use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class TaskTest method testTaskSweeper.
public void testTaskSweeper() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
final String deadHost = "deadHost";
final String deadThreadId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String scope = SCOPE;
final String stream = "streamSweeper";
final StreamConfiguration configuration = StreamConfiguration.builder().scope(SCOPE).streamName(stream1).scalingPolicy(policy1).build();
final Resource resource = new Resource(scope, stream);
final long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
final TaskData taskData = new TaskData("createStream", "1.0", new Serializable[] { scope, stream, configuration, timestamp });
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
final TaggedResource taggedResource = new TaggedResource(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), resource);
taskMetadataStore.putChild(deadHost, taggedResource).join();
final TaggedResource taggedResource = new TaggedResource(deadThreadId, resource);
taskMetadataStore.putChild(deadHost, taggedResource).join();
taskMetadataStore.lock(resource, taskData, deadHost, deadThreadId, null, null).join();
TaskSweeper taskSweeper = new TaskSweeper(taskMetadataStore, HOSTNAME, executor, streamMetadataTasks);
Optional<TaskData> data = taskMetadataStore.getTask(resource, deadHost, deadThreadId).get();
Optional<TaggedResource> child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(deadHost).get();
// ensure that the stream streamSweeper is created
StreamConfiguration config = streamStore.getConfiguration(SCOPE, stream, null, executor).get();
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class TaskTest method parallelTaskSweeperTest.
public void parallelTaskSweeperTest() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final String deadHost = "deadHost";
final String deadThreadId1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String deadThreadId2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String scope = SCOPE;
final String stream1 = "parallelSweeper1";
final String stream2 = "parallelSweeper2";
final StreamConfiguration config1 = StreamConfiguration.builder().scope(SCOPE).streamName(stream1).scalingPolicy(policy1).build();
final StreamConfiguration config2 = StreamConfiguration.builder().scope(SCOPE).streamName(stream2).scalingPolicy(policy1).build();
final Resource resource1 = new Resource(scope, stream1);
final long timestamp1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final TaskData taskData1 = new TaskData("createStream", "1.0", new Serializable[] { scope, stream1, config1, timestamp1 });
final Resource resource2 = new Resource(scope, stream2);
final long timestamp2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final TaskData taskData2 = new TaskData("createStream", "1.0", new Serializable[] { scope, stream2, config2, timestamp2 });
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
final TaggedResource taggedResource = new TaggedResource(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), resource1);
taskMetadataStore.putChild(deadHost, taggedResource).join();
final TaggedResource taggedResource1 = new TaggedResource(deadThreadId1, resource1);
taskMetadataStore.putChild(deadHost, taggedResource1).join();
final TaggedResource taggedResource2 = new TaggedResource(deadThreadId2, resource2);
taskMetadataStore.putChild(deadHost, taggedResource2).join();
taskMetadataStore.lock(resource1, taskData1, deadHost, deadThreadId1, null, null).join();
taskMetadataStore.lock(resource2, taskData2, deadHost, deadThreadId2, null, null).join();
final SweeperThread sweeperThread1 = new SweeperThread(HOSTNAME, executor, taskMetadataStore, streamMetadataTasks, deadHost);
final SweeperThread sweeperThread2 = new SweeperThread(HOSTNAME, executor, taskMetadataStore, streamMetadataTasks, deadHost);
Optional<TaskData> data = taskMetadataStore.getTask(resource1, deadHost, deadThreadId1).get();
data = taskMetadataStore.getTask(resource2, deadHost, deadThreadId2).get();
Optional<TaggedResource> child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(deadHost).get();
// ensure that the stream streamSweeper is created
StreamConfiguration config = streamStore.getConfiguration(SCOPE, stream1, null, executor).get();
config = streamStore.getConfiguration(SCOPE, stream2, null, executor).get();
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class TaskSweeper method executeHostTask.
private CompletableFuture<Result> executeHostTask(final String oldHostId) {
// Get a random child TaggedResource of oldHostId node and attempt to execute corresponding task
return taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(oldHostId).thenComposeAsync(taggedResourceOption -> {
if (!taggedResourceOption.isPresent()) {
log.debug("Host={} fetched no child of {}", this.hostId, oldHostId);
// Moreover, no need to get any more children, hence return null.
return taskMetadataStore.removeNode(oldHostId).thenApplyAsync(x -> null, executor);
} else {
TaggedResource taggedResource = taggedResourceOption.get();
log.debug("Host={} processing child <{}, {}> of {}", this.hostId, taggedResource.getResource(), taggedResource.getTag(), oldHostId);
// and compete to execute it to completion.
return executeResourceTask(oldHostId, taggedResource);
}, executor);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class TaskMetadataStoreTests method testFolderOperations.
@Test(timeout = 10000)
public void testFolderOperations() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
final TaggedResource child1 = new TaggedResource(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), resource);
final TaggedResource child2 = new TaggedResource(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), resource);
final TaggedResource child3 = new TaggedResource(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), resource);
Set<String> hosts = taskMetadataStore.getHosts().get();
taskMetadataStore.putChild(host1, child1).get();
taskMetadataStore.putChild(host1, child2).get();
Optional<TaggedResource> child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(host1).get();
taskMetadataStore.removeChild(host1, child1, true).get();
child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(host1).get();
taskMetadataStore.removeChild(host1, child3, true).get();
hosts = taskMetadataStore.getHosts().get();
assertEquals(1, hosts.size());
child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(host1).get();
taskMetadataStore.removeChild(host1, child2, true).get();
child = taskMetadataStore.getRandomChild(host1).get();
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class TaskBase method execute.
* Wrapper method that initially obtains lock then executes the passed method, and finally releases lock.
* @param resource resource to be updated by the task.
* @param parameters method parameters.
* @param operation lambda operation that is the actual task.
* @param <T> type parameter of return value of operation to be executed.
* @return return value of task execution.
public <T> CompletableFuture<T> execute(final Resource resource, final Serializable[] parameters, final FutureOperation<T> operation) {
if (!ready) {
return Futures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException(getClass().getName() + " not yet ready"));
final String tag = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final TaskData taskData = getTaskData(parameters);
final CompletableFuture<T> result = new CompletableFuture<>();
final TaggedResource taggedResource = new TaggedResource(tag, resource);
log.debug("Host={}, Tag={} starting to execute task {}-{} on resource {}", context.hostId, tag, taskData.getMethodName(), taskData.getMethodVersion(), resource);
if (createIndexOnlyMode) {
return createIndexes(taggedResource, taskData);
// PutChild (HostId, resource)
// Initially store the fact that I am about the update the resource.
// Since multiple threads within this process could concurrently attempt to modify same resource,
// we tag the resource name with a random GUID so as not to interfere with other thread's
// creation or deletion of resource children under HostId node.
taskMetadataStore.putChild(context.hostId, taggedResource).thenComposeAsync(x -> executeTask(resource, taskData, tag, operation), executor).whenCompleteAsync((value, e) -> taskMetadataStore.removeChild(context.hostId, taggedResource, true).whenCompleteAsync((innerValue, innerE) -> {
// ignore the result of removeChile operations, since it is an optimization
if (e != null) {
} else {
}, executor), executor);
return result;