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Example 1 with AuthHandler

use of io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler in project pravega by pravega.

the class AuthHandlerManager method authenticateAndAuthorize.

 * API to authenticate and authorize access to a given resource.
 * @param resource The resource identifier for which the access needs to be controlled.
 * @param credentials  Credentials used for authentication.
 * @param level    Expected level of access.
 * @return         Returns true if the entity represented by the custom auth headers had given level of access to the resource.
 *                 Returns false if the entity does not have access.
 * @throws AuthenticationException if an authentication failure occurred.
public boolean authenticateAndAuthorize(String resource, String credentials, AuthHandler.Permissions level) throws AuthenticationException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentials, "credentials");
    boolean retVal = false;
    try {
        String[] parts = extractMethodAndToken(credentials);
        String method = parts[0];
        String token = parts[1];
        AuthHandler handler = getHandler(method);
        Preconditions.checkNotNull(handler, "Can not find handler.");
        Principal principal;
        if ((principal = handler.authenticate(token)) == null) {
            throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failure");
        retVal = handler.authorize(resource, principal).ordinal() >= level.ordinal();
    } catch (AuthException e) {
        throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failure");
    return retVal;
Also used : AuthHandler(io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler) AuthenticationException(io.pravega.auth.AuthenticationException) AuthException(io.pravega.auth.AuthException) Principal(

Example 2 with AuthHandler

use of io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler in project pravega by pravega.

the class AuthHandlerManager method authorize.

 * API to authorize a given principal and credential.
 * @param resource The resource identifier for which the access needs to be controlled.
 * @param credentials Credentials used for authentication.
 * @param level Expected level of access.
 * @param principal Principal associated with the credentials.
 * @return Returns true if the entity represented by the credentials has given level of access to the resource.
 *      Returns false if the entity does not have access.
 * @throws AuthException if an authentication or authorization failure occurred.
public boolean authorize(String resource, Principal principal, String credentials, AuthHandler.Permissions level) throws AuthException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentials, "credentials");
    String method = extractMethodAndToken(credentials)[0];
    AuthHandler handler = getHandler(method);
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(handler, "Can not find handler.");
    return handler.authorize(resource, principal).ordinal() >= level.ordinal();
Also used : AuthHandler(io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler)

Example 3 with AuthHandler

use of io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler in project pravega by pravega.

the class PravegaAuthManager method registerInterceptors.

 * Loads the custom implementations of the AuthHandler interface dynamically. Registers the interceptors with grpc.
 * Stores the implementation in a local map for routing the REST auth request.
 * @param builder The grpc service builder to register the interceptors.
public void registerInterceptors(ServerBuilder<?> builder) {
    try {
        if (serverConfig.isAuthorizationEnabled()) {
            ServiceLoader<AuthHandler> loader = ServiceLoader.load(AuthHandler.class);
            for (AuthHandler handler : loader) {
                try {
                    synchronized (this) {
                        if (handlerMap.putIfAbsent(handler.getHandlerName(), handler) != null) {
                            log.warn("Handler with name {} already exists. Not replacing it with the latest handler");
                    builder.intercept(new PravegaInterceptor(handler));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.warn("Exception while initializing auth handler {}", handler, e);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        log.warn("Exception while loading the auth handlers", e);
Also used : AuthHandler(io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler) AuthenticationException(io.pravega.common.auth.AuthenticationException)

Example 4 with AuthHandler

use of io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler in project pravega by pravega.

the class PravegaAuthManager method authenticate.

 * API to authenticate and authroize access to a given resource.
 * @param resource The resource identifier for which the access needs to be controlled.
 * @param paramMap  Custom headers used for authentication.
 * @param level    Expected level of access.
 * @return         Returns true if the entity represented by the custom auth headers had given level of access to the resource.
 * @throws AuthenticationException Exception faced during authentication/authorization.
public boolean authenticate(String resource, Map<String, String> paramMap, AuthHandler.Permissions level) throws AuthenticationException {
    boolean retVal = false;
    try {
        String method = paramMap.get("method");
        AuthHandler handler = getHandler(method);
        retVal = handler.authenticate(paramMap) && handler.authorize(resource, paramMap).ordinal() >= level.ordinal();
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw new AuthenticationException(e);
    return retVal;
Also used : AuthHandler(io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler) AuthenticationException(io.pravega.common.auth.AuthenticationException)

Example 5 with AuthHandler

use of io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler in project pravega by pravega.

the class AuthHandlerManager method authenticate.

 * API to authenticate a given credential.
 * @param credentials  Credentials used for authentication.
 * @return Returns the Principal if the entity represented by credentials is authenticated.
 * @throws AuthException if an authentication failure occurred.
public Principal authenticate(String credentials) throws AuthException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(credentials, "credentials");
    String[] parts = extractMethodAndToken(credentials);
    String method = parts[0];
    String token = parts[1];
    AuthHandler handler = getHandler(method);
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(handler, "Can not find handler.");
    return handler.authenticate(token);
Also used : AuthHandler(io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler)


AuthHandler (io.pravega.auth.AuthHandler)6 AuthenticationException (io.pravega.common.auth.AuthenticationException)2 Principal ( AuthException (io.pravega.auth.AuthException)1 AuthenticationException (io.pravega.auth.AuthenticationException)1