use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class ProfileCreateAction method doExecute.
protected Object doExecute() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// we do not want exception in the server log, so print the error message to the console
return 1;
if (versionId != null) {
} else {
versionId = fabricService.getDefaultVersionId();
// we can only use existing parent profiles
Profile[] parents = FabricCommand.getExistingProfiles(fabricService, versionId, this.parents);
ProfileBuilder builder = ProfileBuilder.Factory.create(versionId, profileId);
for (Profile parent : parents) {
return null;
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class FabricGitSummaryAction method printVersions.
private void printVersions(String title, List<GitVersion> versions) {
TablePrinter table = new TablePrinter();
table.columns("version", "SHA1", "timestamp", "message");
for (GitVersion version : versions) {
table.row(version.getVersion(), version.getSha1(), version.getTimestamp(), version.getMessage());
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class DummyBatchingProgressMonitor method createOrUpdateProfile.
private String createOrUpdateProfile(GitContext context, Profile lastProfile, Profile profile, Set<String> profiles) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
String versionId = profile.getVersion();
String profileId = profile.getId();
if (!profiles.contains(profileId)) {
// Process parents first
for (String parentId : profile.getParentIds()) {
// skip if parent has been already visited
if (!profiles.contains(parentId)) {
Profile parent = getProfileFromCache(profile.getVersion(), parentId);
IllegalStateAssertion.assertNotNull(parent, "Parent profile does not exist: " + parentId);
if (lastProfile == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Create {}", Profiles.getProfileInfo(profile));
} else {
LOGGER.debug("Update {}", profile);
LOGGER.debug("Update {}", Profiles.getProfileDifference(lastProfile, profile));
// Create the profile branch & directory
if (lastProfile == null) {
createProfileDirectoryAfterCheckout(context, versionId, profileId);
// FileConfigurations
Map<String, byte[]> fileConfigurations = profile.getFileConfigurations();
setFileConfigurations(context, versionId, profileId, fileConfigurations);
// A warning commit message if there has been none yet
if (context.getCommitMessage().length() == 0) {
context.commitMessage("WARNING - Profile with no content: " + versionId + "/" + profileId);
// Mark this profile as processed
return profileId;
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class CachingGitDataStoreTest method testDataStore.
public void testDataStore() throws Exception {
// dataStore.getDefaultVersion();
String defaultVersion = null;
assertEquals("defaultVersion", "1.0", defaultVersion);
// now lets import some data - using the old non-git file layout...
String importPath = basedir + "/../fabric8-karaf/src/main/resources/distro/fabric";
if (useOldImportFormat) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore exception about missing url handlers. Not needed for this test anyway.
} else {
String prefix = importPath + "/fabric";
String profileImport = prefix + "/configs/versions/1.0/profiles";
// dataStore.importFromFileSystem(new File(profileImport), "fabric",
// "1.0", true);
String importedProfile = "example-dozer";
String profile = importedProfile;
assertProfileExists(defaultVersion, profile);
// assertFolderExists("Should have imported an mq/ file!",
// getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/mq/"));
String version = "1.1";
assertCreateVersion("1.0", version);
assertProfileConfiguration(version, importedProfile, Constants.AGENT_PID, "attribute.parents", "feature-camel");
assertProfileTextFileConfigurationContains(version, "example-camel-mq", "camel.xml", "");
* List<String> fileNames = dataStore.getConfigurationFileNames(version,
* "example-camel-mq"); assertNotNull("Should have some file names",
* fileNames); assertTrue("Should have some file names",
* fileNames.size() > 0); assertTrue("Should contain 'came",
* fileNames.size() > 0);
* assertCollectionContains("configurationFileNames", fileNames,
* "camel.xml");
// lets test the profile attributes
// dataStore.getProfileAttributes(version, importedProfile);
Map<String, String> profileAttributes = Collections.emptyMap();
String parent = profileAttributes.get("parents");
assertEquals(importedProfile + ".profileAttributes[parent]", "feature-camel", parent);
System.out.println("Profile attributes: " + profileAttributes);
String profileAttributeKey = "myKey";
String expectedProfileAttributeValue = "myValue";
// dataStore.setProfileAttribute(version, importedProfile, profileAttributeKey, expectedProfileAttributeValue);
// profileAttributes = dataStore.getProfileAttributes(version, importedProfile);
System.out.println("Profile attributes: " + profileAttributes);
assertMapContains("Profile attribute[" + profileAttributeKey + "]", profileAttributes, profileAttributeKey, expectedProfileAttributeValue);
String hawtioRepoKey = "repository.hawtio";
// dataStore.getConfiguration(version, "hawtio", Constants.AGENT_PID);
Map<String, String> hawtioAttrbutes = Collections.emptyMap();
String currentHawtRepo = hawtioAttrbutes.get(hawtioRepoKey);
System.out.println("Current repository.hawtio: " + currentHawtRepo);
// now lets write via the hawtio API
FabricGitFacade hawtio = new FabricGitFacade();
/* String hawtioPropertyFile = "/fabric/profiles/" + dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory("hawtio") + "/" + Constants.AGENT_PID + ".properties";
hawtio.write(version, hawtioPropertyFile, "My commit message", "me", "", "# new file\n" + hawtioRepoKey + " = "
+ "mvn\\:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/myNewVersion/xml/features" + "\n");
// dataStore.getConfiguration(version, "hawtio", Constants.AGENT_PID);
hawtioAttrbutes = Collections.emptyMap();
String actual = hawtioAttrbutes.get(hawtioRepoKey);
assertEquals("should have found the updated hawtio repo key", "mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-karaf/myNewVersion/xml/features", actual);
// lets check that the file configurations recurses into folders
// Map<String, byte[]> tomcatFileConfigurations = dataStore.getFileConfigurations("1.0", "controller-tomcat");
// assertHasFileConfiguration(tomcatFileConfigurations, "tomcat/conf/server.xml.mvel");
Collection<String> schemas = dataStore.listFiles("1.0", Arrays.asList("example-dozer"), "schemas");
assertContainerEquals("schemas for example-dozer", Arrays.asList("invoice.xsd"), new ArrayList<String>(schemas));
// check we don't accidentally create a profile
String profileNotCreated = "shouldNotBeCreated";
// assertEquals("Should not create profile: " + profileNotCreated, null, dataStore.getProfile(version, profileNotCreated, false));
assertProfileNotExists(defaultVersion, profileNotCreated);
// assertFolderNotExists(getLocalGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profileNotCreated)));
// now lets create some profiles in this new version
String newProfile = "myNewProfile";
// dataStore.createProfile(version, newProfile);
assertProfileExists(version, newProfile);
// lazy create a profile
String anotherNewProfile = "anotherNewProfile";
// dataStore.getProfile(version, anotherNewProfile, true);
assertProfileExists(version, anotherNewProfile);
version = "1.2";
assertCreateVersion("1.1", version);
// check this version has the profile too
assertProfileExists(version, newProfile);
assertProfileExists(version, profile);
// now lets delete a profile
dataStore.deleteProfile(version, newProfile);
assertProfileNotExists(version, newProfile);
// lets check the remote repo
assertProfileExists("1.1", profile);
assertProfileExists("1.1", newProfile);
// assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
// assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));
assertProfileExists("1.2", profile);
assertProfileNotExists("1.2", newProfile);
// assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
// assertFolderNotExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));
// assertFolderExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(profile)));
// assertFolderNotExists(getRemoteGitFile("fabric/profiles/" +
// dataStore.convertProfileIdToDirectory(newProfile)));
// delete version 1.2
// dataStore.removeVersion("1.2");
Collection<String> remoteBranches = RepositoryUtils.getBranches(remote.getRepository());
System.out.println("Remote branches after delete: " + remoteBranches);
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class GitPatchManagementServiceImpl method trackBaselineRepository.
* Adds baseline distribution to the repository. It serves a different purpose in fabric and standalone scenarios.
* In fabric mode, we put another baseline tag for root container when it is upgraded to specific version. The
* versioning of root container is performed on another branch.
* In standalone mode mode, the same branch is used to track baselines and for versioning of the container itself.
* In standalone mode, patches are added to separate branch each.
* In fabric mode, patches are added to baseline branches and each container has it's own versioning branch
* (private, not pushed to main repository).
* @param git non-bare repository to perform the operation with correct branch checked out already
private RevCommit trackBaselineRepository(Git git) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
// initialize repo with baseline version and push to reference repo
String currentFuseVersion = determineVersion(karafHome, "fuse");
String currentFabricVersion = determineVersion(karafHome, "fabric");
// check what product are we in
File systemRepo = getSystemRepository(karafHome, systemContext);
File baselineDistribution = null;
String baselineLocation = Utils.getBaselineLocationForProduct(karafHome, systemContext, currentFuseVersion);
if (baselineLocation != null) {
baselineDistribution = new File(patchesDir, baselineLocation);
} else {
// do some guessing - first JBoss Fuse, then JBoss A-MQ
String[] locations = new String[] { systemRepo.getCanonicalPath() + "/org/jboss/fuse/jboss-fuse-karaf/%1$s/jboss-fuse-karaf-%1$", patchesDir.getCanonicalPath() + "/jboss-fuse-karaf-%1$", systemRepo.getCanonicalPath() + "/org/jboss/amq/jboss-a-mq/%s/jboss-a-mq-%1$", patchesDir.getCanonicalPath() + "/jboss-a-mq-%1$" };
for (String location : locations) {
location = String.format(location, currentFuseVersion);
if (new File(location).isFile()) {
baselineDistribution = new File(location);
Activator.log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "Found baseline distribution: " + baselineDistribution.getCanonicalPath());
if (baselineDistribution != null) {
return trackBaselineRepository(git, baselineDistribution, currentFuseVersion);
} else {
String message = "Can't find baseline distribution in patches dir or inside system repository.";
Activator.log2(LogService.LOG_WARNING, message);
throw new PatchException(message);