use of io.swagger.client.ApiClient in project CommandHelper by EngineHub.
the class AppsApiUtil method getClient.
public ApiClient getClient() {
ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
return client;
use of io.swagger.client.ApiClient in project dockstore by dockstore.
the class CRUDClientIT method testUpdatingDefaultVersionHostedTool.
* Ensures that hosted tools can have their default path updated
public void testUpdatingDefaultVersionHostedTool() throws IOException {
ApiClient webClient = getWebClient(ADMIN_USERNAME, testingPostgres);
ContainersApi containersApi = new ContainersApi(webClient);
HostedApi hostedApi = new HostedApi(webClient);
// Add a tool with a version
DockstoreTool hostedTool = hostedApi.createHostedTool("awesomeTool", Registry.QUAY_IO.getDockerPath().toLowerCase(), CWL.getShortName(), "coolNamespace", null);
SourceFile descriptorFile = new SourceFile();
descriptorFile.setContent(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("tar-param.cwl")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
SourceFile dockerfile = new SourceFile();
dockerfile.setContent("FROM ubuntu:latest");
DockstoreTool dockstoreTool = hostedApi.editHostedTool(hostedTool.getId(), Lists.newArrayList(descriptorFile, dockerfile));
Optional<Tag> first = dockstoreTool.getWorkflowVersions().stream().max(Comparator.comparingInt((Tag t) -> Integer.parseInt(t.getName())));
assertEquals("correct number of source files", 2, fileDAO.findSourceFilesByVersion(first.get().getId()).size());
// Update the default version of the tool
containersApi.updateToolDefaultVersion(hostedTool.getId(), first.get().getName());
// test deletion of hosted tool for #3171
use of io.swagger.client.ApiClient in project dockstore by dockstore.
the class CheckerWorkflowIT method testCWLWorkflowAddCheckerRefreshPublishUnpublish.
* This tests the process of adding a checker workflow to a CWL workflow entry and that some calls to the workflow will also trigger the calls to the checker
* - Refresh workflow should refresh checker
* - Publish workflow should publish checker
* - Unpublish workflow should unpublish checker
* @throws ApiException
public void testCWLWorkflowAddCheckerRefreshPublishUnpublish() throws ApiException {
// Setup for test
final ApiClient webClient = getWebClient(USER_2_USERNAME, testingPostgres);
WorkflowsApi workflowApi = new WorkflowsApi(webClient);
final PublishRequest publishRequest = CommonTestUtilities.createPublishRequest(true);
final PublishRequest unpublishRequest = CommonTestUtilities.createPublishRequest(false);
// Manually register a workflow
Workflow githubWorkflow = workflowApi.manualRegister("github", "DockstoreTestUser2/md5sum-checker", "/md5sum/md5sum-workflow.cwl", "altname", "cwl", "/testcwl.json");
final long count = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where mode = '" + Workflow.ModeEnum.FULL + "'", long.class);
assertEquals("No workflows are in full mode, there are " + count, 0, count);
// Refresh the workflow
workflowApi.refresh(githubWorkflow.getId(), false);
final long count2 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where mode = '" + Workflow.ModeEnum.FULL + "'", long.class);
assertEquals("One workflow should be full, there are " + count2, 1, count2);
// Add checker workflow
workflowApi.registerCheckerWorkflow("/checker-workflow-wrapping-workflow.cwl", githubWorkflow.getId(), "cwl", null);
// Refresh workflow
Workflow refreshedEntry = workflowApi.refresh(githubWorkflow.getId(), false);
// Should be able to download zip for first version
Workflow checkerWorkflow = workflowApi.getWorkflow(refreshedEntry.getCheckerId(), null);
workflowApi.getWorkflowZip(checkerWorkflow.getId(), checkerWorkflow.getWorkflowVersions().get(0).getId());
// Refreshing the entry also calls the update user metadata function which populates the user profile
refreshedEntry.getUsers().forEach(entryUser -> {
Assert.assertNotEquals("refresh() endpoint should have user profiles", null, entryUser.getUserProfiles());
// Checker workflow should refresh
final long count3 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where mode = '" + Workflow.ModeEnum.FULL + "'", long.class);
assertEquals("Two workflows should be full (one being the checker), there are " + count3, 2, count3);
// Checker workflow should have the same test path as entry
final long count4 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow w, entry_defaultpaths ed where ed.path = '/testcwl.json' and = ed.entry_id", long.class);
assertEquals("There should be two workflows with default test parameter file path of /testcwl.json, there are " + count4, 2, count4);
// Checker workflow should have the correct workflow path
final long count5 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where sourcecontrol = '' and organization = 'DockstoreTestUser2' and repository = 'md5sum-checker' and workflowname = 'altname_cwl_checker' and giturl = ''", long.class);
assertEquals("The workflow should have the correct path, there are " + count5, 1, count5);
// Publish workflow
final long count6 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where ispublished = true", long.class);
assertEquals("No workflows should be published, there are " + count6, 0, count6);
workflowApi.publish(githubWorkflow.getId(), publishRequest);
// Checker workflow should publish
final long count7 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where ispublished = true", long.class);
assertEquals("Two workflows should be published (one being the checker), there are " + count7, 2, count7);
// Should still be able to download zip for first version
workflowApi.getWorkflowZip(checkerWorkflow.getId(), checkerWorkflow.getWorkflowVersions().get(0).getId());
// Unpublish workflow
workflowApi.publish(githubWorkflow.getId(), unpublishRequest);
// Checker workflow should unpublish
final long count8 = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where ispublished = true", long.class);
assertEquals("No workflows should be published, there are " + count8, 0, count8);
// Should not be able to directly publish the checker
try {
workflowApi.publish(refreshedEntry.getCheckerId(), publishRequest);
fail("Should not reach this statement.");
} catch (ApiException ex) {
assertEquals(ex.getCode(), HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST);
use of io.swagger.client.ApiClient in project dockstore by dockstore.
the class CheckerWorkflowIT method testAddCheckerToStub.
* Should not be able to add a checker workflow to a stub workflow (Should fail)
* @throws ApiException
public void testAddCheckerToStub() throws ApiException {
// Setup for test
final ApiClient webClient = getWebClient(USER_2_USERNAME, testingPostgres);
WorkflowsApi workflowApi = new WorkflowsApi(webClient);
// Manually register a workflow
Workflow githubWorkflow = workflowApi.manualRegister("github", "DockstoreTestUser2/md5sum-checker", "/md5sum/md5sum-workflow.cwl", "altname", "cwl", "/testcwl.json");
final long count = testingPostgres.runSelectStatement("select count(*) from workflow where mode = '" + Workflow.ModeEnum.FULL + "'", long.class);
assertEquals("No workflows are in full mode, there are " + count, 0, count);
// Add checker workflow
workflowApi.registerCheckerWorkflow("checker-workflow-wrapping-workflow.cwl", githubWorkflow.getId(), "cwl", null);
use of io.swagger.client.ApiClient in project dockstore by dockstore.
the class CheckerWorkflowIT method testCheckerWorkflowAndRefresh.
private void testCheckerWorkflowAndRefresh(boolean workflow, boolean all) {
// Setup for test
final ApiClient webClient = getWebClient(USER_2_USERNAME, testingPostgres);
WorkflowsApi workflowApi = new WorkflowsApi(webClient);
ContainersApi containersApi = new ContainersApi(webClient);
long baseEntryId;
if (workflow) {
// Manually register a workflow
Workflow githubWorkflow = workflowApi.manualRegister("github", "DockstoreTestUser2/md5sum-checker", "/md5sum/md5sum-workflow.cwl", "", "cwl", "/testcwl.json");
Assert.assertEquals("Should be able to get license after manual register", "Apache License 2.0", githubWorkflow.getLicenseInformation().getLicenseName());
// Clear license name to mimic old workflow that does not have a license associated with it
testingPostgres.runUpdateStatement("update workflow set licensename=null");
Workflow refreshedWorkflow = workflowApi.refresh(githubWorkflow.getId(), false);
Assert.assertEquals("Should be able to get license after refresh", "Apache License 2.0", refreshedWorkflow.getLicenseInformation().getLicenseName());
// Refresh the workflow
baseEntryId = refreshedWorkflow.getId();
} else {
// Manually register a tool
DockstoreTool newTool = new DockstoreTool();
DockstoreTool githubTool = containersApi.registerManual(newTool);
// Refresh the workflow
DockstoreTool refresh = containersApi.refresh(githubTool.getId());
baseEntryId = refresh.getId();
// Add checker workflow
final Entry checkerWorkflowBase = workflowApi.registerCheckerWorkflow("/checker-workflow-wrapping-workflow.cwl", baseEntryId, "cwl", null);
final Workflow stubCheckerWorkflow = workflowApi.getWorkflow(checkerWorkflowBase.getCheckerId(), null);
assertSame(stubCheckerWorkflow.getMode(), Workflow.ModeEnum.STUB);
// should be able to refresh all or the organization when a checker stub is present without a failure (constraints issue from #1405)
List<Workflow> workflows = new ArrayList<>();
workflows.add(workflowApi.manualRegister(, "DockstoreTestUser/dockstore-whalesay-wdl", "/dockstore.wdl", "", DescriptorLanguage.WDL.getShortName(), ""));
workflows.add(workflowApi.manualRegister(, "DockstoreTestUser/dockstore-whalesay-2", "/dockstore.wdl", "", DescriptorLanguage.WDL.getShortName(), ""));
workflows.add(workflowApi.manualRegister(, "DockstoreTestUser/ampa-nf", "/nextflow.config", "", DescriptorLanguage.NEXTFLOW.getShortName(), ""));
workflows.add(workflowApi.manualRegister("github", "DockstoreTestUser2/dockstore_workflow_cnv", "/workflow/cnv.cwl", "", "cwl", "/test.json"));
if (all) {
for (Workflow workflowItem : workflows) {
workflowApi.refresh(workflowItem.getId(), false);
} else {
for (Workflow workflowItem : workflows) {
if (workflowItem.getOrganization().equalsIgnoreCase(stubCheckerWorkflow.getOrganization())) {
workflowApi.refresh(workflowItem.getId(), false);