use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.ReplicaSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class KubernetesAssert method deployments.
* Finds all the resources that create pod selections (Deployment, DeploymentConfig, ReplicaSet, ReplicationController)
* and create a {@link HasPodSelectionAssert} to make assertions on their pods that they startup etc.
* @return the assertion object for the deployment
public HasPodSelectionAssert deployments() {
List<HasPodSelectionAssert> asserters = new ArrayList<>();
List<HasMetadata> resources = new ArrayList<>();
try {
resources = KubernetesHelper.findKubernetesResourcesOnClasspath(new Controller(client));
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("Failed to load kubernetes resources on the classpath: " + e, e);
for (HasMetadata resource : resources) {
HasPodSelectionAssert asserter = createPodSelectionAssert(resource);
if (asserter != null) {
String message = "No pod selection kinds found on the classpath such as Deployment, DeploymentConfig, ReplicaSet, ReplicationController";
// TODO we don't yet support size > 1
if (asserters.size() == 1) {
return asserters.get(0);
return new MultiHasPodSelectionAssert(asserters);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.ReplicaSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class Controller method applyEntity.
* Applies the given DTOs onto the Kubernetes master
public void applyEntity(Object dto, String sourceName) throws Exception {
if (dto instanceof Pod) {
applyPod((Pod) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicationController) {
applyReplicationController((ReplicationController) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Service) {
applyService((Service) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Namespace) {
applyNamespace((Namespace) dto);
} else if (dto instanceof Route) {
applyRoute((Route) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof BuildConfig) {
applyBuildConfig((BuildConfig) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
DeploymentConfig resource = (DeploymentConfig) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.APPS)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.deploymentConfigs());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof PolicyBinding) {
applyPolicyBinding((PolicyBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof RoleBinding) {
applyRoleBinding((RoleBinding) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Role) {
Role resource = (Role) dto;
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = getOpenShiftClientOrNull();
if (openShiftClient != null && openShiftClient.supportsOpenShiftAPIGroup(OpenShiftAPIGroups.AUTHORIZATION)) {
applyResource(resource, sourceName, openShiftClient.roles());
} else {
LOG.warn("Not connected to OpenShift cluster so cannot apply entity " + dto);
} else if (dto instanceof ImageStream) {
applyImageStream((ImageStream) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof OAuthClient) {
applyOAuthClient((OAuthClient) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Template) {
applyTemplate((Template) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ServiceAccount) {
applyServiceAccount((ServiceAccount) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof Secret) {
applySecret((Secret) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof ConfigMap) {
applyResource((ConfigMap) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.configMaps());
} else if (dto instanceof DaemonSet) {
applyResource((DaemonSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().daemonSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Deployment) {
applyResource((Deployment) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().deployments());
} else if (dto instanceof ReplicaSet) {
applyResource((ReplicaSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().replicaSets());
} else if (dto instanceof StatefulSet) {
applyResource((StatefulSet) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.apps().statefulSets());
} else if (dto instanceof Ingress) {
applyResource((Ingress) dto, sourceName, kubernetesClient.extensions().ingresses());
} else if (dto instanceof PersistentVolumeClaim) {
applyPersistentVolumeClaim((PersistentVolumeClaim) dto, sourceName);
} else if (dto instanceof HasMetadata) {
HasMetadata entity = (HasMetadata) dto;
try {
String namespace = getNamespace();
String resourceNamespace = getNamespace(entity);
if (Strings.isNotBlank(namespace) && Strings.isNullOrBlank(resourceNamespace)) {
}"Applying " + getKind(entity) + " " + getName(entity) + " from " + sourceName);
} catch (Exception e) {
onApplyError("Failed to create " + getKind(entity) + " from " + sourceName + ". " + e, e);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown entity type " + dto);
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.ReplicaSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class SessionListener method applyConfiguration.
private boolean applyConfiguration(KubernetesClient client, Controller controller, Configuration configuration, Session session, List<KubernetesList> kubeConfigs) throws Exception {
Logger log = session.getLogger();
Map<Integer, Callable<Boolean>> conditions = new TreeMap<>();
Callable<Boolean> sessionPodsReady = new SessionPodsAreReady(client, session);
Callable<Boolean> servicesReady = new SessionServicesAreReady(client, session, configuration);
Set<HasMetadata> entities = new TreeSet<>(new HasMetadataComparator());
for (KubernetesList c : kubeConfigs) {
entities.addAll(enhance(session, configuration, c).getItems());
if (containsImageStreamResources(entities)) {
// no need to use a local image registry
// as we are using OpenShift and
} else {
String registry = getLocalDockerRegistry();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(registry)) {
log.status("Adapting resources to pull images from registry: " + registry);
addRegistryToImageNameIfNotPresent(entities, registry);
} else {
log.status("No local fabric8 docker registry found");
List<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
// Ensure services are processed first.
Collections.sort(items, new Comparator<Object>() {
public int compare(Object left, Object right) {
if (left instanceof Service) {
return -1;
} else if (right instanceof Service) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
boolean isOpenshift = client.isAdaptable(OpenShiftClient.class);
String namespace = session.getNamespace();
String routeDomain = null;
if (Strings.isNotBlank(configuration.getKubernetesDomain())) {
routeDomain = configuration.getKubernetesDomain();
preprocessEnvironment(client, controller, configuration, session);
Set<HasMetadata> extraEntities = new TreeSet<>(new HasMetadataComparator());
for (Object entity : items) {
if (entity instanceof Pod) {
Pod pod = (Pod) entity;
log.status("Applying pod:" + getName(pod));
Set<Secret> secrets = generateSecrets(client, session, pod.getMetadata());
String serviceAccountName = pod.getSpec().getServiceAccountName();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(serviceAccountName)) {
generateServiceAccount(client, session, secrets, serviceAccountName);
controller.applyPod(pod, session.getId());
conditions.put(1, sessionPodsReady);
} else if (entity instanceof Service) {
Service service = (Service) entity;
String serviceName = getName(service);
log.status("Applying service:" + serviceName);
controller.applyService(service, session.getId());
conditions.put(2, servicesReady);
if (isOpenshift) {
Route route = Routes.createRouteForService(routeDomain, namespace, service, log);
if (route != null) {
log.status("Applying route for:" + serviceName);
controller.applyRoute(route, "route for " + serviceName);
} else if (entity instanceof ReplicationController) {
ReplicationController replicationController = (ReplicationController) entity;
log.status("Applying replication controller:" + getName(replicationController));
Set<Secret> secrets = generateSecrets(client, session, replicationController.getSpec().getTemplate().getMetadata());
String serviceAccountName = replicationController.getSpec().getTemplate().getSpec().getServiceAccountName();
if (Strings.isNotBlank(serviceAccountName)) {
generateServiceAccount(client, session, secrets, serviceAccountName);
controller.applyReplicationController(replicationController, session.getId());
conditions.put(1, sessionPodsReady);
} else if (entity instanceof ReplicaSet || entity instanceof Deployment || entity instanceof DeploymentConfig) {
log.status("Applying " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".");
controller.apply(entity, session.getId());
conditions.put(1, sessionPodsReady);
} else if (entity instanceof OAuthClient) {
OAuthClient oc = (OAuthClient) entity;
// these are global so lets create a custom one for the new namespace
ObjectMeta metadata = KubernetesHelper.getOrCreateMetadata(oc);
String name = metadata.getName();
if (isOpenshift) {
OpenShiftClient openShiftClient = client.adapt(OpenShiftClient.class);
OAuthClient current = openShiftClient.oAuthClients().withName(name).get();
boolean create = false;
if (current == null) {
current = oc;
create = true;
boolean updated = false;
// lets add a new redirect entry
List<String> redirectURIs = current.getRedirectURIs();
String namespaceSuffix = "-" + namespace;
String redirectUri = "http://" + name + namespaceSuffix;
if (Strings.isNotBlank(routeDomain)) {
redirectUri += "." + Strings.stripPrefix(routeDomain, ".");
if (!redirectURIs.contains(redirectUri)) {
updated = true;
log.status("Applying OAuthClient:" + name);
if (create) {
} else {
if (updated) {
// TODO this should work!
// openShiftClient.oAuthClients().withName(name).replace(current);
} else if (entity instanceof HasMetadata) {
log.status("Applying " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + KubernetesHelper.getName((HasMetadata) entity));
controller.apply(entity, session.getId());
} else if (entity != null) {
log.status("Applying " + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ".");
controller.apply(entity, session.getId());
// Wait until conditions are meet.
if (!conditions.isEmpty()) {
Callable<Boolean> compositeCondition = new CompositeCondition(conditions.values());
WaitStrategy waitStrategy = new WaitStrategy(compositeCondition, configuration.getWaitTimeout(), configuration.getWaitPollInterval());
if (!waitStrategy.await()) {
log.error("Timed out waiting for pods/services!");
return false;
} else {
log.status("All pods/services are currently 'running'!");
} else {
log.warn("No pods/services/replication controllers defined in the configuration!");
return true;
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.ReplicaSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class ReplicaSetPodsAssert method pods.
public PodSelectionAssert pods() {
ReplicaSetSpec spec = this.actual.getSpec();
Integer replicas = spec.getReplicas();
LabelSelector selector = spec.getSelector();
Map<String, String> matchLabels = selector.getMatchLabels();
List<LabelSelectorRequirement> matchExpressions = selector.getMatchExpressions();
return new PodSelectionAssert(client, replicas, matchLabels, matchExpressions, "ReplicaSet " + KubernetesHelper.getName(actual));
use of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apps.ReplicaSet in project fabric8 by fabric8io.
the class KubernetesAssert method replicas.
* Asserts that there is a ReplicaSet or ReplicationController of the given name
* @return the assertion object for the replicas
public HasPodSelectionAssert replicas(String replicaName) {
String namespace = namespace();
String qualifiedName = namespace + "." + replicaName;
ReplicaSet replicasSet = client.extensions().replicaSets().withName(replicaName).get();
if (replicasSet != null) {
assertThat(replicasSet).describedAs("ReplicaSet: " + qualifiedName).metadata().name().isEqualTo(replicaName);
return new ReplicaSetPodsAssert(client, replicasSet);
} else {
ReplicationController replicationController = client.replicationControllers().withName(replicaName).get();
assertThat(replicationController).describedAs("No ReplicaSet or ReplicationController called: " + qualifiedName).isNotNull();
assertThat(replicationController).describedAs("ReplicationController: " + qualifiedName).metadata().name().isEqualTo(replicaName);
return new ReplicationControllerPodsAssert(client, replicationController);