use of io.pravega.shared.NameUtils.getMetadataSegmentName in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerRecoveryUtils method updateCoreAttributes.
* Updates Core Attributes for all Segments for the given Containers.
* This method iterates through all the back copies of Container Metadata Segments, interprets all entries as
* Segment-SegmentInfo mappings and extracts the Core Attributes for each. These Core Attributes are then applied
* to the same segments in the given Containers.
* @param backUpMetadataSegments A map of back copies of metadata segments along with their container Ids.
* @param containersMap A map of {@link DebugStreamSegmentContainer} instances with their container Ids.
* @param executorService A thread pool for execution.
* @param timeout Timeout for the operation.
* @throws InterruptedException If the operation was interrupted while waiting.
* @throws TimeoutException If the timeout expired prior to being able to complete update attributes for all segments.
* @throws ExecutionException When execution of update attributes to all segments encountered an error.
public static void updateCoreAttributes(Map<Integer, String> backUpMetadataSegments, Map<Integer, DebugStreamSegmentContainer> containersMap, ExecutorService executorService, Duration timeout) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
Preconditions.checkState(backUpMetadataSegments.size() == containersMap.size(), "The number of " + "back-up metadata segments = %s and the number of containers = %s should match.", backUpMetadataSegments.size(), containersMap.size());
val args = IteratorArgs.builder().fetchTimeout(timeout).build();
SegmentToContainerMapper segToConMapper = new SegmentToContainerMapper(containersMap.size(), true);
// Iterate through all back up metadata segments
for (val backUpMetadataSegmentEntry : backUpMetadataSegments.entrySet()) {
// Get the name of original metadata segment
val metadataSegment = NameUtils.getMetadataSegmentName(backUpMetadataSegmentEntry.getKey());
// Get the name of back up metadata segment
val backUpMetadataSegment = backUpMetadataSegmentEntry.getValue();
// Get the container for back up metadata segment
val containerForBackUpMetadataSegment = containersMap.get(segToConMapper.getContainerId(backUpMetadataSegment));"Back up container metadata segment name: {} and its container id: {}", backUpMetadataSegment, containerForBackUpMetadataSegment.getId());
// Get the container for segments inside back up metadata segment
val container = containersMap.get(backUpMetadataSegmentEntry.getKey());
// Make sure the backup segment is registered as a table segment.
val bmsInfo = containerForBackUpMetadataSegment.getStreamSegmentInfo(backUpMetadataSegment, timeout).get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (bmsInfo.getAttributes().getOrDefault(TableAttributes.INDEX_OFFSET, Attributes.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) == Attributes.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) {"Back up container metadata segment name: {} does not have INDEX_OFFSET set; setting to 0 (forcing reindexing).", backUpMetadataSegment);
containerForBackUpMetadataSegment.forSegment(backUpMetadataSegment, timeout).thenCompose(s -> s.updateAttributes(AttributeUpdateCollection.from(new AttributeUpdate(TableAttributes.INDEX_OFFSET, AttributeUpdateType.Replace, 0)), timeout)).get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
refreshDerivedProperties(backUpMetadataSegment, containerForBackUpMetadataSegment);
// Get the iterator to iterate through all segments in the back up metadata segment
val tableExtension = containerForBackUpMetadataSegment.getExtension(ContainerTableExtension.class);
val entryIterator = tableExtension.entryIterator(backUpMetadataSegment, args).get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
val futures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>>();
// Iterating through all segments in the back up metadata segment
entryIterator.forEachRemaining(item -> {
for (val entry : item.getEntries()) {
val segmentInfo = MetadataStore.SegmentInfo.deserialize(entry.getValue());
val properties = segmentInfo.getProperties();
// skip, if this is original metadata segment
if (properties.getName().equals(metadataSegment)) {
// Get the attributes for the current segment
val attributeUpdates = properties.getAttributes().entrySet().stream().map(e -> new AttributeUpdate(e.getKey(), AttributeUpdateType.Replace, e.getValue())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(AttributeUpdateCollection::new));"Segment Name: {} Attributes Updates: {}", properties.getName(), attributeUpdates);
// Update attributes for the current segment
futures.add(Futures.exceptionallyExpecting(container.updateAttributes(properties.getName(), attributeUpdates, timeout).thenRun(() -> refreshDerivedProperties(properties.getName(), container)), ex -> ex instanceof StreamSegmentNotExistsException, null));
}, executorService).get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Waiting for update attributes for all segments in each back up metadata segment.
Futures.allOf(futures).get(timeout.toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
use of io.pravega.shared.NameUtils.getMetadataSegmentName in project pravega by pravega.
the class ContainerRecoveryUtils method createBackUpMetadataSegments.
* This method creates a back up segment of container metadata segment and its attribute segment for each
* container Id. The original metadata segments and its attribute segments are deleted and the back up copy
* of original metadata segments are stored in a map and returned.
* @param storage A {@link Storage} instance to get the segments from.
* @param containerCount The number of containers for which renaming of container metadata segment and its
* attributes segment has to be performed.
* @param executorService A thread pool for execution.
* @param timeout Timeout for the operation.
* @return A CompletableFuture that, when completed normally, will have a Map of Container
* Ids to new container metadata segment names.
public static synchronized CompletableFuture<Map<Integer, String>> createBackUpMetadataSegments(Storage storage, int containerCount, ExecutorService executorService, Duration timeout) {
String fileSuffix = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date());
Map<Integer, String> backUpMetadataSegments = new HashMap<>();
val futures = new ArrayList<CompletableFuture<Void>>();
for (int containerId = 0; containerId < containerCount; containerId++) {
String backUpMetadataSegment = NameUtils.getMetadataSegmentName(containerId) + fileSuffix;
String backUpAttributeSegment = NameUtils.getAttributeSegmentName(backUpMetadataSegment);
log.debug("Created '{}' as a back of metadata segment of container Id '{}'", backUpMetadataSegment, containerId);
val finalContainerId = containerId;
futures.add(Futures.exceptionallyExpecting(ContainerRecoveryUtils.backUpMetadataAndAttributeSegments(storage, containerId, backUpMetadataSegment, backUpAttributeSegment, executorService, timeout).thenCompose(x -> ContainerRecoveryUtils.deleteMetadataAndAttributeSegments(storage, finalContainerId, timeout)), ex -> Exceptions.unwrap(ex) instanceof StreamSegmentNotExistsException, null));
backUpMetadataSegments.put(finalContainerId, backUpMetadataSegment);
return Futures.allOf(futures).thenApply(v -> backUpMetadataSegments);