use of io.kamax.mxisd.exception.NotAllowedException in project mxisd by kamax-io.
the class Register3pidRequestTokenHandler method handleRequest.
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
JsonObject body = parseJsonObject(exchange);
String medium = getPathVariable(exchange, Key);
String address = GsonUtil.findString(body, "address").orElse("");
if ( {
address = GsonUtil.get().fromJson(body, SessionEmailTokenRequestJson.class).getValue();
} else if ( {
address = GsonUtil.get().fromJson(body, SessionPhoneTokenRequestJson.class).getValue();
} else {
log.warn("Unsupported 3PID medium. We attempted to extract the address but the call might fail");
ThreePid tpid = new ThreePid(medium, address);
if (!mgr.isAllowed(tpid)) {
throw new NotAllowedException("Your " + medium + " address cannot be used for registration");
proxyPost(exchange, body, client, dns);
use of io.kamax.mxisd.exception.NotAllowedException in project mxisd by kamax-io.
the class RoomInviteHandler method handleRequest.
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
String accessToken = getAccessToken(exchange);
String whoamiUri = dns.transform(URI.create(exchange.getRequestURL()).resolve(URI.create("/_matrix/client/r0/account/whoami"))).toString();"Who Am I URL: {}", whoamiUri);
HttpGet whoAmIReq = new HttpGet(whoamiUri);
whoAmIReq.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
_MatrixID uId;
try (CloseableHttpResponse whoAmIRes = client.execute(whoAmIReq)) {
int sc = whoAmIRes.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
String body = EntityUtils.toString(whoAmIRes.getEntity());
if (sc != 200) {
log.warn("Unable to get caller identity from Homeserver - Status code: {}", sc);
log.debug("Body: {}", body);
throw new RemoteHomeServerException(body);
JsonObject json = GsonUtil.parseObj(body);
Optional<String> uIdRaw = GsonUtil.findString(json, "user_id");
if (!uIdRaw.isPresent()) {
throw new RemoteHomeServerException("No User ID provided when checking identity");
uId = MatrixID.asAcceptable(uIdRaw.get());
} catch (IOException e) {
InternalServerError ex = new InternalServerError(e);
log.error("Ref {}: Unable to fetch caller identity from Homeserver", ex.getReference());
throw ex;
}"Processing room invite from {}", uId.getId());
JsonObject reqBody = parseJsonObject(exchange);
if (!invMgr.canInvite(uId, reqBody)) {
throw new NotAllowedException("Your account is not allowed to invite that address");
}"Invite was allowing, relaying to the Homeserver");
proxyPost(exchange, reqBody, client, dns);
use of io.kamax.mxisd.exception.NotAllowedException in project mxisd by kamax-io.
the class SessionTpidUnbindHandler method handleRequest.
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
String auth = exchange.getRequestHeaders().getFirst("Authorization");
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(auth)) {
// We have a auth header to process
if (StringUtils.startsWith(auth, "X-Matrix ")) {
log.warn("A remote host attempted to unbind without proper authorization. Request was denied");
log.warn("See for more info");
throw new NotAllowedException("3PID can only be removed via 3PID sessions, not via Homeserver signature");
} else {
throw new BadRequestException("Illegal authorization type");
JsonObject body = parseJsonObject(exchange);
writeBodyAsUtf8(exchange, "{}");
use of io.kamax.mxisd.exception.NotAllowedException in project mxisd by kamax-io.
the class SessionManager method bind.
public SingleLookupReply bind(String sid, String secret, String mxidRaw) {
// We make sure we have an acceptable User ID
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(mxidRaw)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Matrix User ID provided");
// We ensure the session was validated
ThreePidSession session = getSessionIfValidated(sid, secret);
// We parse the Matrix ID as acceptable
_MatrixID mxid = MatrixID.asAcceptable(mxidRaw);
// Only accept binds if the domain matches our own
if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(mxCfg.getDomain(), mxid.getDomain())) {
throw new NotAllowedException("Only Matrix IDs from domain " + mxCfg.getDomain() + " can be bound");
}"Session {}: Binding of {}:{} to Matrix ID {} is accepted", session.getId(), session.getThreePid().getMedium(), session.getThreePid().getAddress(), mxid.getId());
SingleLookupRequest request = new SingleLookupRequest();
return new SingleLookupReply(request, mxid);
use of io.kamax.mxisd.exception.NotAllowedException in project mxisd by kamax-io.
the class SessionManager method unbind.
public void unbind(JsonObject reqData) {
_MatrixID mxid;
try {
mxid = MatrixID.asAcceptable(GsonUtil.getStringOrThrow(reqData, "mxid"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
String sid = GsonUtil.getStringOrNull(reqData, "sid");
String secret = GsonUtil.getStringOrNull(reqData, "client_secret");
ThreePid tpid = GsonUtil.get().fromJson(GsonUtil.getObj(reqData, "threepid"), ThreePid.class);
// We ensure the session was validated
ThreePidSession session = getSessionIfValidated(sid, secret);
// As per spec, we can only allow if the provided 3PID matches the validated session
if (!session.getThreePid().equals(tpid)) {
throw new BadRequestException("3PID to unbind does not match the one from the validated session");
// We only allow unbind for the domain we manage, mirroring bind
if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(mxCfg.getDomain(), mxid.getDomain())) {
throw new NotAllowedException("Only Matrix IDs from domain " + mxCfg.getDomain() + " can be unbound");
}"Session {}: Unbinding of {}:{} to Matrix ID {} is accepted", session.getId(), session.getThreePid().getMedium(), session.getThreePid().getAddress(), mxid.getId());