j.Slf4jMDCAdapter.m_context, so it'll be reinitialized from
            // fresh pax-logging-service wiring
            m_contextField.set(null, null);
        } catch (Exception ignored) {
    if (callback.done(agentStarted[0], urls)) {
        print("Done.", display);
Also used : BundleStartLevel(org.osgi.framework.startlevel.BundleStartLevel) Downloader( Feature(io.fabric8.agent.model.Feature) BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) StreamProvider( NamedThreadFactory(io.fabric8.utils.NamedThreadFactory) SubsystemResolver(io.fabric8.agent.region.SubsystemResolver) Parser(io.fabric8.maven.util.Parser) MultiException(io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException) MapUtils.addToMapSet(io.fabric8.agent.internal.MapUtils.addToMapSet) MapUtils.removeFromMapSet(io.fabric8.agent.internal.MapUtils.removeFromMapSet) URI( FeatureResource(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.FeatureResource) VersionRange(org.apache.felix.utils.version.VersionRange) Wire(org.osgi.resource.Wire) BundleWire(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleWire) BundleInfo(io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo) BundleRevision(org.osgi.framework.wiring.BundleRevision) ConfigFile(io.fabric8.agent.model.ConfigFile) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) FeatureResource(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.FeatureResource) Region(org.eclipse.equinox.region.Region) URISyntaxException( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) RegionDigraph(org.eclipse.equinox.region.RegionDigraph) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) ByteArrayInputStream( ZipInputStream( FileInputStream( InputStream( URISyntaxException( BundleException(org.osgi.framework.BundleException) InvalidSyntaxException(org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException) IOException( MultiException(io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException) ChecksumUtils(io.fabric8.common.util.ChecksumUtils)

Example 2 with BundleInfo

use of io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class FeatureResource method build.

public static FeatureResource build(Feature feature, String featureRange, Map<String, ? extends Resource> locToRes) throws BundleException {
    FeatureResource resource = new FeatureResource(feature);
    for (BundleInfo info : feature.getBundles()) {
        if (!info.isDependency()) {
            Resource res = locToRes.get(info.getLocation());
            if (res == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Resource not found for url " + info.getLocation());
            addIdentityRequirement(resource, res);
    for (Dependency dep : feature.getDependencies()) {
        if (!dep.isDependency()) {
            addDependency(resource, dep, featureRange);
    for (Capability cap : feature.getCapabilities()) {
        resource.addCapabilities(ResourceBuilder.parseCapability(resource, cap.getValue()));
    for (Requirement req : feature.getRequirements()) {
        resource.addRequirements(ResourceBuilder.parseRequirement(resource, req.getValue()));
    return resource;
Also used : ResourceUtils.addIdentityRequirement(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.ResourceUtils.addIdentityRequirement) Requirement(io.fabric8.agent.model.Requirement) BundleInfo(io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo) Capability(io.fabric8.agent.model.Capability) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) Dependency(io.fabric8.agent.model.Dependency)

Example 3 with BundleInfo

use of io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class ServiceImpl method bundleUpdatesInPatch.

 * Returns a list of {@link BundleUpdate} for single patch, taking into account already discovered updates
 * @param patch
 * @param allBundles
 * @param bundleUpdateLocations out parameter that gathers update locations for bundles across patches
 * @param history
 * @param updatesForBundleKeys
 * @param kind
 * @param coreBundles
 * @param featureUpdatesInThisPatch
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
private List<BundleUpdate> bundleUpdatesInPatch(Patch patch, Bundle[] allBundles, Map<Bundle, String> bundleUpdateLocations, BundleVersionHistory history, Map<String, BundleUpdate> updatesForBundleKeys, PatchKind kind, Map<String, Bundle> coreBundles, List<FeatureUpdate> featureUpdatesInThisPatch) throws Exception {
    List<BundleUpdate> updatesInThisPatch = new LinkedList<>();
    // for ROLLUP patch we can check which bundles AREN'T updated by this patch - we have to reinstall them
    // at the same version as existing one. "no update" means "require install after clearing cache"
    // Initially all bundles need update. If we find an update in patch, we remove a key from this map
    Map<String, Bundle> updateNotRequired = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    // // let's keep {symbolic name -> list of versions} mapping
    // MultiMap<String, Version> allBundleVersions = new MultiMap<>();
    // bundle location -> bundle key (symbolic name|updateable version)
    Map<String, String> locationsOfBundleKeys = new HashMap<>();
    for (Bundle b : allBundles) {
        if (b.getSymbolicName() == null) {
        Version v = b.getVersion();
        Version updateableVersion = new Version(v.getMajor(), v.getMinor(), 0);
        String key = String.format("%s|%s", stripSymbolicName(b.getSymbolicName()), updateableVersion.toString());
        // symbolic name, differing at micro version only
        if (!coreBundles.containsKey(stripSymbolicName(b.getSymbolicName()))) {
            updateNotRequired.put(key, b);
        } else {
            // let's key core (etc/ bundles by symbolic name only - there should be only
            // one version of symbolic name
            updateNotRequired.put(stripSymbolicName(b.getSymbolicName()), b);
        // allBundleVersions.put(stripSymbolicName(b.getSymbolicName()), b.getVersion());
        String location = b.getLocation();
        if (location != null && location.startsWith("mvn:") && location.contains("//")) {
            // special case for mvn:org.ops4j.pax.url/pax-url-wrap/2.4.7//uber
            location = location.replace("//", "/jar/");
        locationsOfBundleKeys.put(location, key);
    // let's prepare a set of bundle keys that are part of features that will be updated/reinstalled - those
    // bundle keys don't have to be reinstalled separately
    Set<String> bundleKeysFromFeatures = new HashSet<>();
    if (featureUpdatesInThisPatch != null) {
        for (FeatureUpdate featureUpdate : featureUpdatesInThisPatch) {
            if (featureUpdate.getName() != null) {
                // this is either installation or update of single feature
                String fName = featureUpdate.getName();
                String fVersion = featureUpdate.getPreviousVersion();
                Feature f = featuresService.getFeature(fName, fVersion);
                for (BundleInfo bundleInfo : f.getBundles()) {
                    if (/*!bundleInfo.isDependency() && */
                    locationsOfBundleKeys.containsKey(bundleInfo.getLocation())) {
                for (Conditional cond : f.getConditional()) {
                    for (BundleInfo bundleInfo : cond.getBundles()) {
                        if (/*!bundleInfo.isDependency() && */
                        locationsOfBundleKeys.containsKey(bundleInfo.getLocation())) {
    for (String newLocation : patch.getPatchData().getBundles()) {
        // [symbolicName, version] of the new bundle
        String[] symbolicNameVersion = helper.getBundleIdentity(newLocation);
        if (symbolicNameVersion == null || symbolicNameVersion[0] == null) {
        String sn = stripSymbolicName(symbolicNameVersion[0]);
        String vr = symbolicNameVersion[1];
        Version newVersion = VersionTable.getVersion(vr);
        Version updateableVersion = new Version(newVersion.getMajor(), newVersion.getMinor(), 0);
        // this bundle update from a patch may be applied only to relevant bundle|updateable-version, not to
        // *every* bundle with exact symbolic name
        String key = null;
        if (!coreBundles.containsKey(sn)) {
            key = String.format("%s|%s", sn, updateableVersion.toString());
        } else {
            key = sn;
        // if existing bundle is within this range, update is possible
        VersionRange range = getUpdateableRange(patch, newLocation, newVersion);
        if (coreBundles.containsKey(sn)) {
            // so we lower down the lowest possible version of core bundle that we can update
            if (range == null) {
                range = new VersionRange(false, Version.emptyVersion, newVersion, true);
            } else {
                range = new VersionRange(false, Version.emptyVersion, range.getCeiling(), true);
        } else if (range != null) {
            // if range is specified on non core bundle, the key should be different - updateable
            // version should be taken from range
            key = String.format("%s|%s", sn, range.getFloor().toString());
        Bundle bundle = updateNotRequired.get(key);
        if (bundle == null && coreBundles.containsKey(sn)) {
            bundle = updateNotRequired.get(sn);
        if (bundle == null || range == null) {
            // this patch ships a bundle that can't be used as an update for ANY currently installed bundle
            if (kind == PatchKind.NON_ROLLUP) {
                // which is strange, because non rollup patches should update existing bundles...
                if (range == null) {
                    System.err.printf("Skipping bundle %s - unable to process bundle without a version range configuration%n", newLocation);
                } else {
                // range is fine, we simply didn't find installed bundle at all - bundle from patch
                // will be stored in ${karaf.default.repository}, but not used as an update
        Version oldVersion = bundle.getVersion();
        if (range.contains(oldVersion)) {
            String oldLocation = history.getLocation(bundle);
            if ("org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn".equals(sn)) {
                Artifact artifact = Utils.mvnurlToArtifact(newLocation, true);
                if (artifact != null) {
                    URL location = new File(repository, String.format("org/ops4j/pax/url/pax-url-aether/%1$s/pax-url-aether-%1$s.jar", artifact.getVersion())).toURI().toURL();
                    newLocation = location.toString();
            int startLevel = bundle.adapt(BundleStartLevel.class).getStartLevel();
            int state = bundle.getState();
            BundleUpdate update = new BundleUpdate(sn, newVersion.toString(), newLocation, oldVersion.toString(), oldLocation, startLevel, state);
            if (bundleKeysFromFeatures.contains(key) || coreBundles.containsKey(sn)) {
            if (coreBundles.containsKey(sn)) {
            // Merge result
            BundleUpdate oldUpdate = updatesForBundleKeys.get(key);
            if (oldUpdate != null) {
                Version upv = null;
                if (oldUpdate.getNewVersion() != null) {
                    upv = VersionTable.getVersion(oldUpdate.getNewVersion());
                if (upv == null || upv.compareTo(newVersion) < 0) {
                    // other patch contains newer update for a bundle
                    updatesForBundleKeys.put(key, update);
                    bundleUpdateLocations.put(bundle, newLocation);
            } else {
                // this is the first update of the bundle
                updatesForBundleKeys.put(key, update);
                bundleUpdateLocations.put(bundle, newLocation);
    if (kind == PatchKind.ROLLUP) {
        // user features) and we have (at least try) to install them after restart.
        for (Bundle b : updateNotRequired.values()) {
            if (b.getSymbolicName() == null) {
            String symbolicName = stripSymbolicName(b.getSymbolicName());
            Version v = b.getVersion();
            Version updateableVersion = new Version(v.getMajor(), v.getMinor(), 0);
            String key = String.format("%s|%s", symbolicName, updateableVersion.toString());
            int startLevel = b.adapt(BundleStartLevel.class).getStartLevel();
            int state = b.getState();
            BundleUpdate update = new BundleUpdate(symbolicName, null, null, v.toString(), history.getLocation(b), startLevel, state);
            if (bundleKeysFromFeatures.contains(key) || coreBundles.containsKey(symbolicName)) {
                // we don't have to install it separately
            updatesForBundleKeys.put(key, update);
    return updatesInThisPatch;
Also used : BundleStartLevel(org.osgi.framework.startlevel.BundleStartLevel) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Bundle(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) Conditional(org.apache.karaf.features.Conditional) VersionRange(org.apache.felix.utils.version.VersionRange) Feature(org.apache.karaf.features.Feature) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Utils.mvnurlToArtifact( Artifact( URL( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) BundleInfo(org.apache.karaf.features.BundleInfo) Version(org.osgi.framework.Version) File( BundleUpdate( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) FeatureUpdate(

Example 4 with BundleInfo

use of io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class Subsystem method downloadBundles.

public void downloadBundles(DownloadManager manager, MetadataBuilder builder, Set<String> overrides, String featureResolutionRange) throws Exception {
    for (Subsystem child : children) {
        child.downloadBundles(manager, builder, overrides, featureResolutionRange);
    final Map<String, ResourceImpl> bundles = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    final Downloader downloader = manager.createDownloader();
    final Map<BundleInfo, Conditional> infos = new HashMap<>();
    if (feature != null) {
        for (Conditional cond : feature.getConditional()) {
            for (final BundleInfo bi : cond.getBundles()) {
                infos.put(bi, cond);
        for (BundleInfo bi : feature.getBundles()) {
            infos.put(bi, null);
    ResourceBuilderCallback callback = new ResourceBuilderCallback(bundles, builder);
    for (Map.Entry<BundleInfo, Conditional> entry : infos.entrySet()) {
        final BundleInfo bi = entry.getKey();
        final String loc = bi.getLocation();, callback);
    for (Clause bundle : Parser.parseClauses(this.bundles.toArray(new String[this.bundles.size()]))) {
        final String loc = bundle.getName();, callback);
    for (final FabricBundle fabricBundle : fabricBundles) {
        final String loc = fabricBundle.getLocation();, callback);
    for (String override : overrides) {
        final String loc = Overrides.extractUrl(override);, callback);
    Overrides.override(bundles, overrides);
    if (feature != null) {
        // Add conditionals
        Map<Conditional, Resource> resConds = new HashMap<>();
        for (Conditional cond : feature.getConditional()) {
            FeatureResource resCond =, cond, featureResolutionRange, bundles);
            addIdentityRequirement(this, resCond, false);
            addIdentityRequirement(resCond, this, true);
            resConds.put(cond, resCond);
        // Add features
        FeatureResource resFeature =, featureResolutionRange, bundles);
        addIdentityRequirement(resFeature, this);
        // Add dependencies
        for (Map.Entry<BundleInfo, Conditional> entry : infos.entrySet()) {
            final BundleInfo bi = entry.getKey();
            final String loc = bi.getLocation();
            final Conditional cond = entry.getValue();
            ResourceImpl res = bundles.get(loc);
            int sl = bi.getStartLevel() <= 0 ? feature.getStartLevel() : bi.getStartLevel();
            if (bi.isDependency()) {
                addDependency(res, false, bi.isStart(), sl);
            } else {
                doAddDependency(res, cond == null, bi.isStart(), sl);
            if (cond != null) {
                addIdentityRequirement(res, resConds.get(cond), true);
    for (Clause bundle : Parser.parseClauses(this.bundles.toArray(new String[this.bundles.size()]))) {
        final String loc = bundle.getName();
        boolean dependency = Boolean.parseBoolean(bundle.getAttribute("dependency"));
        boolean start = bundle.getAttribute("start") == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(bundle.getAttribute("start"));
        int startLevel = 0;
        try {
            startLevel = Integer.parseInt(bundle.getAttribute("start-level"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        // Ignore
        if (dependency) {
            addDependency(bundles.get(loc), false, start, startLevel);
        } else {
            doAddDependency(bundles.get(loc), true, start, startLevel);
            addIdentityRequirement(this, bundles.get(loc));
    for (final FabricBundle fabricBundle : fabricBundles) {
        final String loc = fabricBundle.getLocation();
        boolean dependency = Boolean.parseBoolean(fabricBundle.getProperty("dependency"));
        boolean start = fabricBundle.getProperty("start") == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(fabricBundle.getProperty("start"));
        int startLevel = 0;
        try {
            startLevel = Integer.parseInt(fabricBundle.getProperty("start-level"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        // Ignore
        if (dependency) {
            addDependency(bundles.get(loc), false, start, startLevel);
        } else {
            doAddDependency(bundles.get(loc), true, start, startLevel);
            addIdentityRequirement(this, bundles.get(loc));
    // Compute dependencies
    for (DependencyInfo info : dependencies.values()) {
        addIdentityRequirement(info.resource, this, info.mandatory);
Also used : FeatureResource(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.FeatureResource) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Resource(org.osgi.resource.Resource) FeatureResource(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.FeatureResource) Downloader( Conditional(io.fabric8.agent.model.Conditional) ResourceImpl(io.fabric8.agent.resolver.ResourceImpl) BundleInfo(io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo) Clause(org.apache.felix.utils.manifest.Clause) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)

Example 5 with BundleInfo

use of io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.

the class VerifyFeatureResolutionMojo method execute.

public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
    try {
        Field field = URL.class.getDeclaredField("factory");
        field.set(null, null);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory(new CustomBundleURLStreamHandlerFactory());
    System.setProperty("karaf.home", "target/karaf");
    System.setProperty("", "target/karaf/data");
    ScheduledExecutorService executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(8);
    Hashtable<String, String> properties = new Hashtable<>();
    if (additionalMetadata != null) {
        try (Reader reader = new FileReader(additionalMetadata)) {
            Properties metadata = new Properties();
            for (Enumeration<?> e = metadata.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                Object key = e.nextElement();
                Object val = metadata.get(key);
                properties.put(key.toString(), val.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to load additional metadata from " + additionalMetadata, e);
    DownloadManager manager;
    MavenResolver resolver;
    final Map<String, Repository> repositories;
    Map<String, Feature[]> repos = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Feature> allFeatures = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        resolver = MavenResolvers.createMavenResolver(null, properties, "org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn", repositorySystem);
        manager = DownloadManagers.createDownloadManager(resolver, executor);
        repositories = downloadRepositories(manager, descriptors).call();
        for (String repoUri : repositories.keySet()) {
            Feature[] features = repositories.get(repoUri).getFeatures();
            // Ack features to inline configuration files urls
            for (Feature feature : features) {
                for (BundleInfo bi : feature.getBundles()) {
                    String loc = bi.getLocation();
                    String nloc = null;
                    if (loc.contains("file:")) {
                        for (ConfigFile cfi : feature.getConfigurationFiles()) {
                            if (cfi.getFinalname().substring(1).equals(loc.substring(loc.indexOf("file:") + "file:".length()))) {
                                nloc = cfi.getLocation();
                    if (nloc != null) {
                        bi.setLocation(loc.substring(0, loc.indexOf("file:")) + nloc);
                allFeatures.put(feature.getId(), feature);
            repos.put(repoUri, features);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to load features descriptors", e);
    List<Feature> featuresToTest = new ArrayList<>();
    if (verifyTransitive) {
        for (Feature[] features : repos.values()) {
    } else {
        for (String uri : descriptors) {
    if (features != null && !features.isEmpty()) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (String feature : features) {
            if (sb.length() > 0) {
            String p = feature.replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.").replaceAll("\\*", ".*");
            if (!feature.contains("/")) {
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(sb.toString());
        for (Iterator<Feature> iterator = featuresToTest.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            Feature feature =;
            String id = feature.getName() + "/" + feature.getVersion();
            if (!pattern.matcher(id).matches()) {
    for (String fmk : framework) {
        properties.put("feature.framework." + fmk, fmk);
    List<Throwable> failures = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Feature feature : featuresToTest) {
        try {
            String id = feature.getName() + "/" + feature.getVersion();
            manager = DownloadManagers.createDownloadManager(resolver, executor);
            verifyResolution(manager, allFeatures, id, properties);
            getLog().info("Verification of feature " + id + " succeeded");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if ("first".equals(fail)) {
                throw e;
    if ("end".equals(fail) && !failures.isEmpty()) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Verification failures", new MultiException("Verification failures", failures));
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Reader( FileReader( DeploymentAgent.getPrefixedProperties(io.fabric8.agent.DeploymentAgent.getPrefixedProperties) Properties(java.util.Properties) DownloadManager( Feature(io.fabric8.agent.model.Feature) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) BundleInfo(io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo) FileReader( Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) ScheduledExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService) MojoExecutionException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException) ConfigFile(io.fabric8.agent.model.ConfigFile) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) IOException( IOException( MojoExecutionException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException) MojoFailureException(org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException) MultiException(io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException) Repository(io.fabric8.agent.model.Repository) MultiException(io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException)


BundleInfo (io.fabric8.agent.model.BundleInfo)5 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)4 Feature (io.fabric8.agent.model.Feature)3 Resource (org.osgi.resource.Resource)3 Downloader ( ConfigFile (io.fabric8.agent.model.ConfigFile)2 FeatureResource (io.fabric8.agent.resolver.FeatureResource)2 MultiException (io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException)2 Parser (io.fabric8.maven.util.Parser)2 IOException ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 VersionRange (org.apache.felix.utils.version.VersionRange)2 Bundle (org.osgi.framework.Bundle)2 BundleStartLevel (org.osgi.framework.startlevel.BundleStartLevel)2 DeploymentAgent.getPrefixedProperties (io.fabric8.agent.DeploymentAgent.getPrefixedProperties)1 DownloadManager ( StreamProvider ( MapUtils.addToMapSet (io.fabric8.agent.internal.MapUtils.addToMapSet)1 MapUtils.removeFromMapSet (io.fabric8.agent.internal.MapUtils.removeFromMapSet)1