use of io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication in project helidon by oracle.
the class MPOpenAPIBuilder method buildPerAppFilteredIndexViews.
* Builds a list of filtered index views, one for each JAX-RS application, sorted by the Application class name to help
* keep the list of endpoints in the OpenAPI document in a stable order.
* <p>
* First, we find all resource, provider, and feature classes present in the index. This is the same for all
* applications.
* </p>
* <p>
* Each filtered index view is tuned to one JAX-RS application.
* @return list of {@code FilteredIndexView}s, one per JAX-RS application
private List<FilteredIndexView> buildPerAppFilteredIndexViews() {
List<JaxRsApplication> jaxRsApplications = jaxRsApplicationsToRun().stream().filter(jaxRsApp -> jaxRsApp.applicationClass().isPresent()).sorted(Comparator.comparing(jaxRsApplication -> jaxRsApplication.applicationClass().get().getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
IndexView indexView = singleIndexViewSupplier.get();
FilteredIndexView viewFilteredByConfig = new FilteredIndexView(indexView, OpenApiConfigImpl.fromConfig(mpConfig));
Set<String> ancillaryClassNames = ancillaryClassNames(viewFilteredByConfig);
* Filter even for a single-application class in case it implements getClasses or getSingletons.
return -> filteredIndexView(viewFilteredByConfig, jaxRsApplications, jaxRsApp, ancillaryClassNames)).collect(Collectors.toList());
use of io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication in project helidon by oracle.
the class TracingCdiExtension method prepareTracer.
private void prepareTracer(@Observes @Priority(PLATFORM_BEFORE + 11) @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) Object event, BeanManager bm) {
JaxRsCdiExtension jaxrs = bm.getExtension(JaxRsCdiExtension.class);
ServerCdiExtension server = bm.getExtension(ServerCdiExtension.class);
Config config = ((Config) ConfigProvider.getConfig()).get("tracing");
// we need that `tracing.service` is a required configuration, yet we do not want to just fail
// if not present. Let's make a "guess" about the service name
List<JaxRsApplication> jaxRsApps = jaxrs.applicationsToRun();
String serviceName = jaxrs.serviceName();
Tracer tracer = TracerBuilder.create(serviceName).config(config).build();
// tracer is available in global
Contexts.context().ifPresent(ctx -> ctx.register(tracer));
if (tracer.getClass().getName().startsWith("io.opentracing.noop")) {
Logger.getLogger(TracingCdiExtension.class.getName()).warning("helidon-microprofile-tracing is on the classpath, yet there is no tracer implementation " + "library. Tracing uses a no-op tracer. As a result, no tracing will be configured" + " for WebServer and JAX-RS");
// no need to register all of this
jaxRsApps.forEach(app -> app.resourceConfig().register(MpTracingFilter.class));
use of io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication in project helidon by oracle.
the class OpenApiCdiExtension method indexFromHarvestedClasses.
private IndexView indexFromHarvestedClasses() throws IOException {
Indexer indexer = new Indexer();
annotatedTypes.forEach(c -> addClassToIndexer(indexer, c));
* Some apps might be added dynamically, not via annotation processing. Add those classes to the index if they are not
* already present.
MPOpenAPIBuilder.jaxRsApplicationsToRun().stream().map(JaxRsApplication::applicationClass).filter(Optional::isPresent).forEach(appClassOpt -> addClassToIndexer(indexer, appClassOpt.get()));
LOGGER.log(Level.CONFIG, "Using internal Jandex index created from CDI bean discovery");
Index result = indexer.complete();
dumpIndex(Level.FINER, result);
return result;
use of io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication in project helidon by oracle.
the class MPOpenAPIBuilder method filteredIndexView.
* Creates a {@link io.smallrye.openapi.runtime.scanner.FilteredIndexView} tailored to the specified JAX-RS application.
* <p>
* Use an {@link io.smallrye.openapi.api.OpenApiConfig} instance which (possibly) limits scanning for this application
* by excluding classes that are not "relevant" to the specified application. For our purposes, the classes "relevant"
* to an application are those:
* <ul>
* <li>returned by the application's {@code getClasses} method, and</li>
* <li>inferred from the objects returned from the application's {@code getSingletons} method.</li>
* </ul>
* If both methods return empty sets (the default implementation in {@link}), then all
* resources, providers, and features are considered relevant to the application.
* <p>
* In constructing the filtered index view for a JAX-RS application, we also exclude the other JAX-RS application classes.
* </p>
* @param viewFilteredByConfig filtered index view based only on MP config
* @param jaxRsApplications all JAX-RS applications discovered
* @param jaxRsApp the specific JAX-RS application of interest
* @param ancillaryClassNames names of resource, provider, and feature classes
* @return the filtered index view suitable for the specified JAX-RS application
private FilteredIndexView filteredIndexView(FilteredIndexView viewFilteredByConfig, List<JaxRsApplication> jaxRsApplications, JaxRsApplication jaxRsApp, Set<String> ancillaryClassNames) {
Application app = jaxRsApp.resourceConfig().getApplication();
Set<String> classesFromGetSingletons = app.getSingletons().stream().map(Object::getClass).map(Class::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set<String> classesFromGetClasses = app.getClasses().stream().map(Class::getName).collect(Collectors.toSet());
String appClassName = toClassName(jaxRsApp);
Set<String> classesExplicitlyReferenced = new HashSet<>(classesFromGetClasses);
if (classesExplicitlyReferenced.isEmpty() && jaxRsApplications.size() == 1) {
// No need to do filtering at all.
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("No filtering required for %s which reports no explicitly referenced classes and " + "is the only JAX-RS application", appClassName));
return viewFilteredByConfig;
// in the OpenAPI document.
if ((classesFromGetClasses.isEmpty() && (classesFromGetSingletons.isEmpty() || !useJaxRsSemantics)) && jaxRsApplications.size() == 1) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("No filtering required for %s; although it returns a non-empty set from getSingletons, JAX-RS semantics " + "has been turned off for OpenAPI processing using " + USE_JAXRS_SEMANTICS_CONFIG_KEY, appClassName));
return viewFilteredByConfig;
* If the classes to be ignored are A and B, the exclusion regex expression we want for filtering is
* ^(A|B)$
* The ^ and $ avoid incorrect prefix/suffix matches.
Pattern excludePattern = Pattern.compile(classNamesToIgnore(jaxRsApplications, jaxRsApp, ancillaryClassNames, classesExplicitlyReferenced).stream().map(Pattern::quote).collect(Collectors.joining("|", "^(", ")$")));
// Create a new filtered index view for this application which excludes the irrelevant classes we just identified. Its
// delegate is the previously-created view based only on the MP configuration.
FilteredIndexView result = new FilteredIndexView(viewFilteredByConfig, new FilteringOpenApiConfigImpl(mpConfig, excludePattern));
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
String knownClassNames = result.getKnownClasses().stream().map(ClassInfo::toString).sorted().collect(Collectors.joining("," + System.lineSeparator() + " "));
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, String.format("FilteredIndexView for %n" + " application class %s%n" + " with explicitly-referenced classes %s%n" + " yields exclude pattern: %s%n" + " and known classes: %n %s", appClassName, classesExplicitlyReferenced, excludePattern, knownClassNames));
return result;
use of io.helidon.microprofile.server.JaxRsApplication in project helidon by oracle.
the class JwtAuthCdiExtension method registerProvider.
void registerProvider(@Observes @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) @Priority(PLATFORM_BEFORE + 5) Object event, BeanManager bm) {
// Security extension to update and check builder
SecurityCdiExtension security = bm.getExtension(SecurityCdiExtension.class);
if (security.securityBuilder().hasProvider(JwtAuthProviderService.PROVIDER_NAME)) {
// JAX-RS extension to get to applications to see if we are needed
JaxRsCdiExtension jaxrs = bm.getExtension(JaxRsCdiExtension.class);
boolean notNeeded = jaxrs.applicationsToRun().stream().map(JaxRsApplication::applicationClass).flatMap(Optional::stream).map(clazz -> clazz.getAnnotation(LoginConfig.class)).filter(Objects::nonNull).map(LoginConfig::authMethod).noneMatch("MP-JWT"::equals);
if (notNeeded) {
security.securityBuilder().addProvider(JwtAuthProvider.create(config), JwtAuthProviderService.PROVIDER_NAME);