use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class StorageTestBase method testListSegmentsWithDeletes.
* Tests listSegments() on deleting some segments.
* @throws Exception if an unexpected error occurred.
public void testListSegmentsWithDeletes() throws Exception {
@Cleanup val baseStorage = new InMemoryStorage();
@Cleanup val s = new RollingStorage(baseStorage, new SegmentRollingPolicy(1));
Set<String> deletedSegments = new HashSet<>();
int expectedCount = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < expectedCount; i++) {
String segmentName = "segment-" + i;
SegmentHandle handle = s.create(segmentName);
if (rnd.nextInt(2) == 1) {
Iterator<SegmentProperties> it = s.listSegments();
expectedCount -= deletedSegments.size();
Assert.assertEquals(expectedCount, Iterators.size(it));
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class StorageTestBase method testListSegments.
* Tests the ability to list Segments.
* @throws Exception if an unexpected error occurred.
public void testListSegments() throws Exception {
@Cleanup val baseStorage = new InMemoryStorage();
@Cleanup val s = new RollingStorage(baseStorage, new SegmentRollingPolicy(1));
Set<String> sealedSegments = new HashSet<>();
int expectedCount = 50;
byte[] data = "data".getBytes();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedCount; i++) {
String segmentName = "segment-" + i;
val wh1 = s.create(segmentName);
// Write data.
s.write(wh1, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length);
if (rnd.nextInt(2) == 1) {
Iterator<SegmentProperties> it = s.listSegments();
int actualCount = 0;
while (it.hasNext()) {
SegmentProperties curr =;
// check the length matches
Assert.assertEquals(curr.getLength(), data.length);
if (sealedSegments.contains(curr.getName())) {
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(actualCount, expectedCount);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class DebugStreamSegmentContainerTests method testDataRecoveryStorageLevel.
* Use a storage instance to create segments. Lists the segments from the storage and and then recreates them using
* debug segment containers. Before re-creating(or registering), the segments are mapped to their respective debug
* segment container. Once registered, segment's properties are matched to verify if the test was successful or not.
public void testDataRecoveryStorageLevel() throws Exception {
// Segments are mapped to four different containers.
int containerCount = 4;
int segmentsToCreateCount = 50;
// Create a storage.
@Cleanup val baseStorage = new InMemoryStorage();
@Cleanup val s = new RollingStorage(baseStorage, new SegmentRollingPolicy(1));
s.initialize(1);"Created a storage instance");
// Record details(name, container Id & sealed status) of each segment to be created.
Set<String> sealedSegments = new HashSet<>();
byte[] data = "data".getBytes();
SegmentToContainerMapper segToConMapper = new SegmentToContainerMapper(containerCount, true);
Map<Integer, ArrayList<String>> segmentByContainers = new HashMap<>();
// Create segments and get their container Ids, sealed status and names to verify.
for (int i = 0; i < segmentsToCreateCount; i++) {
String segmentName = "segment-" + RANDOM.nextInt();
// Use segmentName to map to different containers.
int containerId = segToConMapper.getContainerId(segmentName);
ArrayList<String> segmentsList = segmentByContainers.get(containerId);
if (segmentsList == null) {
segmentsList = new ArrayList<>();
segmentByContainers.put(containerId, segmentsList);
// Create segments, write data and randomly seal some of them.
val wh1 = s.create(segmentName);
// Write data.
s.write(wh1, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length);
if (RANDOM.nextBoolean()) {
}"Created some segments using the storage.");
@Cleanup TestContext context = createContext(executorService());
OperationLogFactory localDurableLogFactory = new DurableLogFactory(DEFAULT_DURABLE_LOG_CONFIG, context.dataLogFactory, executorService());
Map<Integer, DebugStreamSegmentContainer> debugStreamSegmentContainerMap = new HashMap<>();"Start a debug segment container corresponding to each container id.");
for (int containerId = 0; containerId < containerCount; containerId++) {
MetadataCleanupContainer localContainer = new MetadataCleanupContainer(containerId, CONTAINER_CONFIG, localDurableLogFactory, context.readIndexFactory, context.attributeIndexFactory, context.writerFactory, context.storageFactory, context.getDefaultExtensions(), executorService());
Services.startAsync(localContainer, executorService()).join();
debugStreamSegmentContainerMap.put(containerId, localContainer);
}"Recover all segments using the storage and debug segment containers.");
recoverAllSegments(new AsyncStorageWrapper(s, executorService()), debugStreamSegmentContainerMap, executorService(), TIMEOUT);
// Re-create all segments which were listed.
for (int containerId = 0; containerId < containerCount; containerId++) {
for (String segment : segmentByContainers.get(containerId)) {
SegmentProperties props = debugStreamSegmentContainerMap.get(containerId).getStreamSegmentInfo(segment, TIMEOUT).join();
Assert.assertEquals("Segment length mismatch.", data.length, props.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals("Sealed status of the segment don't match.", sealedSegments.contains(segment), props.isSealed());