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Example 1 with ExpiredJWTException

use of in project gravitee-access-management by gravitee-io.

the class DefaultJWTParser method parse.

public JWT parse(String payload) {
    try {
        // verify format
        SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(payload);
        // verify signature
        boolean verified = signedJWT.verify(verifier);
        if (!verified) {
            throw new JOSEException("The signature was not verified");
        Map<String, Object> claims = signedJWT.getPayload().toJSONObject().entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
        JWT jwt = new JWT(claims);
        // verify exp and nbf values
        // token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time
        Instant now =;
        evaluateExp(jwt.getExp(), now, this.allowedClockSkewMillis);
        // token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time
        evaluateNbf(jwt.getNbf(), now, this.allowedClockSkewMillis);
        return jwt;
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} is malformed", payload);
        throw new MalformedJWTException("Token is malformed", ex);
    } catch (ExpiredJWTException ex) {
        logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} is expired", payload);
        throw new ExpiredJWTException("Token is expired", ex);
    } catch (PrematureJWTException ex) {
        logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} must not be accepted (nbf)", payload);
        throw new PrematureJWTException("Token must not be accepted (nbf)", ex);
    } catch (JOSEException ex) {
        logger.debug("Verifying JWT token signature : {} has failed", payload);
        throw new SignatureException("Token's signature is invalid", ex);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        logger.error("An error occurs while parsing JWT token : {}", payload, ex);
        throw ex;
Also used : JWT( SignedJWT(com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT) Instant(java.time.Instant) PrematureJWTException( ExpiredJWTException( SignedJWT(com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT) SignatureException( JOSEException(com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException) MalformedJWTException( ExpiredJWTException( PrematureJWTException( InvalidKeyException( SignatureException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) MalformedJWTException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) JOSEException(com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 2 with ExpiredJWTException

use of in project gravitee-access-management by gravitee-io.

the class AuthenticationRequestParseRequestObjectHandler method validateRequestObjectClaims.

private Single<JWT> validateRequestObjectClaims(RoutingContext context, JWT jwt) {
    try {
        OpenIDProviderMetadata oidcMeta = context.get(PROVIDER_METADATA_CONTEXT_KEY);
        Client client = context.get(CLIENT_CONTEXT_KEY);
        final JWTClaimsSet claims = jwt.getJWTClaimsSet();
        // aud : The Audience claim MUST contain the value of the Issuer Identifier for the OP, which identifies the Authorization Server as an intended audience.
        final Object aud = claims.getClaim(Claims.aud);
        if (aud == null || (aud instanceof String && !oidcMeta.getIssuer().equals(aud)) || (aud instanceof Collection && (((Collection) aud).isEmpty() || !((Collection) aud).stream().anyMatch(oidcMeta.getIssuer()::equals)))) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("aud is missing or invalid"));
        // iss : The Issuer claim MUST be the client_id of the OAuth Client.
        final String iss = claims.getStringClaim(Claims.iss);
        if (iss == null || !client.getClientId().equals(iss)) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("iss is missing or invalid"));
        // exp : An expiration time that limits the validity lifetime of the signed authentication request.
        final Date exp = claims.getDateClaim(Claims.exp);
        if (exp == null) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("exp is missing"));
        DefaultJWTParser.evaluateExp(exp.getTime() / 1000,, 0);
        // iat : The time at which the signed authentication request was created.
        final Date iat = claims.getDateClaim(Claims.iat);
        if (iat == null) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("iat is missing"));
        // nbf : The time before which the signed authentication request is unacceptable.
        final Date nbf = claims.getDateClaim(Claims.nbf);
        if (nbf == null) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("nbf is missing"));
        DefaultJWTParser.evaluateNbf(nbf.getTime() / 1000,, 0);
        // jti : A unique identifier for the signed authentication request.
        if (claims.getStringClaim(Claims.jti) == null) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("jti is missing"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("Unable to read claims in the request parameter"));
    } catch (PrematureJWTException e) {
        return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("nbf is invalid"));
    } catch (ExpiredJWTException e) {
        return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("jwt has expired"));
    return Single.just(jwt);
Also used : JWTClaimsSet(com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet) PrematureJWTException( ExpiredJWTException( Collection(java.util.Collection) OpenIDProviderMetadata( InvalidRequestException( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Client( Date(java.util.Date)

Example 3 with ExpiredJWTException

use of in project gravitee-access-management by gravitee-io.

the class DefaultJWTParser method evaluateExp.

 * Throw {@link ExpiredJWTException} if exp is after now
 * @param exp
 * @param now
public static void evaluateExp(long exp, Instant now, long clockSkew) {
    if (exp > 0) {
        Instant expInstant = Instant.ofEpochSecond(exp);
        if (now.isAfter(expInstant)) {
            long differenceMillis = now.toEpochMilli() - expInstant.toEpochMilli();
            String msg = "JWT expired at " + expInstant + ". Current time: " + now + ", a difference of " + differenceMillis + " milliseconds.  Allowed clock skew: " + clockSkew + " milliseconds.";
            throw new ExpiredJWTException(msg);
Also used : Instant(java.time.Instant) ExpiredJWTException(

Example 4 with ExpiredJWTException

use of in project gravitee-access-management by gravitee-io.

the class CibaAuthenticationRequestResolver method validateLoginHintToken.

private Single<CibaAuthenticationRequest> validateLoginHintToken(CibaAuthenticationRequest authRequest, JWT jwt) {
    try {
        final Date expirationTime = jwt.getJWTClaimsSet().getExpirationTime();
        if (expirationTime != null) {
            evaluateExp(expirationTime.toInstant().getEpochSecond(),, 0);
        final JSONObject subIdObject = jwt.getJWTClaimsSet().getJSONObjectClaim("sub_id");
                sub_id is an object specifying the field identifying the user (through format entry)
                Supported format : email and username
                  "sub_id": {
                    "format": "email",
                    "email": ""
        final FilterCriteria criteria = new FilterCriteria();
        final String field = subIdObject.getAsString("format");
        if (!"email".equals(field) && !"username".equals(field)) {
            return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("Invalid hint, only email and username are supported"));
        return userService.findByDomainAndCriteria(domain.getId(), criteria).flatMap(users -> {
            if (users.size() != 1) {
                LOGGER.warn("login_hint_token match multiple users or no one");
                return Single.error(new InvalidRequestException("Invalid hint"));
            return Single.just(authRequest);
    } catch (ExpiredJWTException e) {
        return Single.error(new ExpiredLoginHintTokenException("login_token_hint expired"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // should never happen
        LOGGER.warn("login_hint_token can't be read", e);
        return Single.error(new ExpiredLoginHintTokenException("invalid login_token_hint"));
Also used : JSONObject(net.minidev.json.JSONObject) ExpiredLoginHintTokenException( ExpiredJWTException( InvalidRequestException( FilterCriteria( ParseException(java.text.ParseException) Date(java.util.Date)


ExpiredJWTException ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)3 PrematureJWTException ( InvalidRequestException ( Instant (java.time.Instant)2 Date (java.util.Date)2 JOSEException (com.nimbusds.jose.JOSEException)1 JWTClaimsSet (com.nimbusds.jwt.JWTClaimsSet)1 SignedJWT (com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT)1 MalformedJWTException ( SignatureException ( ExpiredLoginHintTokenException ( JWT ( OpenIDProviderMetadata ( Client ( FilterCriteria ( InvalidKeyException ( Collection (java.util.Collection)1 Map (java.util.Map)1 JSONObject (net.minidev.json.JSONObject)1