use of io.pravega.client.BatchClientFactory in project pravega by pravega.
the class BatchClientTest method testBatchClientWithStreamTruncation.
@Test(timeout = 50000)
public void testBatchClientWithStreamTruncation() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
@Cleanup StreamManager streamManager = StreamManager.create(clientConfig);
@Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
createTestStreamWithEvents(clientFactory);"Done creating a test stream with test events");
@Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClient = BatchClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);"Done creating batch client factory");
// 1. Create a StreamCut after 2 events(offset = 2 * 30 = 60).
StreamCut streamCut60L = new StreamCutImpl(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), ImmutableMap.of(new Segment(SCOPE, STREAM, 0), 60L));
// 2. Truncate stream.
assertTrue("truncate stream", controllerWrapper.getController().truncateStream(SCOPE, STREAM, streamCut60L).join());
// 3a. Fetch Segments using StreamCut.UNBOUNDED>
ArrayList<SegmentRange> segmentsPostTruncation1 = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), StreamCut.UNBOUNDED, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
// 3b. Fetch Segments using getStreamInfo() api.
StreamInfo streamInfo = streamManager.getStreamInfo(SCOPE, STREAM);
ArrayList<SegmentRange> segmentsPostTruncation2 = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), streamInfo.getHeadStreamCut(), streamInfo.getTailStreamCut()).getIterator());
// Validate results.
validateSegmentCountAndEventCount(batchClient, segmentsPostTruncation1);
validateSegmentCountAndEventCount(batchClient, segmentsPostTruncation2);
use of io.pravega.client.BatchClientFactory in project pravega by pravega.
the class BatchClientTest method testBatchClientWithStreamTruncationPostGetSegments.
@Test(expected = TruncatedDataException.class, timeout = 50000)
public void testBatchClientWithStreamTruncationPostGetSegments() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
@Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
@Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClient = BatchClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
// 1. Fetch Segments.
ArrayList<SegmentRange> segmentsPostTruncation = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), StreamCut.UNBOUNDED, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
// 2. Create a StreamCut at the end of segment 0 ( offset = 3 * 30 = 90)
StreamCut streamCut90L = new StreamCutImpl(Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM), ImmutableMap.of(new Segment(SCOPE, STREAM, 0), 90L));
// 3. Truncate stream.
assertTrue("truncate stream", controllerWrapper.getController().truncateStream(SCOPE, STREAM, streamCut90L).join());
// 4. Use SegmentRange obtained before truncation.
SegmentRange s0 = -> segmentRange.getSegmentId() == 0L).findFirst().get();
// 5. Read non existent segment.
List<String> eventList = new ArrayList<>();
@Cleanup SegmentIterator<String> segmentIterator = batchClient.readSegment(s0, serializer);
use of io.pravega.client.BatchClientFactory in project pravega by pravega.
the class BatchClientTest method listAndReadSegmentsUsingBatchClient.
protected void listAndReadSegmentsUsingBatchClient(String scopeName, String streamName, ClientConfig config) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
@Cleanup EventStreamClientFactory clientFactory = EventStreamClientFactory.withScope(scopeName, config);
createTestStreamWithEvents(clientFactory);"Done creating test event stream with test events");
@Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClient = BatchClientFactory.withScope(scopeName, config);
// List out all the segments in the stream.
ArrayList<SegmentRange> segments = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(Stream.of(scopeName, streamName), null, null).getIterator());
assertEquals("Expected number of segments", 6, segments.size());
// Batch read all events from stream.
List<String> batchEventList = new ArrayList<>();
segments.forEach(segInfo -> {
@Cleanup SegmentIterator<String> segmentIterator = batchClient.readSegment(segInfo, serializer);
assertEquals("Event count", 9, batchEventList.size());
// Read from a given offset.
Segment seg0 = new Segment(scopeName, streamName, 0);
SegmentRange seg0Info = SegmentRangeImpl.builder().segment(seg0).startOffset(60).endOffset(90).build();
@Cleanup SegmentIterator<String> seg0Iterator = batchClient.readSegment(seg0Info, serializer);
ArrayList<String> dataAtOffset = Lists.newArrayList(seg0Iterator);
assertEquals(1, dataAtOffset.size());
assertEquals(DATA_OF_SIZE_30, dataAtOffset.get(0));
use of io.pravega.client.BatchClientFactory in project pravega by pravega.
the class DelegationTokenTest method testBatchClientDelegationTokenRenewal.
* This test verifies that a batch client continues to read events as a result of automatic delegation token
* renewal, after the initial delegation token it uses expires.
* <p>
* We use an extraordinarily high test timeout and read timeouts to account for any inordinate delays that may be
* encountered in testing environments.
@Test(timeout = 50000)
public void testBatchClientDelegationTokenRenewal() throws InterruptedException {
// Delegation token renewal threshold is 5 seconds, so we are using 6 seconds as Token TTL so that token doesn't
// get renewed before each use.
@Cleanup ClusterWrapper pravegaCluster = ClusterWrapper.builder().authEnabled(true).tokenTtlInSeconds(6).build();
final String scope = "testscope";
final String streamName = "teststream";
final ClientConfig clientConfig = ClientConfig.builder().controllerURI(URI.create(pravegaCluster.controllerUri())).credentials(new DefaultCredentials("1111_aaaa", "admin")).build();
log.debug("Done creating client config.");
// Create Scope and Stream.
createScopeStream(scope, streamName, 1, clientConfig);
// write ten Events.
writeTenEvents(scope, streamName, clientConfig);
// Now, read the events from the stream using Batch client.
@Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClientFactory = BatchClientFactory.withScope(scope, clientConfig);
List<SegmentRange> segmentRanges = Lists.newArrayList(batchClientFactory.getSegments(Stream.of(scope, streamName), StreamCut.UNBOUNDED, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
assertEquals("The number of segments in the stream is 1", 1, segmentRanges.size());
SegmentIterator<String> segmentIterator = batchClientFactory.readSegment(segmentRanges.get(0), new JavaSerializer<>());
int eventReadCount = 0;
while (segmentIterator.hasNext()) {
// We are keeping sleep time relatively large, just to make sure that the delegation token expires
// midway.
String event =;
log.debug("Done reading event {}", event);
// Assert that we end up reading 10 events even though delegation token must have expired midway.
// To look for evidence of delegation token renewal check the logs for the following message:
// - "Token is nearing expiry, so refreshing it"
assertEquals(10, eventReadCount);
use of io.pravega.client.BatchClientFactory in project pravega by pravega.
the class BatchClientSimpleTest method batchClientSimpleTest.
* This test verifies the basic functionality of {@link BatchClientFactory}, including stream metadata checks, segment
* counts, parallel segment reads and reads with offsets using stream cuts.
public void batchClientSimpleTest() {
final int totalEvents = RG_PARALLELISM * 100;
final int offsetEvents = RG_PARALLELISM * 20;
final int batchIterations = 4;
final Stream stream = Stream.of(SCOPE, STREAM);
final ClientConfig clientConfig = Utils.buildClientConfig(controllerURI);
@Cleanup ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SocketConnectionFactoryImpl(clientConfig);
ControllerImpl controller = new ControllerImpl(ControllerImplConfig.builder().clientConfig(clientConfig).build(), connectionFactory.getInternalExecutor());
@Cleanup ClientFactoryImpl clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(SCOPE, controller, connectionFactory);
@Cleanup BatchClientFactory batchClient = BatchClientFactory.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);"Invoking batchClientSimpleTest test with Controller URI: {}", controllerURI);
@Cleanup ReaderGroupManager groupManager = ReaderGroupManager.withScope(SCOPE, clientConfig);
groupManager.createReaderGroup(READER_GROUP, ReaderGroupConfig.builder().disableAutomaticCheckpoints().stream(SCOPE + "/" + STREAM).build());
ReaderGroup readerGroup = groupManager.getReaderGroup(READER_GROUP);"Writing events to stream");
// Write events to the Stream.
writeEvents(clientFactory, STREAM, totalEvents);
// Instantiate readers to consume from Stream up to truncatedEvents.
List<CompletableFuture<Integer>> futures = readEventFutures(clientFactory, READER_GROUP, RG_PARALLELISM, offsetEvents);
// Create a stream cut on the specified offset position.
Checkpoint cp = readerGroup.initiateCheckpoint("batchClientCheckpoint", executor).join();
StreamCut streamCut = cp.asImpl().getPositions().values().iterator().next();
// Instantiate the batch client and assert it provides correct stream info.
log.debug("Creating batch client.");
StreamInfo streamInfo = streamManager.getStreamInfo(SCOPE, stream.getStreamName());
log.debug("Validating stream metadata fields.");
assertEquals("Expected Stream name: ", STREAM, streamInfo.getStreamName());
assertEquals("Expected Scope name: ", SCOPE, streamInfo.getScope());
// Test that we can read events from parallel segments from an offset onwards.
log.debug("Reading events from stream cut onwards in parallel.");
List<SegmentRange> ranges = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(stream, streamCut, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
assertEquals("Expected events read: ", totalEvents - offsetEvents, readFromRanges(ranges, batchClient));
// Emulate the behavior of Hadoop client: i) Get tail of Stream, ii) Read from current point until tail, iii) repeat.
log.debug("Reading in batch iterations.");
StreamCut currentTailStreamCut = streamManager.getStreamInfo(SCOPE, stream.getStreamName()).getTailStreamCut();
int readEvents = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < batchIterations; i++) {
writeEvents(clientFactory, STREAM, totalEvents);
// Read all the existing events in parallel segments from the previous tail to the current one.
ranges = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(stream, currentTailStreamCut, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
assertEquals("Expected number of segments: ", RG_PARALLELISM, ranges.size());
readEvents += readFromRanges(ranges, batchClient);
log.debug("Events read in parallel so far: {}.", readEvents);
currentTailStreamCut = streamManager.getStreamInfo(SCOPE, stream.getStreamName()).getTailStreamCut();
assertEquals("Expected events read: .", totalEvents * batchIterations, readEvents);
// Truncate the stream in first place.
log.debug("Truncating stream at event {}.", offsetEvents);
assertTrue(controller.truncateStream(SCOPE, STREAM, streamCut).join());
// Test the batch client when we select to start reading a Stream from a truncation point.
StreamCut initialPosition = streamManager.getStreamInfo(SCOPE, stream.getStreamName()).getHeadStreamCut();
List<SegmentRange> newRanges = Lists.newArrayList(batchClient.getSegments(stream, initialPosition, StreamCut.UNBOUNDED).getIterator());
assertEquals("Expected events read: ", (totalEvents - offsetEvents) + totalEvents * batchIterations, readFromRanges(newRanges, batchClient));
log.debug("Events correctly read from Stream: simple batch client test passed.");