use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project boostkit-bigdata by kunpengcompute.
the class TestHiveIntegrationSmokeTest method testBucketHiddenColumn.
public void testBucketHiddenColumn() {
@Language("SQL") String createTable = "CREATE TABLE test_bucket_hidden_column " + "WITH (" + "bucketed_by = ARRAY['col0']," + "bucket_count = 2" + ") AS " + "SELECT * FROM (VALUES " + "(0, 11), (1, 12), (2, 13), " + "(3, 14), (4, 15), (5, 16), " + "(6, 17), (7, 18), (8, 19)" + " ) t (col0, col1) ";
assertUpdate(createTable, 9);
assertTrue(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_bucket_hidden_column"));
TableMetadata tableMetadata = getTableMetadata(catalog, TPCH_SCHEMA, "test_bucket_hidden_column");
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKETED_BY_PROPERTY), ImmutableList.of("col0"));
assertEquals(tableMetadata.getMetadata().getProperties().get(BUCKET_COUNT_PROPERTY), 2);
List<String> columnNames = ImmutableList.of("col0", "col1", PATH_COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_COLUMN_NAME);
List<ColumnMetadata> columnMetadatas = tableMetadata.getColumns();
assertEquals(columnMetadatas.size(), columnNames.size());
for (int i = 0; i < columnMetadatas.size(); i++) {
ColumnMetadata columnMetadata = columnMetadatas.get(i);
assertEquals(columnMetadata.getName(), columnNames.get(i));
if (columnMetadata.getName().equals(BUCKET_COLUMN_NAME)) {
// $bucket_number should be hidden column
assertEquals(getBucketCount("test_bucket_hidden_column"), 2);
MaterializedResult results = computeActual(format("SELECT *, \"%1$s\" FROM test_bucket_hidden_column WHERE \"%1$s\" = 1", BUCKET_COLUMN_NAME));
for (int i = 0; i < results.getRowCount(); i++) {
MaterializedRow row = results.getMaterializedRows().get(i);
int col0 = (int) row.getField(0);
int col1 = (int) row.getField(1);
int bucket = (int) row.getField(2);
assertEquals(col1, col0 + 11);
assertTrue(col1 % 2 == 0);
// Because Hive's hash function for integer n is h(n) = n.
assertEquals(bucket, col0 % 2);
assertEquals(results.getRowCount(), 4);
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_bucket_hidden_column");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_bucket_hidden_column"));
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestMongoIntegrationSmokeTest method createTableWithEveryType.
public void createTableWithEveryType() {
String query = "" + "CREATE TABLE test_types_table AS " + "SELECT" + " 'foo' _varchar" + ", cast('bar' as varbinary) _varbinary" + ", cast(1 as bigint) _bigint" + ", 3.14E0 _double" + ", true _boolean" + ", DATE '1980-05-07' _date" + ", TIMESTAMP '1980-05-07 11:22:33.456' _timestamp" + ", ObjectId('ffffffffffffffffffffffff') _objectid";
assertUpdate(query, 1);
MaterializedResult results = getQueryRunner().execute(getSession(), "SELECT * FROM test_types_table").toTestTypes();
assertEquals(results.getRowCount(), 1);
MaterializedRow row = results.getMaterializedRows().get(0);
assertEquals(row.getField(0), "foo");
assertEquals(row.getField(1), "bar".getBytes(UTF_8));
assertEquals(row.getField(2), 1L);
assertEquals(row.getField(3), 3.14);
assertEquals(row.getField(4), true);
assertEquals(row.getField(5), LocalDate.of(1980, 5, 7));
assertEquals(row.getField(6), LocalDateTime.of(1980, 5, 7, 11, 22, 33, 456_000_000));
assertUpdate("DROP TABLE test_types_table");
assertFalse(getQueryRunner().tableExists(getSession(), "test_types_table"));
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestHiveIntegrationSmokeTest method testCreateAndInsert.
public void testCreateAndInsert() {
Session session = getSession();
List<MaterializedRow> expected = MaterializedResult.resultBuilder(session, BIGINT, BIGINT).row(101L, 1L).row(201L, 2L).row(202L, 2L).row(301L, 3L).row(302L, 3L).build().getMaterializedRows();
transaction(getQueryRunner().getTransactionManager(), getQueryRunner().getAccessControl()).execute(session, transactionSession -> {
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "CREATE TABLE tmp_create_insert WITH (partitioned_by=array ['z']) AS " + "SELECT * from (VALUES (CAST (101 AS BIGINT), CAST (1 AS BIGINT)), (201, 2), (202, 2)) t(a, z)", 3);
assertUpdate(transactionSession, "INSERT INTO tmp_create_insert VALUES (301, 3), (302, 3)", 2);
MaterializedResult actualFromCurrentTransaction = computeActual(transactionSession, "SELECT * FROM tmp_create_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualFromCurrentTransaction, expected);
MaterializedResult actualAfterTransaction = computeActual(session, "SELECT * FROM tmp_create_insert");
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualAfterTransaction, expected);
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class QueryAssertions method assertQuery.
public void assertQuery(Session session, @Language("SQL") String actual, @Language("SQL") String expected, boolean ensureOrdering) {
MaterializedResult actualResults = null;
try {
actualResults = execute(session, actual);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
fail("Execution of 'actual' query failed: " + actual, ex);
MaterializedResult expectedResults = null;
try {
expectedResults = execute(expected);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
fail("Execution of 'expected' query failed: " + expected, ex);
assertEquals(actualResults.getTypes(), expectedResults.getTypes(), "Types mismatch for query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
List<MaterializedRow> actualRows = actualResults.getMaterializedRows();
List<MaterializedRow> expectedRows = expectedResults.getMaterializedRows();
if (ensureOrdering) {
if (!actualRows.equals(expectedRows)) {
assertEquals(actualRows, expectedRows, "For query: \n " + actual + "\n:");
} else {
assertEqualsIgnoreOrder(actualRows, expectedRows, "For query: \n " + actual);
use of io.prestosql.testing.MaterializedRow in project hetu-core by openlookeng.
the class TestHindex method testIndexNotCreatedNotExist.
// Tests the case of asserting that the uncreated new index does not exist
public void testIndexNotCreatedNotExist() {
String indexName = getNewIndexName();
// Validate if created
String testerQuery = "SHOW INDEX";
Pair<Integer, MaterializedResult> resultPairIndexCreation = getSplitAndMaterializedResult(testerQuery);
MaterializedResult resultIndexCreation = resultPairIndexCreation.getSecond();
boolean indexExists = false;
for (MaterializedRow item : resultIndexCreation.getMaterializedRows()) {
if (item.getField(0).toString().equals(indexName)) {
indexExists = true;
// Show index with if exists
testerQuery = "SHOW INDEX IF EXISTS " + indexName;
Pair<Integer, MaterializedResult> resultPairIndexCreation2 = getSplitAndMaterializedResult(testerQuery);
MaterializedResult resultIndexCreation2 = resultPairIndexCreation2.getSecond();
int size = resultIndexCreation2.getRowCount();
assertEquals(size, 0);