use of io.opencensus.trace.TraceId in project instrumentation-java by census-instrumentation.
the class TraceProtoUtils method toSpanProto.
* Converts {@link SpanData} to {@link Span} proto.
* @param spanData the {@code SpanData}.
* @return proto representation of {@code Span}.
static Span toSpanProto(SpanData spanData) {
SpanContext spanContext = spanData.getContext();
TraceId traceId = spanContext.getTraceId();
SpanId spanId = spanContext.getSpanId();
Span.Builder spanBuilder = Span.newBuilder().setTraceId(toByteString(traceId.getBytes())).setSpanId(toByteString(spanId.getBytes())).setTracestate(toTracestateProto(spanContext.getTracestate())).setName(toTruncatableStringProto(spanData.getName())).setStartTime(toTimestampProto(spanData.getStartTimestamp())).setAttributes(toAttributesProto(spanData.getAttributes())).setTimeEvents(toTimeEventsProto(spanData.getAnnotations(), spanData.getMessageEvents())).setLinks(toLinksProto(spanData.getLinks()));
Kind kind = spanData.getKind();
if (kind != null) {
io.opencensus.trace.Status status = spanData.getStatus();
if (status != null) {
Timestamp end = spanData.getEndTimestamp();
if (end != null) {
Integer childSpanCount = spanData.getChildSpanCount();
if (childSpanCount != null) {
Boolean hasRemoteParent = spanData.getHasRemoteParent();
if (hasRemoteParent != null) {
SpanId parentSpanId = spanData.getParentSpanId();
if (parentSpanId != null && parentSpanId.isValid()) {
use of io.opencensus.trace.TraceId in project instrumentation-java by census-instrumentation.
the class BinaryFormatImpl method fromByteArray.
public SpanContext fromByteArray(byte[] bytes) throws SpanContextParseException {
checkNotNull(bytes, "bytes");
if (bytes.length == 0 || bytes[0] != VERSION_ID) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Unsupported version.");
if (bytes.length < REQUIRED_FORMAT_LENGTH) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid input: truncated");
// TODO: the following logic assumes that fields are written in ID order. The spec does not say
// that. If it decides not to, this logic would need to be more like a loop
TraceId traceId;
SpanId spanId;
TraceOptions traceOptions = TraceOptions.DEFAULT;
int pos = 1;
if (bytes[pos] == TRACE_ID_FIELD_ID) {
traceId = TraceId.fromBytes(bytes, pos + ID_SIZE);
pos += ID_SIZE + TraceId.SIZE;
} else {
// TODO: update the spec to suggest that the trace ID is not actually optional
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid input: expected trace ID at offset " + pos);
if (bytes[pos] == SPAN_ID_FIELD_ID) {
spanId = SpanId.fromBytes(bytes, pos + ID_SIZE);
pos += ID_SIZE + SpanId.SIZE;
} else {
// TODO: update the spec to suggest that the span ID is not actually optional.
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid input: expected span ID at offset " + pos);
// failing.
if (bytes.length > pos && bytes[pos] == TRACE_OPTION_FIELD_ID) {
if (bytes.length < ALL_FORMAT_LENGTH) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid input: truncated");
traceOptions = TraceOptions.fromByte(bytes[pos + ID_SIZE]);
return SpanContext.create(traceId, spanId, traceOptions, TRACESTATE_DEFAULT);
use of io.opencensus.trace.TraceId in project instrumentation-java by census-instrumentation.
the class TraceContextFormat method extract.
public <C> /*>>> extends @NonNull Object*/
SpanContext extract(C carrier, Getter<C> getter) throws SpanContextParseException {
checkNotNull(carrier, "carrier");
checkNotNull(getter, "getter");
TraceId traceId;
SpanId spanId;
TraceOptions traceOptions;
String traceparent = getter.get(carrier, TRACEPARENT);
if (traceparent == null) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Traceparent not present");
try {
// TODO(bdrutu): Do we need to verify that version is hex and that for the version
// the length is the expected one?
checkArgument(traceparent.charAt(TRACE_OPTION_OFFSET - 1) == TRACEPARENT_DELIMITER && (traceparent.length() == TRACEPARENT_HEADER_SIZE || (traceparent.length() > TRACEPARENT_HEADER_SIZE && traceparent.charAt(TRACEPARENT_HEADER_SIZE) == TRACEPARENT_DELIMITER)) && traceparent.charAt(SPAN_ID_OFFSET - 1) == TRACEPARENT_DELIMITER && traceparent.charAt(TRACE_OPTION_OFFSET - 1) == TRACEPARENT_DELIMITER, "Missing or malformed TRACEPARENT.");
traceId = TraceId.fromLowerBase16(traceparent, TRACE_ID_OFFSET);
spanId = SpanId.fromLowerBase16(traceparent, SPAN_ID_OFFSET);
traceOptions = TraceOptions.fromLowerBase16(traceparent, TRACE_OPTION_OFFSET);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid traceparent: " + traceparent, e);
String tracestate = getter.get(carrier, TRACESTATE);
try {
if (tracestate == null || tracestate.isEmpty()) {
return SpanContext.create(traceId, spanId, traceOptions, TRACESTATE_DEFAULT);
Tracestate.Builder tracestateBuilder = Tracestate.builder();
List<String> listMembers = TRACESTATE_ENTRY_DELIMITER_SPLITTER.splitToList(tracestate);
checkArgument(listMembers.size() <= TRACESTATE_MAX_MEMBERS, "Tracestate has too many elements.");
// front of the list.
for (int i = listMembers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String listMember = listMembers.get(i);
int index = listMember.indexOf(TRACESTATE_KEY_VALUE_DELIMITER);
checkArgument(index != -1, "Invalid tracestate list-member format.");
tracestateBuilder.set(listMember.substring(0, index), listMember.substring(index + 1, listMember.length()));
return SpanContext.create(traceId, spanId, traceOptions,;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid tracestate: " + tracestate, e);
use of io.opencensus.trace.TraceId in project instrumentation-java by census-instrumentation.
the class CloudTraceFormat method extract.
public <C> /*>>> extends @NonNull Object*/
SpanContext extract(C carrier, Getter<C> getter) throws SpanContextParseException {
checkNotNull(carrier, "carrier");
checkNotNull(getter, "getter");
try {
String headerStr = getter.get(carrier, HEADER_NAME);
if (headerStr == null || headerStr.length() < MIN_HEADER_SIZE) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Missing or too short header: " + HEADER_NAME);
checkArgument(headerStr.charAt(TRACE_ID_SIZE) == SPAN_ID_DELIMITER, "Invalid TRACE_ID size");
TraceId traceId = TraceId.fromLowerBase16(headerStr.subSequence(0, TRACE_ID_SIZE));
int traceOptionsPos = headerStr.indexOf(TRACE_OPTION_DELIMITER, TRACE_ID_SIZE);
CharSequence spanIdStr = headerStr.subSequence(SPAN_ID_START_POS, traceOptionsPos < 0 ? headerStr.length() : traceOptionsPos);
SpanId spanId = longToSpanId(UnsignedLongs.parseUnsignedLong(spanIdStr.toString(), 10));
TraceOptions traceOptions = OPTIONS_NOT_SAMPLED;
if (traceOptionsPos > 0) {
String traceOptionsStr = headerStr.substring(traceOptionsPos + TRACE_OPTION_DELIMITER_SIZE);
if ((UnsignedInts.parseUnsignedInt(traceOptionsStr, 10) & CLOUD_TRACE_IS_SAMPLED) != 0) {
traceOptions = OPTIONS_SAMPLED;
return SpanContext.create(traceId, spanId, traceOptions, TRACESTATE_DEFAULT);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new SpanContextParseException("Invalid input", e);
use of io.opencensus.trace.TraceId in project instrumentation-java by census-instrumentation.
the class SamplersTest method probabilitySampler_SampleBasedOnTraceId.
public void probabilitySampler_SampleBasedOnTraceId() {
final Sampler defaultProbability = Samplers.probabilitySampler(0.0001);
// This traceId will not be sampled by the ProbabilitySampler because the first 8 bytes as long
// is not less than probability * Long.MAX_VALUE;
TraceId notSampledtraceId = TraceId.fromBytes(new byte[] { (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
assertThat(defaultProbability.shouldSample(null, false, notSampledtraceId, SpanId.generateRandomId(random), SPAN_NAME, Collections.<Span>emptyList())).isFalse();
// This traceId will be sampled by the ProbabilitySampler because the first 8 bytes as long
// is less than probability * Long.MAX_VALUE;
TraceId sampledtraceId = TraceId.fromBytes(new byte[] { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
assertThat(defaultProbability.shouldSample(null, false, sampledtraceId, SpanId.generateRandomId(random), SPAN_NAME, Collections.<Span>emptyList())).isTrue();