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Example 1 with DeclaredInput

use of in project helidon-build-tools by oracle.

the class InputResolver method onVisitInput.

 * Invoked for every named input visit.
 * @param input   input
 * @param scope   scope
 * @param context context
 * @return visit result if a value already exists, {@code null} otherwise
protected VisitResult onVisitInput(DeclaredInput input, Context.Scope scope, Context context) {
    Step currentStep = currentSteps.peek();
    if (currentStep == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(input.location() + " Input not nested inside a step");
    boolean global = input.isGlobal();
    if (global) {
        DeclaredInput parent = parents.peek();
        if (parent != null && !parent.isGlobal()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(input.location() + " Parent input is not global");
    Value value = context.getValue(;
    if (value == null) {
        if (!visitedSteps.contains(currentStep)) {
            onVisitStep(currentStep, context);
        return null;
    return input.visitValue(value);
Also used : DeclaredInput( Value( Step(

Example 2 with DeclaredInput

use of in project helidon-build-tools by oracle.

the class ArchetypeValidator method visitInput.

public VisitResult visitInput(Input input0, Context ctx) {
    // process scope
    Map<String, DeclaredInput> currentScope = requireNonNull(scopes.peek(), "current scope is null");
    scopes.push(new HashMap<>());
    if (input0 instanceof DeclaredInput) {
        DeclaredInput input = (DeclaredInput) input0;
        Context.Scope scope = ctx.newScope(, input.isGlobal());
        inputPath =;
        allRefs.computeIfAbsent(inputPath, k -> new ArrayList<>());
        if (input instanceof Input.Options) {
            options.push(new HashSet<>());
        if (currentScope.containsKey(inputPath)) {
            errors.add(String.format("%s %s: '%s'", input.location(), INPUT_ALREADY_DECLARED, inputPath));
        } else {
            currentScope.put(inputPath, input);
            List<Block> duplicates = requireNonNull(allRefs.get(inputPath), "duplicate refs is null");
            if (!duplicates.isEmpty()) {
                Block duplicate = duplicates.get(0);
                if (duplicate.kind() != input.kind()) {
                    errors.add(String.format("%s %s: '%s'", input.location(), INPUT_TYPE_MISMATCH, inputPath));
        boolean optional = input.isOptional();
        if (optional && input.defaultValue().unwrap() == null) {
            errors.add(String.format("%s %s: '%s'", input.location(), INPUT_OPTIONAL_NO_DEFAULT, inputPath));
        StepState stepState = steps.peek();
        if (stepState == null) {
            errors.add(String.format("%s %s: '%s'", input.location(), INPUT_NOT_IN_STEP, inputPath));
        } else {
            stepState.optional = stepState.optional && optional;
    } else if (input0 instanceof Input.Option) {
        Input.Option option = (Input.Option) input0;
        String value = option.value();
        if (!requireNonNull(options.peek(), "option values is null").add(value)) {
            errors.add(String.format("%s %s: '%s'", option.location(), OPTION_VALUE_ALREADY_DECLARED, value));
    return VisitResult.CONTINUE;
Also used : Context( DeclaredInput( DeclaredInput( Input( Block(

Example 3 with DeclaredInput

use of in project helidon-build-tools by oracle.

the class InputResolver method visitOption.

public VisitResult visitOption(Option option, Context context) {
    if (parents.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("parents is empty");
    DeclaredInput parent = parents.peek();
    Value inputValue = context.lookup("PARENT." +;
    if (inputValue != null) {
        return parent.visitOption(inputValue, option);
    return VisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
Also used : DeclaredInput( Value(

Example 4 with DeclaredInput

use of in project helidon-build-tools by oracle.

the class BatchInputResolver method visit.

private VisitResult visit(DeclaredInput input, Context context) {
    Context.Scope scope = context.newScope(, input.isGlobal());
    VisitResult result = onVisitInput(input, scope, context);
    if (result == null) {
        Value defaultValue = defaultValue(input, context);
        if (input.isOptional()) {
            if (defaultValue != null) {
                context.setValue(, defaultValue, ContextValue.ValueKind.DEFAULT);
                if (input instanceof Input.Boolean && !defaultValue.asBoolean()) {
                    result = VisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
                } else {
                    result = VisitResult.CONTINUE;
            } else {
                throw new UnresolvedInputException(;
        } else if (input instanceof Input.Enum) {
            List<Input.Option> options = ((Input.Enum) input).options(context::filterNode);
            int defaultIndex = optionIndex(defaultValue.asString(), options);
            // skip prompting if there is only one option with a default value
            if (options.size() == 1 && defaultIndex >= 0) {
                context.setValue(, defaultValue, ContextValue.ValueKind.DEFAULT);
                result = VisitResult.CONTINUE;
            } else {
                throw new UnresolvedInputException(;
    return result;
Also used : Input( DeclaredInput( Value( VisitResult( List(java.util.List)


DeclaredInput ( Value ( Input ( Context ( Block ( VisitResult ( Step ( List (java.util.List)1