use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentContainerTests method testStartOffline.
* Tests the ability of the StreamSegmentContainer to start in Offline mode (due to an offline DurableLog) and eventually
* become online when the DurableLog becomes too.
public void testStartOffline() throws Exception {
@Cleanup val context = createContext();
AtomicReference<DurableDataLog> dataLog = new AtomicReference<>();
@Cleanup val dataLogFactory = new TestDurableDataLogFactory(context.dataLogFactory, dataLog::set);
AtomicReference<OperationLog> durableLog = new AtomicReference<>();
val durableLogFactory = new WatchableOperationLogFactory(new DurableLogFactory(DEFAULT_DURABLE_LOG_CONFIG, dataLogFactory, executorService()), durableLog::set);
val containerFactory = new StreamSegmentContainerFactory(DEFAULT_CONFIG, durableLogFactory, context.readIndexFactory, context.attributeIndexFactory, context.writerFactory, context.storageFactory, context.getDefaultExtensions(), executorService());
// Write some data
ArrayList<String> segmentNames = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<String, Long> lengths = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, ByteArrayOutputStream> segmentContents = new HashMap<>();
try (val container = containerFactory.createStreamSegmentContainer(CONTAINER_ID)) {
val creationFutures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>>();
for (int i = 0; i < SEGMENT_COUNT; i++) {
String segmentName = getSegmentName(i);
creationFutures.add(container.createStreamSegment(segmentName, getSegmentType(segmentName), null, TIMEOUT));
// Wait for the segments to be created first.
val opFutures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Long>>();
for (int i = 0; i < APPENDS_PER_SEGMENT / 2; i++) {
for (String segmentName : segmentNames) {
RefCountByteArraySegment appendData = getAppendData(segmentName, i);
opFutures.add(container.append(segmentName, appendData, null, TIMEOUT));
lengths.put(segmentName, lengths.getOrDefault(segmentName, 0L) + appendData.getLength());
recordAppend(segmentName, appendData, segmentContents, null);
// Disable the DurableDataLog.
// Start in "Offline" mode, verify operations cannot execute and then shut down - make sure we can shut down an offline container.
try (val container = containerFactory.createStreamSegmentContainer(CONTAINER_ID)) {
Assert.assertTrue("Expecting Segment Container to be offline.", container.isOffline());
AssertExtensions.assertSuppliedFutureThrows("append() worked in offline mode.", () -> container.append("foo", new ByteArraySegment(new byte[1]), null, TIMEOUT), ex -> ex instanceof ContainerOfflineException);
AssertExtensions.assertSuppliedFutureThrows("getStreamSegmentInfo() worked in offline mode.", () -> container.getStreamSegmentInfo("foo", TIMEOUT), ex -> ex instanceof ContainerOfflineException);
AssertExtensions.assertSuppliedFutureThrows("read() worked in offline mode.", () ->"foo", 0, 1, TIMEOUT), ex -> ex instanceof ContainerOfflineException);
// Start in "Offline" mode and verify we can resume a normal startup.
try (val container = containerFactory.createStreamSegmentContainer(CONTAINER_ID)) {
Assert.assertTrue("Expecting Segment Container to be offline.", container.isOffline());
// Wait for the DurableLog to become online.
durableLog.get().awaitOnline().get(DEFAULT_DURABLE_LOG_CONFIG.getStartRetryDelay().toMillis() * 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Verify we can execute regular operations now.
ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>> opFutures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < APPENDS_PER_SEGMENT / 2; i++) {
for (String segmentName : segmentNames) {
RefCountByteArraySegment appendData = getAppendData(segmentName, i);
opFutures.add(Futures.toVoid(container.append(segmentName, appendData, null, TIMEOUT)));
lengths.put(segmentName, lengths.getOrDefault(segmentName, 0L) + appendData.getLength());
recordAppend(segmentName, appendData, segmentContents, null);
// Verify all operations arrived in Storage.
ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>> segmentsCompletion = new ArrayList<>();
for (String segmentName : segmentNames) {
SegmentProperties sp = container.getStreamSegmentInfo(segmentName, TIMEOUT).join();
segmentsCompletion.add(waitForSegmentInStorage(sp, context));