use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Log4jLogQuery method toLogEvent.
protected LogEvent toLogEvent(LoggingEvent element) {
LogEvent answer = new LogEvent();
// answer.setContainerName(element.get);
ThrowableInformation throwableInformation = element.getThrowableInformation();
if (throwableInformation != null) {
ThrowableFormatter renderer = new ThrowableFormatter();
String[] stack = renderer.doRender(throwableInformation.getThrowable());
if (stack == null) {
stack = element.getThrowableStrRep();
LocationInfo locationInformation = element.getLocationInformation();
if (locationInformation != null) {
Level level = element.getLevel();
if (level != null) {
Category logger = element.getLogger();
Object message = element.getMessage();
if (message != null) {
// TODO marshal differently?
answer.setTimestamp(new Date(element.getTimeStamp()));
return answer;
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class FabricDosgiCamelTest method testFeatureProvisioning.
public void testFeatureProvisioning() throws Exception {
System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:create -n --wait-for-provisioning root"));
// System.out.println(executeCommand("shell:info"));
// System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:info"));
// System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:profile-list"));
ServiceProxy<FabricService> fabricProxy = ServiceProxy.createServiceProxy(bundleContext, FabricService.class);
try {
FabricService fabricService = fabricProxy.getService();
CuratorFramework curator = fabricService.adapt(CuratorFramework.class);
Set<ContainerProxy> containers = ContainerBuilder.create(fabricProxy, 2).withName("dosgi").withProfiles("karaf").assertProvisioningResult().build();
try {
List<Container> containerList = new ArrayList<Container>(containers);
List<Container> dosgiProviderContainers = containerList.subList(0, containerList.size() / 2);
List<Container> dosgiCamelContainers = containerList.subList(containerList.size() / 2, containerList.size());
for (Container c : dosgiProviderContainers) {
setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(c.getId()), "changing profile");
Profile p = c.getVersion().getRequiredProfile("example-dosgi-camel.provider");
c.setProfiles(new Profile[] { p });
for (Container c : dosgiCamelContainers) {
setData(curator, ZkPath.CONTAINER_PROVISION_RESULT.getPath(c.getId()), "changing profile");
Profile p = c.getVersion().getRequiredProfile("example-dosgi-camel.consumer");
c.setProfiles(new Profile[] { p });
Provision.provisioningSuccess(dosgiProviderContainers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
Provision.provisioningSuccess(dosgiCamelContainers, PROVISION_TIMEOUT);
Assert.assertTrue(Provision.waitForCondition(dosgiCamelContainers, new ContainerCondition() {
public Boolean checkConditionOnContainer(final Container c) {
String response = executeCommand("fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + c.getId() + " log:display | grep \"Message from distributed service to\"");
System.out.println(executeCommand("fabric:container-connect -u admin -p admin " + c.getId() + " camel:route-info fabric-client"));
String[] lines = response.split("\n");
// TODO: This assertion is very relaxed and guarantees nothing.
return lines.length >= 1;
}, 20000L));
} finally {
} finally {
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class CamelAutoTestService method onConfigured.
protected void onConfigured() throws Exception {
LOG.debug("onConfigured. mockOutputs: " + mockOutputs + " mockInputs: " + mockInputs + " messageFolder: " + messageFolder);
FabricService fabricService = this.fabricService.getOptional();
// lets find the camel contexts to test in this container
MBeanServer mbeanServerValue = mbeanServer;
if (mbeanServerValue != null && fabricService != null) {
Profile overlayProfile = fabricService.getCurrentContainer().getOverlayProfile();
Profile effectiveProfile = Profiles.getEffectiveProfile(fabricService, overlayProfile);
Set<String> configurationFileNames = effectiveProfile.getConfigurationFileNames();
for (CamelContext camelContext : camelContexts.values()) {
String camelContextID = camelContext.getName();
// check we only add testing stuff to each context once
if (camelContext instanceof ModelCamelContext) {
final ModelCamelContext modelCamelContext = (ModelCamelContext) camelContext;
List<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions = modelCamelContext.getRouteDefinitions();
if (camelContextsConfigured.add(camelContextID)) {
NodeIdFactory nodeIdFactory = camelContext.getNodeIdFactory();
if (mockInputs || mockOutputs) {
for (RouteDefinition routeDefinition : routeDefinitions) {
String routeId = routeDefinition.idOrCreate(nodeIdFactory);
final String routeKey = camelContextID + "." + routeId;"Mocking Camel route: " + routeKey);
routeDefinition.adviceWith(modelCamelContext, new AdviceWithRouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {
if (mockOutputs) {
// the advised route is automatic restarted
String path = messageFolder;
if (Strings.isNotBlank(path)) {
path += "/";
path += camelContextID;
ProducerTemplate producerTemplate = camelContext.createProducerTemplate();
try {
for (RouteDefinition routeDefinition : routeDefinitions) {
String routeId = routeDefinition.idOrCreate(nodeIdFactory);
String routePath = path + "/" + routeId + "/";
List<FromDefinition> inputs = routeDefinition.getInputs();
for (FromDefinition input : inputs) {
Endpoint endpoint = input.getEndpoint();
if (endpoint == null) {
String uri = input.getUri();
if (Strings.isNullOrBlank(uri)) {
String ref = input.getRef();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(ref)) {
uri = "ref:" + ref;
if (Strings.isNotBlank(uri)) {
endpoint = camelContext.getEndpoint(uri);
if (endpoint == null) {
LOG.warn("Cannot find endpoint, uri or ref of input " + input + " on route " + routeId + " camelContext: " + camelContextID);
} else {
for (String configFile : configurationFileNames) {
if (configFile.startsWith(routePath)) {"Sending file: " + configFile + " to " + endpoint);
byte[] data = effectiveProfile.getFileConfiguration(configFile);
if (data != null) {
// lest send this message to this endpoint
producerTemplate.sendBody(endpoint, data);
} finally {
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Agent method provision.
public void provision(Map<String, Feature> allFeatures, Set<String> features, Set<String> bundles, Set<String> reqs, Set<String> overrides, Set<String> optionals, Map<String, Map<VersionRange, Map<String, String>>> metadata) throws Exception {
Callable<Map<String, Resource>> res = loadResources(manager, metadata, optionals);
// TODO: requirements should be able to be assigned to a region
Map<String, Set<String>> requirements = new HashMap<>();
for (String feature : features) {
addToMapSet(requirements, ROOT_REGION, "feature:" + feature);
for (String bundle : bundles) {
addToMapSet(requirements, ROOT_REGION, "bundle:" + bundle);
for (String req : reqs) {
addToMapSet(requirements, ROOT_REGION, "req:" + req);
Deployer.DeploymentRequest request = new Deployer.DeploymentRequest();
request.updateSnaphots = updateSnaphots;
request.bundleUpdateRange = bundleUpdateRange;
request.featureResolutionRange = featureResolutionRange;
request.globalRepository = new StaticRepository(;
request.overrides = overrides;
request.requirements = requirements;
request.stateChanges = Collections.emptyMap();
request.options = options;
request.metadata = metadata;
request.bundleStartTimeout = bundleStartTimeout;
Deployer.DeploymentState dstate = new Deployer.DeploymentState();
// Service bundle
dstate.serviceBundle = serviceBundle;
// Start level
FrameworkStartLevel fsl = systemBundleContext.getBundle().adapt(FrameworkStartLevel.class);
dstate.initialBundleStartLevel = fsl.getInitialBundleStartLevel();
dstate.currentStartLevel = fsl.getStartLevel();
// Bundles
dstate.bundles = new HashMap<>();
for (Bundle bundle : systemBundleContext.getBundles()) {
dstate.bundles.put(bundle.getBundleId(), bundle);
// Features
dstate.features = allFeatures;
// Region -> bundles mapping
// Region -> policy mapping
dstate.bundlesPerRegion = new HashMap<>();
dstate.filtersPerRegion = new HashMap<>();
if (digraph == null) {
for (Long id : dstate.bundles.keySet()) {
addToMapSet(dstate.bundlesPerRegion, ROOT_REGION, id);
} else {
RegionDigraph clone = digraph.copy();
for (Region region : clone.getRegions()) {
// Get bundles
dstate.bundlesPerRegion.put(region.getName(), new HashSet<>(region.getBundleIds()));
// Get policies
Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> edges = new HashMap<>();
for (RegionDigraph.FilteredRegion fr : clone.getEdges(region)) {
Map<String, Set<String>> policy = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Collection<String>> current = fr.getFilter().getSharingPolicy();
for (String ns : current.keySet()) {
for (String f : current.get(ns)) {
addToMapSet(policy, ns, f);
edges.put(fr.getRegion().getName(), policy);
dstate.filtersPerRegion.put(region.getName(), edges);
final State state = new State();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Error loading agent state", e);
if (state.managedBundles.isEmpty()) {
for (Bundle b : systemBundleContext.getBundles()) {
if (b.getBundleId() != 0) {
addToMapSet(state.managedBundles, ROOT_REGION, b.getBundleId());
// corresponding jar url and use that one to compute the checksum of the bundle.
for (Map.Entry<Long, Bundle> entry : dstate.bundles.entrySet()) {
long id = entry.getKey();
Bundle bundle = entry.getValue();
if (id > 0 && isUpdateable(bundle) && !state.bundleChecksums.containsKey(id)) {
try {
URL url = bundle.getResource("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
Method method = con.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getLocalURL");
String jarUrl = ((URL) method.invoke(con)).toExternalForm();
if (jarUrl.startsWith("jar:")) {
String jar = jarUrl.substring("jar:".length(), jarUrl.indexOf("!/"));
jar = new URL(jar).getFile();
long checksum = ChecksumUtils.checksumFile(new File(jar));
state.bundleChecksums.put(id, checksum);
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOGGER.debug("Error calculating checksum for bundle: %s", bundle, t);
dstate.state = state;
Set<String> prereqs = new HashSet<>();
while (true) {
try {
Deployer.DeployCallback callback = new BaseDeployCallback() {
public void phase(String message) {
public void saveState(State newState) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Error storing agent state", e);
public void provisionList(Set<Resource> resources) {
public void restoreConfigAdminIfNeeded() {
if (configInstaller != null) {
public boolean done(boolean agentStarted, List<String> urls) {
return Agent.this.done(agentStarted, urls);
// FABRIC-790, FABRIC-981 - wait for ProfileUrlHandler before attempting to load bundles (in subsystem.resolve())
// (which may be the case with URLs in io.fabric8.agent PID)
// - 30 seconds is too low sometimes
// there was "url.handler.timeouts" option for agent, but it was removed during migration to karaf 4.x resolver
// LOGGER.debug("Waiting for ProfileUrlHandler");
// awaitService(URLStreamHandlerService.class, "(url.handler.protocol=profile)", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// LOGGER.debug("Waiting for ProfileUrlHandler finished");
Deployer deployer = new Deployer(manager, callback);
deployer.deploy(dstate, request);
} catch (Deployer.PartialDeploymentException e) {
if (!prereqs.containsAll(e.getMissing())) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Deployment aborted due to loop in missing prerequisites: " + e.getMissing());
use of io.fabric8.gateway.handlers.detecting.protocol.openwire.command.Message in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class ActiveMQBlobMessage method onSend.
public void onSend() throws OpenwireException {
// message
if (blobUploader != null) {
try {
URL value = blobUploader.upload(this);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new OpenwireException(e);