Search in sources :

Example 1 with Note

use of io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note in project BibleMultiConverter by schierlm.

the class USX3 method doImportBook.

protected ParatextBook doImportBook(File inputFile) throws Exception {
    if (!inputFile.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".usx"))
        return null;
    ValidateXML.validateFileBeforeParsing(getSchema(), inputFile);
    JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(ObjectFactory.class.getPackage().getName());
    XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newFactory();
    XMLStreamReader xsr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(new FileInputStream(inputFile));
    Unmarshaller u = ctx.createUnmarshaller();
    unmarshallerLocationListener.setXMLStreamReader(inputFile.getName(), xsr);
    Usx doc = (Usx) u.unmarshal(xsr);
    ParatextBook.ParatextID id = ParatextBook.ParatextID.fromIdentifier(doc.getBook().getCode().toUpperCase());
    if (id == null) {
        System.out.println("WARNING: Skipping book with unknown ID: " + doc.getBook().getCode());
        return null;
    ParatextBook result = new ParatextBook(id, doc.getBook().getContent());
    ParatextCharacterContent charContent = null;
    for (Object o : doc.getParaOrTableOrChapter()) {
        if (o instanceof Para) {
            Para para = (Para) o;
            if (BOOK_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE_TAGS.contains(para.getStyle().value())) {
                String value = "";
                for (Object oo : para.getContent()) {
                    if (oo instanceof String) {
                        value += ((String) oo).replaceAll("[ \r\n\t]+", " ");
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported content in attribute: " + oo.getClass());
                result.getAttributes().put(para.getStyle().value(), value);
                charContent = null;
            } else if (para.getStyle() == ParaStyle.PB) {
                if (charContent == null) {
                    charContent = new ParatextCharacterContent();
                charContent.getContent().add(new ParatextCharacterContent.AutoClosingFormatting(ParatextCharacterContent.AutoClosingFormattingKind.PAGE_BREAK, false));
            } else if (PARA_STYLE_UNSUPPORTED.contains(para.getStyle())) {
                // skip
                charContent = null;
            } else {
                result.getContent().add(new ParatextBook.ParagraphStart(PARA_STYLE_MAP.get(para.getStyle())));
                charContent = null;
                if (!para.getContent().isEmpty()) {
                    charContent = new ParatextCharacterContent();
                    parseCharContent(para.getContent(), charContent);
        } else if (o instanceof Table) {
            Table table = (Table) o;
            for (Row row : table.getRow()) {
                result.getContent().add(new ParatextBook.ParagraphStart(ParatextBook.ParagraphKind.TABLE_ROW));
                for (Object oo : row.getVerseOrCell()) {
                    if (oo instanceof Verse) {
                        Verse verse = (Verse) oo;
                        ParatextCharacterContent.ParatextCharacterContentPart verseStartOrEnd = handleVerse(verse);
                        charContent = new ParatextCharacterContent();
                    } else if (oo instanceof Cell) {
                        Cell cell = (Cell) oo;
                        result.getContent().add(new ParatextBook.TableCellStart(cell.getStyle().value()));
                        charContent = new ParatextCharacterContent();
                        parseCharContent(cell.getContent(), charContent);
                    } else {
                        throw new IOException("Unsupported table row element: " + o.getClass().getName());
            charContent = null;
        } else if (o instanceof Chapter) {
            Chapter chapter = (Chapter) o;
            if (chapter.getSid() != null) {
                // Assume start chapter
                result.getContent().add(new ParatextBook.ChapterStart(new ChapterIdentifier(result.getId(), ((Chapter) o).getNumber().intValue())));
            } else if (chapter.getEid() != null) {
                // Assume end chapter
                ChapterIdentifier location = ChapterIdentifier.fromLocationString(chapter.getEid());
                if (location == null) {
                    throw new IOException("Invalid chapter eid found: " + chapter.getEid());
                result.getContent().add(new ParatextBook.ChapterEnd(location));
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Invalid chapter found, both sid and eid are undefined: " + chapter);
            charContent = null;
        } else if (o instanceof Note) {
            if (charContent == null) {
                charContent = new ParatextCharacterContent();
            Note note = (Note) o;
            ParatextCharacterContent.FootnoteXref nx = new ParatextCharacterContent.FootnoteXref(NOTE_STYLE_MAP.get(note.getStyle()), note.getCaller());
            parseCharContent(note.getContent(), nx);
        } else if (o instanceof Sidebar) {
            System.out.println("WARNING: Skipping sidebar (study bible content)");
            charContent = null;
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Unsupported book level element: " + o.getClass().getName());
    return result;
Also used : XMLStreamReader( JAXBContext(javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext) Unmarshaller(javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller) Cell(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Cell) Table(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Table) Para(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Para) Chapter(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Chapter) IOException( FileInputStream( Note(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Note) Usx(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Usx) Row(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Row) ChapterIdentifier(biblemulticonverter.format.paratext.model.ChapterIdentifier) XMLInputFactory( Verse(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Verse) Sidebar(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Sidebar)

Example 2 with Note

use of io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note in project BibleMultiConverter by schierlm.

the class USX3 method parseCharContent.

private void parseCharContent(List<Object> content, ParatextBook.ParatextCharacterContentContainer container) throws IOException {
    for (Object o : content) {
        if (o instanceof Optbreak) {
            // is ignored in USFM as well
            System.out.println("WARNING: Skipping optional break");
        } else if (o instanceof Ref) {
            Ref r = (Ref) o;
            try {
                container.getContent().add(ParatextCharacterContent.Reference.parse(r.getLoc(), r.getContent()));
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                String location = unmarshallerLocationListener.getHumanReadableLocation(o);
                System.out.println("WARNING: Unsupported structured reference format at " + location + " - replaced by plain text: " + r.getLoc());
                final ParatextCharacterContent.Text text = ParatextCharacterContent.Text.from(r.getContent());
                if (text != null) {
        } else if (o instanceof String) {
            final ParatextCharacterContent.Text text = ParatextCharacterContent.Text.from((String) o);
            if (text != null) {
        } else if (o instanceof Figure) {
            System.out.println("WARNING: Skipping figure");
        } else if (o instanceof Char) {
            Char chr = (Char) o;
            if (CHAR_STYLE_UNSUPPORTED.contains(chr.getStyle())) {
                parseCharContent(chr.getContent(), container);
            } else {
                ParatextCharacterContent.AutoClosingFormatting f = new ParatextCharacterContent.AutoClosingFormatting(CHAR_STYLE_MAP.get(chr.getStyle()), false);
                String lemma = chr.getLemma();
                if (f.getKind() == ParatextCharacterContent.AutoClosingFormattingKind.WORDLIST && lemma != null && !lemma.isEmpty()) {
                    f.getAttributes().put("lemma", lemma);
                parseCharContent(chr.getContent(), f);
        } else if (o instanceof Verse) {
            container.getContent().add(handleVerse((Verse) o));
        } else if (o instanceof Note) {
            Note note = (Note) o;
            ParatextCharacterContent.FootnoteXref nx = new ParatextCharacterContent.FootnoteXref(NOTE_STYLE_MAP.get(note.getStyle()), note.getCaller());
            parseCharContent(note.getContent(), nx);
        } else {
            throw new IOException("Unsupported character content element: " + o.getClass().getName());
Also used : IOException( Optbreak(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Optbreak) Figure(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Figure) Ref(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Ref) Char(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Char) Note(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Note) Verse(biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Verse)

Example 3 with Note

use of io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note in project BibleMultiConverter by schierlm.

the class ZefaniaXMLMyBible method doExport.

public void doExport(Bible bible, String... exportArgs) throws Exception {
    new StrippedDiffable().mergeIntroductionPrologs(bible);
    final ObjectFactory f = new ObjectFactory();
    XMLBIBLE doc = f.createXMLBIBLE();
    BigInteger revision = null;
    MetadataBook metadata = bible.getMetadataBook();
    if (metadata != null) {
        for (MetadataBookKey key : Arrays.asList(MetadataBookKey.revision, MetadataBookKey.version,, MetadataBookKey.title)) {
            String digits = metadata.getValue(key);
            if (digits == null)
            digits = digits.replaceAll("[^0-9]+", "");
            if (!digits.isEmpty()) {
                revision = new BigInteger(digits);
    if (revision == null) {
        String digits = bible.getName().replaceAll("[^0-9]+", "");
        if (!digits.isEmpty()) {
            revision = new BigInteger(digits);
    if (revision != null) {
    List<DIV> prologs = new ArrayList<DIV>();
    for (Book bk : bible.getBooks()) {
        if (bk.getId().equals(BookID.METADATA))
        int bsnumber = bk.getId().getZefID();
        final BIBLEBOOK book = f.createBIBLEBOOK();
        int cnumber = 0;
        for (Chapter cch : bk.getChapters()) {
            if (cch.getProlog() != null) {
                DIV xx = f.createDIV();
                NOTE xxx = f.createNOTE();
                NOTE prolog = xxx;
                DIV vers = f.createDIV();
                final List<List<Object>> targetStack = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
                cch.getProlog().accept(new Visitor<IOException>() {

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitHeadline(int depth) throws IOException {
                        if (depth > 6)
                            depth = 6;
                        STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                        s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                        targetStack.get(0).add("<h" + depth + ">");
                        targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                        targetStack.get(0).add("</h" + depth + ">");
                        targetStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                        return this;

                    public void visitVerseSeparator() throws IOException {
                        STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                        targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));

                    public void visitText(String text) throws IOException {

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitFormattingInstruction(FormattedText.FormattingInstructionKind kind) throws IOException {
                        String startTag, endTag;
                        if (kind.getHtmlTag() != null) {
                            startTag = "<" + kind.getHtmlTag() + ">";
                            endTag = "</" + kind.getHtmlTag() + ">";
                        } else {
                            startTag = "<span style=\"" + kind.getCss() + "\">";
                            endTag = "</span>";
                        STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                        s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                        targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                        targetStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                        return this;

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitFootnote() throws IOException {
                        System.out.println("WARNING: Footnotes in prolog are not supported");
                        return null;

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitCrossReference(String bookAbbr, BookID book, int firstChapter, String firstVerse, int lastChapter, String lastVerse) throws IOException {
                        System.out.println("WARNING: Cross references in prologs are not supported");
                        STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                        s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                        targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                        targetStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                        return this;

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitVariationText(String[] variations) throws IOException {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Variations not supported");

                    public void visitLineBreak(LineBreakKind kind) throws IOException {
                        BR br = f.createBR();
                        br.setArt(kind == LineBreakKind.PARAGRAPH ? EnumBreak.X_P : EnumBreak.X_NL);
                        targetStack.get(0).add(" ");
                        targetStack.get(0).add(kind == LineBreakKind.PARAGRAPH ? "<p>" : "<br>");

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitGrammarInformation(char[] strongsPrefixes, int[] strongs, String[] rmac, int[] sourceIndices) throws IOException {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Grammar tags in prologs not supported");

                    public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitDictionaryEntry(String dictionary, String entry) throws IOException {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Dictionary entries in prologs not supported");

                    public void visitRawHTML(RawHTMLMode mode, String raw) throws IOException {
                        if (mode != RawHTMLMode.ONLINE)

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitCSSFormatting(String css) throws IOException {
                        STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                        s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                        targetStack.get(0).add("<span style=\"" + css + "\">");
                        targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                        targetStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                        return this;

                    public int visitElementTypes(String elementTypes) throws IOException {
                        return 0;

                    public Visitor<IOException> visitExtraAttribute(ExtraAttributePriority prio, String category, String key, String value) throws IOException {
                        if (prio == ExtraAttributePriority.KEEP_CONTENT)
                            return visitCSSFormatting("-zef-extra-attribute-" + category + "-" + key + ": " + value);
                        else if (prio == ExtraAttributePriority.SKIP)
                            return null;
                        throw new RuntimeException("Extra attributes not supported");

                    public void visitStart() throws IOException {

                    public boolean visitEnd() throws IOException {
                        return false;
                if (targetStack.size() != 0)
                    throw new RuntimeException();
            if (cch.getVerses().size() == 0)
            CHAPTER chapter = f.createCHAPTER();
            for (VirtualVerse vv : cch.createVirtualVerses()) {
                for (Headline h : vv.getHeadlines()) {
                    CAPTION caption = f.createCAPTION();
                    EnumCaptionType[] types = new EnumCaptionType[] { null, EnumCaptionType.X_H_1, EnumCaptionType.X_H_2, EnumCaptionType.X_H_3, EnumCaptionType.X_H_4, EnumCaptionType.X_H_5, EnumCaptionType.X_H_6, EnumCaptionType.X_H_6, EnumCaptionType.X_H_6, EnumCaptionType.X_H_6 };
                    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    h.accept(new FormattedText.VisitorAdapter<RuntimeException>(null) {

                        protected void beforeVisit() throws RuntimeException {
                            throw new IllegalStateException();

                        public Visitor<RuntimeException> visitFormattingInstruction(FormattingInstructionKind kind) throws RuntimeException {
                            System.out.println("WARNING: Formatting instructions in captions are not supported (stripped)");
                            return this;

                        public Visitor<RuntimeException> visitFootnote() throws RuntimeException {
                            System.out.println("WARNING: Footnotes in captions are not supported (stripped)");
                            return null;

                        public Visitor<RuntimeException> visitCSSFormatting(String css) throws RuntimeException {
                            System.out.println("WARNING: CSS Formatting in captions are not supported (stripped)");
                            return this;

                        public Visitor<RuntimeException> visitExtraAttribute(ExtraAttributePriority prio, String category, String key, String value) throws RuntimeException {
                            return prio.handleVisitor(category, this);

                        public void visitText(String text) throws RuntimeException {
                VERS vers = f.createVERS();
                for (DIV prolog : prologs) {
                boolean first = true;
                for (Verse v : vv.getVerses()) {
                    if (!first || !v.getNumber().equals("" + vv.getNumber())) {
                        STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                        x.setCss("font-weight: bold");
                        x.getContent().add("(" + v.getNumber() + ")");
                        vers.getContent().add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));
                        vers.getContent().add(" ");
                    first = false;
                    final List<List<Object>> targetStack = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
                    v.accept(new FormattedText.Visitor<IOException>() {

                        public void visitVerseSeparator() throws IOException {
                            STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                            targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));

                        public void visitText(String text) throws IOException {

                        public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitFormattingInstruction( kind) throws IOException {
                            STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                            targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));
                            targetStack.add(0, x.getContent());
                            return this;

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitFootnote() throws IOException {
                            DIV x = f.createDIV();
                            NOTE n = f.createNOTE();
                            final List<List<Object>> footnoteStack = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
                            return new Visitor<IOException>() {

                                public void visitStart() throws IOException {

                                public void visitVerseSeparator() throws IOException {
                                    STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));

                                public void visitText(String text) throws IOException {

                                public void visitLineBreak(LineBreakKind kind) throws IOException {
                                    BR br = f.createBR();
                                    br.setArt(kind == LineBreakKind.PARAGRAPH ? EnumBreak.X_P : EnumBreak.X_NL);
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(" ");

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitFormattingInstruction(FormattedText.FormattingInstructionKind kind) throws IOException {
                                    String startTag, endTag;
                                    if (kind.getHtmlTag() != null) {
                                        startTag = "<" + kind.getHtmlTag() + ">";
                                        endTag = "</" + kind.getHtmlTag() + ">";
                                    } else {
                                        startTag = "<span style=\"" + kind.getCss() + "\">";
                                        endTag = "</span>";
                                    STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                                    s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                                    footnoteStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                                    return this;

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitFootnote() throws IOException {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Footnotes in footnotes are not supported");

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitGrammarInformation(char[] strongsPrefixes, int[] strongs, String[] rmac, int[] sourceIndices) throws IOException {
                                    GRAM gram = f.createGRAM();
                                    if (strongs != null) {
                                        StringBuilder entryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                        for (int i = 0; i < strongs.length; i++) {
                                            entryBuilder.append((i > 0 ? " " : "") + strongs[i]);
                                        String entry = entryBuilder.toString();
                                    if (rmac != null) {
                                        StringBuilder entryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                        for (int i = 0; i < rmac.length; i++) {
                                            if (i > 0)
                                                entryBuilder.append(' ');
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<GRAM>(new QName("gr"), GRAM.class, gram));
                                    footnoteStack.add(0, gram.getContent());
                                    return this;

                                public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitDictionaryEntry(String dictionary, String entry) throws IOException {
                                    GRAM gram = f.createGRAM();
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<GRAM>(new QName("gr"), GRAM.class, gram));
                                    footnoteStack.add(0, gram.getContent());
                                    return this;

                                public void visitRawHTML(RawHTMLMode mode, String raw) throws IOException {
                                    if (mode != RawHTMLMode.ONLINE)

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitVariationText(String[] variations) throws IOException {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Variations not supported");

                                public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitCrossReference(String bookAbbr, BookID book, int firstChapter, String firstVerse, int lastChapter, String lastVerse) throws IOException {
                                    STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                                    s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                                    int bookID = book.getZefID();
                                    String mscope, xmscope;
                                    try {
                                        int start = firstVerse.equals("^") ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(firstVerse.replaceAll("[a-zG]|[,/][0-9]*", ""));
                                        int end;
                                        if (firstChapter == lastChapter && !lastVerse.equals("$")) {
                                            end = Integer.parseInt(lastVerse.replaceAll("[a-z]|[,/][0-9]*", ""));
                                        } else {
                                            end = -1;
                                        mscope = bookID + "," + firstChapter + "," + start + "," + end;
                                        xmscope = bookID + ";" + firstChapter + ";" + start + "-" + end;
                                    } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                                        mscope = bookID + ",1,1,999";
                                        xmscope = bookID + ";1;1-999";
                                    if (footnoteStack.size() == 1) {
                                        List<Object> outerList = targetStack.get(0);
                                        XREF xref = new XREF();
                                        outerList.add(outerList.size() - 1, xref);
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add("<a href=\"mybible:content=location&amp;locations=" + mscope + "\">");
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                                    footnoteStack.add(0, s.getContent());
                                    return this;

                                public boolean visitEnd() throws IOException {
                                    return false;

                                public int visitElementTypes(String elementTypes) throws IOException {
                                    return 0;

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitHeadline(int depth) throws IOException {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Headlines in footnotes not supported");

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitCSSFormatting(String css) throws IOException {
                                    STYLE s = f.createSTYLE();
                                    s.setCss("-zef-dummy: true");
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add("<span style=\"" + css + "\">");
                                    footnoteStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, s));
                                    return this;

                                public Visitor<IOException> visitExtraAttribute(ExtraAttributePriority prio, String category, String key, String value) throws IOException {
                                    System.out.println("WARNING: Extra attributes not supported");
                                    Visitor<IOException> result = prio.handleVisitor(category, this);
                                    if (result != null)
                                        footnoteStack.add(0, footnoteStack.get(0));
                                    return result;

                        public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitCrossReference(String bookAbbr, BookID book, int firstChapter, String firstVerse, int lastChapter, String lastVerse) throws IOException {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Xref outside of footnotes not supported!");

                        public void visitLineBreak(LineBreakKind kind) throws IOException {
                            BR br = f.createBR();
                            br.setArt(kind == LineBreakKind.PARAGRAPH ? EnumBreak.X_P : EnumBreak.X_NL);
                            targetStack.get(0).add(" ");

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitGrammarInformation(char[] strongsPrefixes, int[] strongs, String[] rmac, int[] sourceIndices) throws IOException {
                            GRAM gram = f.createGRAM();
                            if (strongs != null) {
                                StringBuilder entryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                for (int i = 0; i < strongs.length; i++) {
                                    entryBuilder.append((i > 0 ? " " : "") + strongs[i]);
                                String entry = entryBuilder.toString();
                            if (rmac != null) {
                                StringBuilder entryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                for (int i = 0; i < rmac.length; i++) {
                                    if (i > 0)
                                        entryBuilder.append(' ');
                            targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<GRAM>(new QName("gr"), GRAM.class, gram));
                            targetStack.add(0, gram.getContent());
                            return this;

                        public FormattedText.Visitor<IOException> visitDictionaryEntry(String dictionary, String entry) throws IOException {
                            GRAM gram = f.createGRAM();
                            targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<GRAM>(new QName("gr"), GRAM.class, gram));
                            targetStack.add(0, gram.getContent());
                            return this;

                        public void visitRawHTML(RawHTMLMode mode, String raw) throws IOException {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Raw HTML is not supported");

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitVariationText(String[] variations) throws IOException {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Variations not supported");

                        public boolean visitEnd() throws IOException {
                            return false;

                        public int visitElementTypes(String elementTypes) throws IOException {
                            return 0;

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitHeadline(int depth) throws IOException {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Headline in virtual verse is impossible");

                        public void visitStart() throws IOException {

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitCSSFormatting(String css) throws IOException {
                            STYLE x = f.createSTYLE();
                            targetStack.get(0).add(new JAXBElement<STYLE>(new QName("STYLE"), STYLE.class, x));
                            targetStack.add(0, x.getContent());
                            return this;

                        public Visitor<IOException> visitExtraAttribute(ExtraAttributePriority prio, String category, String key, String value) throws IOException {
                            System.out.println("WARNING: Extra attributes not supported");
                            Visitor<IOException> result = prio.handleVisitor(category, this);
                            if (result != null)
                                targetStack.add(0, targetStack.get(0));
                            return result;
                    if (targetStack.size() != 0)
                        throw new RuntimeException();
        if (book.getCHAPTER().size() == 0) {
    final Document docc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
    JAXBContext.newInstance(ObjectFactory.class.getPackage().getName()).createMarshaller().marshal(doc, docc);
    docc.getDocumentElement().setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
    docc.getDocumentElement().setAttribute("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "zef2005.xsd");
    try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(exportArgs[0])) {
        Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
        transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", "2");
        transformer.transform(new DOMSource(docc), new StreamResult(fos));
Also used : DOMSource(javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource) VirtualVerse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) RawHTMLMode( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) ObjectFactory(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.ObjectFactory) BookID( Book( MetadataBook( Headline( VERS(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.VERS) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MetadataBook( StreamResult( STYLE(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.STYLE) JAXBElement(javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement) FormattedText( BIBLEBOOK(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.BIBLEBOOK) LineBreakKind( XREF(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.XREF) FileOutputStream( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) FormattingInstructionKind( ExtraAttributePriority( Transformer(javax.xml.transform.Transformer) Visitor( BR(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.BR) NOTE(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.NOTE) MetadataBookKey( FormattingInstructionKind( XMLBIBLE(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.XMLBIBLE) QName(javax.xml.namespace.QName) Chapter( FormattingInstructionKind( IOException( DIV(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.DIV) EnumCaptionType(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.EnumCaptionType) CHAPTER(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.CHAPTER) GRAM(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.GRAM) CAPTION(biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.CAPTION) VirtualVerse( Verse(

Example 4 with Note

use of io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class Samples method createNote.

// [START create_note]
 * Creates and returns a new note
 * @param noteId A user-specified identifier for the note.
 * @param projectId the GCP project the note will be created under
 * @return a Note object representing the new note
 * @throws Exception on errors while closing the client
public static Note createNote(String noteId, String projectId) throws Exception {
    Note.Builder noteBuilder = Note.newBuilder();
    Note newNote =;
    try (ContainerAnalysisClient client = ContainerAnalysisClient.create()) {
        final String projectName = client.formatProjectName(projectId);
        return client.createNote(projectName, noteId, newNote);
Also used : Note( ContainerAnalysisClient(

Example 5 with Note

use of io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note in project java-docs-samples by GoogleCloudPlatform.

the class SamplesTests method testUpdateNote.

public void testUpdateNote() throws Exception {
    String descriptionText = "updated";
    Note.Builder builder = Note.newBuilder(noteObj);
    Samples.updateNote(, noteId, PROJECT_ID);
    Note updated = Samples.getNote(noteId, PROJECT_ID);
    assertEquals(descriptionText, updated.getShortDescription());
Also used : Note( Test(org.junit.Test)


Test (org.junit.Test)16 Note (io.grafeas.v1beta1.Note)9 AbstractMessage ( ProjectName ( Note (io.grafeas.v1.Note)5 NoteName ( IOException ( BookID ( FormattingInstructionKind ( Visitor ( BR (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.BR)3 DIV (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.DIV)3 Note ( VulnerabilityNote (io.grafeas.v1.VulnerabilityNote)3 Note (biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Note)2 Verse (biblemulticonverter.schema.usx3.Verse)2 GRAM (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.GRAM)2 NOTE (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.NOTE)2 STYLE (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.STYLE)2 XREF (biblemulticonverter.schema.zef2005.XREF)2