use of io.nem.symbol.core.crypto.CryptoEngine in project nem2-sdk-java by nemtech.
the class EncryptedMessage method create.
* Helper constructor that allow users to easily encrypt a message using the SDK provided {@link
* CryptoEngine} and {@link BlockCipher}.
* <p>Note, the strategy to encrypt and decrypt should be shared between the different SDKs. A
* client may send a transaction using a sdk and the recipient may be using a different one.
* <p>The strategy is:
* <p>"plain text" string - utf8 byte array - encrypted byte array - hex string (the encrypted
* message string)
* @param plainTextMessage Plain message to be encrypted
* @param senderPrivateKey Sender private key
* @param recipientPublicKey Recipient public key
* @return EncryptedMessage
public static EncryptedMessage create(String plainTextMessage, PrivateKey senderPrivateKey, PublicKey recipientPublicKey) {
CryptoEngine engine = CryptoEngines.defaultEngine();
KeyPair sender = KeyPair.fromPrivate(senderPrivateKey);
KeyPair recipient = KeyPair.onlyPublic(recipientPublicKey, engine);
BlockCipher blockCipher = engine.createBlockCipher(sender, recipient);
return new EncryptedMessage(ConvertUtils.toHex(blockCipher.encrypt(StringEncoder.getBytes(plainTextMessage))));
use of io.nem.symbol.core.crypto.CryptoEngine in project nem2-sdk-java by nemtech.
the class Ed25519DsaSignerTest method signReturnsExpectedSignature.
public void signReturnsExpectedSignature() {
// Arrange:
final CryptoEngine engine = this.getCryptoEngine();
final KeyPair keyPair = KeyPair.random(engine);
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
final DsaSigner dsaSigner = this.getDsaSigner(keyPair);
final byte[] input = RandomUtils.generateRandomBytes();
// Act:
final Signature signature1 = dsaSigner.sign(input);
final Signature signature2 = MathUtils.sign(keyPair, input);
// Assert:
Assertions.assertEquals(signature1, signature2);
use of io.nem.symbol.core.crypto.CryptoEngine in project nem2-sdk-java by nemtech.
the class Ed25519DsaSignerTest method makeCanonicalMakesNonCanonicalSignatureCanonical.
public void makeCanonicalMakesNonCanonicalSignatureCanonical() {
// Arrange:
final CryptoEngine engine = this.getCryptoEngine();
final KeyPair kp = KeyPair.random(engine);
final DsaSigner dsaSigner = this.getDsaSigner(kp);
final byte[] input = RandomUtils.generateRandomBytes();
// Act:
final Signature signature = dsaSigner.sign(input);
final BigInteger nonCanonicalS = engine.getCurve().getGroupOrder().add(signature.getS());
final Signature nonCanonicalSignature = new Signature(signature.getR(), nonCanonicalS);
final Signature canonicalSignature = dsaSigner.makeSignatureCanonical(nonCanonicalSignature);
// Assert:
use of io.nem.symbol.core.crypto.CryptoEngine in project nem2-sdk-java by nemtech.
the class Ed25519DsaSignerTest method replacingRWithGroupOrderPlusRInSignatureRuinsSignature.
public void replacingRWithGroupOrderPlusRInSignatureRuinsSignature() {
// Arrange:
final CryptoEngine engine = this.getCryptoEngine();
final BigInteger groupOrder = engine.getCurve().getGroupOrder();
final KeyPair kp = KeyPair.random(engine);
final DsaSigner dsaSigner = this.getDsaSigner(kp);
Signature signature;
byte[] input;
while (true) {
input = RandomUtils.generateRandomBytes();
signature = dsaSigner.sign(input);
if (signature.getR().add(groupOrder).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(256)) < 0) {
// Act:
final Signature signature2 = new Signature(groupOrder.add(signature.getR()), signature.getS());
// Assert:
Assertions.assertFalse(dsaSigner.verify(input, signature2));
use of io.nem.symbol.core.crypto.CryptoEngine in project nem2-sdk-java by nemtech.
the class Ed25519DsaSignerTest method verifyReturnsFalseIfPublicKeyIsZeroArray.
public void verifyReturnsFalseIfPublicKeyIsZeroArray() {
// Arrange:
final CryptoEngine engine = this.getCryptoEngine();
final KeyPair kp = KeyPair.random(engine);
final DsaSigner dsaSigner = this.getDsaSigner(kp);
final byte[] input = RandomUtils.generateRandomBytes();
final Signature signature = dsaSigner.sign(input);
final Ed25519DsaSigner dsaSignerWithZeroArrayPublicKey = Mockito.mock(Ed25519DsaSigner.class);
final KeyPair keyPairWithZeroArrayPublicKey = Mockito.mock(KeyPair.class);
Mockito.when(keyPairWithZeroArrayPublicKey.getPublicKey()).thenReturn(new PublicKey(new byte[32]));
Mockito.when(dsaSignerWithZeroArrayPublicKey.verify(input, signature)).thenCallRealMethod();
// Act:
final boolean result = dsaSignerWithZeroArrayPublicKey.verify(input, signature);
// Assert (getKeyPair() would be called more than once if it got beyond the
// second check):
Mockito.verify(dsaSignerWithZeroArrayPublicKey, Mockito.times(1)).isCanonicalSignature(signature);
Mockito.verify(dsaSignerWithZeroArrayPublicKey, Mockito.times(1)).getKeyPair();