use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class SimpleStorageTests method testGetInfo.
* Tests general GetInfoOperation behavior.
public void testGetInfo() throws Exception {
String segmentName = "foo_open";
try (Storage s = createStorage()) {
createSegment(segmentName, s);
SegmentHandle handle = s.openWrite(segmentName).join();
long expectedLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < WRITE_COUNT; i++) {
byte[] data = new byte[i + 1];
s.write(handle, expectedLength, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), data.length, null).join();
expectedLength += data.length;
SegmentProperties result = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, null).join();
validateProperties("pre-seal", segmentName, result, expectedLength, false);
// Seal.
s.seal(handle, null).join();
result = s.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, null).join();
validateProperties("post-seal", segmentName, result, expectedLength, true);
// Inexistent segment.
AssertExtensions.assertFutureThrows("GetInfo succeeded on missing segment.", s.getStreamSegmentInfo("non-existent", null), ex -> ex instanceof StreamSegmentNotExistsException);
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the class SimpleStorageTests method testConsecutiveReads.
public void testConsecutiveReads() throws Exception {
String segmentName = createSegmentName("testConsecutiveReads");
try (Storage s = createStorage()) {
createSegment(segmentName, s);
Assert.assertTrue("Expected the segment to exist.", s.exists(segmentName, null).join());
SegmentHandle writeHandle = s.openWrite(segmentName).join();
Assert.assertEquals(segmentName, writeHandle.getSegmentName());
Assert.assertEquals(false, writeHandle.isReadOnly());
byte[] writeBuffer = new byte[15];
s.write(writeHandle, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(writeBuffer), writeBuffer.length, null).join();
SegmentHandle readHandle = s.openRead(segmentName).join();
Assert.assertEquals(segmentName, readHandle.getSegmentName());
Assert.assertEquals(true, readHandle.isReadOnly());
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[writeBuffer.length];
int totalBytesRead = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
int remaining = i;
while (remaining > 0) {
int bytesRead =, totalBytesRead, readBuffer, totalBytesRead, remaining, null).get();
remaining -= bytesRead;
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
Assert.assertEquals(writeBuffer.length, totalBytesRead);
Assert.assertArrayEquals(writeBuffer, readBuffer);
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the class SystemJournalTests method testSimpleBootstrapWithMultipleFailoversWithTruncate.
* Tests a scenario when there are multiple fail overs overs.
* The test adds a few chunks to the system segments and then fails over.
* After fail over the zombie instances continue to write junk data to both system segment and journal file.
* The new instance should read the journal log file and recreate the layout of system segments.
* @throws Exception Throws exception in case of any error.
public void testSimpleBootstrapWithMultipleFailoversWithTruncate() throws Exception {
@Cleanup CleanupHelper cleanupHelper = new CleanupHelper();
@Cleanup ChunkStorage chunkStorage = getChunkStorage();
int containerId = 42;
String systemSegmentName = SystemJournal.getChunkStorageSystemSegments(containerId)[0];
long epoch = 0;
val policy = new SegmentRollingPolicy(1024);
val config = getDefaultConfigBuilder(policy).build();
val data = new InMemorySnapshotInfoStore();
val snapshotInfoStore = new SnapshotInfoStore(containerId, snapshotId -> data.setSnapshotId(containerId, snapshotId), () -> data.getSnapshotId(containerId));
long offset = 0;
long offsetToTruncateAt = 0;
ChunkedSegmentStorage oldChunkedSegmentStorage = null;
SegmentHandle oldHandle = null;
long oldOffset = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
// Epoch 2
ChunkMetadataStore metadataStoreAfterCrash = getMetadataStore();
ChunkedSegmentStorage segmentStorageInLoop = new ChunkedSegmentStorage(containerId, chunkStorage, metadataStoreAfterCrash, executorService(), config);
segmentStorageInLoop.getGarbageCollector().initialize(new InMemoryTaskQueueManager()).join();
segmentStorageInLoop.bootstrap(snapshotInfoStore, null).join();
val h = segmentStorageInLoop.openWrite(systemSegmentName).join();
if (null != oldChunkedSegmentStorage) {
// Add some junk to previous instance after failover
oldChunkedSegmentStorage.write(oldHandle, oldOffset, new ByteArrayInputStream("junk".getBytes()), 4, null).join();
} else {
// Only first time.
for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
val b0 = "JUNK".getBytes();
segmentStorageInLoop.write(h, offset, new ByteArrayInputStream(b0), b0.length, null).join();
offset += b0.length;
offsetToTruncateAt += 4;
val b1 = "Test".getBytes();
segmentStorageInLoop.write(h, offset, new ByteArrayInputStream(b1), b1.length, null).join();
offset += b1.length;
val b2 = Integer.toString(i).getBytes();
segmentStorageInLoop.write(h, offset, new ByteArrayInputStream(b2), b2.length, null).join();
offset += b2.length;
segmentStorageInLoop.truncate(h, offsetToTruncateAt, null).join();
TestUtils.checkSegmentBounds(metadataStoreAfterCrash, h.getSegmentName(), offsetToTruncateAt, offset);
val length = Math.toIntExact(offset - offsetToTruncateAt);
byte[] readBytes = new byte[length];
val bytesRead =, offsetToTruncateAt, readBytes, 0, length, null).get();
Assert.assertEquals(length, readBytes.length);
String s = new String(readBytes);
// Add some garbage
if (null != oldChunkedSegmentStorage) {
oldChunkedSegmentStorage.write(oldHandle, oldOffset + 4, new ByteArrayInputStream("junk".getBytes()), 4, null).join();
// Save these instances so that you can write some junk after bootstrap.
oldChunkedSegmentStorage = segmentStorageInLoop;
oldHandle = h;
oldOffset = offset;
@Cleanup ChunkMetadataStore metadataStoreFinal = getMetadataStore();
ChunkedSegmentStorage segmentStorageFinal = new ChunkedSegmentStorage(containerId, chunkStorage, metadataStoreFinal, executorService(), config);
segmentStorageFinal.getGarbageCollector().initialize(new InMemoryTaskQueueManager()).join();
segmentStorageFinal.bootstrap(snapshotInfoStore, null).join();
val info = segmentStorageFinal.getStreamSegmentInfo(systemSegmentName, null).join();
Assert.assertEquals(offset, info.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals(offsetToTruncateAt, info.getStartOffset());
byte[] out = new byte[Math.toIntExact(offset - offsetToTruncateAt)];
val hr = segmentStorageFinal.openRead(systemSegmentName).join();, offsetToTruncateAt, out, 0, Math.toIntExact(offset - offsetToTruncateAt), null).join();
val expected = "Test1Test2Test3Test4Test5Test6Test7Test8Test9";
val actual = new String(out);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class ChunkedSegmentStorage method delete.
public CompletableFuture<Void> delete(SegmentHandle handle, Duration timeout) {
if (null == handle) {
return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("handle must not be null"));
return executeSerialized(() -> {
val traceId = LoggerHelpers.traceEnter(log, "delete", handle);
log.debug("{} delete - started segment={}.", logPrefix, handle.getSegmentName());
val timer = new Timer();
val streamSegmentName = handle.getSegmentName();
return tryWith(metadataStore.beginTransaction(false, streamSegmentName), txn -> txn.get(streamSegmentName).thenComposeAsync(storageMetadata -> {
val segmentMetadata = (SegmentMetadata) storageMetadata;
// Check preconditions
checkSegmentExists(streamSegmentName, segmentMetadata);
checkOwnership(streamSegmentName, segmentMetadata);
// Collect garbage
return garbageCollector.addSegmentToGarbage(txn.getVersion(), streamSegmentName).thenComposeAsync(vv -> {
// Commit metadata.
return txn.commit().thenRunAsync(() -> {
// Update the read index.
val elapsed = timer.getElapsed();
log.debug("{} delete - finished segment={}, latency={}.", logPrefix, handle.getSegmentName(), elapsed.toMillis());
LoggerHelpers.traceLeave(log, "delete", traceId, handle);
}, executor);
}, executor);
}, executor), executor).exceptionally(ex -> {
log.warn("{} delete - exception segment={}, latency={}.", logPrefix, handle.getSegmentName(), timer.getElapsedMillis(), ex);
handleException(streamSegmentName, ex);
return null;
}, handle.getSegmentName());
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class InMemoryStorageTests method testFencing.
public void testFencing() throws Exception {
final String segment1 = "segment1";
final String segment2 = "segment2";
@Cleanup val baseStorage = new InMemoryStorage();
@Cleanup val storage = new AsyncStorageWrapper(baseStorage, executorService());
// Part 1: Create a segment and verify all operations are allowed.
storage.create(segment1, TIMEOUT).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
SegmentHandle handle1 = storage.openWrite(segment1).join();
verifyAllOperationsSucceed(handle1, storage);
// Part 2: Change owner, verify segment operations are not allowed until a call to open() is made.
verifyWriteOperationsFail(handle1, storage);
handle1 = storage.openWrite(segment1).join();
verifyAllOperationsSucceed(handle1, storage);
// Part 3: Create new segment and verify all operations are allowed.
storage.create(segment2, TIMEOUT).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
SegmentHandle handle2 = storage.openWrite(segment2).join();
verifyAllOperationsSucceed(handle2, storage);
// Cleanup.
storage.delete(handle1, TIMEOUT).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
storage.delete(handle2, TIMEOUT).get(TIMEOUT.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);