use of io.jawg.osmcontributor.model.entities.PoiType in project osm-contributor by jawg.
the class OsmBackend method generateOverpassRequest.
* Generate a String corresponding to an Overpass request
* which will call all the POI given by the map.
* @param box The coordinates of each direction of the map
* @param poiTypes Map of poiTypes depending the preset loaded
* @return A String of the request.
private String generateOverpassRequest(Box box, Map<Long, PoiType> poiTypes) {
StringBuilder cmplReq = new StringBuilder("(");
if (poiTypes.size() > 15) {
List<String> types = poiManager.loadPoiTypeKeysWithDefaultValues();
// we've got lots of pois, overpath will struggle with the finer request, download all the pois in the box
for (String type : OBJECT_TYPES) {
for (String key : types) {
} else {
// Download all the pois in the box who are of one of the PoiType contained in the database
for (String type : OBJECT_TYPES) {
// For each poiTypes, add the corresponding part to the request
for (PoiType poiTypeDto : poiTypes.values()) {
// Check for tags who have a value and add a ["key"~"value"] string to the request
boolean valid = false;
for (PoiTypeTag poiTypeTag : poiTypeDto.getTags()) {
if (poiTypeTag.getValue() != null) {
if (!valid) {
valid = true;
// If there was at least one tag with a value, add the box coordinates to the request
if (valid) {
cmplReq.append(");out meta center;");
return cmplReq.toString();
use of io.jawg.osmcontributor.model.entities.PoiType in project osm-contributor by jawg.
the class OsmBackend method getPoisDtosInBox.
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<OsmDto> getPoisDtosInBox(final Box box) throws NetworkException {
Timber.d("Requesting overpass for download");
List<OsmDto> osmDtos = new ArrayList<>();
poiTypes = poiManager.loadPoiTypes();
for (Map.Entry<Long, PoiType> entry : poiTypes.entrySet()) {
final PoiType poiTypeDto = entry.getValue();
if (poiTypeDto.getQuery() != null) {
OSMProxy.Result<OsmDto> result = osmProxy.proceed(new OSMProxy.NetworkAction<OsmDto>() {
public OsmDto proceed() {
// replace it by the coordinates of the current position
if (poiTypeDto.getQuery().contains(BBOX)) {
String format = poiTypeDto.getQuery().replace(BBOX, box.osmFormat());
try {
return overpassRestClient.sendRequest(format).execute().body();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
} else {
try {
return overpassRestClient.sendRequest(poiTypeDto.getQuery()).execute().body();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (result != null) {
OsmDto osmDto = result.getResult();
if (osmDto != null) {
} else {
throw new NetworkException();
} else {
throw new NetworkException();
if (!poiTypes.isEmpty()) {
OSMProxy.Result<OsmDto> result = osmProxy.proceed(new OSMProxy.NetworkAction<OsmDto>() {
public OsmDto proceed() {
String request = generateOverpassRequest(box, poiTypes);
try {
return overpassRestClient.sendRequest(request).execute().body();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
if (result != null) {
OsmDto osmDto = result.getResult();
if (osmDto != null) {
} else {
throw new NetworkException();
} else {
throw new NetworkException();
return osmDtos;
use of io.jawg.osmcontributor.model.entities.PoiType in project osm-contributor by jawg.
the class PoiManager method updatePoiTypes.
* Update the PoiTypes in the database with the given List of PoiTypes.
* @param newPoiTypes The PoiTypes to update.
public void updatePoiTypes(List<PoiType> newPoiTypes) {
for (PoiType newPoiType : newPoiTypes) {
PoiType byBackendId = poiTypeDao.findByBackendId(newPoiType.getBackendId());
if (byBackendId != null) {
use of io.jawg.osmcontributor.model.entities.PoiType in project osm-contributor by jawg.
the class PoiManager method updatePoiTypeLastUse.
* Update the date of last use of a PoiType.
* @param id The id of the PoiType to update.
public void updatePoiTypeLastUse(long id) {
PoiType poiType = poiTypeDao.queryForId(id);
if (poiType != null) {
poiType.setLastUse(new DateTime());
Timber.d("Update date of : %s", poiType);
use of io.jawg.osmcontributor.model.entities.PoiType in project osm-contributor by jawg.
the class PoiManagerTest method getPoiType.
private PoiType getPoiType() {
PoiType poiType = new PoiType();
PoiTypeTag poiTypeTag = new PoiTypeTag();
poiType.setLastUse(new DateTime());
return poiType;