use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class IdempotentStorageTestBase method testParallelWriteTwoHosts.
// endregion
// region synchronization unit tests
* This test case simulates two hosts writing at the same offset at the same time.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testParallelWriteTwoHosts() {
String segmentName = "foo_write";
int appendCount = 5;
try (Storage s1 = createStorage();
Storage s2 = createStorage()) {
s1.create(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
SegmentHandle writeHandle1 = s1.openWrite(segmentName).join();
SegmentHandle writeHandle2 = s2.openWrite(segmentName).join();
long offset = 0;
byte[] writeData = String.format("Segment_%s_Append", segmentName).getBytes();
for (int j = 0; j < appendCount; j++) {
ByteArrayInputStream dataStream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData);
ByteArrayInputStream dataStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData);
CompletableFuture f1 = s1.write(writeHandle1, offset, dataStream1, writeData.length, TIMEOUT);
CompletableFuture f2 = s2.write(writeHandle2, offset, dataStream2, writeData.length, TIMEOUT);
assertMayThrow("Write expected to complete OR throw BadOffsetException." + "threw an unexpected exception.", () -> CompletableFuture.allOf(f1, f2), ex -> ex instanceof BadOffsetException);
// Make sure at least one operation is success.
Assert.assertTrue("At least one of the two parallel writes should succeed.", !f1.isCompletedExceptionally() || !f2.isCompletedExceptionally());
offset += writeData.length;
Assert.assertTrue("Writes at the same offset are expected to be idempotent.", s1.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join().getLength() == offset);
offset = 0;
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[writeData.length];
for (int j = 0; j < appendCount; j++) {
int bytesRead =, j * readBuffer.length, readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.length, TIMEOUT).join();
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Unexpected number of bytes read from offset %d.", offset), readBuffer.length, bytesRead);
AssertExtensions.assertArrayEquals(String.format("Unexpected read result from offset %d.", offset), readBuffer, 0, readBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
s1.delete(writeHandle1, TIMEOUT).join();
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class IdempotentStorageTestBase method testFencing.
// region Fencing tests
* Tests fencing abilities. We create two different Storage objects with different owner ids.
* * We create the Segment on Storage1:
* ** We verify that Storage1 can execute all operations.
* ** We verify that Storage2 can execute only read-only operations.
* ** We open the Segment on Storage2:
* ** We verify that Storage1 can execute only read-only operations.
* ** We verify that Storage2 can execute all operations.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testFencing() throws Exception {
final long epoch1 = 1;
final long epoch2 = 2;
final String segmentName = "segment";
try (val storage1 = createStorage();
val storage2 = createStorage()) {
// Create segment in Storage1 (thus Storage1 owns it for now).
storage1.create(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
// Storage1 should be able to execute all operations.
SegmentHandle handle1 = storage1.openWrite(segmentName).join();
verifyWriteOperationsSucceed(handle1, storage1);
verifyReadOnlyOperationsSucceed(handle1, storage1);
// Open the segment in Storage2 (thus Storage2 owns it for now).
SegmentHandle handle2 = storage2.openWrite(segmentName).join();
// Storage1 should be able to execute read-only operations.
verifyReadOnlyOperationsSucceed(handle1, storage1);
// Storage2 should be able to execute all operations.
verifyReadOnlyOperationsSucceed(handle2, storage2);
verifyWriteOperationsSucceed(handle2, storage2);
// Seal and Delete (these should be run last, otherwise we can't run our test).
verifyFinalWriteOperationsSucceed(handle2, storage2);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class IdempotentStorageTestBase method testPartialConcat.
* This test case simulates host crashing during concat and retrying the operation.
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void testPartialConcat() {
String segmentName = "foo_write";
String concatSegmentName = "foo_concat";
String newConcatSegmentName = "foo_concat0";
int offset = 0;
try (Storage s1 = createStorage()) {
s1.create(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
s1.create(concatSegmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
SegmentHandle writeHandle1 = s1.openWrite(segmentName).join();
SegmentHandle writeHandle2 = s1.openWrite(concatSegmentName).join();
byte[] writeData = String.format("Segment_%s_Append", segmentName).getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream dataStream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData);
ByteArrayInputStream dataStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData);
s1.write(writeHandle1, offset, dataStream1, writeData.length, TIMEOUT).join();
s1.write(writeHandle2, offset, dataStream2, writeData.length, TIMEOUT).join();
s1.seal(writeHandle2, TIMEOUT).join();
// This will append the segments and delete the concat segment.
s1.concat(writeHandle1, writeData.length, concatSegmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
long lengthBeforeRetry = s1.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join().getLength();
// Create the segment again.
s1.create(newConcatSegmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
writeHandle2 = s1.openWrite(newConcatSegmentName).join();
dataStream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(writeData);
s1.write(writeHandle2, offset, dataStream2, writeData.length, TIMEOUT).join();
s1.seal(writeHandle2, TIMEOUT).join();
// Concat at the same offset again
s1.concat(writeHandle1, writeData.length, newConcatSegmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
long lengthAfterRetry = s1.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join().getLength();
Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Concatenation of same segment at the same offset(%d) should result in " + "same segment size(%d), but is (%d)", writeData.length, lengthBeforeRetry, lengthAfterRetry), lengthBeforeRetry == lengthAfterRetry);
// Verify the data
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[writeData.length];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
int bytesRead =, j * readBuffer.length, readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.length, TIMEOUT).join();
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Unexpected number of bytes read from offset %d.", offset), readBuffer.length, bytesRead);
AssertExtensions.assertArrayEquals(String.format("Unexpected read result from offset %d.", offset), readBuffer, (int) offset, readBuffer, 0, bytesRead);
s1.delete(writeHandle1, TIMEOUT).join();
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ExtendedS3StorageTest method testMetrics.
public void testMetrics() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_COUNT.get());
assertEquals(0, ExtendedS3Metrics.CONCAT_COUNT.get());
assertEquals(0, ExtendedS3Metrics.DELETE_COUNT.get());
try (val storage = createStorage()) {
// Create segment A
storage.create("a", null).join();
assertEquals(1, ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_COUNT.get());
assertEquals(1, ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
// Create segment B
storage.create("b", null).join();
assertEquals(2, ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_COUNT.get());
assertEquals(2, ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.CREATE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
SegmentHandle handleA = storage.openWrite("a").get();
SegmentHandle handleB = storage.openWrite("b").get();
// Write some data to A
String str = "0123456789";
int totalBytesWritten = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
try (BoundedInputStream bis = new BoundedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()), i)) {
storage.write(handleA, totalBytesWritten, bis, i, null).join();
totalBytesWritten += i;
assertEquals(totalBytesWritten, ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_BYTES.get());
assertEquals(i, ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
// Write some data to segment B
storage.write(handleB, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()), str.length(), null).join();
totalBytesWritten += str.length();
assertEquals(totalBytesWritten, ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_BYTES.get());
assertEquals(5, ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.WRITE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
// Read some data
int totalBytesRead = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
totalBytesRead +=, totalBytesRead, buffer, 0, i, null).join();
assertEquals(totalBytesRead, ExtendedS3Metrics.READ_BYTES.get());
assertEquals(i, ExtendedS3Metrics.READ_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.READ_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
// Concat
SegmentProperties info = storage.getStreamSegmentInfo(handleA.getSegmentName(), null).join();
storage.seal(handleB, null).join();
storage.concat(handleA, info.getLength(), handleB.getSegmentName(), null).get();
assertEquals(str.length(), ExtendedS3Metrics.CONCAT_BYTES.get());
assertEquals(1, ExtendedS3Metrics.CONCAT_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.CONCAT_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
// delete
storage.delete(handleA, null).join();
assertEquals(1, ExtendedS3Metrics.DELETE_COUNT.get());
assertEquals(1, ExtendedS3Metrics.DELETE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getNumSuccessfulEvents());
assertTrue(0 <= ExtendedS3Metrics.DELETE_LATENCY.toOpStatsData().getAvgLatencyMillis());
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class FileSystemMockTests method doReadTest.
private void doReadTest(int index, int bufferSize) throws Exception {
// Set up mocks.
FileChannel channel = mock(FileChannel.class);
String segmentName = "test";
@Cleanup TestFileSystemStorage testStorage = new TestFileSystemStorage(storageConfig, channel);
testStorage.setSizeToReturn(2L * bufferSize);
SegmentHandle handle = FileSystemSegmentHandle.readHandle(segmentName);
// Force two reads.
ArgumentCaptor<Long> expectedArgs = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Long.class);
when(, anyLong())).thenReturn(index, bufferSize - index);
// Call method.
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];, 0, buffer, 0, bufferSize);
// Verify.
verify(channel, times(2)).read(any(), expectedArgs.capture());
List<Long> actualArgs = expectedArgs.getAllValues();
assertEquals(2, actualArgs.size());
assertEquals(0, actualArgs.get(0).longValue());
assertEquals(index, actualArgs.get(1).longValue());