use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ConditionBuilder in project strimzi by strimzi.
the class AbstractOperator method reconcile.
* Reconcile assembly resources in the given namespace having the given {@code name}.
* Reconciliation works by getting the assembly resource (e.g. {@code KafkaUser})
* in the given namespace with the given name and
* comparing with the corresponding resource.
* @param reconciliation The reconciliation.
* @return A Future which is completed with the result of the reconciliation.
public final Future<Void> reconcile(Reconciliation reconciliation) {
String namespace = reconciliation.namespace();
String name =;
Timer.Sample reconciliationTimerSample = Timer.start(metrics.meterRegistry());
Future<Void> handler = withLock(reconciliation, LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
T cr = resourceOperator.get(namespace, name);
if (cr != null) {
if (!Util.matchesSelector(selector(), cr)) {
// When the labels matching the selector are removed from the custom resource, a DELETE event is
// triggered by the watch even through the custom resource might not match the watch labels anymore
// and might not be really deleted. We have to filter these situations out and ignore the
// reconciliation because such resource might be already operated by another instance (where the
// same change triggered ADDED event).
LOGGER.debugCr(reconciliation, "{} {} in namespace {} does not match label selector {} and will be ignored", kind(), name, namespace, selector().get().getMatchLabels());
return Future.succeededFuture();
Promise<Void> createOrUpdate = Promise.promise();
if (Annotations.isReconciliationPausedWithAnnotation(cr)) {
S status = createStatus();
Set<Condition> conditions = validate(reconciliation, cr);
status.setConditions(new ArrayList<>(conditions));
status.setObservedGeneration(cr.getStatus() != null ? cr.getStatus().getObservedGeneration() : 0);
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(statusResult -> {
if (statusResult.succeeded()) {
} else {;
LOGGER.debugCr(reconciliation, "Reconciliation of {} {} is paused", kind, name);
return createOrUpdate.future();
} else if (cr.getSpec() == null) {
InvalidResourceException exception = new InvalidResourceException("Spec cannot be null");
S status = createStatus();
Condition errorCondition = new ConditionBuilder().withLastTransitionTime(StatusUtils.iso8601Now()).withType("NotReady").withStatus("True").withReason(exception.getClass().getSimpleName()).withMessage(exception.getMessage()).build();
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "{} spec cannot be null", cr.getMetadata().getName());
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(notUsed -> {;
return createOrUpdate.future();
Set<Condition> unknownAndDeprecatedConditions = validate(reconciliation, cr);
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} will be checked for creation or modification", kind, name);
createOrUpdate(reconciliation, cr).onComplete(res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
S status = res.result();
addWarningsToStatus(status, unknownAndDeprecatedConditions);
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(statusResult -> {
if (statusResult.succeeded()) {
} else {;
} else {
if (res.cause() instanceof ReconciliationException) {
ReconciliationException e = (ReconciliationException) res.cause();
Status status = e.getStatus();
addWarningsToStatus(status, unknownAndDeprecatedConditions);
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "createOrUpdate failed", e.getCause());
updateStatus(reconciliation, (S) status).onComplete(statusResult -> {;
} else {
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "createOrUpdate failed", res.cause());;
return createOrUpdate.future();
} else {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} should be deleted", kind, name);
return delete(reconciliation).map(deleteResult -> {
if (deleteResult) {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} deleted", kind, name);
} else {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "Assembly {} or some parts of it will be deleted by garbage collection", name);
return (Void) null;
}).recover(deleteResult -> {
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "Deletion of {} {} failed", kind, name, deleteResult);
return Future.failedFuture(deleteResult);
Promise<Void> result = Promise.promise();
handler.onComplete(reconcileResult -> {
try {
handleResult(reconciliation, reconcileResult, reconciliationTimerSample);
} finally {
return result.future();
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ConditionBuilder in project cos-fleetshard by bf2fc6cc711aee1a0c2a.
the class KameletBindingSteps method klb_phase_and_conditions.
@When("the klb phase is {string} with conditions:")
public void klb_phase_and_conditions(String phase, DataTable table) {
// TODO: investigate using KubernetesClient.resources(KameletBinding.class) result in a bad patch
kubernetesClient.genericKubernetesResources(KameletBinding.RESOURCE_DEFINITION).inNamespace(ctx.connector().getMetadata().getNamespace()).withName(ctx.connector().getMetadata().getName()).editStatus(binding -> {
Map<String, Object> status = (Map<String, Object>) binding.getAdditionalProperties().get("status");
if (status == null) {
status = new HashMap<>();
List<Map<String, String>> rows = table.asMaps(String.class, String.class);
List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<>(rows.size());
for (Map<String, String> columns : rows) {
conditions.add(new ConditionBuilder().withMessage(columns.get("message")).withReason(columns.get("reason")).withStatus(columns.get("status")).withType(columns.get("type")).withLastTransitionTime(columns.get("lastTransitionTime")).build());
status.put("phase", phase);
status.put("conditions", conditions);
binding.getAdditionalProperties().put("status", status);
return binding;
// kubernetesClient.resources(KameletBinding.class)
// .inNamespace(ctx.connector().getMetadata().getNamespace())
// .withName(ctx.connector().getMetadata().getName())
// .editStatus(binding -> {
// if (binding.getStatus() == null) {
// binding.setStatus(new KameletBindingStatus());
// }
// List<Map<String, String>> rows = table.asMaps(String.class, String.class);
// List<Condition> conditions = new ArrayList<>(rows.size());
// for (Map<String, String> columns : rows) {
// conditions.add(new ConditionBuilder()
// .withMessage(columns.get("message"))
// .withReason(columns.get("reason"))
// .withStatus(columns.get("status"))
// .withType(columns.get("type"))
// .withLastTransitionTime(columns.get("lastTransitionTime"))
// .build());
// }
// binding.getStatus().setPhase(phase);
// binding.getStatus().setConditions(conditions);
// return binding;
// });
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ConditionBuilder in project strimzi-kafka-operator by strimzi.
the class AbstractOperator method reconcile.
* Reconcile assembly resources in the given namespace having the given {@code name}.
* Reconciliation works by getting the assembly resource (e.g. {@code KafkaUser})
* in the given namespace with the given name and
* comparing with the corresponding resource.
* @param reconciliation The reconciliation.
* @return A Future which is completed with the result of the reconciliation.
public final Future<Void> reconcile(Reconciliation reconciliation) {
String namespace = reconciliation.namespace();
String name =;
Timer.Sample reconciliationTimerSample = Timer.start(metrics.meterRegistry());
Future<Void> handler = withLock(reconciliation, LOCK_TIMEOUT_MS, () -> {
T cr = resourceOperator.get(namespace, name);
if (cr != null) {
if (!Util.matchesSelector(selector(), cr)) {
// When the labels matching the selector are removed from the custom resource, a DELETE event is
// triggered by the watch even through the custom resource might not match the watch labels anymore
// and might not be really deleted. We have to filter these situations out and ignore the
// reconciliation because such resource might be already operated by another instance (where the
// same change triggered ADDED event).
LOGGER.debugCr(reconciliation, "{} {} in namespace {} does not match label selector {} and will be ignored", kind(), name, namespace, selector().get().getMatchLabels());
return Future.succeededFuture();
Promise<Void> createOrUpdate = Promise.promise();
if (Annotations.isReconciliationPausedWithAnnotation(cr)) {
S status = createStatus();
Set<Condition> conditions = validate(reconciliation, cr);
status.setConditions(new ArrayList<>(conditions));
status.setObservedGeneration(cr.getStatus() != null ? cr.getStatus().getObservedGeneration() : 0);
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(statusResult -> {
if (statusResult.succeeded()) {
} else {;
LOGGER.debugCr(reconciliation, "Reconciliation of {} {} is paused", kind, name);
return createOrUpdate.future();
} else if (cr.getSpec() == null) {
InvalidResourceException exception = new InvalidResourceException("Spec cannot be null");
S status = createStatus();
Condition errorCondition = new ConditionBuilder().withLastTransitionTime(StatusUtils.iso8601Now()).withType("NotReady").withStatus("True").withReason(exception.getClass().getSimpleName()).withMessage(exception.getMessage()).build();
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "{} spec cannot be null", cr.getMetadata().getName());
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(notUsed -> {;
return createOrUpdate.future();
Set<Condition> unknownAndDeprecatedConditions = validate(reconciliation, cr);
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} will be checked for creation or modification", kind, name);
createOrUpdate(reconciliation, cr).onComplete(res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
S status = res.result();
addWarningsToStatus(status, unknownAndDeprecatedConditions);
updateStatus(reconciliation, status).onComplete(statusResult -> {
if (statusResult.succeeded()) {
} else {;
} else {
if (res.cause() instanceof ReconciliationException) {
ReconciliationException e = (ReconciliationException) res.cause();
Status status = e.getStatus();
addWarningsToStatus(status, unknownAndDeprecatedConditions);
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "createOrUpdate failed", e.getCause());
updateStatus(reconciliation, (S) status).onComplete(statusResult -> {;
} else {
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "createOrUpdate failed", res.cause());;
return createOrUpdate.future();
} else {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} should be deleted", kind, name);
return delete(reconciliation).map(deleteResult -> {
if (deleteResult) {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "{} {} deleted", kind, name);
} else {
LOGGER.infoCr(reconciliation, "Assembly {} or some parts of it will be deleted by garbage collection", name);
return (Void) null;
}).recover(deleteResult -> {
LOGGER.errorCr(reconciliation, "Deletion of {} {} failed", kind, name, deleteResult);
return Future.failedFuture(deleteResult);
Promise<Void> result = Promise.promise();
handler.onComplete(reconcileResult -> {
try {
handleResult(reconciliation, reconcileResult, reconciliationTimerSample);
} finally {
return result.future();