use of io.github.jhipster.sample.service.dto.LabelDTO in project jhipster-sample-app-dto by jhipster.
the class LabelResource method updateLabel.
* PUT /labels : Updates an existing label.
* @param labelDTO the labelDTO to update
* @return the ResponseEntity with status 200 (OK) and with body the updated labelDTO,
* or with status 400 (Bad Request) if the labelDTO is not valid,
* or with status 500 (Internal Server Error) if the labelDTO couldn't be updated
* @throws URISyntaxException if the Location URI syntax is incorrect
public ResponseEntity<LabelDTO> updateLabel(@Valid @RequestBody LabelDTO labelDTO) throws URISyntaxException {
log.debug("REST request to update Label : {}", labelDTO);
if (labelDTO.getId() == null) {
return createLabel(labelDTO);
Label label = labelMapper.toEntity(labelDTO);
label =;
LabelDTO result = labelMapper.toDto(label);
return ResponseEntity.ok().headers(HeaderUtil.createEntityUpdateAlert(ENTITY_NAME, labelDTO.getId().toString())).body(result);
use of io.github.jhipster.sample.service.dto.LabelDTO in project jhipster-sample-app-dto by jhipster.
the class LabelResourceIntTest method updateLabel.
public void updateLabel() throws Exception {
// Initialize the database
int databaseSizeBeforeUpdate = labelRepository.findAll().size();
// Update the label
Label updatedLabel = labelRepository.findById(label.getId()).get();
// Disconnect from session so that the updates on updatedLabel are not directly saved in db
LabelDTO labelDTO = labelMapper.toDto(updatedLabel);
// Validate the Label in the database
List<Label> labelList = labelRepository.findAll();
Label testLabel = labelList.get(labelList.size() - 1);
use of io.github.jhipster.sample.service.dto.LabelDTO in project jhipster-sample-app-dto by jhipster.
the class LabelResourceIntTest method checkLabelIsRequired.
public void checkLabelIsRequired() throws Exception {
int databaseSizeBeforeTest = labelRepository.findAll().size();
// set the field null
// Create the Label, which fails.
LabelDTO labelDTO = labelMapper.toDto(label);
List<Label> labelList = labelRepository.findAll();
use of io.github.jhipster.sample.service.dto.LabelDTO in project jhipster-sample-app-dto by jhipster.
the class LabelResourceIntTest method updateNonExistingLabel.
public void updateNonExistingLabel() throws Exception {
int databaseSizeBeforeUpdate = labelRepository.findAll().size();
// Create the Label
LabelDTO labelDTO = labelMapper.toDto(label);
// If the entity doesn't have an ID, it will be created instead of just being updated
// Validate the Label in the database
List<Label> labelList = labelRepository.findAll();
assertThat(labelList).hasSize(databaseSizeBeforeUpdate + 1);
use of io.github.jhipster.sample.service.dto.LabelDTO in project jhipster-sample-app-dto by jhipster.
the class LabelResourceIntTest method createLabelWithExistingId.
public void createLabelWithExistingId() throws Exception {
int databaseSizeBeforeCreate = labelRepository.findAll().size();
// Create the Label with an existing ID
LabelDTO labelDTO = labelMapper.toDto(label);
// An entity with an existing ID cannot be created, so this API call must fail
// Validate the Label in the database
List<Label> labelList = labelRepository.findAll();