use of io.pravega.shared.protocol.netty.FailingRequestProcessor in project pravega by pravega.
the class AppendProcessorTest method testDelayedDataAppended.
* Test to ensure newer appends are processed only after successfully sending the DataAppended acknowledgement
* back to client. This test tests the following:
* - If sending first DataAppended is blocked, ensure future appends are not written to store.
* - Once the first DataAppended is sent ensure the remaining appends are written to store and DataAppended ack'ed
* back.
@Test(timeout = 15 * 1000)
public void testDelayedDataAppended() throws Exception {
ReusableLatch firstStoreAppendInvoked = new ReusableLatch();
ReusableLatch completeFirstDataAppendedAck = new ReusableLatch();
ReusableLatch secondStoreAppendInvoked = new ReusableLatch();
@Cleanup("shutdownNow") ScheduledExecutorService nettyExecutor = ExecutorServiceHelpers.newScheduledThreadPool(1, "Netty-threadPool");
String streamSegmentName = "testDelayedAppend";
UUID clientId = UUID.randomUUID();
byte[] data = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
StreamSegmentStore store = mock(StreamSegmentStore.class);
ServerConnection connection = mock(ServerConnection.class);
// Ensure the first DataAppended is hung/delayed.
doAnswer(invocation -> {
// wait, simulating a hung/delayed dataAppended acknowledgement.
return null;
}).doAnswer(invocation -> {
return null;
AppendProcessor processor = new AppendProcessor(store, connection, new FailingRequestProcessor(), null);
CompletableFuture<SegmentProperties> propsFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(StreamSegmentInformation.builder().name(streamSegmentName).build());
when(store.getStreamSegmentInfo(streamSegmentName, true, AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT)).thenReturn(propsFuture);
processor.setupAppend(new SetupAppend(1, clientId, streamSegmentName, ""));
verify(store).getStreamSegmentInfo(streamSegmentName, true, AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT);
CompletableFuture<Void> result = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
int eventCount = 100;
when(store.append(streamSegmentName, data, updateEventNumber(clientId, 100, SegmentMetadata.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, eventCount), AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT)).thenReturn(result);
// Trigger the first append, here the sending of DataAppended ack will be delayed/hung.
nettyExecutor.submit(() -> processor.append(new Append(streamSegmentName, clientId, 100, eventCount, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data), null)));
verify(store).append(streamSegmentName, data, updateEventNumber(clientId, 100, SegmentMetadata.NULL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, eventCount), AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT);
/* Trigger the next append. This should be completed immediately and should not cause a store.append to be
invoked as the previous DataAppended ack is still not sent. */
processor.append(new Append(streamSegmentName, clientId, 200, eventCount, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(data), null));
// Since the first Ack was never sent the next append should not be written to the store.
// Setup mock for check behaviour after the delayed/hung dataAppended completes.
when(store.append(streamSegmentName, data, updateEventNumber(clientId, 200, 100, eventCount), AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT)).thenReturn(result);
// Now ensure the dataAppended sent
// wait until the next store append is invoked.
// Verify that the next store append invoked.
verify(store).append(streamSegmentName, data, updateEventNumber(clientId, 200, 100, eventCount), AppendProcessor.TIMEOUT);
// Verify two DataAppended acks are sent out.
verify(connection, times(2)).send(any(DataAppended.class));
verify(connection).send(new DataAppended(clientId, 100, Long.MIN_VALUE));
verify(connection).send(new DataAppended(clientId, 200, 100));