use of io.prestosql.plugin.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_TABLE_READ_ONLY in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class HiveWriterFactory method createWriter.
private HiveWriter createWriter(List<String> partitionValues, OptionalInt bucketNumber, Optional<Options> vacuumOptions, boolean forMerge) {
boolean isTxnTable = isTxnTable();
if (bucketCount.isPresent()) {
checkArgument(bucketNumber.isPresent(), "Bucket not provided for bucketed table");
checkArgument(bucketNumber.getAsInt() < bucketCount.getAsInt(), "Bucket number %s must be less than bucket count %s", bucketNumber, bucketCount);
} else {
checkArgument(isTxnTable || !bucketNumber.isPresent(), "Bucket number provided by for table that is not bucketed");
String fileName;
if (bucketNumber.isPresent()) {
fileName = computeBucketedFileName(queryId, bucketNumber.getAsInt());
} else {
// Snapshot: don't use UUID. File name needs to be deterministic.
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
fileName = String.format(ENGLISH, "%s_%d_%d_%d", queryId, session.getTaskId().getAsInt(), session.getPipelineId().getAsInt(), session.getDriverId().getAsInt());
} else {
fileName = queryId + "_" + randomUUID();
Optional<String> partitionName;
if (!partitionColumnNames.isEmpty()) {
partitionName = Optional.of(FileUtils.makePartName(partitionColumnNames, partitionValues));
} else {
partitionName = Optional.empty();
// attempt to get the existing partition (if this is an existing partitioned table)
Optional<Partition> partition = Optional.empty();
if (!partitionValues.isEmpty() && table != null) {
partition = pageSinkMetadataProvider.getPartition(partitionValues);
UpdateMode updateMode;
Properties schema;
WriteInfo writeInfo;
StorageFormat outputStorageFormat;
if (!partition.isPresent()) {
if (table == null) {
// Write to: a new partition in a new partitioned table,
// or a new unpartitioned table.
updateMode = UpdateMode.NEW;
schema = new Properties();
if (!partitionName.isPresent()) {
// new unpartitioned table
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, false);
} else {
// a new partition in a new partitioned table
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
if (!writeInfo.getWriteMode().isWritePathSameAsTargetPath()) {
// verify that the target directory for the partition does not already exist
if (HiveWriteUtils.pathExists(new HdfsContext(session, schemaName, tableName), hdfsEnvironment, writeInfo.getTargetPath())) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS, format("Target directory for new partition '%s' of table '%s.%s' already exists: %s", partitionName, schemaName, tableName, writeInfo.getTargetPath()));
} else {
// or an existing unpartitioned table
if (partitionName.isPresent()) {
// a new partition in an existing partitioned table
updateMode = UpdateMode.NEW;
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
} else {
switch(insertExistingPartitionsBehavior) {
case APPEND:
updateMode = UpdateMode.APPEND;
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, false);
updateMode = UpdateMode.OVERWRITE;
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, true);
case ERROR:
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_TABLE_READ_ONLY, "Unpartitioned Hive tables are immutable");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported insert existing table behavior: " + insertExistingPartitionsBehavior);
schema = getHiveSchema(table);
if (partitionName.isPresent()) {
// Write to a new partition
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(partitionStorageFormat);
} else {
// Write to a new/existing unpartitioned table
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(tableStorageFormat);
} else {
// Write to: an existing partition in an existing partitioned table
if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.APPEND) {
// Append to an existing partition
updateMode = UpdateMode.APPEND;
// Check the column types in partition schema match the column types in table schema
List<Column> tableColumns = table.getDataColumns();
List<Column> existingPartitionColumns = partition.get().getColumns();
for (int i = 0; i < min(existingPartitionColumns.size(), tableColumns.size()); i++) {
HiveType tableType = tableColumns.get(i).getType();
HiveType partitionType = existingPartitionColumns.get(i).getType();
if (!tableType.equals(partitionType)) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH, format("" + "You are trying to write into an existing partition in a table. " + "The table schema has changed since the creation of the partition. " + "Inserting rows into such partition is not supported. " + "The column '%s' in table '%s' is declared as type '%s', " + "but partition '%s' declared column '%s' as type '%s'.", tableColumns.get(i).getName(), tableName, tableType, partitionName, existingPartitionColumns.get(i).getName(), partitionType));
HiveWriteUtils.checkPartitionIsWritable(partitionName.get(), partition.get());
outputStorageFormat = partition.get().getStorage().getStorageFormat();
schema = getHiveSchema(partition.get(), table);
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
} else if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.OVERWRITE) {
// Overwrite an existing partition
// The behavior of overwrite considered as if first dropping the partition and inserting a new partition, thus:
// * No partition writable check is required.
// * Table schema and storage format is used for the new partition (instead of existing partition schema and storage format).
updateMode = UpdateMode.OVERWRITE;
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(partitionStorageFormat);
schema = getHiveSchema(table);
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, Optional.empty(), partitionName.get());
} else if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.ERROR) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PARTITION_READ_ONLY, "Cannot insert into an existing partition of Hive table: " + partitionName.get());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("Unsupported insert existing partitions behavior: %s", insertExistingPartitionsBehavior));
if (acidWriteType != HiveACIDWriteType.DELETE) {
validateSchema(partitionName, schema);
Path path;
Optional<AcidOutputFormat.Options> acidOptions;
String fileNameWithExtension;
if (isTxnTable) {
WriteIdInfo writeIdInfo = locationHandle.getJsonSerializablewriteIdInfo().get();
AcidOutputFormat.Options options = new AcidOutputFormat.Options(conf).minimumWriteId(writeIdInfo.getMinWriteId()).maximumWriteId(writeIdInfo.getMaxWriteId()).statementId(writeIdInfo.getStatementId()).bucket(bucketNumber.isPresent() ? bucketNumber.getAsInt() : 0);
if (acidWriteType == HiveACIDWriteType.DELETE) {
// to support delete as insert
} else if (acidWriteType == HiveACIDWriteType.INSERT_OVERWRITE) {
// In case of ACID txn tables, dont delete old data. Just create new base in same partition.
if (vacuumOptions.isPresent() && HiveACIDWriteType.isVacuum(acidWriteType)) {
Options vOptions = vacuumOptions.get();
// Use the original bucket file number itself.
// Compacted delta directories will not have statementId
if (AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(schema)) {
String subdir;
if (options.isWritingBase()) {
subdir = AcidUtils.baseDir(options.getMaximumWriteId());
} else if (HiveACIDWriteType.isVacuum(acidWriteType)) {
// Only for Minor compacted delta will not have statement Id.
subdir = AcidUtils.deltaSubdir(options.getMinimumWriteId(), options.getMaximumWriteId());
} else {
subdir = AcidUtils.deltaSubdir(options.getMinimumWriteId(), options.getMaximumWriteId(), options.getStatementId());
Path parentDir = new Path(writeInfo.getWritePath(), subdir);
fileName = String.format("%06d", options.getBucketId()) + "_0" + getFileExtension(conf, outputStorageFormat);
path = new Path(parentDir, fileName);
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("transactional_properties", "insert_only");
} else {
path = AcidUtils.createFilename(writeInfo.getWritePath(), options);
// In case of ACID entire delta directory should be renamed from staging directory.
fileNameWithExtension = path.getParent().getName();
acidOptions = Optional.of(options);
} else {
fileNameWithExtension = fileName + getFileExtension(conf, outputStorageFormat);
path = new Path(writeInfo.getWritePath(), fileNameWithExtension);
acidOptions = Optional.empty();
FileSystem fileSystem;
try {
fileSystem = hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), path, conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_WRITER_OPEN_ERROR, e);
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
// Snapshot: use a recognizable name pattern, in case they need to be deleted/renamed
String oldFileName = path.getName();
String newFileName = toSnapshotFileName(oldFileName, queryId);
path = new Path(path.getParent(), newFileName);
if (fileNameWithExtension.equals(oldFileName)) {
fileNameWithExtension = newFileName;
HiveFileWriter hiveFileWriter = null;
if (isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge) {
// Add a suffix to file name for sub files
String oldFileName = path.getName();
String newFileName = toSnapshotSubFile(oldFileName);
path = new Path(path.getParent(), newFileName);
if (fileNameWithExtension.equals(oldFileName)) {
fileNameWithExtension = newFileName;
// Always create a simple ORC writer for snapshot files. These will be merged in the end.
logContainingFolderInfo(fileSystem, path, "Creating SnapshotTempFileWriter for %s", path);
try {
Path finalPath = path;
hiveFileWriter = new SnapshotTempFileWriter(orcFileWriterFactory.createOrcDataSink(session, fileSystem, path), -> column.getHiveType().getType(typeManager)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrestoException(HiveErrorCode.HIVE_WRITER_OPEN_ERROR, "Error creating ORC file", e);
} else {
conf.set("table.write.path", writeInfo.getWritePath().toString());
for (HiveFileWriterFactory fileWriterFactory : fileWriterFactories) {
Optional<HiveFileWriter> fileWriter = fileWriterFactory.createFileWriter(path,, outputStorageFormat, schema, conf, session, acidOptions, Optional.of(acidWriteType));
if (fileWriter.isPresent()) {
hiveFileWriter = fileWriter.get();
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
// TODO-cp-I2BZ0A: assuming all files to be of ORC type
checkState(hiveFileWriter instanceof OrcFileWriter, "Only support ORC format with snapshot");
logContainingFolderInfo(fileSystem, path, "Creating file writer for final result: %s", path);
if (hiveFileWriter == null) {
hiveFileWriter = new RecordFileWriter(path,, outputStorageFormat, schema, partitionStorageFormat.getEstimatedWriterSystemMemoryUsage(), conf, typeManager, parquetTimeZone, session);
if (isTxnTable) {
hiveFileWriter.initWriter(true, path, fileSystem);
Path finalPath = path;
String writerImplementation = hiveFileWriter.getClass().getName();
Consumer<HiveWriter> onCommit;
if (isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge) {
// Only send "commit" event for the merged file
onCommit = hiveWriter -> {
} else {
onCommit = hiveWriter -> {
Optional<Long> size;
try {
size = Optional.of(hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), finalPath, conf).getFileStatus(finalPath).getLen());
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
// Do not fail the query if file system is not available
size = Optional.empty();
} WriteCompletedEvent(session.getQueryId(), finalPath.toString(), schemaName, tableName, partitionName.orElse(null), outputStorageFormat.getOutputFormat(), writerImplementation, nodeManager.getCurrentNode().getVersion(), nodeManager.getCurrentNode().getHost(), session.getIdentity().getPrincipal().map(Principal::getName).orElse(null), nodeManager.getEnvironment(), sessionProperties, size.orElse(null), hiveWriter.getRowCount()));
if (!sortedBy.isEmpty() || (isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType))) {
List<Type> types = -> column.getHiveType().getType(typeManager)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<String, Integer> columnIndexes = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataColumns.size(); i++) {
columnIndexes.put(dataColumns.get(i).getName(), i);
if (sortedBy.isEmpty() && isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType)) {
// Add $rowId column as the last column in the page
columnIndexes.put(HiveColumnHandle.UPDATE_ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, dataColumns.size());
List<Integer> sortFields = new ArrayList<>();
List<SortOrder> sortOrders = new ArrayList<>();
List<SortingColumn> sortigColumns = this.sortedBy;
if (sortedBy.isEmpty() && isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType)) {
sortigColumns = ImmutableList.of(new SortingColumn(HiveColumnHandle.UPDATE_ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, SortingColumn.Order.ASCENDING));
for (SortingColumn column : sortigColumns) {
Integer index = columnIndexes.get(column.getColumnName());
if (index == null) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_INVALID_METADATA, format("Sorting column '%s' does not exist in table '%s.%s'", column.getColumnName(), schemaName, tableName));
FileSystem sortFileSystem = fileSystem;
String child = ".tmp-sort." + path.getName();
Path tempFilePrefix = new Path(path.getParent(), child);
hiveFileWriter = new SortingFileWriter(sortFileSystem, tempFilePrefix, hiveFileWriter, sortBufferSize, maxOpenSortFiles, types, sortFields, sortOrders, pageSorter, (fs, p) -> orcFileWriterFactory.createOrcDataSink(session, fs, p));
return new HiveWriter(hiveFileWriter, partitionName, updateMode, fileNameWithExtension, writeInfo.getWritePath().toString(), writeInfo.getTargetPath().toString(), path.toString(), onCommit, // Snapshot: only update stats when merging files
isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge ? null : hiveWriterStats, hiveFileWriter.getExtraPartitionFiles());
use of io.prestosql.plugin.hive.HiveErrorCode.HIVE_TABLE_READ_ONLY in project boostkit-bigdata by kunpengcompute.
the class HiveWriterFactory method createWriter.
private HiveWriter createWriter(List<String> partitionValues, OptionalInt bucketNumber, Optional<Options> vacuumOptions, boolean forMerge) {
boolean isTxnTable = isTxnTable();
if (bucketCount.isPresent()) {
checkArgument(bucketNumber.isPresent(), "Bucket not provided for bucketed table");
checkArgument(bucketNumber.getAsInt() < bucketCount.getAsInt(), "Bucket number %s must be less than bucket count %s", bucketNumber, bucketCount);
} else {
checkArgument(isTxnTable || !bucketNumber.isPresent(), "Bucket number provided by for table that is not bucketed");
String fileName;
if (bucketNumber.isPresent()) {
fileName = computeBucketedFileName(queryId, bucketNumber.getAsInt());
} else {
// Snapshot: don't use UUID. File name needs to be deterministic.
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
fileName = String.format(ENGLISH, "%s_%d_%d_%d", queryId, session.getTaskId().getAsInt(), session.getPipelineId().getAsInt(), session.getDriverId().getAsInt());
} else {
fileName = queryId + "_" + randomUUID();
Optional<String> partitionName;
if (!partitionColumnNames.isEmpty()) {
partitionName = Optional.of(FileUtils.makePartName(partitionColumnNames, partitionValues));
} else {
partitionName = Optional.empty();
// attempt to get the existing partition (if this is an existing partitioned table)
Optional<Partition> partition = Optional.empty();
if (!partitionValues.isEmpty() && table != null) {
partition = pageSinkMetadataProvider.getPartition(partitionValues);
UpdateMode updateMode;
Properties schema;
WriteInfo writeInfo;
StorageFormat outputStorageFormat;
if (!partition.isPresent()) {
if (table == null) {
// Write to: a new partition in a new partitioned table,
// or a new unpartitioned table.
updateMode = UpdateMode.NEW;
schema = new Properties();
if (!partitionName.isPresent()) {
// new unpartitioned table
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, false);
} else {
// a new partition in a new partitioned table
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
if (!writeInfo.getWriteMode().isWritePathSameAsTargetPath()) {
// verify that the target directory for the partition does not already exist
if (HiveWriteUtils.pathExists(new HdfsContext(session, schemaName, tableName), hdfsEnvironment, writeInfo.getTargetPath())) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PATH_ALREADY_EXISTS, format("Target directory for new partition '%s' of table '%s.%s' already exists: %s", partitionName, schemaName, tableName, writeInfo.getTargetPath()));
} else {
// or an existing unpartitioned table
if (partitionName.isPresent()) {
// a new partition in an existing partitioned table
updateMode = UpdateMode.NEW;
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
} else {
switch(insertExistingPartitionsBehavior) {
case APPEND:
updateMode = UpdateMode.APPEND;
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, false);
updateMode = UpdateMode.OVERWRITE;
writeInfo = locationService.getTableWriteInfo(locationHandle, true);
case ERROR:
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_TABLE_READ_ONLY, "Unpartitioned Hive tables are immutable");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported insert existing table behavior: " + insertExistingPartitionsBehavior);
schema = getHiveSchema(table);
if (partitionName.isPresent()) {
// Write to a new partition
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(partitionStorageFormat);
} else {
// Write to a new/existing unpartitioned table
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(tableStorageFormat);
} else {
// Write to: an existing partition in an existing partitioned table
if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.APPEND) {
// Append to an existing partition
updateMode = UpdateMode.APPEND;
// Check the column types in partition schema match the column types in table schema
List<Column> tableColumns = table.getDataColumns();
List<Column> existingPartitionColumns = partition.get().getColumns();
for (int i = 0; i < min(existingPartitionColumns.size(), tableColumns.size()); i++) {
HiveType tableType = tableColumns.get(i).getType();
HiveType partitionType = existingPartitionColumns.get(i).getType();
if (!tableType.equals(partitionType)) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PARTITION_SCHEMA_MISMATCH, format("" + "You are trying to write into an existing partition in a table. " + "The table schema has changed since the creation of the partition. " + "Inserting rows into such partition is not supported. " + "The column '%s' in table '%s' is declared as type '%s', " + "but partition '%s' declared column '%s' as type '%s'.", tableColumns.get(i).getName(), tableName, tableType, partitionName, existingPartitionColumns.get(i).getName(), partitionType));
HiveWriteUtils.checkPartitionIsWritable(partitionName.get(), partition.get());
outputStorageFormat = partition.get().getStorage().getStorageFormat();
schema = getHiveSchema(partition.get(), table);
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, partition, partitionName.get());
} else if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.OVERWRITE) {
// Overwrite an existing partition
// The behavior of overwrite considered as if first dropping the partition and inserting a new partition, thus:
// * No partition writable check is required.
// * Table schema and storage format is used for the new partition (instead of existing partition schema and storage format).
updateMode = UpdateMode.OVERWRITE;
outputStorageFormat = fromHiveStorageFormat(partitionStorageFormat);
schema = getHiveSchema(table);
writeInfo = locationService.getPartitionWriteInfo(locationHandle, Optional.empty(), partitionName.get());
} else if (insertExistingPartitionsBehavior == InsertExistingPartitionsBehavior.ERROR) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_PARTITION_READ_ONLY, "Cannot insert into an existing partition of Hive table: " + partitionName.get());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(format("Unsupported insert existing partitions behavior: %s", insertExistingPartitionsBehavior));
if (acidWriteType != HiveACIDWriteType.DELETE) {
validateSchema(partitionName, schema);
Path path;
Optional<AcidOutputFormat.Options> acidOptions;
String fileNameWithExtension;
if (isTxnTable) {
WriteIdInfo writeIdInfo = locationHandle.getJsonSerializablewriteIdInfo().get();
AcidOutputFormat.Options options = new AcidOutputFormat.Options(conf).minimumWriteId(writeIdInfo.getMinWriteId()).maximumWriteId(writeIdInfo.getMaxWriteId()).statementId(writeIdInfo.getStatementId()).bucket(bucketNumber.isPresent() ? bucketNumber.getAsInt() : 0);
if (acidWriteType == HiveACIDWriteType.DELETE) {
// to support delete as insert
} else if (acidWriteType == HiveACIDWriteType.INSERT_OVERWRITE) {
// In case of ACID txn tables, dont delete old data. Just create new base in same partition.
if (vacuumOptions.isPresent() && HiveACIDWriteType.isVacuum(acidWriteType)) {
Options vOptions = vacuumOptions.get();
// Use the original bucket file number itself.
// Compacted delta directories will not have statementId
if (AcidUtils.isInsertOnlyTable(schema)) {
String subdir;
if (options.isWritingBase()) {
subdir = AcidUtils.baseDir(options.getMaximumWriteId());
} else if (HiveACIDWriteType.isVacuum(acidWriteType)) {
// Only for Minor compacted delta will not have statement Id.
subdir = AcidUtils.deltaSubdir(options.getMinimumWriteId(), options.getMaximumWriteId());
} else {
subdir = AcidUtils.deltaSubdir(options.getMinimumWriteId(), options.getMaximumWriteId(), options.getStatementId());
Path parentDir = new Path(writeInfo.getWritePath(), subdir);
fileName = String.format("%06d", options.getBucketId()) + "_0" + getFileExtension(conf, outputStorageFormat);
path = new Path(parentDir, fileName);
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("transactional_properties", "insert_only");
} else {
path = AcidUtils.createFilename(writeInfo.getWritePath(), options);
// In case of ACID entire delta directory should be renamed from staging directory.
fileNameWithExtension = path.getParent().getName();
acidOptions = Optional.of(options);
} else {
fileNameWithExtension = fileName + getFileExtension(conf, outputStorageFormat);
path = new Path(writeInfo.getWritePath(), fileNameWithExtension);
acidOptions = Optional.empty();
FileSystem fileSystem;
try {
fileSystem = hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), path, conf);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_WRITER_OPEN_ERROR, e);
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
// Snapshot: use a recognizable name pattern, in case they need to be deleted/renamed
String oldFileName = path.getName();
String newFileName = toSnapshotFileName(oldFileName, queryId);
path = new Path(path.getParent(), newFileName);
if (fileNameWithExtension.equals(oldFileName)) {
fileNameWithExtension = newFileName;
HiveFileWriter hiveFileWriter = null;
if (isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge) {
// Add a suffix to file name for sub files
String oldFileName = path.getName();
String newFileName = toSnapshotSubFile(oldFileName);
path = new Path(path.getParent(), newFileName);
if (fileNameWithExtension.equals(oldFileName)) {
fileNameWithExtension = newFileName;
// Always create a simple ORC writer for snapshot files. These will be merged in the end.
logContainingFolderInfo(fileSystem, path, "Creating SnapshotTempFileWriter for %s", path);
try {
Path finalPath = path;
hiveFileWriter = new SnapshotTempFileWriter(orcFileWriterFactory.createOrcDataSink(session, fileSystem, path), -> column.getHiveType().getType(typeManager)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PrestoException(HiveErrorCode.HIVE_WRITER_OPEN_ERROR, "Error creating ORC file", e);
} else {
conf.set("table.write.path", writeInfo.getWritePath().toString());
for (HiveFileWriterFactory fileWriterFactory : fileWriterFactories) {
Optional<HiveFileWriter> fileWriter = fileWriterFactory.createFileWriter(path,, outputStorageFormat, schema, conf, session, acidOptions, Optional.of(acidWriteType));
if (fileWriter.isPresent()) {
hiveFileWriter = fileWriter.get();
if (isSnapshotEnabled) {
// TODO-cp-I2BZ0A: assuming all files to be of ORC type
checkState(hiveFileWriter instanceof OrcFileWriter, "Only support ORC format with snapshot");
logContainingFolderInfo(fileSystem, path, "Creating file writer for final result: %s", path);
if (hiveFileWriter == null) {
hiveFileWriter = new RecordFileWriter(path,, outputStorageFormat, schema, partitionStorageFormat.getEstimatedWriterSystemMemoryUsage(), conf, typeManager, parquetTimeZone, session);
if (isTxnTable) {
hiveFileWriter.initWriter(true, path, fileSystem);
Path finalPath = path;
String writerImplementation = hiveFileWriter.getClass().getName();
Consumer<HiveWriter> onCommit;
if (isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge) {
// Only send "commit" event for the merged file
onCommit = hiveWriter -> {
} else {
onCommit = hiveWriter -> {
Optional<Long> size;
try {
size = Optional.of(hdfsEnvironment.getFileSystem(session.getUser(), finalPath, conf).getFileStatus(finalPath).getLen());
} catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) {
// Do not fail the query if file system is not available
size = Optional.empty();
} WriteCompletedEvent(session.getQueryId(), finalPath.toString(), schemaName, tableName, partitionName.orElse(null), outputStorageFormat.getOutputFormat(), writerImplementation, nodeManager.getCurrentNode().getVersion(), nodeManager.getCurrentNode().getHost(), session.getIdentity().getPrincipal().map(Principal::getName).orElse(null), nodeManager.getEnvironment(), sessionProperties, size.orElse(null), hiveWriter.getRowCount()));
if (!sortedBy.isEmpty() || (isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType))) {
List<Type> types = -> column.getHiveType().getType(typeManager)).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<String, Integer> columnIndexes = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dataColumns.size(); i++) {
columnIndexes.put(dataColumns.get(i).getName(), i);
if (sortedBy.isEmpty() && isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType)) {
// Add $rowId column as the last column in the page
columnIndexes.put(HiveColumnHandle.UPDATE_ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, dataColumns.size());
List<Integer> sortFields = new ArrayList<>();
List<SortOrder> sortOrders = new ArrayList<>();
List<SortingColumn> sortigColumns = this.sortedBy;
if (sortedBy.isEmpty() && isTxnTable() && HiveACIDWriteType.isUpdateOrDelete(acidWriteType)) {
sortigColumns = ImmutableList.of(new SortingColumn(HiveColumnHandle.UPDATE_ROW_ID_COLUMN_NAME, SortingColumn.Order.ASCENDING));
for (SortingColumn column : sortigColumns) {
Integer index = columnIndexes.get(column.getColumnName());
if (index == null) {
throw new PrestoException(HIVE_INVALID_METADATA, format("Sorting column '%s' does not exist in table '%s.%s'", column.getColumnName(), schemaName, tableName));
FileSystem sortFileSystem = fileSystem;
String child = ".tmp-sort." + path.getName();
Path tempFilePrefix = new Path(path.getParent(), child);
hiveFileWriter = new SortingFileWriter(sortFileSystem, tempFilePrefix, hiveFileWriter, sortBufferSize, maxOpenSortFiles, types, sortFields, sortOrders, pageSorter, (fs, p) -> orcFileWriterFactory.createOrcDataSink(session, fs, p));
return new HiveWriter(hiveFileWriter, partitionName, updateMode, fileNameWithExtension, writeInfo.getWritePath().toString(), writeInfo.getTargetPath().toString(), path.toString(), onCommit, // Snapshot: only update stats when merging files
isSnapshotEnabled && !forMerge ? null : hiveWriterStats, hiveFileWriter.getExtraPartitionFiles());