use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.CompletableOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class OperationProcessor method processOperations.
* Processes a set of pending operations (essentially a single iteration of the QueueProcessor).
* Steps:
* <ol>
* <li> Picks the next items from the queue
* <li> Creates a DataFrameBuilder and starts appending items to it.
* <li> As the DataFrameBuilder acknowledges DataFrames being published, acknowledge the corresponding Operations as well.
* <li> If at the end, the Queue still has items to process, processes those as well.
* </ol>
* @param operations The initial set of operations to process (in order). Multiple operations may be processed eventually
* depending on how the operationQueue changes while this is processing.
private void processOperations(Queue<CompletableOperation> operations) {
log.debug("{}: processOperations (OperationCount = {}).", this.traceObjectId, operations.size());
// Process the operations in the queue. This loop will ensure we do continuous processing in case new items
// arrived while we were busy handling the current items.
Timer processTimer = new Timer();
int count = 0;
while (!operations.isEmpty()) {
try {
// Process the current set of operations.
while (!operations.isEmpty()) {
CompletableOperation o = operations.poll();
try {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = Exceptions.unwrap(ex);
this.state.failOperation(o, ex);
if (isFatalException(ex)) {
// operation as its failure is isolated to itself (most likely it's invalid).
throw ex;
// context switching, better DataFrame occupancy optimization) rather than by going back to run().
if (operations.isEmpty()) {
// We have processed all operations in the queue: this is a good time to report metrics.
this.metrics.currentState(this.operationQueue.size(), this.state.getPendingCount());
this.metrics.processOperations(count, processTimer.getElapsedMillis());
// Reset this timer since we may be pulling in new operations.
processTimer = new Timer();
count = 0;
if (!this.throttlerCalculator.isThrottlingRequired()) {
// Only pull in new operations if we do not require throttling. If we do, we need to go back to
// the main OperationProcessor loop and delay processing the next batch of operations.
operations = this.operationQueue.poll(MAX_READ_AT_ONCE);
if (operations.isEmpty()) {
log.debug("{}: processOperations (Flush).", this.traceObjectId);
synchronized (this.stateLock) {
} else {
log.debug("{}: processOperations (Add OperationCount = {}).", this.traceObjectId, operations.size());
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// Fail ALL the operations that haven't been acknowledged yet.
ex = Exceptions.unwrap(ex);, null);
if (isFatalException(ex)) {
// If we encountered a fatal exception, it means we detected something that we cannot possibly recover from.
// We need to shutdown right away (this will be done by the main loop).
// But first, fail any Operations that we did not have a chance to process yet.
cancelIncompleteOperations(operations, ex);
throw Lombok.sneakyThrow(ex);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.CompletableOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class OperationProcessor method cancelIncompleteOperations.
* Cancels those Operations in the given list that have not yet completed with the given exception.
private void cancelIncompleteOperations(Iterable<CompletableOperation> operations, Throwable failException) {
assert failException != null : "no exception to set";
int cancelCount = 0;
for (CompletableOperation o : operations) {
if (!o.isDone()) {
this.state.failOperation(o, failException);
log.warn("{}: Cancelling {} operations with exception: {}.", this.traceObjectId, cancelCount, failException.toString());
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.CompletableOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class OperationProcessor method processOperation.
* Processes a single operation.
* Steps:
* <ol>
* <li> Pre-processes operation (in MetadataUpdater).
* <li> Assigns Sequence Number.
* <li> Appends to DataFrameBuilder.
* <li> Accepts operation in MetadataUpdater.
* </ol>
* @param operation The operation to process.
* @throws Exception If an exception occurred while processing this operation. Depending on the type of the exception,
* this could be due to the operation itself being invalid, or because we are unable to process any more operations.
private void processOperation(CompletableOperation operation) throws Exception {
Preconditions.checkState(!operation.isDone(), "The Operation has already been processed.");
Operation entry = operation.getOperation();
if (!entry.canSerialize()) {
// This operation cannot be serialized, so don't bother doing anything with it.
synchronized (this.stateLock) {
// Update Metadata and Operations with any missing data (offsets, lengths, etc) - the Metadata Updater
// has all the knowledge for that task.
// Entry is ready to be serialized; assign a sequence number.
log.trace("{}: DataFrameBuilder.Append {}.", this.traceObjectId, entry);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.CompletableOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class OperationProcessor method closeQueue.
* Closes the Operation Queue and fails all Operations in it with the given exception.
* @param causingException The exception to fail with. If null, it will default to ObjectClosedException.
private void closeQueue(Throwable causingException) {
// Close the operation queue and extract any outstanding Operations from it.
Collection<CompletableOperation> remainingOperations = this.operationQueue.close();
if (remainingOperations != null && remainingOperations.size() > 0) {
// If any outstanding Operations were left in the queue, they need to be failed.
// If no other cause was passed, assume we are closing the queue because we are shutting down.
Throwable failException = causingException != null ? causingException : new CancellationException();
cancelIncompleteOperations(remainingOperations, failException);
// The commit queue will auto-close when we are done and it itself is empty. We just need to unblock it in case
// it was idle and waiting on a pending take() operation.