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Example 1 with ClientResponseObserver

use of io.grpc.stub.ClientResponseObserver in project pinpoint by naver.

the class HelloWorldStreamClient method greet.

 * Say hello to server.
public void greet(final int callCount) throws InterruptedException {
    final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
    ClientResponseObserver<io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest, io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloReply> clientResponseObserver = new ClientResponseObserver<io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest, io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloReply>() {

        ClientCallStreamObserver<io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest> requestStream;

        public void beforeStart(final ClientCallStreamObserver<io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest> requestStream) {
            this.requestStream = requestStream;
            // Set up manual flow control for the response stream. It feels backwards to configure the response
            // stream's flow control using the request stream's observer, but this is the way it is.
            // Set up a back-pressure-aware producer for the request stream. The onReadyHandler will be invoked
            // when the consuming side has enough buffer space to receive more messages.
            // Messages are serialized into a transport-specific transmit buffer. Depending on the size of this buffer,
            // MANY messages may be buffered, however, they haven't yet been sent to the server. The server must call
            // request() to pull a buffered message from the client.
            // Note: the onReadyHandler's invocation is serialized on the same thread pool as the incoming
            // StreamObserver'sonNext(), onError(), and onComplete() handlers. Blocking the onReadyHandler will prevent
            // additional messages from being processed by the incoming StreamObserver. The onReadyHandler must return
            // in a timely manor or else message processing throughput will suffer.
            requestStream.setOnReadyHandler(new Runnable() {

                // An iterator is used so we can pause and resume iteration of the request data.
                Iterator<String> iterator = names().iterator();

                public void run() {
                    int count = 0;
                    // Start generating values from where we left off on a non-gRPC thread.
                    while (requestStream.isReady()) {
                        if (iterator.hasNext() && callCount > count) {
                            // Send more messages if there are more messages to send.
                            String name =;
                  "--> " + name);
                            io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest request = io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName(name).build();
                        } else {
                            // Signal completion if there is nothing left to send.

        public void onNext(io.grpc.examples.manualflowcontrol.HelloReply value) {
  "<-- " + value.getMessage());
            // Signal the sender to send one message.

        public void onError(Throwable t) {

        public void onCompleted() {
  "All Done");
    // Note: clientResponseObserver is handling both request and response stream processing.
Also used : CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) ClientResponseObserver(io.grpc.stub.ClientResponseObserver) ClientCallStreamObserver(io.grpc.stub.ClientCallStreamObserver)

Example 2 with ClientResponseObserver

use of io.grpc.stub.ClientResponseObserver in project grpc-java by grpc.

the class ManualFlowControlClient method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    final CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
    // Create a channel and a stub
    ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 50051).usePlaintext().build();
    StreamingGreeterGrpc.StreamingGreeterStub stub = StreamingGreeterGrpc.newStub(channel);
    // When using manual flow-control and back-pressure on the client, the ClientResponseObserver handles both
    // request and response streams.
    ClientResponseObserver<HelloRequest, HelloReply> clientResponseObserver = new ClientResponseObserver<HelloRequest, HelloReply>() {

        ClientCallStreamObserver<HelloRequest> requestStream;

        public void beforeStart(final ClientCallStreamObserver<HelloRequest> requestStream) {
            this.requestStream = requestStream;
            // Set up manual flow control for the response stream. It feels backwards to configure the response
            // stream's flow control using the request stream's observer, but this is the way it is.
            // Set up a back-pressure-aware producer for the request stream. The onReadyHandler will be invoked
            // when the consuming side has enough buffer space to receive more messages.
            // Messages are serialized into a transport-specific transmit buffer. Depending on the size of this buffer,
            // MANY messages may be buffered, however, they haven't yet been sent to the server. The server must call
            // request() to pull a buffered message from the client.
            // Note: the onReadyHandler's invocation is serialized on the same thread pool as the incoming
            // StreamObserver's onNext(), onError(), and onComplete() handlers. Blocking the onReadyHandler will prevent
            // additional messages from being processed by the incoming StreamObserver. The onReadyHandler must return
            // in a timely manner or else message processing throughput will suffer.
            requestStream.setOnReadyHandler(new Runnable() {

                // An iterator is used so we can pause and resume iteration of the request data.
                Iterator<String> iterator = names().iterator();

                public void run() {
                    // Start generating values from where we left off on a non-gRPC thread.
                    while (requestStream.isReady()) {
                        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                            // Send more messages if there are more messages to send.
                            String name =;
                  "--> " + name);
                            HelloRequest request = HelloRequest.newBuilder().setName(name).build();
                        } else {
                            // Signal completion if there is nothing left to send.

        public void onNext(HelloReply value) {
  "<-- " + value.getMessage());
            // Signal the sender to send one message.

        public void onError(Throwable t) {

        public void onCompleted() {
  "All Done");
    // Note: clientResponseObserver is handling both request and response stream processing.
    channel.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Also used : CountDownLatch(java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch) ClientResponseObserver(io.grpc.stub.ClientResponseObserver) ManagedChannel(io.grpc.ManagedChannel) ClientCallStreamObserver(io.grpc.stub.ClientCallStreamObserver)


ClientCallStreamObserver (io.grpc.stub.ClientCallStreamObserver)2 ClientResponseObserver (io.grpc.stub.ClientResponseObserver)2 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)2 ManagedChannel (io.grpc.ManagedChannel)1