use of io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerReadIndexTests method testStorageFailedCacheInsert.
* Tests the ability to handle Cache/Index Update failures post a successful Storage Read.
public void testStorageFailedCacheInsert() throws Exception {
final int segmentLength = 1024;
// Create a segment and write some data in Storage for it.
@Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext();
ArrayList<Long> segmentIds = createSegments(context);
val testSegmentId = segmentIds.get(0);
UpdateableSegmentMetadata sm = context.metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(testSegmentId);
sm.setLength(segmentLength); ->, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[segmentLength]), segmentLength, TIMEOUT)).join();
// Keep track of inserted/deleted calls to the Cache, and "fail" the insert call.
val inserted = new ReusableLatch();
val insertedAddress = new AtomicInteger(CacheStorage.NO_ADDRESS);
val deletedAddress = new AtomicInteger(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
context.cacheStorage.insertCallback = address -> {
// Immediately delete this data (prevent leaks).
Assert.assertTrue(insertedAddress.compareAndSet(CacheStorage.NO_ADDRESS, address));
throw new IntentionalException();
context.cacheStorage.deleteCallback = deletedAddress::set;
// Trigger a read. The first read call will be served with data directly from Storage, so we expect it to be successful.
@Cleanup ReadResult readResult =, 0, segmentLength, TIMEOUT);
ReadResultEntry entry =;
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected ReadResultEntryType.", ReadResultEntryType.Storage, entry.getType());
// This should complete without issues.
entry.getContent().get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Verify that the cache insert attempt has been made
Assert.assertNotEquals("Expected an insert attempt to have been made.", CacheStorage.NO_ADDRESS, insertedAddress.get());
AssertExtensions.assertEventuallyEquals(CacheStorage.NO_ADDRESS, deletedAddress::get, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
use of io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch in project pravega by pravega.
the class AsyncStorageWrapperTests method testConcurrencyDifferentSegment.
* Tests the fact that different segment do not interfere (block) with each other for concurrent operations.
public void testConcurrencyDifferentSegment() throws Exception {
final String segment1 = "Segment1";
final String segment2 = "Segment2";
// Create a set of latches that can be used to detect when an operation was invoked and when to release it.
val invoked = new HashMap<String, ReusableLatch>();
val waitOn = new HashMap<String, ReusableLatch>();
invoked.put(segment1, new ReusableLatch());
invoked.put(segment2, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(segment1, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(segment2, new ReusableLatch());
val innerStorage = new TestStorage((operation, segment) -> {
Exceptions.handleInterrupted(() -> waitOn.get(segment).await());
return null;
@Cleanup val s = new AsyncStorageWrapper(innerStorage, executorService());
// Begin executing one create.
val futures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<?>>();
futures.add(s.create(segment1, TIMEOUT));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of active segments.", 1, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
// Begin executing the second create and verify it is not blocked by the first one.
futures.add(s.create(segment2, TIMEOUT));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of active segments.", 2, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
// Complete the first operation and await the second operation to begin executing, then release it too.
// Wait for both operations to complete. This will re-throw any exceptions that may have occurred.
allOf(futures).get(TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected final number of active segments.", 0, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
use of io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch in project pravega by pravega.
the class AsyncStorageWrapperTests method testConcurrencyConcat.
* Tests the segment-based concurrency when concat is involved. In particular, that a concat() will wait for any pending
* operations on each involved segment and that any subsequent operation on any of those segments will be queued up.
public void testConcurrencyConcat() throws Exception {
final String segment1 = "Segment1";
final String segment2 = "Segment2";
final BiFunction<String, String, String> joiner = (op, segment) -> op + "|" + segment;
final String createSegment1Key = joiner.apply(TestStorage.CREATE, segment1);
final String createSegment2Key = joiner.apply(TestStorage.CREATE, segment2);
final String concatKey = joiner.apply(TestStorage.CONCAT, segment1 + "|" + segment2);
final String writeSegment1Key = joiner.apply(TestStorage.WRITE, segment1);
final String writeSegment2Key = joiner.apply(TestStorage.WRITE, segment2);
// Create a set of latches that can be used to detect when an operation was invoked and when to release it.
val invoked = new HashMap<String, ReusableLatch>();
val waitOn = new HashMap<String, ReusableLatch>();
invoked.put(createSegment1Key, new ReusableLatch());
invoked.put(createSegment2Key, new ReusableLatch());
invoked.put(concatKey, new ReusableLatch());
invoked.put(writeSegment1Key, new ReusableLatch());
invoked.put(writeSegment2Key, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(createSegment1Key, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(createSegment2Key, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(concatKey, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(writeSegment1Key, new ReusableLatch());
waitOn.put(writeSegment2Key, new ReusableLatch());
val innerStorage = new TestStorage((operation, segment) -> {
invoked.get(joiner.apply(operation, segment)).release();
Exceptions.handleInterrupted(() -> waitOn.get(joiner.apply(operation, segment)).await());
return null;
@Cleanup val s = new AsyncStorageWrapper(innerStorage, executorService());
// Issue two Create operations with the two segments and wait for both of them to be running.
val futures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<?>>();
futures.add(s.create(segment1, TIMEOUT));
futures.add(s.create(segment2, TIMEOUT));
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of active segments.", 2, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
// Initiate the concat and complete one of the original operations, and verify the concat did not start.
futures.add(s.concat(InMemoryStorage.newHandle(segment1, false), 0, segment2, TIMEOUT));
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Concat was invoked while the at least one of the creates was running.", () -> invoked.get(concatKey).await(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS), ex -> ex instanceof TimeoutException);
// Finish up the "source" create and verify the concat is released.
// Add more operations after the concat and verify they are queued up (that they haven't started).
futures.add(s.write(InMemoryStorage.newHandle(segment1, false), 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), 0, TIMEOUT));
futures.add(s.write(InMemoryStorage.newHandle(segment2, false), 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), 0, TIMEOUT));
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Write(target) was invoked while concat was running", () -> invoked.get(writeSegment1Key).await(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS), ex -> ex instanceof TimeoutException);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Write(source) was invoked while concat was running", () -> invoked.get(writeSegment2Key).await(LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS), ex -> ex instanceof TimeoutException);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of active segments.", 2, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
// Finish up the concat and verify the two writes are released.
allOf(futures).get(TIMEOUT_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of active segments.", 0, s.getSegmentWithOngoingOperationsCount());
use of io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerReadIndexTests method testConcurrentReadTransactionStorageReadCacheFull.
* Tests the following scenario:
* 1. Segment B has been merged into A
* 2. We are executing a read on Segment A over a portion where B was merged into A.
* 3. Concurrently with 2, a read on Segment B that went to LTS (possibly from the same result as before) wants to
* insert into the Cache, but the cache is full. The Cache Manager would want to clean up the cache.
* <p>
* We want to ensure that there is no deadlock for this scenario.
public void testConcurrentReadTransactionStorageReadCacheFull() throws Exception {
// Must equal Cache Block size for easy eviction.
val appendLength = 4 * 1024;
val maxCacheSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
// We set the policy's max size to a much higher value to avoid entering "essential-only" state.
CachePolicy cachePolicy = new CachePolicy(2 * maxCacheSize, Duration.ZERO, Duration.ofMillis(1));
@Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext(DEFAULT_CONFIG, cachePolicy, maxCacheSize);
val rnd = new Random(0);
// Create parent segment and one transaction
long targetId = createSegment(0, context);
long sourceId = createTransaction(1, context);
val targetMetadata = context.metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(targetId);
val sourceMetadata = context.metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(sourceId);
// Write something to the transaction; and immediately evict it.
val append1 = new byte[appendLength];
val append2 = new byte[appendLength];
val allData = BufferView.builder().add(new ByteArraySegment(append1)).add(new ByteArraySegment(append2)).build();
appendSingleWrite(sourceId, new ByteArraySegment(append1), context);
// Increment the generation.
// Write a second thing to the transaction, and do not evict it.
appendSingleWrite(sourceId, new ByteArraySegment(append2), context); ->, 0, allData.getReader(), allData.getLength(), TIMEOUT)).join();
// Seal & Begin-merge the transaction (do not seal in storage).
context.readIndex.beginMerge(targetId, 0L, sourceId);
// At this point, the first append in the transaction should be evicted, while the second one should still be there.
@Cleanup val rr =, 0, (int) targetMetadata.getLength(), TIMEOUT);
@Cleanup val cacheCleanup = new AutoCloseObject();
@Cleanup("release") val insertingInCache = new ReusableLatch();
@Cleanup("release") val finishInsertingInCache = new ReusableLatch();
context.cacheStorage.beforeInsert = () -> {
// Prevent a stack overflow.
context.cacheStorage.beforeInsert = null;
// Fill up the cache with garbage - this will cause an unrecoverable Cache Full event (which is what we want).
int toFill = (int) (context.cacheStorage.getState().getMaxBytes() - context.cacheStorage.getState().getUsedBytes());
int address = context.cacheStorage.insert(new ByteArraySegment(new byte[toFill]));
cacheCleanup.onClose = () -> context.cacheStorage.delete(address);
// Notify that we have inserted.
// Block (while holding locks) until notified.
// Begin a read process.
// First read must be a storage read.
val storageRead =;
Assert.assertEquals(ReadResultEntryType.Storage, storageRead.getType());
// Copy contents out; this is not affected by our cache insert block.
byte[] readData1 = storageRead.getContent().join().slice(0, appendLength).getCopy();
// Wait for the insert callback to be blocked on our latch.
// Continue with the read. We are now expecting a Cache Read. Do it asynchronously (new thread).
val cacheReadFuture = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(rr::next, executorService());
// Notify the cache insert that it's time to release now.
// Wait for the async read to finish and grab its contents.
val cacheRead = cacheReadFuture.get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
Assert.assertEquals(ReadResultEntryType.Cache, cacheRead.getType());
byte[] readData2 = cacheRead.getContent().join().slice(0, appendLength).getCopy();
// Validate data was read correctly.
val readData = BufferView.builder().add(new ByteArraySegment(readData1)).add(new ByteArraySegment(readData2)).build();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected data written.", allData, readData);
use of io.pravega.common.util.ReusableLatch in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerReadIndexTests method testStorageReadsConcurrent.
private void testStorageReadsConcurrent(int offsetDeltaBetweenReads, int extraAllowedStorageReads, BiConsumerWithException<TestContext, UpdateableSegmentMetadata> executeBetweenReads, BiConsumerWithException<TestContext, UpdateableSegmentMetadata> finalCheck) throws Exception {
val maxAllowedStorageReads = 2 + extraAllowedStorageReads;
// Set a cache size big enough to prevent the Cache Manager from enabling "essential-only" mode due to over-utilization.
val cachePolicy = new CachePolicy(10000, 0.01, 1.0, Duration.ofMillis(10), Duration.ofMillis(10));
@Cleanup TestContext context = new TestContext(DEFAULT_CONFIG, cachePolicy);
// Create the segment
val segmentId = createSegment(0, context);
val metadata = context.metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(segmentId);, TIMEOUT).join();
// Append some data to the Read Index.
val dataInStorage = getAppendData(metadata.getName(), segmentId, 0, 0);
context.readIndex.append(segmentId, 0, dataInStorage);
// Then write to Storage. ->, 0, dataInStorage.getReader(), dataInStorage.getLength(), TIMEOUT)).join();
// Then evict it from the cache.
boolean evicted = context.cacheManager.applyCachePolicy();
Assert.assertTrue("Expected an eviction.", evicted);
@Cleanup("release") val firstReadBlocker = new ReusableLatch();
@Cleanup("release") val firstRead = new ReusableLatch();
@Cleanup("release") val secondReadBlocker = new ReusableLatch();
@Cleanup("release") val secondRead = new ReusableLatch();
val cacheInsertCount = new AtomicInteger();
context.cacheStorage.insertCallback = address -> {
if (cacheInsertCount.incrementAndGet() > 1) {"Too many cache inserts.");
val storageReadCount = new AtomicInteger();, wrappedStorage) -> {
int readCount = storageReadCount.incrementAndGet();
if (readCount == 1) {
} else if (readCount == 2) {
} else if (readCount > maxAllowedStorageReads) {"Too many storage reads. Max allowed = " + maxAllowedStorageReads);
// Initiate the first Storage Read.
val read1Result =, 0, dataInStorage.getLength(), TIMEOUT);
val read1Data = new byte[dataInStorage.getLength()];
val read1Future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> read1Result.readRemaining(read1Data, TIMEOUT), executorService());
// Wait for it to process.
// Initiate the second storage read.
val read2Length = dataInStorage.getLength() - offsetDeltaBetweenReads;
val read2Result =, offsetDeltaBetweenReads, read2Length, TIMEOUT);
val read2Data = new byte[read2Length];
val read2Future = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> read2Result.readRemaining(read2Data, TIMEOUT), executorService());
// Unblock the first Storage Read and wait for it to complete.
read1Future.get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Wait for the data from the first read to be fully added to the cache. Without this the subsequent append will not write to this entry.
TestUtils.await(() -> {
try {
return, 0, dataInStorage.getLength(), TIMEOUT).next().getType() == ReadResultEntryType.Cache;
} catch (StreamSegmentNotExistsException ex) {
throw new CompletionException(ex);
}, 10, TIMEOUT.toMillis());
// If there's anything to do between the two reads, do it now.
executeBetweenReads.accept(context, metadata);
// Unblock second Storage Read.
read2Future.get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Perform final check.
finalCheck.accept(context, metadata);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of storage reads.", maxAllowedStorageReads, storageReadCount.get());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of cache inserts.", 1, cacheInsertCount.get());