use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class H2QueryRunner method rowMapper.
private static RowMapper<MaterializedRow> rowMapper(List<? extends Type> types) {
return new RowMapper<MaterializedRow>() {
public MaterializedRow map(ResultSet resultSet, StatementContext context) throws SQLException {
int count = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
checkArgument(types.size() == count, "expected types count (%s) does not match actual column count (%s)", types.size(), count);
List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(count);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
Type type = types.get(i - 1);
if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
boolean booleanValue = resultSet.getBoolean(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (TINYINT.equals(type)) {
byte byteValue = resultSet.getByte(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (SMALLINT.equals(type)) {
short shortValue = resultSet.getShort(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (INTEGER.equals(type)) {
int intValue = resultSet.getInt(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (BIGINT.equals(type)) {
long longValue = resultSet.getLong(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (REAL.equals(type)) {
float floatValue = resultSet.getFloat(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
double doubleValue = resultSet.getDouble(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (JSON.equals(type)) {
String stringValue = resultSet.getString(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (isVarcharType(type)) {
String stringValue = resultSet.getString(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (isCharType(type)) {
String stringValue = resultSet.getString(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
row.add(padEnd(stringValue, ((CharType) type).getLength(), ' '));
} else if (DATE.equals(type)) {
// resultSet.getDate(i) doesn't work if JVM's zone skipped day being retrieved (e.g. 2011-12-30 and Pacific/Apia zone)
LocalDate dateValue = resultSet.getObject(i, LocalDate.class);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (TIME.equals(type)) {
// resultSet.getTime(i) doesn't work if JVM's zone had forward offset change during 1970-01-01 (e.g. America/Hermosillo zone)
LocalTime timeValue = resultSet.getObject(i, LocalTime.class);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE.equals(type)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("H2 does not support TIME WITH TIME ZONE");
} else if (TIMESTAMP.equals(type)) {
// resultSet.getTimestamp(i) doesn't work if JVM's zone had forward offset at the date/time being retrieved
LocalDateTime timestampValue;
try {
timestampValue = resultSet.getObject(i, LocalDateTime.class);
} catch (SQLException first) {
// H2 cannot convert DATE to LocalDateTime in their JDBC driver (even though it can convert to java.sql.Timestamp), we need to do this manually
try {
timestampValue = Optional.ofNullable(resultSet.getObject(i, LocalDate.class)).map(LocalDate::atStartOfDay).orElse(null);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw first;
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
} else if (TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE.equals(type)) {
// This means H2 is unsuitable for testing TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE-bearing queries. Those need to be tested manually.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else if (UNKNOWN.equals(type)) {
Object objectValue = resultSet.getObject(i);
checkState(resultSet.wasNull(), "Expected a null value, but got %s", objectValue);
} else if (type instanceof DecimalType) {
DecimalType decimalType = (DecimalType) type;
BigDecimal decimalValue = resultSet.getBigDecimal(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
row.add(decimalValue.setScale(decimalType.getScale(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).round(new MathContext(decimalType.getPrecision())));
} else if (type instanceof ArrayType) {
Array array = resultSet.getArray(i);
if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {
row.add(newArrayList((Object[]) array.getArray()));
} else {
throw new AssertionError("unhandled type: " + type);
return new MaterializedRow(MaterializedResult.DEFAULT_PRECISION, row);
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class QueryAssertions method assertQuery.
private static void assertQuery(QueryRunner actualQueryRunner, Session actualQuerySession, @Language("SQL") String actual, H2QueryRunner h2QueryRunner, Session expectedQuerySession, @Language("SQL") String expected, boolean ensureOrdering, boolean compareUpdate, Optional<Consumer<Plan>> planAssertion) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Optional<MaterializedResult> actualResultsOp = Optional.empty();
Plan queryPlan = null;
if (planAssertion.isPresent()) {
try {
MaterializedResultWithPlan resultWithPlan = actualQueryRunner.executeWithPlan(actualQuerySession, actual, WarningCollector.NOOP);
queryPlan = resultWithPlan.getQueryPlan();
actualResultsOp = Optional.of(resultWithPlan.getMaterializedResult().toTestTypes());
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
fail("Execution of 'actual' query failed: " + actual, ex);
} else {
try {
actualResultsOp = Optional.of(actualQueryRunner.execute(actualQuerySession, actual).toTestTypes());
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
fail("Execution of 'actual' query failed: " + actual, ex);
if (planAssertion.isPresent()) {
Duration actualTime = nanosSince(start);
long expectedStart = System.nanoTime();
Optional<MaterializedResult> expectedResultsOp = Optional.empty();
try {
expectedResultsOp = Optional.of(h2QueryRunner.execute(expectedQuerySession, expected, actualResultsOp.get().getTypes()));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
fail("Execution of 'expected' query failed: " + expected, ex);
Duration totalTime = nanosSince(start);
if (totalTime.compareTo(Duration.succinctDuration(1, SECONDS)) > 0) {"FINISHED in presto: %s, h2: %s, total: %s", actualTime, nanosSince(expectedStart), totalTime);
if (actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateType().isPresent() || actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateCount().isPresent()) {
if (!actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateType().isPresent()) {
fail("update count present without update type for query: \n" + actual);
if (!compareUpdate) {
fail("update type should not be present (use assertUpdate) for query: \n" + actual);
List<MaterializedRow> actualRows = actualResultsOp.get().getMaterializedRows();
List<MaterializedRow> expectedRows = expectedResultsOp.get().getMaterializedRows();
if (compareUpdate) {
if (!actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateType().isPresent()) {
fail("update type not present for query: \n" + actual);
if (!actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateCount().isPresent()) {
fail("update count not present for query: \n" + actual);
assertEquals(actualRows.size(), 1, "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
assertEquals(expectedRows.size(), 1, "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
MaterializedRow row = expectedRows.get(0);
assertEquals(row.getFieldCount(), 1, "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
assertEquals(row.getField(0), actualResultsOp.get().getUpdateCount().getAsLong(), "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
if (ensureOrdering) {
if (!actualRows.equals(expectedRows)) {
assertEquals(actualRows, expectedRows, "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
} else {
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualRows, expectedRows, "For query: \n " + actual);
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestCachedSqlQueryExecution method testQueriesWithCurrentPathFunction.
public void testQueriesWithCurrentPathFunction() throws Exception {
TestingMetadata metadata = new TestingMetadata();
queryRunner.installPlugin(new TestPlugin(metadata));
queryRunner.createCatalog("test", "test");
SqlQueryManager manager = (SqlQueryManager) queryRunner.getCoordinator().getQueryManager();
String query1 = "SELECT CURRENT_PATH";
Plan plan1 = getPlan(query1, manager);
TestingMetadata metadata2 = new TestingMetadata();
queryRunner.installPlugin(new TestPlugin(metadata2));
queryRunner.createCatalog("test", "test");
SqlQueryManager manager2 = (SqlQueryManager) queryRunner.getCoordinator().getQueryManager();
Plan plan2 = getPlan(query1, manager2);
// Should not have the same plan
assertNotSame(plan1.getStatsAndCosts(), plan2.getStatsAndCosts());
MaterializedResult rows1 = queryRunner.execute(DEFAULT_SESSION, query1);
MaterializedResult rows2 = queryRunner.execute(TPCH_SESSION, query1);
assertEquals(rows1.getRowCount(), rows2.getRowCount());
MaterializedRow row1 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(rows1);
MaterializedRow row2 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(rows2);
assertEquals(row1.getFieldCount(), row2.getFieldCount());
assertNotSame(row1.getFields(), row2.getFields());
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestCachedSqlQueryExecution method testQueriesWithCurrentTimeFunction.
public void testQueriesWithCurrentTimeFunction() throws Exception {
TestingMetadata metadata = new TestingMetadata();
queryRunner.installPlugin(new TestPlugin(metadata));
queryRunner.createCatalog("test", "test");
SqlQueryManager manager = (SqlQueryManager) queryRunner.getCoordinator().getQueryManager();
String query1 = "SELECT CURRENT_TIME";
Plan plan1 = getPlan(query1, manager);
Plan plan2 = getPlan(query1, manager);
// Should not have the same plan
assertNotSame(plan1.getStatsAndCosts(), plan2.getStatsAndCosts());
MaterializedResult rows1 = queryRunner.execute(DEFAULT_SESSION, query1);
MaterializedResult rows2 = queryRunner.execute(DEFAULT_SESSION, query1);
assertEquals(rows1.getRowCount(), rows2.getRowCount());
MaterializedRow row1 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(rows1);
MaterializedRow row2 = Iterables.getOnlyElement(rows2);
assertEquals(row1.getFieldCount(), row2.getFieldCount());
assertNotSame(row1.getFields(), row2.getFields());
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestHashJoinOperator method testOuterJoinSnapshot.
@Test(dataProvider = "hashJoinTestValues")
public void testOuterJoinSnapshot(boolean parallelBuild, boolean probeHashEnabled, boolean buildHashEnabled) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
TaskContext taskContext = createSnapshotTaskContext();
// build factory
List<Type> buildTypes = ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, BIGINT);
RowPagesBuilder buildPages = rowPagesBuilder(buildHashEnabled, Ints.asList(0), ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, BIGINT)).addSequencePage(10, 20, 30, 40);
BuildSideSetup buildSideSetup = setupBuildSide(parallelBuild, taskContext, Ints.asList(0), buildPages, Optional.empty(), false, SINGLE_STREAM_SPILLER_FACTORY, true);
JoinBridgeManager<PartitionedLookupSourceFactory> lookupSourceFactory = buildSideSetup.getLookupSourceFactoryManager();
// probe factory
List<Type> probeTypes = ImmutableList.of(VARCHAR, BIGINT, BIGINT);
RowPagesBuilder probePages = rowPagesBuilder(probeHashEnabled, Ints.asList(0), probeTypes);
List<Page> probeInput = probePages.addSequencePage(10, 15, 1020, 2020).build();
// Add markers between pages
List<Page> withMarkers = new ArrayList<>();
long snapshotId = 1;
for (Page page : probeInput) {
probeInput = withMarkers;
OperatorFactory joinOperatorFactory = new LookupJoinOperators().fullOuterJoin(0, new PlanNodeId("test"), lookupSourceFactory, probePages.getTypes(), Ints.asList(0), getHashChannelAsInt(probePages), Optional.empty(), OptionalInt.of(1), PARTITIONING_SPILLER_FACTORY);
// build drivers and operators
instantiateBuildDrivers(buildSideSetup, taskContext);
// Construct lookup-outer operator
PipelineContext buildPipeline = taskContext.addPipelineContext(2, false, true, false);
DriverContext outerDriverContext = buildPipeline.addDriverContext(Lifespan.taskWide(), 0);
Operator lookupOuter = ((LookupJoinOperatorFactory) joinOperatorFactory).createOuterOperatorFactory().get().getOuterOperatorFactory().createOperator(outerDriverContext);
// expected
MaterializedResult expected = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(taskContext.getSession(), concat(probeTypes, buildTypes)).row("15", 1020L, 2020L, null, null, null).row("16", 1021L, 2021L, null, null, null).row("17", 1022L, 2022L, null, null, null).row("18", 1023L, 2023L, null, null, null).row("19", 1024L, 2024L, null, null, null).row("20", 1025L, 2025L, "20", 30L, 40L).row("21", 1026L, 2026L, "21", 31L, 41L).row("22", 1027L, 2027L, "22", 32L, 42L).row("23", 1028L, 2028L, "23", 33L, 43L).row("24", 1029L, 2029L, "24", 34L, 44L).build();
List<Integer> hashChannels = getHashChannels(probePages, buildPages);
assertOperatorEquals(joinOperatorFactory, taskContext.addPipelineContext(0, true, true, false).addDriverContext(), probeInput, expected, true, hashChannels);
assertTrue(lookupOuter.getOutput() instanceof MarkerPage);
Object state = lookupOuter.capture(null);
Page page = lookupOuter.getOutput();
page = dropChannel(ImmutableList.of(page), hashChannels).get(0);
MaterializedResult outerExpected = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(taskContext.getSession(), concat(probeTypes, buildTypes)).row(null, null, null, "25", 35L, 45L).row(null, null, null, "26", 36L, 46L).row(null, null, null, "27", 37L, 47L).row(null, null, null, "28", 38L, 48L).row(null, null, null, "29", 39L, 49L).build();
List<MaterializedRow> rows = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(taskContext.getSession(), concat(probeTypes, buildTypes)).page(page).build().getMaterializedRows();
rows = new ArrayList<>(rows);
rows.sort(Comparator.comparing(a -> (String) a.getField(3)));
MaterializedResult outerResult = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(taskContext.getSession(), concat(probeTypes, buildTypes)).rows(rows).build();
assertEquals(outerResult, outerExpected);
long matched;
if (state instanceof boolean[]) {
boolean[] positions = (boolean[]) state;
matched = Booleans.asList(positions).stream().filter(e -> e).count();
} else {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap((byte[]) state);
List<RoaringBitmap> visitedPositions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < (parallelBuild ? PARTITION_COUNT : 1); i++) {
ImmutableRoaringBitmap bm = new ImmutableRoaringBitmap(bb);
visitedPositions.add(new RoaringBitmap(bm));
bb.position(bb.position() + visitedPositions.get(i).serializedSizeInBytes());
matched = -> rr.getCardinality()).sum();
assertEquals(matched, 5);