use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DaemonSet in project jointware by isdream.
the class KubernetesKeyValueStyleGeneratorTest method testKubernetesWithAllKind.
protected static void testKubernetesWithAllKind() throws Exception {
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ServiceAccount());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ThirdPartyResource());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ResourceQuota());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Node());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ConfigMap());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new NetworkPolicy());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new CustomResourceDefinition());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Ingress());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Service());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Namespace());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Secret());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new LimitRange());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Event());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new PersistentVolume());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new StatefulSet());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new PersistentVolumeClaim());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new DaemonSet());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new HorizontalPodAutoscaler());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Pod());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ReplicaSet());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Job());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new ReplicationController());
info(KUBERNETES_KIND, KubernetesDocumentKeyValueStyleGenerator.class.getName(), new Deployment());
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DaemonSet in project fabric8 by jboss-fuse.
the class Controller method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
public void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Namespace) {
applyNamespace((Namespace) dto);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.APPS)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof PolicyBinding) {
applyPolicyBinding((PolicyBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.AUTHORIZATION)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.roles());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String resourceNamespace = getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(namespace) && Strings.isNullOrBlank(resourceNamespace)) {
}"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DaemonSet in project fabric8-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class DefaultControllerEnricher method addMissingResources.
public void addMissingResources(KubernetesListBuilder builder) {
final String name = getConfig(, MavenUtil.createDefaultResourceName(getProject()));
final ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig.Builder().controllerName(name).imagePullPolicy(getConfig(Config.pullPolicy)).withReplicas(Configs.asInt(getConfig(Config.replicaCount))).build();
final List<ImageConfiguration> images = getImages();
// Check if at least a replica set is added. If not add a default one
if (!KubernetesResourceUtil.checkForKind(builder, POD_CONTROLLER_KINDS)) {
// At least one image must be present, otherwise the resulting config will be invalid
if (!Lists.isNullOrEmpty(images)) {
String type = getConfig(Config.type);
if ("deployment".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default Deployment");
builder.addToDeploymentItems(deployHandler.getDeployment(config, images));
} else if ("statefulSet".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default StatefulSet");
builder.addToStatefulSetItems(statefulSetHandler.getStatefulSet(config, images));
} else if ("daemonSet".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default DaemonSet");
builder.addToDaemonSetItems(daemonSetHandler.getDaemonSet(config, images));
} else if ("replicaSet".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default ReplicaSet");
builder.addToReplicaSetItems(rsHandler.getReplicaSet(config, images));
} else if ("replicationController".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default ReplicationController");
builder.addToReplicationControllerItems(rcHandler.getReplicationController(config, images));
} else if ("job".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {"Adding a default Job");
builder.addToJobItems(jobHandler.getJob(config, images));
} else if (KubernetesResourceUtil.checkForKind(builder, "StatefulSet")) {
final StatefulSetSpec spec = statefulSetHandler.getStatefulSet(config, images).getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
builder.accept(new TypedVisitor<StatefulSetBuilder>() {
public void visit(StatefulSetBuilder statefulSetBuilder) {
mergeStatefulSetSpec(statefulSetBuilder, spec);
if (spec.getTemplate() != null && spec.getTemplate().getSpec() != null) {
final PodSpec podSpec = spec.getTemplate().getSpec();
builder.accept(new TypedVisitor<PodSpecBuilder>() {
public void visit(PodSpecBuilder builder) {
KubernetesResourceUtil.mergePodSpec(builder, podSpec, name);
} else {
final DeploymentSpec spec = deployHandler.getDeployment(config, images).getSpec();
if (spec != null) {
builder.accept(new TypedVisitor<DeploymentBuilder>() {
public void visit(DeploymentBuilder deploymentBuilder) {
mergeDeploymentSpec(deploymentBuilder, spec);
if (spec.getTemplate() != null && spec.getTemplate().getSpec() != null) {
final PodSpec podSpec = spec.getTemplate().getSpec();
builder.accept(new TypedVisitor<PodSpecBuilder>() {
public void visit(PodSpecBuilder builder) {
KubernetesResourceUtil.mergePodSpec(builder, podSpec, name);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DaemonSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
public void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Namespace) {
applyNamespace((Namespace) dto);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.APPS)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof PolicyBinding) {
applyPolicyBinding((PolicyBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.AUTHORIZATION)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.roles());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String resourceNamespace = getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(namespace) && Strings.isNullOrBlank(resourceNamespace)) {
}"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.DaemonSet in project fabric8-maven-plugin by fabric8io.
the class ApplyService method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
private void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClient();
if (openShiftClient != null) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
log.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClient();
if (openShiftClient != null) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.rbac().roles());
} else {
log.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof CustomResourceDefinition) {
applyCustomResourceDefinition((CustomResourceDefinition) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Job) {
applyJob((Job) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);