use of io.mycat.route.handler.HintHandler in project Mycat_plus by coderczp.
the class RouteService method route.
public RouteResultset route(SystemConfig sysconf, SchemaConfig schema, int sqlType, String stmt, String charset, ServerConnection sc) throws SQLNonTransientException {
RouteResultset rrs = null;
String cacheKey = null;
* SELECT 类型的SQL, 检测
if (sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT) {
cacheKey = schema.getName() + stmt;
rrs = (RouteResultset) sqlRouteCache.get(cacheKey);
if (rrs != null) {
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;
/*!mycat: sql = select name from aa */
/*!mycat: schema = test */
// boolean isMatchOldHint = stmt.startsWith(OLD_MYCAT_HINT);
// boolean isMatchNewHint = stmt.startsWith(NEW_MYCAT_HINT);
// if (isMatchOldHint || isMatchNewHint ) {
int hintLength = RouteService.isHintSql(stmt);
if (hintLength != -1) {
int endPos = stmt.indexOf("*/");
if (endPos > 0) {
// 用!mycat:内部的语句来做路由分析
// int hintLength = isMatchOldHint ? OLD_MYCAT_HINT.length() : NEW_MYCAT_HINT.length();
String hint = stmt.substring(hintLength, endPos).trim();
int firstSplitPos = hint.indexOf(HINT_SPLIT);
if (firstSplitPos > 0) {
Map hintMap = parseHint(hint);
String hintType = (String) hintMap.get(MYCAT_HINT_TYPE);
String hintSql = (String) hintMap.get(hintType);
if (hintSql.length() == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
String realSQL = stmt.substring(endPos + "*/".length()).trim();
HintHandler hintHandler = HintHandlerFactory.getHintHandler(hintType);
if (hintHandler != null) {
if (hintHandler instanceof HintSQLHandler) {
* 修复 注解SQL的 sqlType 与 实际SQL的 sqlType 不一致问题, 如: hint=SELECT,real=INSERT
* fixed by zhuam
int hintSqlType = ServerParse.parse(hintSql) & 0xff;
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, hintSqlType, hintMap);
} else {
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, sqlType, hintMap);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("TODO , support hint sql type : " + hintType);
} else {
// fixed by
LOGGER.warn("comment in sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment in sql must meet :/*!mcat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
} else {
stmt = stmt.trim();
rrs = RouteStrategyFactory.getRouteStrategy().route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, stmt, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache);
if (rrs != null && sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT && rrs.isCacheAble()) {
sqlRouteCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, rrs);
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;
use of io.mycat.route.handler.HintHandler in project Mycat-Server by MyCATApache.
the class RouteService method route.
public RouteResultset route(SystemConfig sysconf, SchemaConfig schema, int sqlType, String stmt, String charset, ServerConnection sc) throws SQLNonTransientException {
RouteResultset rrs = null;
String cacheKey = null;
* SELECT 类型的SQL, 检测
if (sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT) {
cacheKey = schema.getName() + stmt;
rrs = (RouteResultset) sqlRouteCache.get(cacheKey);
if (rrs != null) {
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;
/*!mycat: sql = select name from aa */
/*!mycat: schema = test */
// boolean isMatchOldHint = stmt.startsWith(OLD_MYCAT_HINT);
// boolean isMatchNewHint = stmt.startsWith(NEW_MYCAT_HINT);
// if (isMatchOldHint || isMatchNewHint ) {
int hintLength = RouteService.isHintSql(stmt);
if (hintLength != -1) {
int endPos = stmt.indexOf("*/");
if (endPos > 0) {
// 用!mycat:内部的语句来做路由分析
// int hintLength = isMatchOldHint ? OLD_MYCAT_HINT.length() : NEW_MYCAT_HINT.length();
String hint = stmt.substring(hintLength, endPos).trim();
int firstSplitPos = hint.indexOf(HINT_SPLIT);
if (firstSplitPos > 0) {
Map hintMap = parseHint(hint);
String hintType = (String) hintMap.get(MYCAT_HINT_TYPE);
String hintSql = (String) hintMap.get(hintType);
if (hintSql.length() == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment int sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
String realSQL = stmt.substring(endPos + "*/".length()).trim();
HintHandler hintHandler = HintHandlerFactory.getHintHandler(hintType);
if (hintHandler != null) {
if (hintHandler instanceof HintSQLHandler) {
* 修复 注解SQL的 sqlType 与 实际SQL的 sqlType 不一致问题, 如: hint=SELECT,real=INSERT
* fixed by zhuam
int hintSqlType = ServerParse.parse(hintSql) & 0xff;
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, hintSqlType, hintMap);
} else {
rrs = hintHandler.route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, realSQL, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache, hintSql, sqlType, hintMap);
} else {
LOGGER.warn("TODO , support hint sql type : " + hintType);
} else {
// fixed by
LOGGER.warn("comment in sql must meet :/*!mycat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
throw new SQLSyntaxErrorException("comment in sql must meet :/*!mcat:type=value*/ or /*#mycat:type=value*/ or /*mycat:type=value*/: " + stmt);
} else {
stmt = stmt.trim();
rrs = RouteStrategyFactory.getRouteStrategy().route(sysconf, schema, sqlType, stmt, charset, sc, tableId2DataNodeCache);
if (rrs != null && sqlType == ServerParse.SELECT && rrs.isCacheAble()) {
sqlRouteCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, rrs);
checkMigrateRule(schema.getName(), rrs, sqlType);
return rrs;