use of io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapBuilder in project pravega by pravega.
the class AbstractService method getBookkeeperOperatorConfigMap.
private V1ConfigMap getBookkeeperOperatorConfigMap() {
Map<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
return new V1ConfigMapBuilder().withApiVersion("v1").withKind("ConfigMap").withMetadata(new V1ObjectMeta().name(CONFIG_MAP_BOOKKEEPER)).withData(dataMap).build();
use of io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapBuilder in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class RequestObjectBuilder method createConfigMap.
* create a ConfigMap object
* It will have start counts for workers
* @return
public static V1ConfigMap createConfigMap(JobAPI.Job job) {
String configMapName = jobID;
// set a label for ConfigMap
HashMap<String, String> labels = KubernetesUtils.createJobLabels(jobID);
// data pairs
HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
String encodedJob = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(job.toByteArray());
dataMap.put(KubernetesConstants.JOB_OBJECT_CM_PARAM, encodedJob);
V1ConfigMap cm = new V1ConfigMapBuilder().withApiVersion("v1").withNewMetadata().withName(configMapName).withLabels(labels).endMetadata().withData(dataMap).build();
return cm;
use of io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapBuilder in project heron by twitter.
the class V1ControllerTest method testLoadPodFromTemplateValidConfigMap.
public void testLoadPodFromTemplateValidConfigMap() {
final String expected = " containers: [class V1Container {\n" + " args: null\n" + " command: null\n" + " env: null\n" + " envFrom: null\n" + " image: apache/heron:latest\n" + " imagePullPolicy: null\n" + " lifecycle: null\n" + " livenessProbe: null\n" + " name: heron-tracker\n" + " ports: [class V1ContainerPort {\n" + " containerPort: 8888\n" + " hostIP: null\n" + " hostPort: null\n" + " name: api-port\n" + " protocol: null\n" + " }]\n" + " readinessProbe: null\n" + " resources: class V1ResourceRequirements {\n" + " limits: {cpu=Quantity{number=0.400, format=DECIMAL_SI}, " + "memory=Quantity{number=512000000, format=DECIMAL_SI}}\n" + " requests: {cpu=Quantity{number=0.100, format=DECIMAL_SI}, " + "memory=Quantity{number=200000000, format=DECIMAL_SI}}\n" + " }\n" + " securityContext: null\n" + " startupProbe: null\n" + " stdin: null\n" + " stdinOnce: null\n" + " terminationMessagePath: null\n" + " terminationMessagePolicy: null\n" + " tty: null\n" + " volumeDevices: null\n" + " volumeMounts: null\n" + " workingDir: null\n" + " }]";
// ConfigMap with valid Pod Template.
final V1ConfigMap configMapValidPod = new V1ConfigMapBuilder().withNewMetadata().withName(CONFIGMAP_NAME).endMetadata().addToData(POD_TEMPLATE_NAME, POD_TEMPLATE_VALID).build();
// Test case container.
// Input: ConfigMap to setup mock V1Controller, Boolean flag for executor/manager switch.
// Output: The expected Pod template as a string.
final List<TestTuple<Pair<V1ConfigMap, Boolean>, String>> testCases = new LinkedList<>();
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Executor valid Pod Template", new Pair<>(configMapValidPod, true), expected));
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Manager valid Pod Template", new Pair<>(configMapValidPod, false), expected));
// Test loop.
for (TestTuple<Pair<V1ConfigMap, Boolean>, String> testCase : testCases) {
V1PodTemplateSpec podTemplateSpec = v1ControllerWithPodTemplate.loadPodFromTemplate(true);
use of io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapBuilder in project heron by twitter.
the class V1ControllerTest method testLoadPodFromTemplateNoTargetConfigMap.
public void testLoadPodFromTemplateNoTargetConfigMap() {
final List<TestTuple<Boolean, String>> testCases = new LinkedList<>();
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Executor no target ConfigMap", true, "Failed to locate Pod Template"));
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Manager no target ConfigMap", false, "Failed to locate Pod Template"));
final V1ConfigMap configMapNoTargetData = new V1ConfigMapBuilder().withNewMetadata().withName(CONFIGMAP_NAME).endMetadata().addToData("Dummy Key", "Dummy Value").build();
for (TestTuple<Boolean, String> testCase : testCases) {
String message = "";
try {
} catch (TopologySubmissionException e) {
message = e.getMessage();
Assert.assertTrue(testCase.description, message.contains(testCase.expected));
use of io.kubernetes.client.openapi.models.V1ConfigMapBuilder in project heron by twitter.
the class V1ControllerTest method testLoadPodFromTemplateInvalidConfigMap.
public void testLoadPodFromTemplateInvalidConfigMap() {
// ConfigMap with an invalid Pod Template.
final String invalidPodTemplate = "apiVersion: apps/v1\n" + "kind: InvalidTemplate\n" + "metadata:\n" + " name: heron-tracker\n" + " namespace: default\n" + "template:\n" + " metadata:\n" + " labels:\n" + " app: heron-tracker\n" + " spec:\n";
final V1ConfigMap configMap = new V1ConfigMapBuilder().withNewMetadata().withName(CONFIGMAP_NAME).endMetadata().addToData(POD_TEMPLATE_NAME, invalidPodTemplate).build();
// Test case container.
// Input: ConfigMap to setup mock V1Controller, Boolean flag for executor/manager switch.
// Output: The expected Pod template as a string.
final List<TestTuple<Pair<V1ConfigMap, Boolean>, String>> testCases = new LinkedList<>();
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Executor invalid Pod Template", new Pair<>(configMap, true), "Error parsing"));
testCases.add(new TestTuple<>("Manager invalid Pod Template", new Pair<>(configMap, false), "Error parsing"));
// Test loop.
for (TestTuple<Pair<V1ConfigMap, Boolean>, String> testCase : testCases) {
String message = "";
try {
} catch (TopologySubmissionException e) {
message = e.getMessage();