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Example 1 with JSONWebKeySet

use of in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class JwkClient method exec.

 * Executes the call to the REST Service requesting the JWK and processes
 * the response.
 * @return The service response.
public JwkResponse exec() {
    if (getRequest() == null) {
        setRequest(new JwkRequest());
    // Prepare request parameters
    Builder clientRequest = webTarget.request();
    if (getRequest().hasCredentials()) {
        String encodedCredentials = getRequest().getEncodedCredentials();
        clientRequest.header("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedCredentials);
    // Call REST Service and handle response
    try {
        clientResponse = clientRequest.buildGet().invoke();
        int status = clientResponse.getStatus();
        setResponse(new JwkResponse(status));
        String entity = clientResponse.readEntity(String.class);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(entity)) {
            JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(entity);
            if (jsonObj.has(JSON_WEB_KEY_SET)) {
                JSONWebKeySet jwks = JSONWebKeySet.fromJSONObject(jsonObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
    return getResponse();
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JSONWebKeySet( Builder(

Example 2 with JSONWebKeySet

use of in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class AuthenticationFilter method validateDpopSignature.

private boolean validateDpopSignature(Jwt dpop, JSONWebKey jwk, String dpopJwkThumbprint) throws Exception {
    if (dpopJwkThumbprint == null) {
        throw new InvalidJwtException("Invalid DPoP Proof Header. The jwk header is not valid.");
    JSONWebKeySet jwks = new JSONWebKeySet();
    return cryptoProvider.verifySignature(dpop.getSigningInput(), dpop.getEncodedSignature(), null, jwks.toJSONObject(), null, dpop.getHeader().getSignatureAlgorithm());
Also used : InvalidJwtException( JSONWebKeySet(

Example 3 with JSONWebKeySet

use of in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class KeyGeneratorService method generateKeys.

private JSONWebKeySet generateKeys(List<Algorithm> signatureAlgorithms, List<Algorithm> encryptionAlgorithms, int expiration_hours) {
    LOG.trace("Generating jwks keys...");
    JSONWebKeySet jwks = new JSONWebKeySet();
    Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
    calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, expiration_hours);
    for (Algorithm algorithm : signatureAlgorithms) {
        try {
            SignatureAlgorithm signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm.fromString(;
            JSONObject result = this.cryptoProvider.generateKey(algorithm, calendar.getTimeInMillis());
            JSONWebKey key = JSONWebKey.fromJSONObject(result);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
    for (Algorithm algorithm : encryptionAlgorithms) {
        try {
            KeyEncryptionAlgorithm encryptionAlgorithm = KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.fromName(algorithm.getParamName());
            JSONObject result = this.cryptoProvider.generateKey(algorithm, calendar.getTimeInMillis());
            JSONWebKey key = JSONWebKey.fromJSONObject(result);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
    // LOG.trace("jwks: ", jwks);
    LOG.trace("jwks generated successfully.");
    return jwks;
Also used : JSONWebKey( JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JSONWebKeySet( Calendar(java.util.Calendar) GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) KeyEncryptionAlgorithm( GregorianCalendar(java.util.GregorianCalendar) SignatureAlgorithm( SignatureAlgorithm( Algorithm( KeyEncryptionAlgorithm( CryptoProviderException( HttpException(

Example 4 with JSONWebKeySet

use of in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class KeyGeneratorService method getKeys.

public JSONWebKeySet getKeys() {
    if (configuration.getEnableJwksGeneration()) {
        if (keys != null && !keys.getKeys().isEmpty()) {
            return this.keys;
        // if keys not found then search in storage
        JSONWebKeySet keys = getKeysFromStorage();
        if (keys != null && !keys.getKeys().isEmpty()) {
            this.keys = keys;
            return this.keys;
        // generate new keys in case they do not exist
        return this.keys;
    }"Relying party JWKS generation is disabled in running jans_client_api instance. To enable it set `enable_jwks_generation` field to true in `client-api-server.yml`.");
    throw new HttpException(ErrorResponseCode.JWKS_GENERATION_DISABLE);
Also used : JSONWebKeySet( HttpException(

Example 5 with JSONWebKeySet

use of in project jans by JanssenProject.

the class KeyGeneratorService method generateKeys.

public void generateKeys() {
    List<Algorithm> signatureAlgorithms = Lists.newArrayList(Algorithm.RS256, Algorithm.RS384, Algorithm.RS512, Algorithm.ES256, Algorithm.ES384, Algorithm.ES512, Algorithm.PS256, Algorithm.PS384, Algorithm.PS512);
    List<Algorithm> encryptionAlgorithms = Lists.newArrayList(Algorithm.RSA1_5, Algorithm.RSA_OAEP);
    try {
        if (configuration.getEnableJwksGeneration()) {
            JSONWebKeySet keySet = generateKeys(signatureAlgorithms, encryptionAlgorithms, configuration.getJwksExpirationInHours());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to generate json web keys.", e);
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate json web keys.", e);
Also used : JSONWebKeySet( SignatureAlgorithm( Algorithm( KeyEncryptionAlgorithm( CryptoProviderException( HttpException(


JSONWebKeySet ( JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)9 JSONWebKey ( CryptoProviderException ( HttpException ( PublicKey ( KeyEncryptionAlgorithm ( SignatureAlgorithm ( InvalidJwtException ( Algorithm ( Jwt ( X509Certificate ( JwkResponse ( Client ( RSAPublicKey ( AuthorizationGrant ( IOException ( PrintWriter ( Date (java.util.Date)2 ServletException (javax.servlet.ServletException)2