use of io.spine.server.tenant.EntityUpdateOperation in project core-java by SpineEventEngine.
the class Stand method update.
* Updates the state of an entity inside of the current instance of {@code Stand}.
* <p>In case the entity update represents the new
* {@link io.spine.server.aggregate.Aggregate Aggregate} state,
* store the new value for the {@code Aggregate} to each of the configured instances of
* {@link StandStorage}.
* <p>Each {@code Aggregate} state value is stored as one-to-one to its
* {@link TypeUrl TypeUrl} obtained via {@link Any#getTypeUrl()}.
* <p>In case {@code Stand} already contains the state for this {@code Aggregate},
* the value will be replaced.
* <p>The state updates which are not originated from the {@code Aggregate} are not
* stored in the {@code Stand}.
* <p>In any case, the state update is then propagated to the callbacks.
* The set of matched callbacks is determined by filtering all the registered callbacks
* by the entity {@code TypeUrl}.
* <p>The matching callbacks are executed with the {@link #callbackExecutor}.
* @param envelope the updated entity state,
* packed as {@linkplain EntityStateEnvelope envelope}
void update(final EntityStateEnvelope<?, ?> envelope) {
final EntityUpdateOperation op = new EntityUpdateOperation(envelope) {
public void run() {
final Object id = envelope.getEntityId();
final Message entityState = envelope.getMessage();
final Any packedState = AnyPacker.pack(entityState);
final TypeUrl entityTypeUrl = TypeUrl.of(entityState);
final boolean aggregateUpdate = typeRegistry.hasAggregateType(entityTypeUrl);
if (aggregateUpdate) {
final Optional<Version> entityVersion = envelope.getEntityVersion();
checkState(entityVersion.isPresent(), "The aggregate version must be set in order to update Stand. " + "Actual envelope: {}", envelope);
// checked above.
@SuppressWarnings("OptionalGetWithoutIsPresent") final Version versionValue = entityVersion.get();
final AggregateStateId aggregateStateId = AggregateStateId.of(id, entityTypeUrl);
final EntityRecord record = EntityRecord.newBuilder().setState(packedState).setVersion(versionValue).build();
storage.write(aggregateStateId, record);
notifyMatchingSubscriptions(id, packedState, entityTypeUrl);