use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class OperationProcessorTests method performLogOperationChecks.
private void performLogOperationChecks(Collection<OperationWithCompletion> operations, SequencedItemList<Operation> memoryLog, DurableDataLog dataLog, TruncationMarkerRepository truncationMarkers, int maxCount) throws Exception {
// Log Operation based checks
val successfulOps = -> !oc.completion.isCompletedExceptionally()).map(oc -> oc.operation).filter(Operation::canSerialize).limit(maxCount).collect(Collectors.toList());
@Cleanup DataFrameReader<Operation> dataFrameReader = new DataFrameReader<>(dataLog, new OperationSerializer(), CONTAINER_ID);
long lastSeqNo = -1;
if (successfulOps.size() > 0) {
// Writing to the memory log is asynchronous and we don't have any callbacks to know when it was written to.
// We check periodically until the last item has been written.
await(() -> - 1).getSequenceNumber() - 1, 1).hasNext(), 10);
Iterator<Operation> memoryLogIterator =, operations.size() + 1);
OperationComparer memoryLogComparer = new OperationComparer(true);
for (Operation expectedOp : successfulOps) {
// Verify that the operations have been completed and assigned sequential Sequence Numbers.
AssertExtensions.assertGreaterThan("Operations were not assigned sequential Sequence Numbers.", lastSeqNo, expectedOp.getSequenceNumber());
lastSeqNo = expectedOp.getSequenceNumber();
// MemoryLog: verify that the operations match that of the expected list.
Assert.assertTrue("No more items left to read from MemoryLog. Expected: " + expectedOp, memoryLogIterator.hasNext());
// Use memoryLogComparer: we are actually expecting the same object here.
Operation actual =;
memoryLogComparer.assertEquals("Unexpected Operation in MemoryLog.", expectedOp, actual);
// DataLog: read back using DataFrameReader and verify the operations match that of the expected list.
DataFrameRecord<Operation> dataFrameRecord = dataFrameReader.getNext();
Assert.assertNotNull("No more items left to read from DataLog. Expected: " + expectedOp, dataFrameRecord);
// We are reading the raw operation from the DataFrame, so expect different objects (but same contents).
OperationComparer.DEFAULT.assertEquals(expectedOp, dataFrameRecord.getItem());
// Check truncation markers if this is the last Operation to be written.
LogAddress dataFrameAddress = truncationMarkers.getClosestTruncationMarker(expectedOp.getSequenceNumber());
if (dataFrameRecord.getLastFullDataFrameAddress() != null && dataFrameRecord.getLastFullDataFrameAddress().getSequence() != dataFrameRecord.getLastUsedDataFrameAddress().getSequence()) {
// This operation spans multiple DataFrames. The TruncationMarker should be set on the last DataFrame
// that ends with a part of it.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected truncation marker for Operation SeqNo " + expectedOp.getSequenceNumber() + " when it spans multiple DataFrames.", dataFrameRecord.getLastFullDataFrameAddress(), dataFrameAddress);
} else if (dataFrameRecord.isLastFrameEntry()) {
// The operation was the last one in the frame. This is a Truncation Marker.
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected truncation marker for Operation SeqNo " + expectedOp.getSequenceNumber() + " when it is the last entry in a DataFrame.", dataFrameRecord.getLastUsedDataFrameAddress(), dataFrameAddress);
} else {
// The operation is not the last in the frame, and it doesn't span multiple frames either.
// There could be data after it that is not safe to truncate. The correct Truncation Marker is the
// same as the one for the previous operation.
LogAddress expectedTruncationMarker = truncationMarkers.getClosestTruncationMarker(expectedOp.getSequenceNumber() - 1);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected truncation marker for Operation SeqNo " + expectedOp.getSequenceNumber() + " when it is in the middle of a DataFrame.", expectedTruncationMarker, dataFrameAddress);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableDataLogRepairCommand method execute.
public void execute() throws Exception {
int containerId = getIntArg(0);
val bkConfig = getCommandArgs().getState().getConfigBuilder().include(BookKeeperConfig.builder().with(BookKeeperConfig.ZK_ADDRESS, getServiceConfig().getZkURL())).build().getConfig(BookKeeperConfig::builder);
@Cleanup val zkClient = createZKClient();
@Cleanup DurableDataLogFactory dataLogFactory = new BookKeeperLogFactory(bkConfig, zkClient, getCommandArgs().getState().getExecutor());
// Open the Original Log in read-only mode.
@Cleanup val originalDataLog = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(containerId);
// Check if the Original Log is disabled.
if (originalDataLog.fetchMetadata().isEnabled()) {
output("Original DurableLog is enabled. Repairs can only be done on disabled logs, exiting.");
// Make sure that the reserved id for Backup log is free before making any further progress.
boolean createNewBackupLog = true;
if (existsBackupLog(dataLogFactory)) {
output("We found data in the Backup log, probably from a previous repair operation (or someone else running the same command at the same time). " + "You have three options: 1) Delete existing Backup Log and start a new repair process, " + "2) Keep existing Backup Log and re-use it for the current repair (i.e., skip creating a new Backup Log), " + "3) Quit.");
switch(getIntUserInput("Select an option: [1|2|3]")) {
case 1:
// Delete everything related to the old Backup Log.
try (DebugDurableDataLogWrapper backupDataLogDebugLogWrapper = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getBackupLogId())) {
case 2:
// Keeping existing Backup Log, so not creating a new one.
createNewBackupLog = false;
output("Not doing anything with existing Backup Log this time.");
// Create a new Backup Log if there wasn't any or if we removed the existing one.
if (createNewBackupLog) {
createBackupLog(dataLogFactory, containerId, originalDataLog);
int backupLogReadOperations = validateBackupLog(dataLogFactory, containerId, originalDataLog, createNewBackupLog);
// Get user input of operations to skip, replace, or delete.
List<LogEditOperation> durableLogEdits = getDurableLogEditsFromUser();
// Show the edits to be committed to the original durable log so the user can confirm.
output("The following edits will be used to edit the Original Log:");
durableLogEdits.forEach(e -> output(e.toString()));
output("Original DurableLog has been backed up correctly. Ready to apply admin-provided changes to the Original Log.");
if (!confirmContinue()) {
output("Not editing Original DurableLog this time. A Backup Log has been left during the process and you " + "will find it the next time this command gets executed.");
// Ensure that the Repair Log is going to start from a clean state.
output("Deleting existing medatadata from Repair Log (if any)");
try (val editedLogWrapper = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId())) {
} catch (DurableDataLogException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException) {
output("Repair Log does not exist, so nothing to delete.");
} else {
outputError("Error happened while attempting to cleanup Repair Log metadata.");
// that will write the edited contents into the Repair Log.
try (DurableDataLog editedDataLog = dataLogFactory.createDurableDataLog(dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId());
EditingLogProcessor logEditState = new EditingLogProcessor(editedDataLog, durableLogEdits, getCommandArgs().getState().getExecutor());
DurableDataLog backupDataLog = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getBackupLogId()).asReadOnly()) {
readDurableDataLogWithCustomCallback(logEditState, dataLogFactory.getBackupLogId(), backupDataLog);
// After the edition has completed, we need to disable it before the metadata overwrite.
} catch (Exception ex) {
outputError("There have been errors while creating the edited version of the DurableLog.");
throw ex;
// Validate the contents of the newly created Repair Log.
int editedDurableLogOperations = validateRepairLog(dataLogFactory, backupLogReadOperations, durableLogEdits);
// Overwrite the original DurableLog metadata with the edited DurableLog metadata.
try (val editedLogWrapper = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId())) {
output("Original DurableLog Metadata: " + originalDataLog.fetchMetadata());
output("Edited DurableLog Metadata: " + editedLogWrapper.fetchMetadata());
output("New Original DurableLog Metadata (after replacement): " + originalDataLog.fetchMetadata());
// Read the edited contents that are now reachable from the original log id.
try (val editedLogWrapper = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId())) {
int finalEditedLogReadOps = readDurableDataLogWithCustomCallback((op, list) -> output("Original Log Operations after repair: " + op), containerId, editedLogWrapper.asReadOnly());
output("Original DurableLog operations read (after editing): " + finalEditedLogReadOps);
Preconditions.checkState(editedDurableLogOperations == finalEditedLogReadOps, "Repair Log operations not matching before (" + editedDurableLogOperations + ") and after the metadata overwrite (" + finalEditedLogReadOps + ")");
} catch (Exception ex) {
outputError("Problem reading Original DurableLog after editing.");
output("Process completed successfully! (You still need to enable the Durable Log so Pravega can use it)");
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class DurableDataLogRepairCommand method validateRepairLog.
private int validateRepairLog(DurableDataLogFactory dataLogFactory, int backupLogReadOperations, List<LogEditOperation> durableLogEdits) throws Exception {
@Cleanup DurableDataLog editedDebugDataLogReadOnly = dataLogFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId()).asReadOnly();
int editedDurableLogOperations = readDurableDataLogWithCustomCallback((op, list) -> output("Repair Log Operations: " + op), dataLogFactory.getRepairLogId(), editedDebugDataLogReadOnly);
output("Edited DurableLog Operations read: " + editedDurableLogOperations);
long expectedEditedLogOperations = backupLogReadOperations + -> edit.type.equals(LogEditType.ADD_OPERATION)).count() - -> edit.type.equals(LogEditType.DELETE_OPERATION)).map(edit -> edit.finalOperationId - edit.initialOperationId).reduce(Long::sum).orElse(0L);
Preconditions.checkState(expectedEditedLogOperations == editedDurableLogOperations, "Expected (" + expectedEditedLogOperations + ") and actual (" + editedDurableLogOperations + ") operations in Edited Log do not match");
return editedDurableLogOperations;
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class DataRecoveryTest method testForceMetadataOverWrite.
public void testForceMetadataOverWrite() throws Exception {
int instanceId = 0;
int bookieCount = 3;
int containerCount = 1;
@Cleanup TestUtils.PravegaRunner pravegaRunner = new TestUtils.PravegaRunner(bookieCount, containerCount);
val bkConfig = BookKeeperConfig.builder().with(BookKeeperConfig.ZK_ADDRESS, "localhost:" + pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getBkPort()).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_LEDGER_PATH, pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getLedgerPath()).with(BookKeeperConfig.ZK_METADATA_PATH, pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getLogMetaNamespace()).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_ENSEMBLE_SIZE, 1).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE, 1).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE, 1).build();
this.factory = new BookKeeperLogFactory(bkConfig, pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getZkClient().get(), this.executorService());
pravegaRunner.startControllerAndSegmentStore(this.storageFactory, this.factory);
String streamName = "testDataRecoveryCommand";
TestUtils.createScopeStream(pravegaRunner.getControllerRunner().getController(), SCOPE, streamName, config);
try (val clientRunner = new TestUtils.ClientRunner(pravegaRunner.getControllerRunner(), SCOPE)) {
// Write events to the streams.
TestUtils.writeEvents(streamName, clientRunner.getClientFactory());
// Shut down services, we assume that the cluster is in very bad shape in this test.
// set Pravega properties for the test
STATE.set(new AdminCommandState());
Properties pravegaProperties = new Properties();
pravegaProperties.setProperty("pravegaservice.container.count", "1");
pravegaProperties.setProperty("", "FILESYSTEM");
pravegaProperties.setProperty("", "ROLLING_STORAGE");
pravegaProperties.setProperty("pravegaservice.zk.connect.uri", "localhost:" + pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getBkPort());
pravegaProperties.setProperty("bookkeeper.ledger.path", pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getLedgerPath());
pravegaProperties.setProperty("bookkeeper.zk.metadata.path", pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getLogMetaNamespace());
pravegaProperties.setProperty("pravegaservice.clusterName", "pravega0");
pravegaProperties.setProperty("filesystem.root", this.baseDir.getAbsolutePath());
// Execute basic command workflow for repairing DurableLog.
CommandArgs args = new CommandArgs(List.of("0"), STATE.get());
DurableDataLogRepairCommand command = Mockito.spy(new DurableDataLogRepairCommand(args));
// Test the DurableLogWrapper options to get, overwrite and destroy logs.
@Cleanup val newFactory = new BookKeeperLogFactory(bkConfig, pravegaRunner.getBookKeeperRunner().getZkClient().get(), this.executorService());
@Cleanup DebugBookKeeperLogWrapper debugLogWrapper0 = newFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(0);
int container0LogEntries = command.readDurableDataLogWithCustomCallback((a, b) -> {
}, 0, debugLogWrapper0.asReadOnly());
Assert.assertTrue(container0LogEntries > 0);
ReadOnlyBookkeeperLogMetadata metadata0 = debugLogWrapper0.fetchMetadata();
// Create a Repair log with some random content.
@Cleanup DurableDataLog repairLog = newFactory.createDurableDataLog(this.factory.getRepairLogId());
repairLog.append(new CompositeByteArraySegment(new byte[0]), TIMEOUT).join();
@Cleanup DebugBookKeeperLogWrapper debugLogWrapperRepair = newFactory.createDebugLogWrapper(0);
// Overwrite metadata of repair container with metadata of container 0.
// Now the amount of log entries read should be equal to the ones of container 0.
int newContainerRepairLogEntries = command.readDurableDataLogWithCustomCallback((a, b) -> {
}, this.factory.getRepairLogId(), debugLogWrapperRepair.asReadOnly());
ReadOnlyBookkeeperLogMetadata newMetadata1 = debugLogWrapperRepair.fetchMetadata();
Assert.assertEquals(container0LogEntries, newContainerRepairLogEntries);
Assert.assertEquals(metadata0.getLedgers(), newMetadata1.getLedgers());
// Destroy contents of Container 0.
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class BookkeeperCommandsTest method createLedgerInBookkeeperTestCluster.
private void createLedgerInBookkeeperTestCluster(int logId) throws Exception {
BookKeeperConfig bookKeeperConfig = BookKeeperConfig.builder().with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_ENSEMBLE_SIZE, 1).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_WRITE_QUORUM_SIZE, 1).with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_ACK_QUORUM_SIZE, 1).with(BookKeeperConfig.ZK_METADATA_PATH, "ledgers").with(BookKeeperConfig.BK_LEDGER_PATH, "/ledgers").with(BookKeeperConfig.ZK_ADDRESS, zkUtil.getZooKeeperConnectString()).build();
@Cleanup CuratorFramework curatorFramework = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(zkUtil.getZooKeeperConnectString(), new RetryOneTime(5000));
@Cleanup("shutdownNow") ScheduledExecutorService executorService = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(1, "bk-test");
@Cleanup BookKeeperLogFactory bookKeeperLogFactory = new BookKeeperLogFactory(bookKeeperConfig, curatorFramework, executorService);
@Cleanup DurableDataLog log = bookKeeperLogFactory.createDurableDataLog(logId);