use of in project carbon-apimgt by wso2.
the class OAS3Parser method generateExample.
* This method generates Sample/Mock payloads for Open API Specification (3.0) definitions
* @param apiDefinition API Definition
* @return swagger Json
public Map<String, Object> generateExample(String apiDefinition) throws APIManagementException {
OpenAPIV3Parser openAPIV3Parser = new OpenAPIV3Parser();
SwaggerParseResult parseAttemptForV3 = openAPIV3Parser.readContents(apiDefinition, null, null);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(parseAttemptForV3.getMessages())) {
log.debug("Errors found when parsing OAS definition");
OpenAPI swagger = parseAttemptForV3.getOpenAPI();
// return map
Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<>();
// List for APIResMedPolicyList
List<APIResourceMediationPolicy> apiResourceMediationPolicyList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, PathItem> entry : swagger.getPaths().entrySet()) {
int minResponseCode = 0;
int responseCode = 0;
String path = entry.getKey();
Map<String, Schema> definitions = swagger.getComponents().getSchemas();
// operation map to get verb
Map<PathItem.HttpMethod, Operation> operationMap = entry.getValue().readOperationsMap();
List<Operation> operations = swagger.getPaths().get(path).readOperations();
for (int i = 0, operationsSize = operations.size(); i < operationsSize; i++) {
Operation op = operations.get(i);
// initializing apiResourceMediationPolicyObject
APIResourceMediationPolicy apiResourceMediationPolicyObject = new APIResourceMediationPolicy();
// setting path for apiResourceMediationPolicyObject
ArrayList<Integer> responseCodes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// for each HTTP method get the verb
StringBuilder genCode = new StringBuilder();
boolean hasJsonPayload = false;
boolean hasXmlPayload = false;
// for setting only one initializing if condition per response code
boolean respCodeInitialized = false;
Object[] operationsArray = operationMap.entrySet().toArray();
if (operationsArray.length > i) {
Map.Entry<PathItem.HttpMethod, Operation> operationEntry = (Map.Entry<PathItem.HttpMethod, Operation>) operationsArray[i];
} else {
throw new APIManagementException("Cannot find the HTTP method for the API Resource Mediation Policy");
for (String responseEntry : op.getResponses().keySet()) {
if (!responseEntry.equals("default")) {
responseCode = Integer.parseInt(responseEntry);
minResponseCode = Collections.min(responseCodes);
Content content = op.getResponses().get(responseEntry).getContent();
if (content != null) {
MediaType applicationJson = content.get(APIConstants.APPLICATION_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);
MediaType applicationXml = content.get(APIConstants.APPLICATION_XML_MEDIA_TYPE);
if (applicationJson != null) {
Schema jsonSchema = applicationJson.getSchema();
if (jsonSchema != null) {
String jsonExample = getJsonExample(jsonSchema, definitions);
genCode.append(getGeneratedResponsePayloads(responseEntry, jsonExample, "json", false));
respCodeInitialized = true;
hasJsonPayload = true;
if (applicationXml != null) {
Schema xmlSchema = applicationXml.getSchema();
if (xmlSchema != null) {
String xmlExample = getXmlExample(xmlSchema, definitions);
genCode.append(getGeneratedResponsePayloads(responseEntry, xmlExample, "xml", respCodeInitialized));
hasXmlPayload = true;
} else {
setDefaultGeneratedResponse(genCode, responseEntry);
hasJsonPayload = true;
hasXmlPayload = true;
// inserts minimum response code and mock payload variables to static script
String finalGenCode = getMandatoryScriptSection(minResponseCode, genCode);
// gets response section string depending on availability of json/xml payloads
String responseConditions = getResponseConditionsSection(hasJsonPayload, hasXmlPayload);
String finalScript = finalGenCode + responseConditions;
// sets script to each resource in the swagger
op.addExtension(APIConstants.SWAGGER_X_MEDIATION_SCRIPT, finalScript);
returnMap.put(APIConstants.SWAGGER, Json.pretty(swagger));
returnMap.put(APIConstants.MOCK_GEN_POLICY_LIST, apiResourceMediationPolicyList);
return returnMap;