use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.StreamSegmentAppendOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransactionTests method testProcessMetadataCheckpoint.
* Tests the processMetadataOperation method with MetadataCheckpoint operations.
public void testProcessMetadataCheckpoint() throws Exception {
// When encountering MetadataCheckpoint in non-Recovery Mode, the ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction serializes a snapshot
// of the current metadata inside the Operation.
// When encountering MetadataCheckpoint in Recovery Mode, the ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction deserializes the snapshot-ted
// metadata in it and applies it to the container metadata (inside the transaction). All existing metadata updates
// are cleared.
String newSegmentName = "NewSegmentId";
AtomicLong seqNo = new AtomicLong();
// Create a non-empty metadata, and in addition, seal a segment and truncate it.
UpdateableContainerMetadata metadata = createMetadata();
metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).setStartOffset(SEGMENT_LENGTH / 2);
val txn = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
// Checkpoint 1: original metadata.
// Checkpoint 2: Checkpoint 1 + 1 StreamSegment and 1 Transaction + 1 Append
MetadataCheckpointOperation checkpoint1 = createMetadataCheckpoint();
MetadataCheckpointOperation checkpoint2 = createMetadataCheckpoint();
// Checkpoint 1 Should have original metadata.
processOperation(checkpoint1, txn, seqNo::incrementAndGet);
UpdateableContainerMetadata checkpointedMetadata = getCheckpointedMetadata(checkpoint1);
assertMetadataSame("Unexpected metadata before any operation.", metadata, checkpointedMetadata);
// Map another StreamSegment, and add an append
StreamSegmentMapOperation mapOp = new StreamSegmentMapOperation(StreamSegmentInformation.builder().name(newSegmentName).length(SEGMENT_LENGTH).build());
processOperation(mapOp, txn, seqNo::incrementAndGet);
processOperation(new StreamSegmentAppendOperation(mapOp.getStreamSegmentId(), DEFAULT_APPEND_DATA, createAttributeUpdates()), txn, seqNo::incrementAndGet);
processOperation(checkpoint2, txn, seqNo::incrementAndGet);
// Checkpoint 2 should have Checkpoint 1 + New StreamSegment + Append.
checkpointedMetadata = getCheckpointedMetadata(checkpoint2);
assertMetadataSame("Unexpected metadata after deserializing checkpoint.", metadata, checkpointedMetadata);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.StreamSegmentAppendOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerMetadataUpdateTransactionTests method testStreamSegmentAppendWithOffset.
* Tests the ability of the ContainerMetadataUpdateTransaction to process (and accept) StreamSegmentAppendOperations with
* predefined offsets.
public void testStreamSegmentAppendWithOffset() throws Exception {
UpdateableContainerMetadata metadata = createMetadata();
val txn = createUpdateTransaction(metadata);
// Append #1 (at offset 0).
long offset = metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getLength();
StreamSegmentAppendOperation appendOp = createAppendWithOffset(offset);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StreamSegmentOffset after call to preProcess in non-recovery mode.", offset, appendOp.getStreamSegmentOffset());
checkNoSequenceNumberAssigned(appendOp, "call to preProcess in non-recovery mode");
Assert.assertEquals("preProcess(Append) seems to have changed the Updater internal state.", offset, txn.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getLength());
Assert.assertEquals("preProcess(Append) seems to have changed the metadata.", offset, metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getLength());
// Append #2 (after Append #1)
offset = appendOp.getStreamSegmentOffset() + appendOp.getLength();
appendOp = createAppendWithOffset(offset);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected StreamSegmentOffset after call to preProcess in non-recovery mode.", offset, appendOp.getStreamSegmentOffset());
checkNoSequenceNumberAssigned(appendOp, "call to preProcess in non-recovery mode");
Assert.assertEquals("preProcess(Append) seems to have changed the Updater internal state.", offset, txn.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getLength());
Assert.assertEquals("preProcess(Append) seems to have changed the metadata.", SEGMENT_LENGTH, metadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(SEGMENT_ID).getLength());
// Append #3 (wrong offset)
offset = appendOp.getStreamSegmentOffset() + appendOp.getLength() - 1;
StreamSegmentAppendOperation badAppendOp = createAppendWithOffset(offset);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("preProcessOperations accepted an append with the wrong offset.", () -> txn.preProcessOperation(badAppendOp), ex -> ex instanceof BadOffsetException);
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("acceptOperation accepted an append that was rejected during preProcessing.", () -> txn.acceptOperation(badAppendOp), ex -> ex instanceof MetadataUpdateException);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.StreamSegmentAppendOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class MemoryStateUpdater method addToReadIndex.
* Registers the given operation in the ReadIndex.
* @param operation The operation to register.
private void addToReadIndex(StorageOperation operation) {
try {
if (operation instanceof StreamSegmentAppendOperation) {
// Record a StreamSegmentAppendOperation. Just in case, we also support this type of operation, but we need to
// log a warning indicating so. This means we do not optimize memory properly, and we end up storing data
// in two different places.
StreamSegmentAppendOperation appendOperation = (StreamSegmentAppendOperation) operation;
this.readIndex.append(appendOperation.getStreamSegmentId(), appendOperation.getStreamSegmentOffset(), appendOperation.getData());
} else if (operation instanceof MergeTransactionOperation) {
// Record a MergeTransactionOperation. We call beginMerge here, and the StorageWriter will call completeMerge.
MergeTransactionOperation mergeOperation = (MergeTransactionOperation) operation;
this.readIndex.beginMerge(mergeOperation.getStreamSegmentId(), mergeOperation.getStreamSegmentOffset(), mergeOperation.getTransactionSegmentId());
} else {
assert !(operation instanceof CachedStreamSegmentAppendOperation) : "attempted to add a CachedStreamSegmentAppendOperation to the ReadIndex";
} catch (ObjectClosedException | StreamSegmentNotExistsException ex) {
// The Segment is in the process of being deleted. We usually end up in here because a concurrent delete
// request has updated the metadata while we were executing.
log.warn("Not adding operation '{}' to ReadIndex because it refers to a deleted StreamSegment.", operation);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.StreamSegmentAppendOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class SegmentAggregator method reconcileAppendOperation.
* Attempts to reconcile the given Append Operation. Since Append Operations can be partially flushed, reconciliation
* may be for the full operation or for a part of it.
* @param op The Operation (StreamSegmentAppendOperation or CachedStreamSegmentAppendOperation) to reconcile.
* @param storageInfo The current state of the Segment in Storage.
* @param timer Timer for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture containing a FlushResult with the number of bytes reconciled, or failed with a ReconciliationFailureException,
* if the operation cannot be reconciled, based on the in-memory metadata or the current state of the Segment in Storage.
private CompletableFuture<FlushResult> reconcileAppendOperation(StorageOperation op, SegmentProperties storageInfo, TimeoutTimer timer) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(op instanceof AggregatedAppendOperation, "Not given an append operation.");
// Read data from Storage, and compare byte-by-byte.
InputStream appendStream = this.dataSource.getAppendData(op.getStreamSegmentId(), op.getStreamSegmentOffset(), (int) op.getLength());
if (appendStream == null) {
return Futures.failedFuture(new ReconciliationFailureException(String.format("Unable to reconcile operation '%s' because no append data is associated with it.", op), this.metadata, storageInfo));
// Only read as much data as we need.
long readLength = Math.min(op.getLastStreamSegmentOffset(), storageInfo.getLength()) - op.getStreamSegmentOffset();
assert readLength > 0 : "Append Operation to be reconciled is beyond the Segment's StorageLength " + op;
AtomicInteger bytesReadSoFar = new AtomicInteger();
// Read all data from storage.
byte[] storageData = new byte[(int) readLength];
return Futures.loop(() -> bytesReadSoFar.get() < readLength, () ->, op.getStreamSegmentOffset() + bytesReadSoFar.get(), storageData, bytesReadSoFar.get(), (int) readLength - bytesReadSoFar.get(), timer.getRemaining()), bytesRead -> {
assert bytesRead > 0 : String.format("Unable to make any read progress when reconciling operation '%s' after reading %s bytes.", op, bytesReadSoFar);
}, this.executor).thenApplyAsync(v -> {
// Compare, byte-by-byte, the contents of the append.
verifySame(appendStream, storageData, op, storageInfo);
if (readLength >= op.getLength() && op.getLastStreamSegmentOffset() <= storageInfo.getLength()) {
// Operation has been completely validated; pop it off the list.
StorageOperation removedOp = this.operations.removeFirst();
assert op == removedOp : "Reconciled operation is not the same as removed operation";
return new FlushResult().withFlushedBytes(readLength);
}, this.executor);
use of io.pravega.segmentstore.server.logs.operations.StreamSegmentAppendOperation in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentContainer method append.
// endregion
// region StreamSegmentStore Implementation
public CompletableFuture<Void> append(String streamSegmentName, byte[] data, Collection<AttributeUpdate> attributeUpdates, Duration timeout) {
TimeoutTimer timer = new TimeoutTimer(timeout);
logRequest("append", streamSegmentName, data.length);
return this.segmentMapper.getOrAssignStreamSegmentId(streamSegmentName, timer.getRemaining(), streamSegmentId -> {
StreamSegmentAppendOperation operation = new StreamSegmentAppendOperation(streamSegmentId, data, attributeUpdates);
return this.durableLog.add(operation, timer.getRemaining());