use of io.trino.plugin.hive.InternalHiveSplit in project trino by trinodb.
the class InternalHiveSplitFactory method createInternalHiveSplit.
private Optional<InternalHiveSplit> createInternalHiveSplit(Path path, BlockLocation[] blockLocations, long start, long length, // Estimated because, for example, encrypted S3 files may be padded, so reported size may not reflect actual size
long estimatedFileSize, long fileModificationTime, OptionalInt bucketNumber, boolean splittable, Optional<AcidInfo> acidInfo) {
String pathString = path.toString();
if (!pathMatchesPredicate(pathDomain, pathString)) {
return Optional.empty();
// per HIVE-13040 empty files are allowed
if (estimatedFileSize == 0) {
return Optional.empty();
// but it might be ready when splits are enumerated lazily.
if (!partitionMatchSupplier.getAsBoolean()) {
return Optional.empty();
if (maxSplitFileSize.isPresent() && estimatedFileSize > maxSplitFileSize.get()) {
return Optional.empty();
ImmutableList.Builder<InternalHiveBlock> blockBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (BlockLocation blockLocation : blockLocations) {
// clamp the block range
long blockStart = Math.max(start, blockLocation.getOffset());
long blockEnd = Math.min(start + length, blockLocation.getOffset() + blockLocation.getLength());
if (blockStart > blockEnd) {
// block is outside split range
if (blockStart == blockEnd && !(blockStart == start && blockEnd == start + length)) {
// skip zero-width block, except in the special circumstance: slice is empty, and the block covers the empty slice interval.
blockBuilder.add(new InternalHiveBlock(blockStart, blockEnd, getHostAddresses(blockLocation)));
List<InternalHiveBlock> blocks =;
checkBlocks(path, blocks, start, length);
if (!splittable) {
// not splittable, use the hosts from the first block if it exists
blocks = ImmutableList.of(new InternalHiveBlock(start, start + length, blocks.get(0).getAddresses()));
int bucketNumberIndex = bucketNumber.orElse(0);
return Optional.of(new InternalHiveSplit(partitionName, pathString, start, start + length, estimatedFileSize, fileModificationTime, schema, partitionKeys, blocks, bucketNumber, () -> bucketStatementCounters.computeIfAbsent(bucketNumberIndex, index -> new AtomicInteger()).getAndIncrement(), splittable, forceLocalScheduling && allBlocksHaveAddress(blocks), tableToPartitionMapping, bucketConversion, bucketValidation, s3SelectPushdownEnabled && S3SelectPushdown.isCompressionCodecSupported(inputFormat, path), acidInfo, partitionMatchSupplier));