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Example 1 with FirstLevelSplitter

use of io.georocket.input.xml.FirstLevelSplitter in project georocket by georocket.

the class ImporterVerticle method importXML.

 * Imports an XML file from the given input stream into the store
 * @param f the XML file to read
 * @param correlationId a unique identifier for this import process
 * @param filename the name of the file currently being imported
 * @param timestamp denotes when the import process has started
 * @param layer the layer where the file should be stored (may be null)
 * @param tags the list of tags to attach to the file (may be null)
 * @param properties the map of properties to attach to the file (may be null)
 * @param fallbackCRSString the CRS which should be used if the imported
 * file does not specify one (may be <code>null</code>)
 * @return a single that will emit when the file has been imported
protected Single<Integer> importXML(ReadStream<Buffer> f, String correlationId, String filename, long timestamp, String layer, List<String> tags, Map<String, Object> properties, String fallbackCRSString) {
    UTF8BomFilter bomFilter = new UTF8BomFilter();
    Window window = new Window();
    XMLSplitter splitter = new FirstLevelSplitter(window);
    AtomicInteger processing = new AtomicInteger(0);
    XMLCRSIndexer crsIndexer = new XMLCRSIndexer();
    return f.toObservable().map(buf -> (io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer) buf.getDelegate()).map(bomFilter::filter).doOnNext(window::append).lift(new XMLParserOperator()).doOnNext(e -> {
        // save the first CRS found in the file
        if (crsIndexer.getCRS() == null) {
    }).flatMap(splitter::onEventObservable).flatMapSingle(result -> {
        String crsString = fallbackCRSString;
        if (crsIndexer.getCRS() != null) {
            crsString = crsIndexer.getCRS();
        IndexMeta indexMeta = new IndexMeta(correlationId, filename, timestamp, tags, properties, crsString);
        return addToStoreWithPause(result, layer, indexMeta, f, processing);
Also used : StringWindow(io.georocket.util.StringWindow) Window(io.georocket.util.Window) XMLParserOperator(io.georocket.util.XMLParserOperator) XMLCRSIndexer(io.georocket.index.xml.XMLCRSIndexer) FirstLevelSplitter(io.georocket.input.xml.FirstLevelSplitter) XMLSplitter(io.georocket.input.xml.XMLSplitter) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) UTF8BomFilter(io.georocket.util.UTF8BomFilter) IndexMeta(


XMLCRSIndexer (io.georocket.index.xml.XMLCRSIndexer)1 FirstLevelSplitter (io.georocket.input.xml.FirstLevelSplitter)1 XMLSplitter (io.georocket.input.xml.XMLSplitter)1 IndexMeta ( StringWindow (io.georocket.util.StringWindow)1 UTF8BomFilter (io.georocket.util.UTF8BomFilter)1 Window (io.georocket.util.Window)1 XMLParserOperator (io.georocket.util.XMLParserOperator)1 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)1