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Example 1 with ServerCallHandler

use of io.grpc.ServerCallHandler in project grpc-java by grpc.

the class CascadingTest method startCallTreeServer.

   * Create a tree of client to server calls where each received call on the server
   * fans out to two downstream calls. Uses SimpleRequest.response_size to limit the nodeCount
   * of the tree. One of the leaves will ABORT to trigger cancellation back up to tree.
private void startCallTreeServer(int depthThreshold) throws IOException {
    final AtomicInteger nodeCount = new AtomicInteger((2 << depthThreshold) - 1);
    server = InProcessServerBuilder.forName("channel").executor(otherWork).addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(service, new ServerInterceptor() {

        public <ReqT, RespT> ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> interceptCall(final ServerCall<ReqT, RespT> call, Metadata headers, ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT> next) {
            // Respond with the headers but nothing else.
            call.sendHeaders(new Metadata());
            return new ServerCall.Listener<ReqT>() {

                public void onMessage(final ReqT message) {
                    Messages.SimpleRequest req = (Messages.SimpleRequest) message;
                    if (nodeCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) {
                        // we are in the final leaf node so trigger an ABORT upwards
                        Context.currentContextExecutor(otherWork).execute(new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {
                                call.close(Status.ABORTED, new Metadata());
                    } else if (req.getResponseSize() != 0) {
                        // We are in a non leaf node so fire off two requests
                        req = req.toBuilder().setResponseSize(req.getResponseSize() - 1).build();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                            asyncStub.unaryCall(req, new StreamObserver<Messages.SimpleResponse>() {

                                public void onNext(Messages.SimpleResponse value) {

                                public void onError(Throwable t) {
                                    Status status = Status.fromThrowable(t);
                                    if (status.getCode() == Status.Code.CANCELLED) {
                                    // Propagate closure upwards.
                                    try {
                                        call.close(status, new Metadata());
                                    } catch (IllegalStateException t2) {
                                    // Ignore error if already closed.

                                public void onCompleted() {

                public void onCancel() {
Also used : StreamObserver(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) ServerCallStreamObserver(io.grpc.stub.ServerCallStreamObserver) Status(io.grpc.Status) ServerCallHandler(io.grpc.ServerCallHandler) SimpleRequest(io.grpc.testing.integration.Messages.SimpleRequest) Metadata(io.grpc.Metadata) SimpleRequest(io.grpc.testing.integration.Messages.SimpleRequest) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) ServerCall(io.grpc.ServerCall) ServerInterceptor(io.grpc.ServerInterceptor) SimpleResponse(io.grpc.testing.integration.Messages.SimpleResponse)

Example 2 with ServerCallHandler

use of io.grpc.ServerCallHandler in project grpc-java by grpc.

the class ServerCalls method asyncUnaryRequestCall.

   * Creates a {@code ServerCallHandler} for a unary request call method of the service.
   * @param method an adaptor to the actual method on the service implementation.
private static <ReqT, RespT> ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT> asyncUnaryRequestCall(final UnaryRequestMethod<ReqT, RespT> method) {
    return new ServerCallHandler<ReqT, RespT>() {

        public ServerCall.Listener<ReqT> startCall(final ServerCall<ReqT, RespT> call, Metadata headers) {
            final ServerCallStreamObserverImpl<ReqT, RespT> responseObserver = new ServerCallStreamObserverImpl<ReqT, RespT>(call);
            // We expect only 1 request, but we ask for 2 requests here so that if a misbehaving client
            // sends more than 1 requests, ServerCall will catch it. Note that disabling auto
            // inbound flow control has no effect on unary calls.
            return new EmptyServerCallListener<ReqT>() {

                ReqT request;

                public void onMessage(ReqT request) {
                    // We delay calling method.invoke() until onHalfClose() to make sure the client
                    // half-closes.
                    this.request = request;

                public void onHalfClose() {
                    if (request != null) {
                        method.invoke(request, responseObserver);
                        if (call.isReady()) {
                            // Since we are calling invoke in halfClose we have missed the onReady
                            // event from the transport so recover it here.
                    } else {
                        call.close(Status.INTERNAL.withDescription("Half-closed without a request"), new Metadata());

                public void onCancel() {
                    responseObserver.cancelled = true;
                    if (responseObserver.onCancelHandler != null) {

                public void onReady() {
                    if (responseObserver.onReadyHandler != null) {
Also used : ServerCallHandler(io.grpc.ServerCallHandler) ServerCall(io.grpc.ServerCall) Metadata(io.grpc.Metadata)

Example 3 with ServerCallHandler

use of io.grpc.ServerCallHandler in project grpc-java by grpc.

the class AbstractBenchmark method setup.

   * Initialize the environment for the executor.
public void setup(ExecutorType clientExecutor, ExecutorType serverExecutor, MessageSize requestSize, MessageSize responseSize, FlowWindowSize windowSize, ChannelType channelType, int maxConcurrentStreams, int channelCount) throws Exception {
    NettyServerBuilder serverBuilder;
    NettyChannelBuilder channelBuilder;
    if (channelType == ChannelType.LOCAL) {
        LocalAddress address = new LocalAddress("netty-e2e-benchmark");
        serverBuilder = NettyServerBuilder.forAddress(address);
        channelBuilder = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(address);
    } else {
        ServerSocket sock = new ServerSocket();
        // Pick a port using an ephemeral socket.
        sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(BENCHMARK_ADDR, 0));
        SocketAddress address = sock.getLocalSocketAddress();
        serverBuilder = NettyServerBuilder.forAddress(address);
        channelBuilder = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(address);
    if (serverExecutor == ExecutorType.DIRECT) {
    if (clientExecutor == ExecutorType.DIRECT) {
    // Always use a different worker group from the client.
    ThreadFactory serverThreadFactory = new DefaultThreadFactory("STF pool", true);
    serverBuilder.workerEventLoopGroup(new NioEventLoopGroup(0, serverThreadFactory));
    // Always set connection and stream window size to same value
    // Create buffers of the desired size for requests and responses.
    PooledByteBufAllocator alloc = PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT;
    // Use a heap buffer for now, since MessageFramer doesn't know how to directly convert this
    // into a WritableBuffer
    // TODO(carl-mastrangelo): convert this into a regular buffer() call.  See
    request = alloc.heapBuffer(requestSize.bytes());
    request.writerIndex(request.capacity() - 1);
    response = alloc.heapBuffer(responseSize.bytes());
    response.writerIndex(response.capacity() - 1);
    // Simple method that sends and receives NettyByteBuf
    unaryMethod = MethodDescriptor.<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>newBuilder().setType(MethodType.UNARY).setFullMethodName("benchmark/unary").setRequestMarshaller(new ByteBufOutputMarshaller()).setResponseMarshaller(new ByteBufOutputMarshaller()).build();
    pingPongMethod = unaryMethod.toBuilder().setType(MethodType.BIDI_STREAMING).setFullMethodName("benchmark/pingPong").build();
    flowControlledStreaming = pingPongMethod.toBuilder().setFullMethodName("benchmark/flowControlledStreaming").build();
    // Server implementation of unary & streaming methods
    serverBuilder.addService(ServerServiceDefinition.builder(new ServiceDescriptor("benchmark", unaryMethod, pingPongMethod, flowControlledStreaming)).addMethod(unaryMethod, new ServerCallHandler<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>() {

        public ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf> startCall(final ServerCall<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> call, Metadata headers) {
            call.sendHeaders(new Metadata());
            return new ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf>() {

                public void onMessage(ByteBuf message) {
                    // no-op

                public void onHalfClose() {
                    call.close(Status.OK, new Metadata());

                public void onCancel() {

                public void onComplete() {
    }).addMethod(pingPongMethod, new ServerCallHandler<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>() {

        public ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf> startCall(final ServerCall<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> call, Metadata headers) {
            call.sendHeaders(new Metadata());
            return new ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf>() {

                public void onMessage(ByteBuf message) {
                    // Request next message

                public void onHalfClose() {
                    call.close(Status.OK, new Metadata());

                public void onCancel() {

                public void onComplete() {
    }).addMethod(flowControlledStreaming, new ServerCallHandler<ByteBuf, ByteBuf>() {

        public ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf> startCall(final ServerCall<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> call, Metadata headers) {
            call.sendHeaders(new Metadata());
            return new ServerCall.Listener<ByteBuf>() {

                public void onMessage(ByteBuf message) {
                    while (call.isReady()) {
                    // Request next message

                public void onHalfClose() {
                    call.close(Status.OK, new Metadata());

                public void onCancel() {

                public void onComplete() {

                public void onReady() {
                    while (call.isReady()) {
    // Build and start the clients and servers
    server =;
    channels = new ManagedChannel[channelCount];
    ThreadFactory clientThreadFactory = new DefaultThreadFactory("CTF pool", true);
    for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) {
        // Use a dedicated event-loop for each channel
        channels[i] = channelBuilder.eventLoopGroup(new NioEventLoopGroup(1, clientThreadFactory)).build();
Also used : DefaultThreadFactory(io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory) ThreadFactory(java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory) NettyServerBuilder(io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder) LocalAddress( ServerCallHandler(io.grpc.ServerCallHandler) InetSocketAddress( Metadata(io.grpc.Metadata) ServerSocket( ByteBuf(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf) PooledByteBufAllocator(io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator) DefaultThreadFactory(io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory) ByteBufOutputMarshaller(io.grpc.benchmarks.ByteBufOutputMarshaller) ServiceDescriptor(io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor) ServerCall(io.grpc.ServerCall) NettyChannelBuilder(io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder) SocketAddress( InetSocketAddress( NioEventLoopGroup(


Metadata (io.grpc.Metadata)3 ServerCall (io.grpc.ServerCall)3 ServerCallHandler (io.grpc.ServerCallHandler)3 ServerInterceptor (io.grpc.ServerInterceptor)1 ServiceDescriptor (io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor)1 Status (io.grpc.Status)1 ByteBufOutputMarshaller (io.grpc.benchmarks.ByteBufOutputMarshaller)1 NettyChannelBuilder (io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder)1 NettyServerBuilder (io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder)1 ServerCallStreamObserver (io.grpc.stub.ServerCallStreamObserver)1 StreamObserver (io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver)1 SimpleRequest (io.grpc.testing.integration.Messages.SimpleRequest)1 SimpleResponse (io.grpc.testing.integration.Messages.SimpleResponse)1 ByteBuf (io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf)1 PooledByteBufAllocator (io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator)1 LocalAddress ( NioEventLoopGroup ( DefaultThreadFactory (io.netty.util.concurrent.DefaultThreadFactory)1 InetSocketAddress ( ServerSocket (