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Example 1 with HealthStatus

use of in project micronaut-core by micronaut-projects.

the class HealthResultFilter method doFilterOnce.

protected Publisher<MutableHttpResponse<?>> doFilterOnce(HttpRequest<?> request, ServerFilterChain chain) {
    return, response -> {
        Object body = response.body();
        if (body instanceof HealthResult) {
            HealthResult healthResult = (HealthResult) body;
            HealthStatus status = healthResult.getStatus();
            HttpStatus httpStatus = healthEndpoint.getStatusConfiguration().getHttpMapping().get(status.getName());
            if (httpStatus != null) {
            } else {
                boolean operational = status.getOperational().orElse(true);
                if (!operational) {
        return response;
Also used : HttpStatus(io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus) HealthStatus( HealthResult(

Example 2 with HealthStatus

use of in project micronaut-grpc by micronaut-projects.

the class GrpcServerHealthIndicator method getHealthResult.

 * Checks if grpc is running and return status UP otherwise return status DOWN.
 * @return Result with server address in the details and status UP or DOWN.
private HealthResult getHealthResult() {
    final HealthStatus healthStatus = server.isRunning() ? HealthStatus.UP : HealthStatus.DOWN;
     * BUGFIX: it avoids to call the server.getPort() method when the gRPC-Server is DOWN because
     * it throws an unexpected exception that breaks the /health endpoint
    final String serverHost = server.getHost();
    // don't call the server.getPort() here!
    final int serverPort = server.getServerConfiguration().getServerPort();
    final Map details = mapOf("host", serverHost, "port", serverPort);
    return HealthResult.builder(ID, healthStatus).details(details).build();
Also used : HealthStatus( Map(java.util.Map) HealthEndpoint(

Example 3 with HealthStatus

use of in project micronaut-elasticsearch by micronaut-projects.

the class ElasticsearchClientHealthIndicator method getResult.

 * Tries to call the cluster info API on Elasticsearch to obtain information about the cluster. If the call succeeds, the Elasticsearch cluster
 * health status (GREEN / YELLOW / RED) will be included in the health indicator details.
 * @return A positive health result UP if the cluster can be communicated with and is in either GREEN or YELLOW status. A negative health result
 * DOWN if the cluster cannot be communicated with or is in RED status.
public Publisher<HealthResult> getResult() {
    return (subscriber -> {
        final HealthResult.Builder resultBuilder = HealthResult.builder(NAME);
        try {
            client.cluster().health().handle((health, exception) -> {
                if (exception != null) {
                } else {
                    HealthStatus status = health.status() == co.elastic.clients.elasticsearch._types.HealthStatus.Red ? DOWN : UP;
                return health;
        } catch (IOException e) {
Also used : HealthStatus( IOException( HealthResult(

Example 4 with HealthStatus

use of in project micronaut-core by micronaut-projects.

the class HealthMonitorTask method monitor.

 * Start the continuous health monitor.
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = "${}", initialDelay = "${}")
void monitor() {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Starting health monitor check");
    List<Publisher<HealthResult>> healthResults =;
    Flux<HealthResult> reactiveSequence = Flux.merge(healthResults).filter(healthResult -> {
        HealthStatus status = healthResult.getStatus();
        return status.equals(HealthStatus.DOWN) || !status.getOperational().orElse(true);
    }); Subscriber<HealthResult>() {

        public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {

        public void onNext(HealthResult healthResult) {
            HealthStatus status = healthResult.getStatus();
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Health monitor check failed with status {}", status);

        public void onError(Throwable e) {
            if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
                LOG.error("Health monitor check failed with exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            currentHealthStatus.update(HealthStatus.DOWN.describe("Error occurred running health check: " + e.getMessage()));

        public void onComplete() {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("Health monitor check passed.");
Also used : HealthStatus( CurrentHealthStatus( Publisher(org.reactivestreams.Publisher) Subscription(org.reactivestreams.Subscription) HealthResult( Scheduled(io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled)

Example 5 with HealthStatus

use of in project micronaut-core by micronaut-projects.

the class DefaultHealthAggregator method aggregate.

public Publisher<HealthResult> aggregate(String name, Publisher<HealthResult> results) {
    Mono<HealthResult> result = Flux.from(results).collectList().map(list -> {
        HealthStatus overallStatus = calculateOverallStatus(list);
        Object details = aggregateDetails(list);
        return HealthResult.builder(name, overallStatus).details(details).build();
    return result.flux();
Also used : HealthStatus( HealthResult(


HealthStatus ( HealthResult ( CurrentHealthStatus ( HttpStatus (io.micronaut.http.HttpStatus)1 HealthEndpoint ( Scheduled (io.micronaut.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled)1 IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)1 Publisher (org.reactivestreams.Publisher)1 Subscription (org.reactivestreams.Subscription)1