use of io.jenkins.plugins.casc.Attribute in project configuration-as-code-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class YamlExportTest method shouldDiscoverSecretsBasedOnTheAttributeType.
public void shouldDiscoverSecretsBasedOnTheAttributeType() {
DataBoundConfigurator c = new DataBoundConfigurator<>(AttributeTest.SecretRenamedFieldFithSecretConstructor.class);
Set<Attribute> attributes = c.describe();
assertThat(attributes.size(), equalTo(1));
Attribute attr = attributes.iterator().next();
use of io.jenkins.plugins.casc.Attribute in project configuration-as-code-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class DataBoundConfigurator method describe.
public CNode describe(T instance, ConfigurationContext context) throws Exception {
// Here we assume a correctly designed DataBound Object will have required attributes set by DataBoundConstructor
// and all others using DataBoundSetters. So constructor parameters for sure are part of the description, others
// need to be compared with default values.
// Build same object with only constructor parameters
final Constructor constructor = getDataBoundConstructor();
final Parameter[] parameters = constructor.getParameters();
final String[] names = ClassDescriptor.loadParameterNames(constructor);
final Attribute[] attributes = new Attribute[parameters.length];
final Object[] args = new Object[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
final Parameter p = parameters[i];
final Attribute a = createAttribute(names[i], TypePair.of(p));
if (a != null) {
Object value = a.getValue(instance);
if (value != null) {
Object converted = Stapler.CONVERT_UTILS.convert(value, a.getType());
if (converted instanceof Collection || p.getType().isArray() || !a.isMultiple()) {
args[i] = converted;
} else if (Set.class.isAssignableFrom(p.getType())) {
args[i] = Collections.singleton(converted);
} else {
args[i] = Collections.singletonList(converted);
if (args[i] == null && p.getType().isPrimitive()) {
args[i] = defaultPrimitiveValue(p.getType());
attributes[i] = a;
T ref = (T) constructor.newInstance(args);
// compare instance with this "default" object
Mapping mapping = compare(instance, ref, context);
// add constructor parameters
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
if (args[i] == null)
mapping.put(names[i], attributes[i].describe(instance, context));
return mapping;
use of io.jenkins.plugins.casc.Attribute in project configuration-as-code-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class DataBoundConfigurator method describe.
public Set<Attribute<T, ?>> describe() {
final Set<Attribute<T, ?>> attributes = super.describe();
final Constructor constructor = getDataBoundConstructor(target);
if (constructor != null) {
final Parameter[] parameters = constructor.getParameters();
final String[] names = ClassDescriptor.loadParameterNames(constructor);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
final Parameter p = parameters[i];
final Attribute a = createAttribute(names[i], TypePair.of(p));
if (a == null)
return attributes;
use of io.jenkins.plugins.casc.Attribute in project configuration-as-code-plugin by jenkinsci.
the class MavenConfigurator method describe.
public Set<Attribute<GlobalMavenConfig, ?>> describe() {
final Set<Attribute<GlobalMavenConfig, ?>> attributes = super.describe();
final Descriptor descriptor = Jenkins.get().getDescriptorOrDie(Maven.class);
final Configurator<Descriptor> task = new DescriptorConfigurator(descriptor);
for (Attribute attribute : task.describe()) {
attributes.add(new Attribute<GlobalMavenConfig, Object>(attribute.getName(), attribute.getType()).multiple(attribute.isMultiple()).getter(g -> attribute.getValue(descriptor)).setter((g, v) -> attribute.setValue(descriptor, v)));
return attributes;