use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class DebugRecoveryProcessor method create.
* Creates a new instance of the DebugRecoveryProcessor class with the given arguments.
* @param containerId The Id of the Container to recover.
* @param durableDataLog A DurableDataLog to recover from.
* @param config A ContainerConfig to use during recovery.
* @param readIndexConfig A ReadIndexConfig to use during recovery.
* @param executor An Executor to use for background tasks.
* @param callbacks Callbacks to invoke during recovery.
* @return A new instance of the DebugRecoveryProcessor.
public static DebugRecoveryProcessor create(int containerId, DurableDataLog durableDataLog, ContainerConfig config, ReadIndexConfig readIndexConfig, ScheduledExecutorService executor, OperationCallbacks callbacks) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(durableDataLog, "durableDataLog");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(config, "config");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(readIndexConfig, "readIndexConfig");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor, "executor");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(callbacks, callbacks);
StreamSegmentContainerMetadata metadata = new StreamSegmentContainerMetadata(containerId, config.getMaxActiveSegmentCount());
ContainerReadIndexFactory rf = new ContainerReadIndexFactory(readIndexConfig, new NoOpCacheFactory(), executor);
Storage s = new InMemoryStorageFactory(executor).createStorageAdapter();
return new DebugRecoveryProcessor(metadata, durableDataLog, rf, s, callbacks);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class SegmentAggregator method reconcileAppendOperation.
* Attempts to reconcile the given Append Operation. Since Append Operations can be partially flushed, reconciliation
* may be for the full operation or for a part of it.
* @param op The Operation (StreamSegmentAppendOperation or CachedStreamSegmentAppendOperation) to reconcile.
* @param storageInfo The current state of the Segment in Storage.
* @param timer Timer for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture containing a FlushResult with the number of bytes reconciled, or failed with a ReconciliationFailureException,
* if the operation cannot be reconciled, based on the in-memory metadata or the current state of the Segment in Storage.
private CompletableFuture<FlushResult> reconcileAppendOperation(StorageOperation op, SegmentProperties storageInfo, TimeoutTimer timer) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(op instanceof AggregatedAppendOperation, "Not given an append operation.");
// Read data from Storage, and compare byte-by-byte.
InputStream appendStream = this.dataSource.getAppendData(op.getStreamSegmentId(), op.getStreamSegmentOffset(), (int) op.getLength());
if (appendStream == null) {
return Futures.failedFuture(new ReconciliationFailureException(String.format("Unable to reconcile operation '%s' because no append data is associated with it.", op), this.metadata, storageInfo));
// Only read as much data as we need.
long readLength = Math.min(op.getLastStreamSegmentOffset(), storageInfo.getLength()) - op.getStreamSegmentOffset();
assert readLength > 0 : "Append Operation to be reconciled is beyond the Segment's StorageLength " + op;
AtomicInteger bytesReadSoFar = new AtomicInteger();
// Read all data from storage.
byte[] storageData = new byte[(int) readLength];
return Futures.loop(() -> bytesReadSoFar.get() < readLength, () ->, op.getStreamSegmentOffset() + bytesReadSoFar.get(), storageData, bytesReadSoFar.get(), (int) readLength - bytesReadSoFar.get(), timer.getRemaining()), bytesRead -> {
assert bytesRead > 0 : String.format("Unable to make any read progress when reconciling operation '%s' after reading %s bytes.", op, bytesReadSoFar);
}, this.executor).thenApplyAsync(v -> {
// Compare, byte-by-byte, the contents of the append.
verifySame(appendStream, storageData, op, storageInfo);
if (readLength >= op.getLength() && op.getLastStreamSegmentOffset() <= storageInfo.getLength()) {
// Operation has been completely validated; pop it off the list.
StorageOperation removedOp = this.operations.removeFirst();
assert op == removedOp : "Reconciled operation is not the same as removed operation";
return new FlushResult().withFlushedBytes(readLength);
}, this.executor);
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the class SegmentStateMapperTests method testGetSegmentInfoFromStorage.
* Tests the ability to retrieve Segment Info from Storage (base info and its State).
public void testGetSegmentInfoFromStorage() {
final UUID attributeId = UUID.randomUUID();
@Cleanup val s = createStorage();
val stateStore = new InMemoryStateStore();
val m = new SegmentStateMapper(stateStore, s);
// Save some state.
val info = s.create("s", TIMEOUT).thenCompose(si -> s.openWrite(si.getName())).thenCompose(handle -> s.write(handle, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[10]), 10, TIMEOUT).thenCompose(v -> s.seal(handle, TIMEOUT)).thenCompose(v -> s.getStreamSegmentInfo(handle.getSegmentName(), TIMEOUT))).join();
val expectedInfo = StreamSegmentInformation.from(info).startOffset(info.getLength() / 2).build();
val attributes = Collections.singleton(new AttributeUpdate(attributeId, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, 100L));
val expectedAttributes = Collections.singletonMap(attributeId, 100L);
m.saveState(expectedInfo, attributes, TIMEOUT).join();
// Retrieve the state and verify it.
val actual = m.getSegmentInfoFromStorage(expectedInfo.getName(), TIMEOUT).join();
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Name.", expectedInfo.getName(), actual.getName());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Length.", expectedInfo.getLength(), actual.getLength());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Sealed status.", expectedInfo.isSealed(), actual.isSealed());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected Start Offset.", expectedInfo.getStartOffset(), actual.getStartOffset());
AssertExtensions.assertMapEquals("Unexpected Attributes.", expectedAttributes, actual.getAttributes());
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the class SegmentStateStoreTests method testGetCorruptedState.
* Tests the get() method when there exists a state in Storage, however it is a corrupted file.
public void testGetCorruptedState() throws Exception {
final String segmentName = "foo";
final String stateSegment = StreamSegmentNameUtils.getStateSegmentName(segmentName);
val store = createStateStore();
// Write some dummy contents in the file which is not how a SegmentState would be serialized., TIMEOUT).thenCompose(si -> ->, 0, new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[1]), 1, TIMEOUT)).join();
AssertExtensions.assertThrows("Unexpected behavior when attempting to read a corrupted state file.", () -> store.get(segmentName, TIMEOUT), ex -> ex instanceof DataCorruptionException);
use of in project pravega by pravega.
the class StreamSegmentMapper method createNewTransactionStreamSegment.
* Creates a new Transaction StreamSegment for an existing Parent StreamSegment and persists the given attributes (in Storage).
* @param parentStreamSegmentName The case-sensitive StreamSegment Name of the Parent StreamSegment.
* @param transactionId A unique identifier for the transaction to be created.
* @param attributes The initial attributes for the Transaction, if any.
* @param timeout Timeout for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture that, when completed normally, will contain the name of the newly created Transaction StreamSegment.
* If the operation failed, this will contain the exception that caused the failure.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given parent StreamSegment cannot have a Transaction (because it is deleted, sealed, inexistent).
public CompletableFuture<String> createNewTransactionStreamSegment(String parentStreamSegmentName, UUID transactionId, Collection<AttributeUpdate> attributes, Duration timeout) {
long traceId = LoggerHelpers.traceEnterWithContext(log, traceObjectId, "createNewTransactionStreamSegment", parentStreamSegmentName);
// We cannot create a Transaction StreamSegment for a what looks like another Transaction.
Exceptions.checkArgument(StreamSegmentNameUtils.getParentStreamSegmentName(parentStreamSegmentName) == null, "parentStreamSegmentName", "Cannot create a Transaction for a Transaction.");
// Validate that Parent StreamSegment exists.
TimeoutTimer timer = new TimeoutTimer(timeout);
CompletableFuture<Void> parentCheck = null;
long mappedParentId = this.containerMetadata.getStreamSegmentId(parentStreamSegmentName, true);
if (isValidStreamSegmentId(mappedParentId)) {
SegmentProperties parentInfo = this.containerMetadata.getStreamSegmentMetadata(mappedParentId);
if (parentInfo != null) {
parentCheck = validateParentSegmentEligibility(parentInfo);
if (parentCheck == null) {
// The parent is not registered in the metadata. Get required info from Storage and don't map it unnecessarily.
parentCheck =, timer.getRemaining()).thenCompose(this::validateParentSegmentEligibility);
String transactionName = StreamSegmentNameUtils.getTransactionNameFromId(parentStreamSegmentName, transactionId);
return parentCheck.thenComposeAsync(parentId -> createSegmentInStorageWithRecovery(transactionName, attributes, timer), this.executor).thenApply(v -> {
LoggerHelpers.traceLeave(log, traceObjectId, "createNewTransactionStreamSegment", traceId, parentStreamSegmentName, transactionName);
return transactionName;