use of io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.Traced in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class WorkspaceService method validateWorkspaceAndAction.
* Convenience function that checks existence of a workspace, followed by an authorization check
* against that workspace.
* <p>Throws WorkspaceNotFoundException from getWorkspace if the workspace does not exist,
* regardless of the user's permission.
* <p>Throws ForbiddenException if the user is not permitted to perform the specified action on
* the workspace in question.
* <p>Returns the Workspace object if it exists and the user is permitted to perform the specified
* action.
* @param userRequest the user's authenticated request
* @param workspaceId id of the workspace in question
* @param action the action to authorize against the workspace
* @return the workspace, if it exists and the user is permitted to perform the specified action.
public Workspace validateWorkspaceAndAction(AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, UUID workspaceId, String action) {"validateWorkspaceAndAction - userRequest: {}\nworkspaceId: {}\naction: {}", userRequest, workspaceId, action);
Workspace workspace = workspaceDao.getWorkspace(workspaceId);
SamRethrow.onInterrupted(() -> samService.checkAuthz(userRequest, SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), action), "checkAuthz");
return workspace;
use of io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.Traced in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class WorkspaceService method createWorkspace.
* Create a workspace with the specified parameters. Returns workspaceID of the new workspace.
public UUID createWorkspace(Workspace workspace, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest) {
String workspaceName = workspace.getDisplayName().orElse("");
String workspaceId = workspace.getWorkspaceId().toString();
String jobDescription = String.format("Create workspace: name: '%s' id: '%s' ", workspaceName, workspaceId);
JobBuilder createJob = jobService.newJob().description(jobDescription).flightClass(WorkspaceCreateFlight.class).request(workspace).userRequest(userRequest).workspaceId(workspaceId).operationType(OperationType.CREATE).addParameter(WorkspaceFlightMapKeys.WORKSPACE_STAGE, workspace.getWorkspaceStage().name()).addParameter(WorkspaceFlightMapKeys.DISPLAY_NAME, workspaceName).addParameter(WorkspaceFlightMapKeys.DESCRIPTION, workspace.getDescription().orElse(""));
if (workspace.getSpendProfileId().isPresent()) {
createJob.addParameter(WorkspaceFlightMapKeys.SPEND_PROFILE_ID, workspace.getSpendProfileId().get().getId());
// Skip the access check, which would fail since this workspace doesn't exist yet.
return createJob.submitAndWait(UUID.class, false);
use of io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.Traced in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method createWorkspaceWithDefaults.
* Wrapper around the Sam client to create a workspace resource in Sam.
* <p>This creates a workspace with the provided ID and requesting user as the sole Owner. Empty
* reader and writer policies are also created. Errors from the Sam client will be thrown as Sam
* specific exception types.
public void createWorkspaceWithDefaults(AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, UUID id) throws InterruptedException {
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
// Sam will throw an error if no owner is specified, so the caller's email is required. It can
// be looked up using the auth token if that's all the caller provides.
// If we called WSM as the pet SA and went through the proxy, this becomes the pet SA's email if
// we use the request email. That caused an issue where the human user wasn't recognized on the
// workspace.
String humanUserEmail = getUserEmailFromSam(userRequest);
CreateResourceRequestV2 workspaceRequest = new CreateResourceRequestV2().resourceId(id.toString()).policies(defaultWorkspacePolicies(humanUserEmail));
try {
SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.createResourceV2(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceRequest));"Created Sam resource for workspace {}", id);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error creating a Workspace resource in Sam", apiException);
dumpRoleBindings(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, id.toString(), userRequest.getRequiredToken());
use of io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.Traced in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method listRoleBindings.
* Wrapper around Sam client to retrieve the full current permissions model of a workspace.
* <p>This operation is only available to MC_WORKSPACE stage workspaces, as Rawls manages
* permissions directly on other workspaces.
public List<RoleBinding> listRoleBindings(UUID workspaceId, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest) throws InterruptedException {
stageService.assertMcWorkspace(workspaceId, "listRoleBindings");
checkAuthz(userRequest, SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), SamWorkspaceAction.READ_IAM);
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
try {
List<AccessPolicyResponseEntry> samResult = SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.listResourcePolicies(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString()));
// callers.
return -> !entry.getPolicyName().equals(WsmIamRole.MANAGER.toSamRole())).map(entry -> RoleBinding.builder().role(WsmIamRole.fromSam(entry.getPolicyName())).users(entry.getPolicy().getMemberEmails()).build()).collect(Collectors.toList());
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error listing role bindings in Sam", apiException);
use of io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.Traced in project terra-workspace-manager by DataBiosphere.
the class SamService method grantWorkspaceRole.
* Wrapper around Sam client to grant a role to the provided user.
* <p>This operation is only available to MC_WORKSPACE stage workspaces, as Rawls manages
* permissions directly on other workspaces.
* @param workspaceId The workspace this operation takes place in
* @param userRequest Credentials of the user requesting this operation. Only owners have
* permission to modify roles in a workspace.
* @param role The role being granted.
* @param email The user being granted a role.
public void grantWorkspaceRole(UUID workspaceId, AuthenticatedUserRequest userRequest, WsmIamRole role, String email) throws InterruptedException {
stageService.assertMcWorkspace(workspaceId, "grantWorkspaceRole");
checkAuthz(userRequest, SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), samActionToModifyRole(role));
ResourcesApi resourceApi = samResourcesApi(userRequest.getRequiredToken());
try {
// GCP always uses lowercase email identifiers, so we do the same here for consistency.
SamRetry.retry(() -> resourceApi.addUserToPolicy(SamConstants.SamResource.WORKSPACE, workspaceId.toString(), role.toSamRole(), email.toLowerCase()));"Granted role {} to user {} in workspace {}", role.toSamRole(), email, workspaceId);
} catch (ApiException apiException) {
throw SamExceptionFactory.create("Error granting workspace role in Sam", apiException);