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Example 1 with ConfigChannel

use of in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class EdgeWebsocketHandler method config.

 * Handle "config" messages
 * @param jConfig
 * @return
private synchronized void config(Role role, JsonObject jMessageId, Optional<ApiWorker> apiWorkerOpt, JsonObject jConfig) {
    Optional<String> modeOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalString(jConfig, "mode");
    switch(modeOpt.orElse("")) {
        case "query":
			 * Query current config
            try {
                String language = JsonUtils.getAsString(jConfig, "language");
                JsonObject jReplyConfig = Config.getInstance().getJson(ConfigFormat.OPENEMS_UI, role, language);
                WebSocketUtils.send(this.websocket, DefaultMessages.configQueryReply(jMessageId, jReplyConfig));
            } catch (OpenemsException e) {
                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.UNABLE_TO_READ_CURRENT_CONFIG, e.getMessage());
        case "update":
			 * Update thing/channel config
            Optional<String> thingIdOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalString(jConfig, "thing");
            Optional<String> channelIdOpt = JsonUtils.getAsOptionalString(jConfig, "channel");
            try {
                String thingId = thingIdOpt.get();
                String channelId = channelIdOpt.get();
                JsonElement jValue = JsonUtils.getSubElement(jConfig, "value");
                Optional<Channel> channelOpt = ThingRepository.getInstance().getChannel(thingId, channelId);
                if (channelOpt.isPresent()) {
                    Channel channel = channelOpt.get();
                    // check write permissions
                    if (channel instanceof ConfigChannel<?>) {
						 * ConfigChannel
                        ConfigChannel<?> configChannel = (ConfigChannel<?>) channel;
                        Object value = ConfigUtils.getConfigObject(configChannel, jValue);
                        configChannel.updateValue(value, true);
                        WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_SUCCESS, channel.address() + " => " + jValue);
                    } else if (channel instanceof WriteChannel<?>) {
						 * WriteChannel
                        WriteChannel<?> writeChannel = (WriteChannel<?>) channel;
                        if (!apiWorkerOpt.isPresent()) {
                            WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.BACKEND_NOT_ALLOWED, "set " + channel.address() + " => " + jValue);
                        } else {
                            ApiWorker apiWorker = apiWorkerOpt.get();
                            WriteObject writeObject = new WriteJsonObject(jValue).onFirstSuccess(() -> {
                                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_SUCCESS, "set " + channel.address() + " => " + jValue);
                            }).onFirstError((e) -> {
                                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_FAILED, "set " + channel.address() + " => " + jValue, e.getMessage());
                            }).onTimeout(() -> {
                                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_TIMEOUT, "set " + channel.address() + " => " + jValue);
                            apiWorker.addValue(writeChannel, writeObject);
                } else {
                    WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND, thingId + "/" + channelId);
            } catch (NoSuchElementException | OpenemsException e) {
                WebSocketUtils.sendNotificationOrLogError(this.websocket, jMessageId, LogBehaviour.WRITE_TO_LOG, Notification.EDGE_CHANNEL_UPDATE_FAILED, thingIdOpt.orElse("UNDEFINED") + "/" + channelIdOpt.orElse("UNDEFINED"), e.getMessage());
Also used : ApiWorker(io.openems.core.utilities.api.ApiWorker) ConfigChannel( WriteChannel( ConfigChannel( Channel( JsonObject( WriteJsonObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteJsonObject) OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) JsonElement( WriteChannel( JsonObject( WriteObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteObject) WriteJsonObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteJsonObject) WriteJsonObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteJsonObject) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) WriteObject(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WriteObject)

Example 2 with ConfigChannel

use of in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class ChannelRegisterMap method setValue.

protected void setValue(MyRegister register, byte b1, byte b2) throws OpenemsException {
    int registerNo = register.getRegisterNo();
    this.setBuffer[registerNo * 2] = b1;
    this.setBuffer[registerNo * 2 + 1] = b2;
    // is the buffer full?
    for (int i = 0; i < this.setBuffer.length; i++) {
        if (this.setBuffer[i] == null) {
            // no, it is not full
    // yes, it is full -> parse value to Object
    byte[] value = new byte[this.setBuffer.length];
    boolean isPositive = true;
    for (int i = this.setBuffer.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2) {
        if (((this.setBuffer[i - 1] >>> 8) & 1) != 0) {
            // test if the 'negative-bit' is set
            isPositive = false;
        value[i] = this.setBuffer[i];
        value[i - 1] = this.setBuffer[i - 1];
    if (!isPositive) {
        // fill leading bytes with 0xFF if the value is negative
        for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
            if (value[i] != 0) {
            value[i] = (byte) 0xff;
    // int bitLength = getBitLength(type);
    // System.out.println(bitLength + " - " + bytesToHex(value));
    Object valueObj = BitUtils.toObject(this.channelDoc.getTypeOpt().get(), value);
    Channel channel = this.getChannel();
    if (channel instanceof ConfigChannel<?>) {
        // it is a ConfigChannel -> write directly
        ConfigChannel<?> configChannel = (ConfigChannel<?>) channel;
        configChannel.updateValue(valueObj, true);"Updated [" + this.channelAddress + "] to [" + valueObj + "] via Modbus/TCP.");
    } else if (channel instanceof WriteChannel<?>) {
        // it is a WriteChannel -> handle by ApiWorker
        WriteChannel<?> writeChannel = (WriteChannel<?>) channel;
        WritePOJO writeObject = new WritePOJO(valueObj);
        apiWorker.addValue(writeChannel, writeObject);
Also used : ConfigChannel( WriteChannel( ConfigChannel( Channel( WriteChannel( WritePOJO(io.openems.core.utilities.api.WritePOJO)

Example 3 with ConfigChannel

use of in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class ConfigUtils method getAsJsonElement.

 * Converts an object to a JsonElement
 * @param value
 * @return
 * @throws NotImplementedException
public static JsonElement getAsJsonElement(Object value, ConfigFormat format, Role role) throws NotImplementedException {
    // null
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    // optional
    if (value instanceof Optional<?>) {
        if (!((Optional<?>) value).isPresent()) {
            return null;
        } else {
            value = ((Optional<?>) value).get();
    try {
			 * test for simple types
        return JsonUtils.getAsJsonElement(value);
    } catch (NotImplementedException e) {
    if (value instanceof Thing) {
			 * type Thing
        Thing thing = (Thing) value;
        JsonObject j = new JsonObject();
        if (format == ConfigFormat.OPENEMS_UI || !"_")) {
            // ignore generated id names starting with "_"
            j.addProperty("alias", thing.getAlias());
        // for file-format class is not needed for DeviceNatures
        j.addProperty("class", thing.getClass().getCanonicalName());
        ThingRepository thingRepository = ThingRepository.getInstance();
        for (ConfigChannel<?> channel : thingRepository.getConfigChannels(thing)) {
            if (channel.isReadAllowed(role)) {
                // check read permissions
                JsonElement jChannel = null;
                jChannel = ConfigUtils.getAsJsonElement(channel, format, role);
                if (jChannel != null) {
                    j.add(, jChannel);
        // for Bridge: add 'devices' array of thingIds
        if (value instanceof Bridge) {
            Bridge bridge = (Bridge) value;
            JsonArray jDevices = new JsonArray();
            for (Device device : bridge.getDevices()) {
            j.add("devices", jDevices);
        return j;
    } else if (value instanceof ConfigChannel<?>) {
			 * type ConfigChannel
        ConfigChannel<?> channel = (ConfigChannel<?>) value;
        if (!channel.valueOptional().isPresent()) {
            // no value set
            return null;
        } else if (format == ConfigFormat.FILE && channel.getDefaultValue().equals(channel.valueOptional())) {
            // default value not changed
            return null;
        } else {
            // recursive call
            return ConfigUtils.getAsJsonElement(channel.valueOptional().get(), format, role);
    } else if (value instanceof ThingMap) {
			 * ThingMap (we need only id)
        return new JsonPrimitive(((ThingMap) value).id());
    } else if (value instanceof List<?>) {
			 * List
        JsonArray jArray = new JsonArray();
        for (Object v : (List<?>) value) {
            jArray.add(ConfigUtils.getAsJsonElement(v, format, role));
        return jArray;
    } else if (value instanceof Set<?>) {
			 * Set
        JsonArray jArray = new JsonArray();
        for (Object v : (Set<?>) value) {
            jArray.add(ConfigUtils.getAsJsonElement(v, format, role));
        return jArray;
    throw new NotImplementedException(// 
    "Converter for [" + value + "]" + " of type [" + value.getClass().getSimpleName() + // 
    "]" + " to JSON is not implemented.");
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) Optional(java.util.Optional) JsonPrimitive( Device(io.openems.api.device.Device) ConfigChannel( NotImplementedException(io.openems.common.exceptions.NotImplementedException) JsonObject( ThingRepository(io.openems.core.ThingRepository) JsonArray( JsonElement( JsonObject( ThingMap(io.openems.api.controller.ThingMap) Thing(io.openems.api.thing.Thing) Bridge(io.openems.api.bridge.Bridge)

Example 4 with ConfigChannel

use of in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class ThingRepository method addThing.

 * Add a Thing to the Repository and cache its Channels and other information for later usage.
 * @param thing
public synchronized void addThing(Thing thing) {
    if (thingIds.containsValue(thing)) {
        // Thing was already added
    // Add to thingIds
    thingIds.forcePut(, thing);
    // Add to thingClasses
    thingClasses.put(thing.getClass(), thing);
    // Add to bridges
    if (thing instanceof Bridge) {
        bridges.add((Bridge) thing);
    // Add to schedulers
    if (thing instanceof Scheduler) {
        schedulers.add((Scheduler) thing);
    // Add to persistences
    if (thing instanceof Persistence) {
        persistences.add((Persistence) thing);
    // Add to queryablePersistences
    if (thing instanceof QueryablePersistence) {
        queryablePersistences.add((QueryablePersistence) thing);
    // Add to device natures
    if (thing instanceof DeviceNature) {
        deviceNatures.add((DeviceNature) thing);
    // Add Listener
    // Apply channel annotation (this happens now and again after initializing the thing via init()
    // Add Channels thingConfigChannels
    ThingDoc thingDoc = classRepository.getThingDoc(thing.getClass());
    for (ChannelDoc channelDoc : thingDoc.getChannelDocs()) {
        Member member = channelDoc.getMember();
        try {
            List<Channel> channels = new ArrayList<>();
            java.util.function.Consumer<Channel> addToChannels = (c) -> {
                if (c == null) {
                // TODO this error is not handled properly
                // log.error(
                // "Channel is returning null! Thing [" + + "], Member [" + member.getName() + "]");
                } else {
            if (member instanceof Method) {
                if (((Method) member).getReturnType().isArray()) {
                    Channel[] ch = (Channel[]) ((Method) member).invoke(thing);
                    for (Channel c : ch) {
                } else {
                    // It's a Method with ReturnType Channel
                    Channel c = (Channel) ((Method) member).invoke(thing);
                    if (c instanceof ThingStateChannels) {
                        ThingStateChannels tsc = (ThingStateChannels) c;
                        for (ThingStateChannel fc : tsc.getFaultChannels()) {
                        for (ThingStateChannel wc : tsc.getWarningChannels()) {
            } else if (member instanceof Field) {
                // It's a Field with Type Channel
                Channel c = (Channel) ((Field) member).get(thing);
            } else {
            if (channels.isEmpty()) {
            for (Channel channel : channels) {
                // Add Channel to thingChannels
                thingChannels.put(thing,, channel);
                if (channel instanceof ConfigChannel) {
                    // Add Channel to configChannels
                    thingConfigChannels.put(thing, (ConfigChannel<?>) channel);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to add Channel. Member [" + member.getName() + "]", e);
    for (ThingsChangedListener listener : thingListeners) {
        listener.thingChanged(thing, Action.ADD);
Also used : ReadChannel( JsonObject( Controller(io.openems.api.controller.Controller) OpenemsException(io.openems.common.exceptions.OpenemsException) LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) WriteChannel( HashBasedTable( ConfigChannel( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) HashMultimap( Bridge(io.openems.api.bridge.Bridge) Map(java.util.Map) DeviceNature(io.openems.api.device.nature.DeviceNature) Scheduler(io.openems.api.scheduler.Scheduler) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) BiMap( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Member(java.lang.reflect.Member) Collection(java.util.Collection) JsonUtils(io.openems.common.utils.JsonUtils) Set(java.util.Set) Thing(io.openems.api.thing.Thing) ThingChannelsUpdatedListener(io.openems.api.thing.ThingChannelsUpdatedListener) Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) QueryablePersistence(io.openems.api.persistence.QueryablePersistence) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) Device(io.openems.api.device.Device) Action(io.openems.core.ThingsChangedListener.Action) List(java.util.List) HashBiMap( ThingStateChannels( InjectionUtils(io.openems.core.utilities.InjectionUtils) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) ConfigUtils(io.openems.core.utilities.ConfigUtils) Optional(java.util.Optional) Persistence(io.openems.api.persistence.Persistence) ChannelAddress(io.openems.common.types.ChannelAddress) ChannelDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ChannelDoc) ThingDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ThingDoc) Collections(java.util.Collections) Table( ThingStateChannel( Channel( Scheduler(io.openems.api.scheduler.Scheduler) ConfigChannel( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ThingStateChannels( ThingStateChannel( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) QueryablePersistence(io.openems.api.persistence.QueryablePersistence) DeviceNature(io.openems.api.device.nature.DeviceNature) Member(java.lang.reflect.Member) ThingDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ThingDoc) ReadChannel( WriteChannel( ConfigChannel( ThingStateChannel( Channel( Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ChannelDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ChannelDoc) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) QueryablePersistence(io.openems.api.persistence.QueryablePersistence) Persistence(io.openems.api.persistence.Persistence) Bridge(io.openems.api.bridge.Bridge)

Example 5 with ConfigChannel

use of in project openems by OpenEMS.

the class ThingRepository method thingChannelsUpdated.

public void thingChannelsUpdated(Thing thing) {
    // remove Channels from thingChannels, thingWriteChannels
    Databus databus = Databus.getInstance();
    Set<Entry<String, Channel>> thingRow = thingChannels.row(thing).entrySet();
    Iterator<Entry<String, Channel>> i = thingRow.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        Entry<String, Channel> thingChannel =;
        if (!(thingChannel.getValue() instanceof ConfigChannel)) {
    // Add Channels to thingChannels, thingConfigChannels and thingWriteChannels
    ThingDoc thingDoc = classRepository.getThingDoc(thing.getClass());
    for (ChannelDoc channelDoc : thingDoc.getChannelDocs()) {
        Member member = channelDoc.getMember();
        try {
            List<Channel> channels = new ArrayList<>();
            boolean ignoreEmpty = false;
            if (member instanceof Method) {
                if (((Method) member).getReturnType().isArray()) {
                    // ignore e.g. if getFaultChannels is returning an empty array
                    ignoreEmpty = true;
                    Channel[] ch = (Channel[]) ((Method) member).invoke(thing);
                    for (Channel c : ch) {
                } else {
                    // It's a Method with ReturnType Channel
                    channels.add((Channel) ((Method) member).invoke(thing));
            } else if (member instanceof Field) {
                // It's a Field with Type Channel
                channels.add((Channel) ((Field) member).get(thing));
            } else {
            if (!ignoreEmpty && channels.isEmpty()) {
                log.warn("Channel is returning null! Thing [" + + "], Member [" + member.getName() + "]");
            for (Channel channel : channels) {
                if (channel != null) {
                    // Add Channel to thingChannels
                    thingChannels.put(thing,, channel);
                    // Add Channel to writeChannels
                    if (channel instanceof WriteChannel) {
                        thingWriteChannels.put(thing, (WriteChannel<?>) channel);
                    // Register Databus as listener
                    if (channel instanceof ReadChannel) {
                        ((ReadChannel<?>) channel).addUpdateListener(databus);
                        ((ReadChannel<?>) channel).addChangeListener(databus);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            log.warn("Unable to add Channel. Member [" + member.getName() + "]", e);
Also used : ConfigChannel( ReadChannel( WriteChannel( ConfigChannel( ThingStateChannel( Channel( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ChannelDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ChannelDoc) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) ReadChannel( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) WriteChannel( Member(java.lang.reflect.Member) ThingDoc(io.openems.api.doc.ThingDoc)


ConfigChannel ( WriteChannel ( JsonElement ( Channel ( JsonObject ( Thing (io.openems.api.thing.Thing)3 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)3 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 Set (java.util.Set)3 JsonArray ( Bridge (io.openems.api.bridge.Bridge)2 ReadChannel ( ThingStateChannel ( ThingMap (io.openems.api.controller.ThingMap)2 Device (io.openems.api.device.Device)2 DeviceNature (io.openems.api.device.nature.DeviceNature)2 ChannelDoc (io.openems.api.doc.ChannelDoc)2 ThingDoc (io.openems.api.doc.ThingDoc)2